Женишкуль Хулхачиева ◽  
Татьяна Грибанова

Аннотация: Статья «Обучение речевому этикету с использованием мультимедийных средств в процессе изучения кыргызского языка как иностранного» посвящена вопросу обучения речевому этикету как части овладения межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции в ходе преподавания кыргызского языка русскоязычной аудитории. Эффективная коммуникация с представителями иного лингвокультурного сообщества невозможна без формирования не только двуязычной, но и бикультурной языковой личности. Задача формирования подобных компетенций делает неотъемлемой частью процесса обучения такой аспект, как речевой этикет. Изучая правила этикета, обучающийся присваивает часть социального речевого опыта народа, овладевает культурно-речевыми эталонами, характерными для среды проживания. Однако навыки речевого этикета, как и любые другие навыки, не формируются сами собой. Решение такой задачи зависит от качества учебных материалов, используемых при обучении иностранному языку и культуре. Авторы представляют результаты использования лингвострановедческого учебно-методического пособия с мультимедийной поддержкой и наглядные доказательства его эффективности для обучения кыргызскому языку как иностранному русскоязычных студентов лингвистических специальностей. Данное мультимедийное пособие успешно зарекомендовало себя в процессе обучения культуре речевого общения речевому этикету. Ключевые слова: речевой этикет; мультимедийные средства; язык и культура; формирование компетенций; эффективность обучения. Аннотация: Макала кыргыз тилин орус тилдүү аудиторияда кеп маданиятына үйрөтүү маселесине арналган. Чет тилде сүйлөгөн, башка маданияттын өкүлдөрү менен эффективдүү пикир алышуу үчүн, эки элдин маданияттын, тилин билген атуулдарын тарбиялап өстүрүү керек. Коммуникативдик компетенцияны өнүктүрүү маселесинде кеп маданиятына үйрөтүү зор мааниге ээ. Башка элдин жүрүм-турум эрежелерин үйрөнүү менен, окуучу өзүнө ошол элдин маданиятын, тилдик өзгөчөлүктөрүн өздөштүрө алат. Ушул сыяктуу маселени чечүү чет тилине, маданиятына үйрөтүүдө колдонулуучу окуу материалдарынын сапатына жараша болот. Макаланын авторлору тил окутууда өлкө таануу боюнча түзүлгөн окууусулдук комплексинин материалдарынын кыргыз тилин чет тил катары окутууда колдонулушу жана алардын эффективдүү экендиги жөнүндө баяндашкан. Түйүндүү сөздөр: кеп маданияты, мультимедиялык каражаттар, тил жана маданият, компетенцияларды өнүктүрүү, окутуунун эффективдүүлүгү. Abstract: The present article deals with teachng Kyrghyz speech etiquette to the Russian-speaking audience as part of multicultural communicative competence. Com- munication with speakers of a different linguocultural community can’t be effective with out forming both bilingual and bicultural language personality, which is impossible with out knowing speech etiquette rules. Speech etiquette comprises a wide range of language and speech units reflecting the cultural experience developed in society to provide non-conflict interpersonal communication. Following the etiquette rules, one acquires the social experience of the people, their most significant culture-specific communicative patterns. Thus, the introduction of speech etiquette formulas to the teaching process contributes to creating a more comfortable and emotionally positive communicative atmosphere. The success of this task greatly depends on the quality of materials used for teaching foreign language and culture. The authors of the article present the results of approbating the lingvocultural multimedia aids to teaching Kyrghyz to Russian-speaking students majoring in linguistics, proving the effectiveness in making the process of language and culture acquisition more creative and personified. Key words: speech etiquette; multimedia aids; language and culture; forming competencies; effective teaching

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-117
A. K. Aitpayeva ◽  
Zh. M. Akparova ◽  

In modern psychological and pedagogical science, the concept of "socialization" is interpreted as the process of development and self-development of a person during the assimilation and reproduction of socio-cultural experience. And, of course, it is very important to ensure the successful socialization of the younger generation. In the modern world, the problem of social development of the younger generation is becoming one of the most urgent. Parents and educators are more concerned than ever about what needs to be done to ensure that a child entering this world becomes confident, happy, intelligent, kind, and successful. In this complex process of becoming a person, a lot depends on how the child adapts to the world of people, whether he will be able to find his place in life and realize his own potentialAt first glance, it seems that the social world of a preschool child is small. This is his family, adults and peers, whom he meets in kindergarten. However, the people around the child enter into a variety of relationships — kinship, friendship, professional and labor, etc. Therefore, even at preschool age, children need to form an idea of the diversity of human relations, tell them about the rules and norms of life in society, and equip them with behavioral models that will help them adequately respond to what is happening in specific life situations. In other words, it is necessary to manage the process of socialization.

2021 ◽  
Egor Bunov

The monograph contains a theoretical analysis of the social effectiveness of the internal affairs bodies as the degree of satisfaction of the population with the quality of law enforcement activities to protect their interests, rights and freedoms. The results of a multidimensional analysis of empirical studies of the influence of macro - and microsocial factors on the effectiveness of interaction between the population and law enforcement agencies are presented. The article substantiates the criteria for social assessment of the activities of the internal affairs bodies, the use of which allows for practical adjustment of the forms and methods of the management system. For a wide range of readers interested in the practice of applying legal measures of law enforcement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (28) ◽  
pp. 421-426
Svetlana. A. Zyryanova ◽  
Natalia E. Chesnokova ◽  
Marina A. Shtanko ◽  
Marianna A. Dudareva

The main aim of a foreign language teacher is to form a student’s communicative competence, which is a complex of other competencies such as linguistic, discursive and linguocultural. For successful psychological and social adaptation in a new cultural and linguistic space for a foreign student is extremely important at the initial level of education begin to master the basic linguistic and cultural concepts that reflect the culture of the speakers of the studied language and leads to the adoption of a different worldview. Thus, for successful communication, you need not only use phonetic, grammatical, syntactic and pragmatic rules of the language, but also you should have a clear idea of the conceptual picture of the world of the people, who speaks this language. It follows that the study of any foreign language should occur inextricably linked with the knowledge of culture, values and understanding of the native people of this language. The objective of the work is to formulate the key linguocultural principles of teaching Russian as a foreign language. To achieve this objective, the works of leading researchers in the field of linguistics, didactics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language have been analyzed. The research object is an inextricable link between learning a foreign language and the culture of its speakers. The research result is the proof of the need to learn a foreign language as being inextricably linked with knowledge of the culture, values and world outlook of the people - speakers of this language, as well as a list of basic linguocultural principles, on which teaching a foreign language, including Russian as a foreign language, should be based.

2014 ◽  
Vol 124 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-129
Anna Matyja ◽  
Karina Stój

Abstract Introduction. The article introduces the reader into the problem area, based on interpersonal relationships between physiotherapists and patients. Aim. The aim of the study is to learn the factors determining the quality of physiotherapeutic services. The research was carried out in relation to verbal and non-verbal aspects of contact between physiotherapists and patients. Material and method. The method used in the study was a quantitative survey based on a questionnaire. Results. Ninety-six percent of respondents state that they have no problems with making interpersonal contact with patients. Fifty-three percent of them show interest in patients during the dialogue and the remaining group only initiates the contact and limits it to personal creativity. The research shows that the gender of the respondents does not significantly affect the ways of showing interest in patients. However, the length of service differentiates their approach to patients as well as the age of the patients themselves. Discussion. Communication in a profession of physiotherapist refers to the personal preferences and interpersonal skills of the respondents, which can be determined by a specific style of their work. In addition, significantly it is determined by the level of education of future physical therapists, which was mentioned not only by the people in this study, but also in the studies cited in the literature included in the discussion. Conclusions.The quality of physiotherapy services is determined not only by instrumental preparation of a physiotherapist but also by expression that results from the interpersonal contact. Physiotherapists are aware of building relationships during the first contact. Therefore, they try to make a positive impression. In such way, the quality of treatment can be increased.

Ninuk Lustyantie

The culture of a society is closely related to the language used by the speakers. Moreover, there are opinions saying that in a language there will be patterns of behavior, materials, ideas (beliefs and knowledge), and sentiments (attitudes and norms) of a society that are formed and exposed. This fact is in accordance with the opinion that a language is more than just a communion; it is the relation between individual and sociocultural values. Among all characteristics of culture, language is the most prominent distinguishing feature, since each social group feel themselves as a different entity from other groups. For certain social groups, language is used as the social identity/symbol. Close relation between language and culture is reflected in words used by the society. A concept or way of life in a society can be supported by words and language. Someone’s language behavior generally follows the culture of a society where he/she lives, including how the cultural elements appear in the equipment of human life, livelihood, social system, language (and literature) system either written or oral, various of arts, knowledge system, and religious system. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis states that there is a close relation between the language used by people and how they understand the world and behave in it. Based on 17th Century French fairytales, this article will review the moral values contained in the cultural elements and the implications in learning French as a foreign language.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-79
Gabriela Viale Pereira ◽  
Marie Anne Macadar ◽  
Maurício Gregianin Testa

In the context of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for development (ICT4D) the capability approach raises questions about the best way to generate human development outcomes through governments' implementation of ICT, encompassing specific demands of the people. Considering that quality of working life was an emergent value for the sociotechnical supporters and could foster human development, this perspective can also be used to explain the use of ICT in government. This research proposes a conceptual model to explain how governments' implementation of ICT contributes to improved human development through a sociotechnical perspective and its alignment with users' needs and expectations. The contribution of this study is the extending of the ICT4D research in a sociotechnical view and its impact in human development. By including the social context in the model, it emphasizes the differences between countries in different levels of development, the differences between users' demands and the differences in human development outcomes.

Gillian Howell ◽  
Lee Higgins ◽  
Brydie-Leigh Bartleet

Many people have become disengaged from music making owing to the commercialization and commodification of music practices. This chapter examines a distinctive response to that disengagement, through the work of community music facilitators, who connect on interpersonal and musical levels to encourage community music practice. Four case studies are used to illustrate the central notions of this approach. Underpinning these four case studies is the concept of musical excellence in community music interventions. This notion of excellence refers to the quality of the social experience—bonds formed, meaning and enjoyment derived, and sense of agency that emerges for individuals and the group—alongside the musical outcomes created through the music making experience. The chapter concludes by considering the ways in which community music opens up new pathways for reflecting on, enacting, and developing approaches that respond to a wide range of social, cultural, health, economic, and political contexts.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 265
Redyanto Noor

Popular literature is not bad literature, its standard does not lie in its inability to meet the demands of criticism, but on what benefits it gives to the reader. The study of popular literary structures is not important and interesting because the formulas of popular literary structures have definite and consistent criteria. However, popular sociological literary research provides another important and interesting possibility. The sociological facets of popular literature both inside and outside of the text are vast areas of literary research and have a wide range of issues. The production, distribution, and reception aspects are the areas of popular literary research outside the text whose phenomenon is constantly evolving. The social aspect in the text is the area of literary research that has unlimited problems as the object of research material, in line with the productivity of popular literature writing which is very high and fast. Popular literature as an object of research is very rich in materials and data, especially sociological materials and data that are closely related to social issues, both in the text and outside the text. The quality of literary research is actually not determined by the object of research material, but is determined by the formal object and the proper cultivation of its research and the use of appropriate theories and methods so as to produce original, important, and useful findings for the sciences and society.

In this contemporary world, where disruptive technologies are making their way to change the entire lifestyle of a mankind, smart phones have emerged to be a life changer. The smart phones which contain the features of pocket computers possess many properties which include camera, internet, online video streaming, game applications and social media networking. However, despite their obvious advantages in bringing people together virtually, smartphones on the contrary have pulled the people apart in reality. Further, the increased usage of smartphone has given birth to different addictions which create the tendencies for the basis of „Phubbing‟. The term „Phubbing‟ is a combination of two words „phone‟ and „snubbing‟. According to oxford dictionary, phubbing is “The practice of ignoring one's companion or companions in order to pay attention to one's phone or other mobile device” led to hamper the social relationships and romantic satisfaction, that ultimately resulting into a partner‟s depression and dissatisfaction with life. The use of phone during a conversation interfere the sense of connection to the other person, and obstructs the quality of the conversation. Therefore, a deep understanding and insight is required in this area so as to protect & develop young brain socially and proactively. Keeping this in mind, a study was conducted among the millennial of Delhi (India) region so as to identify the key antecedents of Phubbing behavior. For the present study, 360 responses were collected through Purposive sampling technique. The study found that Watsapp addiction; Game addiction and Social Media addiction are the major determinants in affecting phubbing behavior of the millennial.

2008 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 271 ◽  
James S D Kernaghan

In 2005 a draft Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) for the Blacktip Project was prepared by James Kernaghan on behalf of the Blacktip Joint Venture. The SIMP was prepared for the purpose of providing a basis for consultation with the communities that would be potentially affected by the project and the means through which social impacts could be managed. After Eni Australia became 100% owner and operator of the project in December 2005, the SIMP was revised to reflect the values and practices of Eni globally. This paper presents a case study of the early development of social impact management practice for the Blacktip Project in the southern Bonaparte Gulf, northern Australia, in the period from discovery to the middle of the construction phase (end 2001 to end 2007). The primary outcomes, so far, of the social impact management process for the Blacktip Project have largely been positive and work continues to ensure that this remains the case. From a management perspective, the key outcomes have been a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) report, a Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) and the establishment of an Social Impact Advisory Committee incorporating representatives from the key external stakeholder groups. The paper starts with descriptions of the project and affected communities and the law and policy context in which the project sits. This is followed by a detailed account and discussion about the land acquisition process and the social impact assessment and management plan development, including the scope, methodology and analytical framework used in the SIMP. The paper then provides an account and discussion of the nexus between project development and social impact management. The conclusion gives some observations about the experiences had in the SIMP implementation to date, during the first two construction phases of the project. Often there are a very wide range of social and economic issues that get touched upon in the development of a social impact management plan for a resource project. The resolution of these broader issues is naturally beyond the scope and capability of any company or project and there are often misconceptions in communities about what can be done. The best that a company can do is to approach the management of social impact in a way that tries to build a practical foundation for community development, through consultation with stakeholders in an open and participatory process. The people and organisations that live and work in a region are responsible for the social and economic development of that region, as a part of that community. Some contributions can be made by resource developers, however it is up to the people themselves, the individuals and the families in any community to choose and then pursue their individual and collective destiny. Others cannot do it for them. The paper attempts to provide some insight into the cultural, political, social and commercial realities associated with the development of the project in the particular society involved. In doing so, it is hoped that a useful early case study in the field of social impact management will emerge that may be useful for oil and gas developments and developing communities elsewhere in Australia and the world.

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