2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-134
Cindy Claudia F M Djara ◽  
Rolland E Fanggidae ◽  
Ni Putu Nursiani

This research was conducted at the Head Office of PT. NTT Regional Development Bank. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the effect of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligenceon Student Performance at the Head Office of PT. NTT Regional Development Bank. The dataanalysis technique used in this study is by conducting multiple regression tests. The results of thisstudy partially Emotional Intelligence has a positive and significant influence on employeeperformance at the Head Office of PT. The NTT Regional Development Bank and SpiritualIntelligence has not significant influence on employee performance at the Head Office of PT. NTTRegional Development Bank. Simultaneously Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligencehave a positive but significant influence on employee performance at the Head Office of PT. NTTRegional Development Bank. Emotional intelligence and spiritual influence, employee performancebut small. contributionTherefore the need to pay attention to management factors that can affectother dissimilar employee performance Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence and Performance

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 201-208 ◽  
Joy Elly Tulung ◽  
Dendi Ramdani

The purpose of this article is to find the link between board independence, board size and BPD (regional development bank) performance for describing the corporate governance in regional development bank. The sample of firms consists all 26’s BPD in Indonesia in the period 2010-2014; we take secondary data from the annual report of each BPD, total 203 top executives who are members of the boards of all BPD in Indonesia. The results are the influence of the board independence and board size on the BPD performance. The sample employed all the members of the boards of BPD in Indonesia giving us a confidence in generalization our findings. The statistical method used to test the hypotheses is OLS regression. This method was applied to measure the relationship between board independence, board size and BPD performance. The results suggested that there is a positive relationship between board independence, board size and BPD performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Stefanus MS Sadana

This study aims to examine servant leadership as a differentiator in Indonesian regional development bank. It investigates the role of Human Resource (HR) leaders as a differentiator to leverage performance. The methodology used is a soft system methodology-based action research (SSM-AR). This qualitative study was conducted at South Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Regional Development Bank (Bank BSB). The findings provide a challenge to maintain sustainable growth and performance improvement services to customers. According to servant leadership theory this research gives an alternative leadership model for regional development bank. In facing global business context, this model gives the bank competitiveness to respond dynamic market that it serves, including for customers, competitors, and supplier trends.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-29
Erlangga Arya Mandala ◽  
Faresti Nurdiana Dihan

The Emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and job satisfaction to be part of the factors that influence performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable partially and simultaneously. This study also aimed to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on the performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable directly and indirectly. This study was conducted to 77 respondents employees of PT. Madu Baru, Yogyakarta. The research method used is quantitative method uses statistical analysis and descriptive. The results of this study are (1) there is a significant effect of emotional intelligence on employee job satisfaction. (2) there is a significant influence of spiritual intelligence on employee job satisfaction. (3) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on job satisfaction. (4) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence on employee performance. (5) There is a significant relationship between spiritual intelligence on employee performance. (6) There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence on employee performance. (7) There is a significant relationship between job satisfaction on employee performance. (8) There is an indirect effect of emotional intelligence on the performance of employees through job satisfaction. (9) There is the indirect influence of spiritual intelligence on the performance of employees through job satisfaction. Keywords: emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, job satisfaction and employee performance

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Untung Slamet Suhariyono

This study aims to determine the effect of Employee Satisfaction and Performance based on the Characteristics of Compensation Systems and Organizational Culture in the Hospital of Dr. Soepraoen Malang. This study uses a quantitative research method research design. Data collected using a questionnaire on 100 permanent employee respondents at Soepraoen Hospital Malang.Independent variables of this study are Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance. The dependent variable of this study is the Compensation System and Organizational Culture. The results of the study show (1) Employee satisfaction has a significant influence on the compensation system; (2) Organizational culture has a significant influence on employee satisfaction; (3) Compensation has a significant influence on employee performance;(4) Organizational culture has a significant influence on employee performance; (5) Compensation has a significant effect on employee performance through employee performance satisfaction at the Hospital. II dr. Soepraoen; (6) Organizational culture has a significant influence on employee performance through employee performance satisfaction at the Tk Hospital. II dr. Soepraoen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Ni Wayan Eka Yuliani ◽  
A. A. Sri Purnami ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Athina Wulandari

NPL is one indicator in assessing the soundness of banks. This study aims to examine the effect of CAR, NIM, BOPO and LDR on Non Performing Loans at PT. Regional Development Bank of Bali in the count of I - IV in 2009 - 2017 using multiple linear analysis methods. The results of this study produce an F Test which all independent variables (CAR, NIM, BOPO and LDR) have a liner / influence with NPL variables and partially, CAR has a significant and significant effect on NPL, NIM has a positive and not significant effect on NPL, influential BOPO positive and significant effect on NPL and LDR positive and not significant effect on NPL.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-169
BRM. Suryo Triono

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of compensation, work environment and organizational culture on employee loyalty and performance Result of t test that is Organizational Culture have positive and significant influence to Employee Loyalty, Compensation have positive effect and not Significant to Employee Loyalty And Work Environment negatively and Not Significant to Employee Loyalty. Organizational Culture has a positive and significant impact on Performance, And While Compensation and Work Environment is Positive and Not Significant to Employee Performance and Loyalty is negative and not Significant to Performance.Value of R2 square total equal to 0,5141 which mean employee performance variable explained by compensation, work environment, and organizational culture with job loyalty as interverning variable equal to 51,41% and the rest equal to 48,59% explained other factor outside research model. Effect of the most effective and dominant variable in order to improve the performance of employees STIE AUB Surakarta is a variable of organizational cultureKeywords             : Compensation, Work environment, Organizational culture, Loyalty,        Employee performance

Saryanti Saryanti ◽  
Yayat Sudrajat

PT.Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk. Adalah salah satu bank milik pemerintah yang memiliki tugas/kegiatan menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan menyalurkan lagi kepada masyarakat dalam berbentuk kredit, serta memberikan pelayanan jasa-jasa lainnya. Salah satu jenis kredit yang diberikan oleh PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk adalah kredit pemilikan rumah (KPR). Berdasarkan kajian ini bahwa prosedur pemberian kredit pemilikan rumah (KPR) pada PT. Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten, Tbk. Terdiri dari : mengajukan surat permohonan kredit, wawancara, memenuhi persyaratan yang belum lengkap, mencari riwayat kredit calon debitur melalui database website Bank Indonesia (BI), verifikasi kunjungan (visit), penandatanganan daftar riwayat kredit beserta berkas aplikasi kredit oleh pihak Account Officer (AO), Bisnis Legal (BL), Cradit Risk (CR), manajer bisnis, pimpinan cabang, melakukan taksansi/ploting laporan pemeriksa akhir, pengecekan atas aspek yuridis atau legal atas dokumen agunan, pencairan dana kredit melalui pihak Hukum Administrai, mengingatkan kembali kepada debitur tentang jatuh tempo pembayaran angsuran kredit.   PT.Bank Regional Development of West Java and Banten, Tbk. Is one of the government-owned banks that have the task or activity to raise funds from the community and channel again to the community in the form of credit, and provide other services. One type of credit provided by PT. Regional Development Bank of West Java and Banten, Tbk is a mortgage loan (KPR). Based on the results of the final task of providing homeownership loan (KPR) at PT. Regional Development Bank of West Java and Banten, Tbk. Consists of: submitting loan application letter, interviewing, fulfilling incomplete requirements, seeking credit history of debtor candidate through Bank Indonesia website (BI) website, visit verification, signing of credit history list and credit application file by Account Officer (AO), Legal Business (BL), Cradit Risk (CR), business manager, branch manager, performs taxa

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 626-635
Heru Kristanto

Bank behavior, financial literacy, financial inclusion, debt behavior, and investment affect the economic growth of an industry. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of bank behavior, financial literacy, financial inclusion, debt behavior on investment decisions of working capital and investment debtors in the Regional Development Bank of Yogyakarta. Indonesia. Examine the mediating role of financial inclusion, debt behavior on investment decisions. The research sample are 280 debtors. The analysis model used mediation regression with the PLS program. The results showed that: Bank behavior has an effect on financial inclusion. Bank behavior has an effect on debt behavior. Financial literacy has an effect on financial inclusion. Financial literacy has an effect on debt behavior. Financial inclusion mediates the effect of bank behavior on investment decisions. Debt behavior mediates the effect of financial literacy on investment decisions. The managerial implication of this research is: the flexibility of providing credit to customers, must be followed by control of the use of funds. Financial literacy, financial inclusion and higher debtor debt behavior will increase the movement of the industry. The right investment will improve entrepreneurial and banking performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Tri Andjarwati ◽  
Akhir putra Setiawan

ABSTRACT PT. Bussan Auto Finance (BAF) Surabaya branch i. as a company that provides financing for credit to the General field of concentration on a Yamaha motorcycle financing. The presence of human resources at the company very important focused on self efficacy, motivation and performance of employees.  The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of self efficacy and motivation on performance of employees. The population used as respondents as many as 50 employees of the billing section. Data analysis using the Partial Least Square with the help of computer software to process data from a primary data collection. The results showed that there is a positive and significant influence self efficacy on performance of employees, there are also positive and significant influence motivation on performance of employees.  Keyword:selfefficacy,motivation,employee performance

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