scholarly journals Acciones para el desarrollo sustentable, estudiantes universitarios, su calidad de vida y un ambiente seguro

Gabriela Morán-Delgado ◽  
Ma. Francisca Rangel-Monjaras ◽  
Jesús Alberto García-García ◽  
Laura Patricia García-Contreras

The objective is to identify the predictive variables that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life and a safe environment through actions to promote Sustainable Development. The study is non-experimental with a quantitative approach. The population 86,076 students of public and private universities of the State of Coahuila, a sample of 305 cases for the present study. The instrument was a questionnaire made up of 291 items, of which 40, 39 independent variables were considered that refer to actions that contribute to sustainable development and a dependent variable related to the quality of life and the safe environment. A multiple regression analysis was carried out, which shows that university students consider actions such as caring for nature, social equity, saving water and strengthening the identity of communities that are predictors of a safe environment for quality of life. The contribution of the study is about the perspective of university students and the proposed actions to improve their quality of life, a safe environment and sustainable Development.

Fernando Riveros ◽  
Stefano Vinaccia-Alpi

Abstract: Relationship between sociodemographic, pathogenic and salutogenic variables and the quality of life of Colombian university students. Several studies have analyzed the quality of life related to health, but few in healthy population, ignoring its predictive variables. The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship between sociodemographic, pathogenic and salutogenic variables, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Five hundred and three university students of 17 Colombian universities participated in the study. Several instruments related to the study variables were applied. The results showed: (1) High scores in HRQOL, anxiety, perceived stress, resilience and optimism, and low scores in depression; (2) inverse relationship between HRQOL and anxiety, depression and perceived stress; (3) inverse relationship between vitality and depression and perceived stress; (4) optimism showed a direct relationship to the mental component of quality of life; (5) higher scores for men in HRQOL and resilience, and for anxiety in women; and (6) the mental health component in men is explained by perceived stress and depression, whereas in women it is explained by perceived stress, depression, anxiety and the current semester. In conclusion, HRQOL scoring is mainly associated with pathogenic variables.Resumen: Varios estudios han analizado la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, pero pocos en población sana, desconociendo sus variables predictoras. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre variables sociodemográficas, patogénicas y salutogénicas con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS). Participaron 503 universitarios de 17 universidades colombianas a los que se les aplicó diversos instrumentos relacionados con las variables de estudio. Los resultados mostraron: (1) Altas puntuaciones en CVRS, ansiedad, estrés percibido, resiliencia y optimismo, y bajos niveles de depresión; (2) relaciones inversas entre ansiedad, depresión y estrés percibido con CVRS; (3) relaciones inversas entre depresión y estrés percibido con vitalidad; (4) el optimismo mostró una relación directa con el componente mental de calidad de vida; (5) mayores puntuaciones para hombres en CVRS y resiliencia, y para ansiedad en mujeres y (6) el componente de salud mental en hombres, lo explica el estrés percibido y la depresión, mientras que en mujeres lo explica el estrés percibido, depresión, ansiedad y semestre en curso. Puede indicarse que las puntuaciones en CVRS están asociadas principalmente a variables patogénicas.

Xihmai ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
Yunue Pérez Castañeda ◽  
Claudia Elma Pacheco Soto ◽  
Laura Ariadna Ramí­rez Montes ◽  
Alfonso Jaramillo Dí­az ◽  
Alexandro Santamarí­a Damián

Resumen.La lumbalgia ha sido tratada mediante masoterapia y ejercicios de Williams pero con resultados controvertidos. Objetivos: identificar el efecto de la masoterapia y los ejercicios de Williams en la lumbalgia en estudiantes universitarios y determinar su impacto en la calidad de vida. Durante seis sesiones se aplicó masoterapia (n=28) y ejercicios de Williams (n=26). Se midió el dolor con Escala Numérica, la calidad de vida diaria con el cuestionario de Dallas y la amplitud articular mediante el test de Schober. La t de student y el coeficiente de correlación Pearson registró las diferencias. La masoterapia y los ejercicios de Williams disminuyen la lumbalgia y mejoran la calidad de vida de estudiantes universitarios. El estudio culminó en julio de 2014.Palabras clave: lumbalgia, terapia por ejercicio, masaje, calidad de vida, fisioterapia.Abstract.Low back pain has been treated by massage therapy and Williams exercises but controversial results. Objective: To determine the effect of massage therapy and Williams exercises in back pain among university students and determine their impact on quality of life. For six sessions massage therapy (n=28) and Williams exercises (n=26) was applied. Pain with numeric scale was measured, the quality of daily life with the Dallas questionnaire and joint range by Schober test. The Student´s t test and Pearson correlation coefficient showed differences. Massage therapy and Williams exercises lower back pain and improve the quality of life of university students. The study was completed in March 2014.Keywords: Low back pain; Exercise therapy; Massage therapy; Quality of Life; Physiotherapy.

María Guadalupe Ureña Rodríguez ◽  
Cristina Jazmín González Flores ◽  
Rosa Martha Meda Lara

The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the studies carried out through time referring to the quality of life of university students with disabilities, instruments used to measure it, as well as the setting where those were applied.  The search was done through EBSCO, SAGE Journals, SCOPUS, and RedALyC databases, and studies from 1994 to 2016 were found.  Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) and quality assessment were used in the 6 selected papers.  Studies reveal quality of life and higher education students with disabilities are a scarcely studied coupling which generates invisibility in academic terms.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 72
Márcia Teles De Oliveira Gouveia ◽  
Hidelkarla Sales De Santana ◽  
Ana Maria Ribeiro Dos Santos ◽  
Girlene Ribeiro Da Costa ◽  
Márcia Astrês Fernandes

Objetivo: realizar busca de publicações científicas nas bases de dados sobre a qualidade de vida e o bem-estar do estudante universitário de enfermagem; descrever e analisar as perspectivas enfocadas na literatura. Metodologia: Revisão Integrativa da Literatura. Foram selecionados vinte e três estudos publicados entre 2010 e 2014, nas bases de dados Literatura Latino Americana e do Caribe de Informação em Ciências da Saúde, Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval Sistem on-line e o Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Resultados: Observou-se que a qualidade de vida e o bem-estar encontram-se moderadamente bem na avaliação dos estudantes de enfermagem avaliados nos estudos, e que apesar dos estressores decorrentes do curso, os estudantes resolvem as situações estressantes com algumas técnicas de relaxamento e enfrentamento, mas também recorrendo ao uso de álcool e fumo. Os instrumentos utilizados nos estudos: WHOQOL-BREF, Inventário de Depressão de Beck e a Escala de Estresse Percebido. Conclusão: identificadas depressão, insônia, estresse e cansaço, decorrentes da vida acadêmica. Desse modo, importante às instituições e docentes estarem atentos para reconhecer precocemente os indicativos multidimensionais que afetam a qualidade de vida e o bem-estar dos seus estudantes, e implementar medidas preventivas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 2743
Ankilma Do Nascimento Andrade ◽  
Maria Enoi Gadelha Vale ◽  
Marta Ligia Vieira Melo ◽  
Ubiraídys De Andrade Isidório ◽  
Milena Nunes Alves de Sousa ◽  

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a associação dos fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares e qualidade de vida em universitários que trabalham. Método: trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, transversal e analítico, com 40 discentes. Analisaram-se os dados no SPSS 21. Resultados: 55% da amostra possuem qualidade de sono ruim e que 15% distúrbio do sono. Quanto ao nível de atividade física, 65% dos que trabalham foram classificados com sedentários. Com relação aos domínios de “dor”, foi observada uma diferença estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,01) apontando que os universitários que trabalham apresentam mais dor. Conclusão: mesmo em uma população de adultos jovens, observou-se o estado de vulnerabilidade para o desenvolvimento de DCV, sendo preocupantes, entre os universitários que trabalham, o nível da qualidade de sono e o sedentarismo observados, que podem comprometer a saúde e a qualidade de vida dessa população. Descritores: Doenças Cardiovasculares; Estudantes; Fatores de Risco; Qualidade de vida; Doença Crônica; Sexo,ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the association of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and quality of life among working university students. Method: this is a quantitative, transversal and analytical study with 40 students. Data were analyzed in SPSS 21. Results: 55% of the sample had poor sleep quality and 15% had sleep disturbance. Regarding the level of physical activity, 65% of those who work were classified as sedentary. Regarding the "pain" domains, a statistically significant difference (p = 0.01) was observed, indicating that the working university students presented more pain. Conclusion: Even in a population of young adults, the vulnerability to the development of CVD was observed, and the level of sleep quality and sedentary lifestyle observed among the working university students, which may compromise health and quality of life of this population. Descriptors: Cardiovascular Diseases; Students; Risk Factors; Quality of Life; Chronic Disease; Sex.RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la asociación de los factores de riesgo para las enfermedades cardiovasculares y la calidad de vida en los universitarios que trabajan. Método: se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, transversal y analítico, con 40 discentes. Se analizaron los datos en el SPSS 21. Resultados: el 55% de la muestra tiene una mala calidad de sueño y el 15% de los trastornos del sueño. En cuanto al nivel de actividad física, el 65% de los que trabajan fueron clasificados como sedentarios. Con respecto a los dominios de "dolor", se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,01) apuntando que los universitarios que trabajan presentan más dolor. Conclusión: incluso en una población de adultos jóvenes, se observó el estado de vulnerabilidad para el desarrollo de ECV, siendo preocupantes, entre los universitarios que trabajan, el nivel de la calidad de sueño y el sedentarismo observados, que pueden comprometer la salud y la calidad de vida de esa población. Descritores: Enfermedades Cardiovasculares; Estudiantes; Factores de Riesgo; Calidad de Vida; Doença Crónica; Sexo.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 63-70
Hector Enrique Guzmán Luján

Resumen: Día a día la opinión pública contempla cómo Colombia, país mega diverso y dotado de gran riqueza en biodiversidad, va disminuyendo cualitativa y cuantitativamente sus recursos, afectando no solamente la calidad de vida en nuestras principales ciudades, sino la posibilidad de utilizar esa riqueza racionalmente como motor de desarrollo. Este artículo plantea como objetivo, una reflexión sobre la necesidad y pertinencia de replantear las estrategias ambientales utilizadas en la actualidad, y pregunta si realmente éstas impiden el paulatino deterioro de los recursos naturales, y si efectivamente garantizan el derecho constitucional del artículo 79, denominado derecho a gozar de un medio ambiente sano. A nivel metodológico, este trabajo surge de una revisión documental, y plantea como discusión la reflexión sobre estrategias ambientales en el ámbito nacional e internacional para afrontar la problemática ambiental en el sector productivo. Como conclusión destaca que en Colombia, a pesar de contar con múltiples instrumentos coercitivos en materia ambiental, éstas no se constituyen en una solución de fondo a las problemáticas que atacan, es necesaria una política en la materia, que pueda crear herramientas de mercado, acuerdos de autogestión y así fortalecer las relaciones entre lo público y privado. ___Palabras clave: Estrategias Ambientales, Biodiversidad, Producción y Consumo Sostenible. ___Abstract: Day after day the public opinion contemplates how Colombia, diverse country and gifted of great wealth in biodiversity, is diminishing qualitatively and quantitatively his resources, affecting not only the quality of life in our principal cities, but the possibility of using this wealth rationally as engine of development. This article raises as aim, a reflection on the need and relevancy of restating the environmental strategies used at present and asks, if really these prevent the gradual deterioration of the natural resources, and if really they guarantee the constitutional law of the article 79, named right to enjoy a healthy environment. To methodological level, this work arises from a documentary review, and raises as discussion the reflection on environmental strategies in the national and international area to confront the environmental problematics in the productive sector. As conclusion emphasizes that in Colombia, in spite of possessing multiple coercive instruments in environmental matter, these are not constituted in a solution of bottom to the problematic ones that they attack, a politics is necessary in the matter, which could create tools of market, agreements of automanagement and this way strengthen the relations between the public and private thing. ___Keywords: Environmental strategies, biodiversity, production and sustainable consumption. ___Recibido febrero 28 de 2014 / Aceptado abril 29 de 2014

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 231 ◽  
Alfonso Urzúa ◽  
Alejandra Caqueo-Urízar ◽  
Claudio Araya ◽  
Paula Díaz ◽  
Milenka Rocha ◽  

Using a non-experimental, transverse, co-relational design, we assess the relationship between optimism and quality of life (QoL) in adults aged between 18 and 65 years. Two questionnaires were administered: WHOQOLBREF, which assessed QoL, and an instrument that assessed trait–state optimism. A total of 1190 subjects from various public and private high schools, institutions and commercial centers in the city of Antofagasta, Chile participated. The mean sample age was 40.0 years and 50.0% of respondents were male. There is a relationship between QoL and state optimism, with males demonstrating a higher QoL. Differences in optimism were observed only in age groups in which younger persons scored less than older persons. The results obtained indicate that there is a partial relationship between QoL and optimism, with state optimism having a significant effect on QoL.

Jorge Luis Lozano-Gutiérrez ◽  
Francisco Javier Rodríguez-García ◽  
Betriz Mabel Pacheco-Amigo ◽  
Solís Recéndez Emma-Perla

The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between material well-being and self-determination in university students in their quality of life. Methodology: It is carried out as a non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational study, processed by SPSS statistical package. Contribution: Identification of the material conditions of university students and their level of self-determination in their quality of life, elements that impact on the maintenance in the study until obtaining the degree through receiving economic support within the social policy to vulnerable groups, and that if school dropout occurs. Where it was found that students perceive themselves with low level of material well-being, but with a high level of self-determination that can be shown in the activities they carry out in their responsibilities as university students, having less dependence on parents, with decision making and direction of his life with some independence.

Alberto Paramio Leiva ◽  
Paloma Gil-Olarte Márquez ◽  
Cristina Guerrero Rodríguez ◽  
José M. Mestre Navas ◽  
Rocío Guil Bozal

Abstract.PHYSICAL EXERCISE AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTSThe recommendation of physical exercise as a strategy for prevention and promotion of health has been established in both the health and psychological areas. Despite the increased flow of research in recent years, the need to increase the empirical support of the relationships between physical activity and quality of life is well known. In favor of this need, this study aims to: 1. Clarify if there are different typologies between those who perform physical exercise and those who do not. 2. Delimit more specific typologies according to the frequency of realization from a gender perspective. To do this, a battery of questionnaires focused on quality of life indicators: depression, state anxiety (A-State), trait anxiety (A-Trait), personal satisfaction and satisfaction with life were administered to a sample of 153 university students. By means of the biphasic cluster analysis, we obtain 2 typologies among the students that perform some physical activity and those students who do not perform any physical exercise, the first responding to a better score in the previously mentioned indicators. Deepening the frequency, and taking into account the gender of individuals who exercise; we have differentiated 4 typologies, 2 composed mainly by men who behave as expected, responding to a better quality of life the category that performs a higher frequency of exercise a week; and 2 others composed of women who present differences that are not defined so pronounced and some variables are not related according to expectations. This fact underscores the need for more thorough investigation. We encourage research to develop physical activity programs aimed at improving the quality of life in different populations.Key words: Physical exercise, quality of life, students. depression, anxiety, personal satisfaction, satisfaction with life.Resumen.La recomendación del ejercicio físico como estrategia de prevención y promoción de la salud se ha establecido tanto en el ámbito sanitario como en el psicológico. A pesar del aumento del flujo de investigación en los últimos años, se es consciente de la necesidad de incrementar el respaldo empírico de las relaciones entre la actividad física y la calidad de vida. En favor de esta necesidad, este estudio se plantea como objetivos: 1. Clarificar si existen diferentes tipologías entre quienes realizan ejercicio físico y los que no. 2. Delimitar tipologías más específicas atendiendo a la frecuencia de realización desde una perspectiva de género. Para ello, se administró una batería de cuestionarios centrados los indicadores de calidad de vida: depresión, ansiedad estado, ansiedad rasgo, satisfacción personal y satisfacción con la vida a una muestra de 153 estudiantes universitarios. Mediante el análisis clúster biétapico, obtenemos 2 conglomerados entre los estudiantes que realizan alguna actividad física y aquellos estudiantes que no realizan ningún ejercicio físico, respondiendo los primeros a unas mejores puntuaciones en los indicadores anteriormente nombrados. Profundizando en la frecuencia, y teniendo en cuenta el género de los individuos que practican ejercicio, hemos diferenciado 4 conglomerados, 2 compuestos principalmente por hombres que se comportan como cabría esperar, respondiendo a una mejor calidad de vida el conglomerado que realiza una mayor frecuencia de ejercicio a la semana; y otras 2 compuestos por mujeres las cuales presentan diferencias que no se definen de forma tan pronunciada y algunas variables no se relacionan conforme a las expectativas. Este hecho remarca la necesidad de una investigación más exhaustiva. Animamos la labor de investigación en busca de elaborar programas de actividad física orientados a mejorar la calidad de vida en las distintas poblaciones.Palabras clave: Ejercicio físico, calidad de vida, estudiantes, depresión, ansiedad, satisfacción personal, satisfacción con la vida.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-309
Mirosława Witkowska-Dąbrowska

The purpose of this study has been to identify the degree of sustainability in the development of the Province of Warmia and Mazury. The theoretical and empirical investigations were conducted between 2003-2014 based on data from the Local Data Bank. Using a comparative indicator method, 20 indicators were developed, with different directions of preference. The evaluation involves the concept of uniform preference, hence the higher the assessment indicator, the better the situation in the evaluated area unit. Our studies on the sustainable development of the Province of Warmia and Mazury suggest that the indicators measuring the environmental dimension and consequently the quality of life of the residents (in this aspect) score higher than the country's average values. It is also optimistic that some progress, however small, can be seen in this area based on the analyzed dynamics of changes.

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