scholarly journals Economic security as an indicator of infrastructure development of modern proprietorship

Borys Pohrishchuk ◽  
Heorhii Khvichiia-Duve ◽  
Nataliia Dobizha

Introduction. In an economic paradigm shift and significant transformations of public administration of infrastructure development in Ukraine, the issue of ensuring economic security for infrastructure development of modern enterprises is quite significant. Purpose. The purpose of the research paper is to provide a theoretical and methodological rationale for ensuring economic security of infrastructure development of modern proprietorship. Methods. The theoretical and methodological framework of the research includes a comprehensive approach to considering the issue of economic security as an indicator of infrastructure development of modern proprietorship; economic studies of foreign and national scholars; theoretical generalization, analysis, synthesis, abstract-logical method, etc. The method of theoretical generalization is applied for examining theoretical foundations of proprietorship, business infrastructure, and economic security in the multi-level scope. The method of analysis is used to describe the current state of the development of modern proprietorship; the method of synthesis is used to define principles for increasing efficiency of investment policies aimed at the infrastructure development; the abstract-logical method is applied for summarizing and making conclusions. Results. Economic security is treated not only as the ability of the state to exercise authority, but also as a framework which makes it possible for business entities of various levels to pursue their major interests within the overall strategy of strengthening economic security. The authors claim that a healthy infrastructure contributes to economic security of a modern business. This should include a network of state, private, and non-governmental institutions, which serves business entities, supports their economic operations and enhances their efficiency. The core objective of investment policy in shaping the infrastructure of a modern business is the formation of a favourable environment, which contributes to increasing investment activities, attracting domestic and foreign private investments for the growth of the national economy. The article describes the key principles for increasing efficiency of investment policies aimed at the development of infrastructure. A number of proposals for the formation of a modern business infrastructure have been put forward. It is emphasized that sound infrastructure facilities should be set up through using the capacity of business units, territorial communities and the state. Economic security of modern business infrastructure is reflected through its state, which ensures business security, infrastructure services for entrepreneurs, support for innovation development and competitiveness of the whole national economic complex. Elimination of threats that affect entrepreneurial activities requires creating effective policies and procedures as well as forming a sound infrastructure that will boost competitive advantages of domestic proprietorship in Ukraine’s economy. Discussion. The issue of interaction of infrastructural facilities in inter-regional economic linkage should be addressed in further studies.

2019 ◽  
pp. 80-85
Oksana Makovoz

Purpose. The aim of the article is generalization of the conceptual foundations of strategic management to ensure the economic security of the enterprise in the process of building systems of economic protection of the results of activities of agro-business subjects as an effective mechanism for counteracting external and internal threats. Methodology of research. Scientific methods are used in the writing of the articles, in particular: theoretical generalization – to understand key theories of strategic management; synthesis and analysis – to detail the systems of economic protection of the results of the activity of the subjects of agribusiness as an object of research by its breakdown into parts; abstract and logical method – during the study of the structure of the components of the system of economic protection of the results of the enterprises. Findings. The toolkit of economic protection of agribusiness entities, which can be further transformed and supplemented according to the research of the peculiarities of functioning of their activity in the current market conditions, is investigated. It is substantiated that economic protection of the results of the enterprise activity should include a system of diagnostics and risk management, which will further ensure within the enterprise itself to make prompt decisions on strategic risk management both internal and external environment. The scheme of risk management in the system of economic protection of investment activities of agribusiness entities is proposed. The systems of economic protection of the results of activity of enterprises are improved. Originality. The main criteria of efficiency of economic protection of interests and results of activity of subjects of agro-business in the long term are substantiated: profitability of own capital and economic equilibrium, which characterizes rationality and prudence of management of economic resources and creates a basis for achievement of strategic goals of the enterprise in the long term. Practical value. The introduction of the proposed research results into the activities of agribusiness entities for the use of conceptual principles of strategic planning will contribute to the establishment of a system of economic protection of the results of business activity and dynamic development. Key words: strategic management; risk; threat; protection; result; economic security; management system; enterprise.

2020 ◽  
pp. 199-232
Henry Hansmann ◽  
Reinier Kraakman ◽  
Richard Squire

This chapter analyzes ancient Rome’s law of business entities from the perspective of asset partitioning, the delimiting of creditor collection rights based on the distinction between business assets and personal assets. Asset partitioning, which is an essential legal attribute of modern business forms such as the partnership and the business corporation, reduces borrowing costs by simplifying credit-risk assessment and expediting insolvency proceedings. The chapter finds that ancient Roman business arrangements, such as the societas and the slave-run business endowed by the slaveowner with a peculium, did not give business creditors the first claim to business assets, making these forms of organization non-entities according to the criterion of asset partitioning. It appears that the only true legal entity used to form profit-seeking firms was the societas publicanorum, which roughly resembled the modern limited partnership. But use of that form was generally confined to firms that provided public services under contract with the state. Moreover, the societas publicanorum was essentially a creature of the Republic, and was largely abandoned during the Empire. Although Rome had a complex economy and sophisticated commercial law, and was familiar with most of the types of asset partitioning seen in modern legal systems, it ultimately failed to develop legal entities for general use in commerce. Apparent reasons include the Roman aristocracy’s disparagement of commerce, the emperors’ wariness of strong organizations outside the state, and the society’s continuing reliance on the family—a durable and complex legal entity in its own right—to handle many commercial needs.

S. Piletska ◽  
T. Korytko ◽  
Ye. Tkachenko ◽  

It is noted that in modern conditions of instability, contradictions of reformation processes one of the most important tasks of economic science and practice is the development and implementation of an integral part of economic security – security system of enterprises and organizations, which must be represented by a set of organizational, legal, socio-economic, and managerial decisions that provide effective protection against external and internal threats and promote progressive development in the interests of the national economy. The formation of a market economy has objectively put the vast majority of domestic enterprises and organizations in front of the need to create a system of economic security that can reduce the level of threats to activities in key financial and economic areas. The purpose of the article is to study the methodological views on the essence of economic security and methods of its assessment, as well as to develop a model of integrated assessment of the level of the enterprise economic security. The methodological basis of the study are the scientific works of the classics of economics, works and publications of leading scientists and specialists who study the economic security of economic entities, combining theoretical and scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, theoretical and logical generalization. The analysis of approaches to the interpretation of the "economic security" concept is carried out and it is determined that the studied definition is multifaceted and complex and includes: the state of protection from unwanted changes (threats); efficient use of resources to prevent threats; system and the presence of competitive advantages that allow to achieve the main goals of the enterprise; the ability to reproduce and ensure the viability of the firm regardless of the instability of the external and internal environment; creating conditions and ensuring sustainable operation, progressive scientific, technical and social development, ensuring financial and commercial success. Based on a systematic approach, a model of integrated assessment of the level of the enterprise economic security is suggested, which allows to assess not only the state of the object of study, but also the development trend. For the methodical formation of an objective assessment of the integrated level of the enterprise economic security, the necessity of using a system of indicators for production and sales, personnel, technical and technological, financial component is substantiated. Based on the suggested model, the current and forecast level of economic security of such enterprises as PJSC "Hartron", PJSC "Datagroup", PJSC "Kyiv Radio Plant" was determined. Prospects for further research are the approbation of the model for business entities of different industries, different organizational and legal forms of ownership in order to identify the features of the assessment and refinement of the model.

M. Kryshtanovych ◽  
V. Ortynskyi ◽  
O. Krasivskyу ◽  
N. Maziy ◽  
V. Pasichnyk

Abstract. The existence of threats to economic security can become a factor in the development of an imbalance in the functioning of economic entities of any level of activity. Support and patronage of constant indicators of economic security today is one of the main tasks of state policy, since the economic sphere has both direct and indirect impact on various types of national security. Only under the condition of full provision of all aspects of security is it possible to implement a programmed economic growth, improve the standard of living of ordinary citizens, as well as the all-round development of all spheres of the state. For today's economy of the state, in the context of the desire to be a full-fledged member of the world economic society, it is especially important to solve the problem of ensuring continuous socio-economic development, creating mechanisms to counter exogenous and endogenous threats, improving the welfare of citizens, as well as developing a powerful system of international economic relations. The degree of influence of exogenous and endogenous threats on the level of the country's economic security is variable, taking into account the dynamic conditions of the life of society, the national and world economy. The task is to form a model of countering the main threats to economic security in the context of protecting national interests. The main purpose of the study is the formation of a methodological approach to countering the main threats to economic security in the context of protecting national interests. The research methodology includes the use of a graphical method to reflect the main results of the study. Also, from the general methods, the abstract-logical method should be distinguished, which was used to form appropriate conclusions based on the results of the study. Of the specific ones, let us single out the modeling method, which made it possible to form an appropriate composition of the main ways to counter the main threats to economic security in the context of protecting national interests. Keywords: security, economic security, threats, countering threats, national interests. JEL Classification G28, F60, F52 Formulas: 0; fig.: 3; tabl.: 0; bibl.:12.

S. P. Khrustaleva ◽  
K. S. Krivyakin ◽  
M. S. Lutsenko ◽  
O. O. Shendrikova

Crimes in the field of economic activity have become so common in society that crime in the economy has become the norm in the behavior of business entities. Economic crime in Russia at the present stage has reached such a scale that it really threatens the national security of the state. All this requires a detailed study of the individual elements of a crime in the sphere of economic activity and determination of methods for preventing economic crimes. Ensuring the economic rule of law is a guarantee of ensuring the economic security of the state in the future. Economic crimes committed at enterprises of various patterns of ownership are considered. The main type of economic crime is the misappropriation of assets (property), bribery and corruption are in second place, and finally, the third type of common economic crime in 2019 is procurement fraud. The amount of damage from economic crimes in large enterprises ranges from 100 thousand to 1 million US dollars. The main tools for detecting economic crimes in Russia are: the activities of the internal audit and economic security services; information technology protection and financial security of the enterprise; reporting suspicious transactions; the activities of the enterprise to manage the risks of losses from fraud. It is proposed to identify four levels of economic security of the enterprise: critical, low, medium and high. The optimality of the processes for managing economic and information security of PJSC VASO was assessed, which made it possible to single out the main functional components of the overall security of industrial enterprises. A comprehensive assessment of the level of economic threats of PJSC “VASO” as of 2019 was carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
Olena Yu. Sova ◽  
Liudmyla A. Kyslova ◽  
Liliia V Semkova ◽  
Lyudmila Yu. Krasavtceva ◽  
Tetiana B. Samonova

The development of the information sphere and the corresponding increase in its volume and cost is accompanied by the introduction of advanced information technologies in all spheres of public life of the state, which leads to an increase in the frequency of attacks and potential losses from information leakage. As a result, the complexity of protection systems and an increase in their cost. In these conditions, the task to efficiently distribute limited financial resources to protect the information of business entities becomes more and more important and largely determines the level of financial and economic security of the enterprise and the state as a whole. Of particular relevance is the development of issues of optimisation of indicators of the information security system in a dynamic confrontation. Such indicators can be the amount of damage caused from the implementation of information threats, which determines the effectiveness of the protection system, the profit from making investments in information protection, their profitability, and the like. It was established that it is necessary to determine the total amount of protection resources, which minimises the total losses from possible information leakage in conditions of instability. The authors believe that the optimal control mechanism is the distribution of resources between objects that contain a different share of information and are distinguished by natural security, dynamic vulnerability, and the probability of an attack with the allocation of a certain amount of resources. The practical significance of the study lies in determining the optimal moment for the introduction of defence resources – after the direction and intensity of attacks and, accordingly, the possible level of losses was clarified.

2019 ◽  
pp. 105-111
Yaroslav V. Leonov

The purpose of the research. There is a substantiation of a cluster approach to ensuring the development of a sports industry in Ukraine. Methodology. Investigated general scientific methods, in particular: theoretical generalization - to determine theoretical bases and tendencies of content and components of the principles, cluster approach in providing the development of the Sports industry; system approach - for generalization of properties and conditions for the formation of clusters and techno-parks; methods of positive and normative analysis - for the development of recommendations and conclusions. Results. The article considers the experience of implementing a cluster approach to the organization of the economy on the example of leading countries. It is determined that the most effective in building a system of economic governance is a cluster. The advantage of this approach is the ability to concentrate the efforts of economic entities in creating added value, creating new conditions for the development of traditional and new sectors of the economy. Global experience in the development of the cluster approach shows the positive dynamics taking place in certain sectors. This development will be exacerbated by the intensification of competition between large organizations and small and medium-sized businesses, on the one hand, scientific discoveries on the other. In order to develop a cluster model of economic organization in the construction of public policy, the mechanisms of stimulating innovation, job creation, the level of infrastructure development, tax benefits are taken into account. Therefore, the introduction of a cluster approach in the practice of public administration is an urgent issue in the process of forming the state Ukrainian policy, focused on economic growth and sustainable development in the long run. Definitely, a sports cluster is a network structure with vertical and horizontal connections between organizations of the sports industry (main) and service industries (sporting goods, inventory, equipment, etc.) and infrastructure services. It should be noted that the state does not initiate the creation of a cluster, but creates conditions for the development of the cluster ("rules of the game") through tax, budget, credit policy, customs, the creation of research centers, sports infrastructure. Prospects for further research. Investigation of the principles of a cluster approach to ensuring the development of the sports industry in Ukraine give grounds for further improvement of the tools for the development of the sports industry and why will be devoted to further exploration of the author.

The article is devoted to the study of the current state of the infrastructure of Ukrainian tourist market, particularly, in Kharkiv region. The dynamics of the country's tourist flows over the last five years, the problems of tourism development in Ukraine as well as the ways of improving Ukrainian tourist market were analysed. The tourism industry is developing around the world, and in some countries it is the basis for budgeting. Ukraine has all the preconditions for tourism development and it can become competitive in the global tourism market. The development of a tourism structure must be balanced and fully responsive to the needs of people. The tourism enterprises must work effectively. The process of market infrastructure development should be proportional and it requires a systematic approach to management. It is necessary to work out a strategy for developing the infrastructure of tourist market on the basis of a scientifically grounded procedure of its forecasting, regulation, adaptation to changes in consumer priorities, external conditions and risks. Our research proves that there is a significant potential for tourist services in Ukraine that can increase the level of competitiveness. The strategy for development of the infrastructure of the tourist market in Ukraine should take into account the following ways: rationalization of schemes of tourist routes; active integration of information technologies in the field of tourist services; active participation in international programs; financing of applied research in the field of tourism; simplification of state regulation of business entities in the sphere of tourism business; improvement of legal regulation; monitoring of the state of the infrastructure of tourist market and co-financing of objects by the state and private sector; introduction of an advertising campaign to attract domestic and foreign tourists to Ukraine; implementation of measures for the development of tourist transport infrastructure.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 46-50
Мария Булатенко ◽  
Mariya Bulatenko ◽  
Наталия Тарасова ◽  
Natalia Tarasova

The key factor contributing to the high level of economic security is the competitiveness of the state, which is currently provided by Russia's transition to the path of innovative development. The article highlights the "innovative security" in the structure of economic security of the state along with its other elements. Actions of entrepreneurs or business entities aimed at creating innovations are associated with innovative and investment risks. The authors consider recommendations on how to change the functions of risk management to help companies benefit from new innovative projects, which ultimately will strengthen the economic security of the country.

Volodymyr V. Hobela ◽  
Stepan I. Melnyk

The volume of capital outflows from Ukraine to offshore jurisdictions has become quite large and poses a threat to the economic security of the state, however, measures to de-offshorise the economy are not effective. Therefore, this study is aimed at identifying factors that affect the level of offshoring of the economy, in addition to the state's tax policy, and at developing measures to de-offshorise the state economy. The study used general and special methods of cognition, economic, mathematical, and statistical analysis, the method of deduction and theoretical generalisation. A theoretical analysis of offshoring as an economic category is carried out, the scale of offshoring of the world economy and its impact on the economic security of the state is determined, which substantiated the relevance of the chosen research topic. The main factors influencing the level of offshoring of the economy, except for tax evasion, are highlighted. A methodology and algorithm for determining the total amount of capital outflow are proposed and calculations of the total amount of capital outflow from Ukraine for 2013-2019 are carried out. A correlation analysis was carried out to determine the level of influence of certain factors on the offshoring level of the Ukrainian economy. A mathematical model of the influence of these factors is constructed (x1 , x2 ... xn ) at the level of offshoring of the economy (y), which allowed identifying the factors that most contribute to the increase in the volume of capital outflows from Ukraine. A comparison of the level of corporate raiding, the coefficient of offshoring and the volume of capital outflow from Ukraine is carried out, and a conclusion is made about their stable interdependence. Based on the results of the study, the main ways of de-offshoring of the Ukrainian economy in the process of creating and forming the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine are developed. It is proposed to create a division within the specified bureau that will perform the functions of countering raiding and violation of property rights of business entities. It is assumed that these measures would contribute to the de-offshoring of the economy and ensure the economic security of the state. The findings of the study can be used to form legislative and institutional support for deoffshoring and ensure the economic security of the state. In particular, based on the results, it is recommended to form the main directions of work and functions of the newly created Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine

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