scholarly journals Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pasien Hipertensi Peserta Prolanis di Puskesmas Pringapus Kabupaten Semarang

Galih Adi Pramana ◽  
Ragil Setia Dianingati ◽  
Novita Eka Saputri

Hipertensi merupakan faktor penting sebagai pemicu penyakit tidak menular seperti penyakit kardiovaskuler yang lain. Kepatuhan minum obat bagi pasien penyakit kronis seperti  hipertensi sangat penting karena dengan minum obat secara teratur dapat mengontrol tekanan darah pasien.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan minum obat pasien hipertensi di puskesmas pringapus kabupaten semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional Study, Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara prospektif dengan cara memberikan kuisioner MMAS-8 kepada pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 41 pasien yang mengisi kuisioner 15 pasien memiliki tingkat kepatuhan tinggi dan 26 pasien memiliki tingkat kepatuhan rendah. Hasil analisis hubungan antara kepatuhan dan faktor yang memungkinkan memberikan pengaruh adalah sebagai berikut kelamin = 0,15; umur = 0,56; pendidikan = 0,03; pekerjaan = 0,78; lama terapi = 0,42; jenis obat hipertensi yang didapatkan = 0,59 serta banayaknya obat yang dikonsumsi = 0,66. Dari hasil yang didapatkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor pendidikan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepatuhan minum obat pasien hipertensi sedangkan faktor kelamin, umur, pekerjaan, lama terapi, jenis obat hipertensi yang didapatkan serta banayaknya obat yang dikonsumsi tidak  berpengaruh signifikan  terhadap kepatuhan minum obat pasien.Kata kunci : Kepatuhan, obat, hipertensi, prolanis, MMAS-8Hypertension is an important factor as a trigger for non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. The adherence in using drugs for patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension is very important because taking medication regularly can control a patient's blood pressure. This study aims to analyze what factors influence compliance with taking medication for hypertensive patients at the pringapus health center in Semarang district. This study used a descriptive analytic design using a cross sectional study approach. Data collection was conducted prospectively by giving MMAS-8 questionnaire to patients who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed that from 41 patients who filled out the questionnaire 15 patients had a high level of adherence and 26 patients had a low level of adherence. The results of the analysis of the relationship between adherence and the enabling factors for influencing were the following sex = 0.15; age = 0.56; education = 0.03; employment = 0.78; duration of therapy = 0.42; the type of hypertension drug obtained = 0.59 and the drug consumed is usually = 0.66. From the results obtained it can be concluded that educational factors have a significant effect on adherence to taking medication for hypertensive patients while genital factors, age, occupation, duration of therapy, types of hypertension drugs obtained and usually the drugs consumed do not significantly influence compliance with patient medication.Keywords: Compliance, medication, hypertension, prolanis, MMAS-8

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-116
Eva Nurhidayati ◽  
Emdat Suprayitno

Background: K4 is the fourth prenatal check-up visit for health workers to obtain antenatal care according to standards and to detect complications as early as possible during pregnancy. The K4 coverage in Batang-Batang Daya village, the working area of ​​the Batang-Batang Puskesmas is still below the target in 2018. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between husband's support and the decision of pregnant women in carrying out K4 examinations. Methods: The design of this study is analytic correlational with a cross-sectional study approach, the population of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy in Batang-Batang Daya Village in 2019 was 27 respondents, using total sampling techniques, husband's support data was collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire. K4 examination data used a checklist in the KIA book, and the statistical test used was Chi-Square with an expected value of less than 5. Result: The results showed that most of the pregnant women received support from their husbands as many as 20 people (74.1). Most of the pregnant women underwent a K4 examination (4th pregnancy visit), as many as 20 people (74.1%). The analysis result from the Chi-Square test shows the value (ρ) = 0.000. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the husband's support is related to the decision by pregnant women to carry out K4 examinations. Husbands should always provide support to their wives to carry out routine checks so that pregnant women are motivated to carry out K4 examinations, and are more confident about carrying out their pregnancy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Lingkan G. E. K. Pandelaki ◽  
Sefti Rompas ◽  
Hendro Bidjuni

AbstrackBackground : Cleanliness of genetal areas (Personal Hygiene) especially when menstruation is often neglected by adolescents, if they do not maintain genetal hygiene properly, then in a moist condition, fungi and bacteria that are in the genetal area will flourish, causing itching (Pruritus Vulvae) and infection in the area. The purpose of this research was to determine the corelation between Personal Hygiene and the incidence of pruritus vulvae in adolescents in Public Senior High School 7 Manado. This research method used a descriptive analytic research design with Cross Sectional Study approach. A sample of 148 respondents were obtained using the Simple Rondom Sampling technique. The test results showed the relationship between Personal Hygiene During Menstruation with the incidence of Pruritus Vulvae with the incidence of pruritus vulvae in adolescents in the moderate category of 65 respondents (66.3%). The conclusion is that there is a relationship between Personal Hygiene and the incidence of pruritus vulvae in adolescents in Manado's 7th Middle School.Keywords: Personal Hygiene, Pruritus Vulvae, Menstruation.AbstrakLatar Belakang Kebersihan daerah genetalia (Personal Hygiene) terutama ketika menstruasi sering diabaikan oleh remaja, jika tidak menjaga kebersihan genetalia dengan benar, maka dalam keadaan lembab, jamur dan bakteri yang berada di daerah genetalia akan tumbuh subur sehingga menyebabkan rasa gatal (Pruritus Vulvae) dan infeksi pada daerah tersebut. Tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan Personal Hygiene dengan Kejadian Pruritus Vulvae Pada Remaja di Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 7 Manado. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian yaitu Deskriptif Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study. Sampel berjumlah 148 responden yang didapat dengan menggunakan tehnik Simple Rondom Sampling. Hasil uji didapatkan hasil hubungan antara Personal Hygiene Saat Menstruasi dengan Kejadian Pruritus Vulvae dengan kejadian pruritus vulvae pada remaja dalam kategori sedang sebanyak 65 orang responden (66,3%).Kesimpulan ada hubungan antara Personal Hygiene dengan Kejadian Pruritus Vulvae Pada Remaja di Sekolah Menegah Atas Negeri 7 Manado.Kata kunci : Personal Hygiene, Pruritus Vulvae, Menstruasi.

Beni Wulandari ◽  
Chrismis Novalinda Ginting ◽  
Yoland Eliza Putri Lubis ◽  
Ermi Girsang

Background: Managerial function consisting of planning, organizing, actuating and the controlling. This study aimed to determine the effect of head of ward managerial function on the performance of individual nurses in implementing nursing care at inpatient room of public hospital Royal Prima Medan.Methods: The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of the managerial function of the head of room on the performance of nurses in carrying out nursing care in the Royal Prima Medan hospital. Type of research quantitative observational analytic design cross sectional study. Sample with purposive sampling of at least 15 respondents.Results: On the results obtained the influence between the planning function (p=0.919) there is no relationship between individual performance, organizing function (p=0.020) there is an influence of the relationship between individual performance, the function of direction (p=0.919) there is no relationship between individual performance and the supervisory function (p=0.020) there is an influence of the relationship between individual performance.Conclusions: The results of this study are used as input and material for consideration for the Royal Prima Medan hospital in making decisions, especially in addressing the problem of managerial function so that the Royal Prima Medan hospital is growing and can carry out managerial functions properly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 3494-3499
Ismail .

The society in Darul Kamal district in general and Ulee Susu settlements in particular work as farmers with low middle socioeconomic level. Data obtained from the Puskesmas Darul Imarah mentioned that respiratory tract diseases such as respiratory infection, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, TBC, etc always occupy as the highest percentage during the last three years. According to health officials, more than 60% of householders in the region are active smokers and some of them smoke Acehnese traditional cigarettes. The research method is analytic research with cross-sectional study approach, the population is husband who do smoke (both inside and outside the house) 1972 people. The sample is 106 people. The data analysis used to test the hypothesis is chi-square statistic test. The result of the study found that the majority of respondents strongly support her husband not to smoke in the house,  is 63 respondents (59,4%), the majority of respondents have positive attitude in order to make the husband not smoking inside the house,  is 56 respondents (52,8%), that her husband smokes inside the house, is 58 respondents (54.7%). It can be concluded that there is no relationship of wife attitude toward husband behavior smoking in the house (P.Value 0,95) and there is no relation of family support to husband behavior smoking in the house (P.Value 0,23).

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-179
Sarniyati Sarniyati

ABSTRACT: THE RELATIONSHIP OF MOM'S KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE ABOUT ARI WITH URTI PREVENTION EFFORTS IN MANY CHILDREN IN THE WORK AREA OF SEMERAP PUSKESMAS  Introduction: ISPA is an upper respiratory tract disease with special attention to pneumonia (pneumonia), and not ear and throat disease. ARI is an acute respiratory infection that attacks one part and or more of the respiratory tract from the nose (upper tract) to the alveolus (lower tract) including adnexal tissue such as sinuses, middle ear cavity, and pleura.Objective: To find out the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of mothers about ISPA with efforts to prevent ARI in toddlers.Methods: This research was conducted in the working area of the Semerap Health Center in 2020. The design of this study was a correlational study with a cross-sectional study approach, the population in this study was 2354 people, and the sampling technique used was Accidental Sampling. Statistical analysis of data using Pearson Product Moment.Result: There is a significant relationship between knowledge and attitudes of mothers about ISPA with efforts to prevent ISPA in children under five (p<0.05) with r values = 0.688 and 0.681Conclusion: It is hoped that the puskesmas or health workers can provide health education to the community, especially mothers who have toddlers. Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, ISPA  INTISARI: HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP IBU TENTANG ISPA DENGAN UPAYA PENCEGAHAN ISPA PADA BALITA DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS SEMERAP   Pendahuluan: ISPA adalah penyakit saluran pernafasan atas dengan perhatian khusus pada radang paru (Pneumonia), dan bukan penyakit telinga dan tenggorokan. Ispa adalah infeksi saluran pernafasan akut yang menyerang salah satu bagian dan atau lebih dari saluran nafas mulai dari hidung (Saluran Atas) hingga alveoli (Saluran bawah) termasuk jaringan adneksanya seperti sinus, rongga telinga tengah dan pleura.Tujuan: Diketahui hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu tentang ispa dengan upaya pencegahan ISPA pada balita.Metode:Penelitian ini dilakukan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas semerap tahun 2020. Desain penelitian ini adalah Studi Korelasi dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional Study, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 2354 orang, yang mana teknik pengambilan sampelnya menggunakan Accidental Sampling. Data analisis statistik dengan menggunakan Pearson Product Moment.Hasil: Didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan dan sikap ibu tentang ISPA dengan upaya pencegahan ISPA pada balita (p < 0,05) dengan nilai r = 0.688 dan 0.681Kesimpulan: Diharapkan kepada pihak puskesmas atau tenaga kesehatan untuk dapat memberikan penyuluhan kesehatan kepada masyarakat khususnya ibu yang mempunyai anak balita. Kata kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, ISPA

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Catur Hermanto ◽  
Rasiska Tarigan ◽  
Agustina E. Marpaung ◽  
Rina C. Hutabarat

The description of the agriculture success is inseparable from the level of knowledge of retailers and farmers on the effective use of pesticides in the field. This study aimed at evaluating the relationship between the level of knowledge of retailers and farmers on the distribution and use of pesticides in vegetable production centers in Karo Regency. The research was  Berastagi Experimental Farm from August to September 2016. The research method used in the survey was a cross-sectional study approach. The selection of districts was done purposively based on the highest number of retailers, the largest horticultural planting area, and the number of vegetable farmers per district. The number of research samples was 10 respondents per district. To analyze the relationship between variables, we used Spearman's range correction coefficient calculation and validity test using SPSS correlation 17. The results exhibited that the level of knowledge of retailers and farmers in Karo regency is low about the functions, codes, and formulations of all pesticides that have been distributed. The level of knowledge of vegetable farmers on the use of pesticides in Karo district is low, seen from the high level of use, increasing concentration of pesticides and high frequency of spraying, as well as mixing fungicides and insecticides 2 types of pesticides with different codes and active ingredients. The relationship of farmers' knowledge with their age, education and the length of farming experience significantly influenced the perception and attitude of using pesticides to control pest attacks in their lands of cultivation.

Meri Oktariani ◽  
Verily Wicaksana ◽  
Dzurriyatun Thoyyibah ZA

Patient safety is a system where the hospital makes patient care safe. There are six goals for patient safety. Patient Safety  Goal (PSGs) 5 is to reduce the risk of infection related to health services. An effort to eliminate the problem of infection by maintaining cleanliness through handwashing. One of the factors that influence nurses to implement PSGs 5 is internal motivation. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the nurses' internal motivation and the implementation of Patient Safety Goals (PSGs) 5 in the inpatient room at Simo Hospital of Boyolali. This study used a descriptive correlative method with a cross-sectional study approach. A total sampling technique was applied to determine its samples consisted of 42 respondents. The data collection instruments were the internal motivation questionnaire and the patient safety goals (PSGs) 5 observation sheet. Its data were examined by using the Rank Spearman correlative test. The results showed a p-value of 0.000 <0.05. Therefore, Ho was rejected, Ha was accepted, and r was 0.730. These results indicate a high relationship, have a positive and unidirectional correlation where the higher the internal motivation, the higher application of patient safety goals (PSGs) 5. This study infers that there is a relationship between nurses' internal motivation and the application of patient safety goals (PSGs) 5 in the inpatient room at Simo Hospital of Boyolali.

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