Rio Stevanus Mamesah ◽  
Een Walewangko ◽  
George Kawung

ABSTRACT Pembangunan ekonomi di daerah saat ini sudah semakin terbuka lebar dengan lahirnya kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah yang lebih berpihak ke daerah dalam konteks otonomi daerah, tapi bukan hanya dituntut untuk bisa berotonomi secara kewenangan pemerintah daerah juga dituntut untuk bisa berotonomi dalam hal keuangan untuk itu perencanaan yang matang perlu dilakukan. Komponen belanja investasi/belanja langsung pemerintah dalam bentuk belanja modal dan belanja pegawai merupakan salah satu penggenjot roda perekonomian. Manado sebagai ibukota Sulawesi Utara (Sulut) merupakan kota yang mengandalkan sector jasa guna mendongkrat perekonomiannya. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan alat analisis  Ordinary Least Square (OLS) untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh belanja modal dan belanja pegawai terhadap peningkatan ekonomi sector jasa. Dari hasil pengujian didapati angka R square sebesar 73,0 yang artinya pengaruh belanja modal dan belanja pegawai terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi sector jasa adalah 73 persen sedangkan sisanya sebesar 27 persen dipengaruhi oleh variable lain yang ada di luar penelitian.Hal ini menunjukan bahwa peran pemerintah melalui komponen pengeluarannya sangat berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan sector jasa yang merupakan salah satu sector unggulan,untuk itu perhatian serius melalui perencanaan dan pengalokasian belanja perlu untuk diberi perhatian lebih dari pemerintah. Kata kunci : Belanja Modal, Belanja Pegawai, Otonomi, Sektor Jasa   Abstract Economic development in the region is now more wide open with the birth of government policies that favor to the region in the context of regional autonomy, but not only required to be autonomous as local authorities are also required to be autonomous in financial terms for the careful planning necessary. Investment expenditure component / direct government spending in the form of capital expenditures and personnel expenditures is one Boost the economy. As the North Sulawesi capital of Manado (Sulawesi) is a city that relies on the services sector in order to mendongkrat economy. This study used an analytical tool Ordinary Least Square (OLS) to determine how much influence capital expenditure and personnel expenditure towards economic improvement services sector. From the test results found to figures R square of 73.0, which means the effect of capital expenditure and personnel expenditure to economic growth service sector is 73 per cent while the remaining 27 percent influenced by other variables that are outside penelitian.Hal shows that the role of government through component spending is very influential on the increase in the services sector is one of the seed sector, to the serious attention through planning and allocation of expenditure need to be given more attention from the government.   Keywords: capital expenditures, personnel expenditures, Autonomy, Service Sector

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (04) ◽  
Gracella Claudia Rondonuwu ◽  
Jenny Morasa ◽  
Heince R. N. Wokas

            Capital expenditure and personnel expenditure is one aspect that influences the government in planning the program and influential in decision making. Therefore, accounting for capital expenditures and personnel expenditures is a resource component deemed critical to meeting accountability requirements in accordance with the provisions. This study aims to determine whether the implementation of cash accounting system of capital expenditure and personnel expenditure at the Local Tax and Retribution Management Agency of Bitung City has been in accordance with applicable rules. The analytical method used is descriptive method. The result showed that the implementation of cash accounting system of capital expenditure and personnel expenditure at the Local Tax and Retribution Management Agency of Bitung City has been in accordance with the applicable Regulation of the Minister of the Interior Number 64 of 2013 regarding the Implementation of Accrual Based Government Accounting Standards. However, there are still technical errors that occur constraints in the implementation.Keywords: Cash Expenditures, Capital Expenditures, Personnel Expenditures

Mohammad Bayu Moha ◽  
Anderson Guntur Kumenaung ◽  
Debby Christina Rotinsulu

Abstrak Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD)  merupakan salah satu komponen pendapatan utama pemerintah daerah dalam menunjang anggaran rumah tangganya, semakin tinggi tingkat pendapatan yang dimiliki oleh daerah tentu akan semakin tinggi pula tingkatan kemandiriannya dan bisa memaksimalkan pengalokasian anggaran untuk pembangunan sektor-sektor unggulan. Sedangkan Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) menjadi sumber pendapatan daerah yang bisa menambah asset local dan secara agreggat menambah pendapatan melalui peningkatan sumber-sumber perekonomian yang dimiliki. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan Ordinary least square dengan analisis regresi berganda dan mendapatkan hasil uji t dan uji f menunjukan bahwa PAD berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap belanja modal sedangkan DAK tidak memberi pengaruh yang signifikan, namun melalui uji R Square didapatkan hasil 82,7 hal ini berarti secara bersama-sama pengaruh PAD dan DAU terhadap belanja modal adalah 82,7 % (persen) sedangkan sisanya dipengaruhi variable lain. Kata kunci : Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK), Belanja Modal   Abstract Local Revenue  is one of the major revenue components of the local government in supporting the household budget, the higher the level of income that is owned by the region of course the higher the level of independence and can maximize the budget allocation for the development of leading sectors. While the Special Allocation Fund became a source of local revenue that can increase local assets and collectively increase revenue through increased economic resources owned. This study used the Ordinary least squares regression analysis and obtain test results and test t f showed that PAD positive and significant impact on capital expenditures, while DAK does not give a significant influence, but through R Square test showed 82.7 this means  collectively influence of PAD and DAU towards capital expenditure was 82.7% (percent) while the rest influenced other variables. Keywords: Local Revenue,  the Special Allocation Fund, Capital Expenditure  

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Rully Farel

This study is aimed to test the effect of Gross Domestic Regional Product (PDRB) Local Government Revenue (PAD), and Surplus of Budget Financing (SiLPA) on the Capital Expenditure for public service in districts Bogor. The data used are time series data, namely the period 2003 - 2013. Analytical method used is double linear regression or OLS (Ordinary Least Square). The result of this research shows that either altogether or in partial, Gross Domestic Regional Product (PDRB), Local Government Revenue (PAD) and Surplus of Budget Financing (SiLPA) positive and significant impact on capital expenditures in the District Bogor. Variable Surplus of Budget Financing and Local Government Revenue have a considerable influence on capital expenditure. Regression models are made to explain 77.47% of the variance of capital expenditure in District BogorDOI: 10.15408/sjie.v4i2.2305

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Muhamad Armawaddin ◽  
Ahmad Ahmad

This study aims to determine the dominant factors that affect the realization of capital expenditure in districts/cities in Southeast Sulawesi. This type of data used is secondary data on local revenue, equity funds, personnel expenditures, gross regional domestic product, residual funding, population and capital expenditures during 2010-2016. The analysis uses regression analysis of panel data from 12 districts / cities by Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The result of the research shows that the dominant factors affecting capital expenditure realization is balance fund. The other result is PAD, personnel expenditure, GRDP which have a significant effect on capital expenditure realization, while the population is not significant. SILPA has significant effect to capital expenditure with partial regression test but not significant with multiple regression test. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Deffrinica Deffrinica

Education  (X1) shows the results of the analysis of poverty (Y) in Bengkayang Regency. Not significant when viewed from the results of the t test partially can be obtained to count to the value of the Education Sector, -1.449> 1.796 so that education has a positive and not significant effect on poverty, which is supported by a significant level of 0.385 <0.050. This shows that the Education Sector variable has no significant effect on Poverty (Y). Health (X2) has a negative and significant effect on Poverty, which is supported by the Probability Value (sig) of 0.437 <0.050. This means that in terms of health, the government in this case has made every possible effort  for budget expenditures , but in fact in the field there are still many underprivileged people who have not been able to enjoy maximum hospital services. The results of the analysis of the direct effect of Unemployment (X3) on Poverty in Bengkayang Regency showed insignificant influence. The results of the analysis show that this path has a significant effect because the value of t count is 1,217, while the table is 1,796 (t count 1,217> t table 1,796), thus in this direct relationship pattern, unemployment has a positive effect not significant to poverty, which is supported by Probability Value (sig) 0.371> 0.050. The results of the analysis of direct influence of Infrastructure (X4) on poverty levels in Bengkayang Regency show that the path coefficient between Infrastructure and poverty is 0.804> 0.050, which means that the pathway has a negative and insignificant effect. The method used to analyze this research is linear regression with the least squares method usually known as OLS (Ordinary Least Square), which is a method used to determine the effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 56
Oyediran, Leye Sherifdeen ◽  
Sanni, Ibrahim ◽  
Adedoyin, Lukman ◽  
Oyewole Olabode Michael

The need to better the lots of citizens through government expenditure has raised questions on the impact of government expenditure on the economic development and growth of nations. It is against this background that this paper examined the antecedent effect of government spending on the Nigerian economic growth. The general objective of the study is to ascertain the relationship between government expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria; specifically, the study examined: (i) the significance influence of government capital expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria and (ii) the significance influence of government recurrent expenditure on economic growth in Nigeria. The study employed ordinary least square (OLS) multiple regression analysis in estimating the specified model, with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the dependent variable, while Capital Expenditure (CAPEXP) and Recurrent Expenditure (REXP) are the independent variables. Data between 1980 – 2013 were collected from secondary sources through the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Results showed that in Nigeria, there exist a significant relationship between the government expenditure and economic growth. The study therefore recommends instilling fiscal discipline in government expenditures, and putting in place structural mechanisms to act as surveillance on capital spending so as to boost the nation’s human and social capital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Miftakul Khoiri ◽  
Syapsan Syapsan ◽  
Sri Endang Kornita

Terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang berbeda pada sumber daya di setiap daerah, yaitu investasi, tenaga kerja dan teknologi sebagai faktor pembentuk output perekonomian daerah. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara investasi dalam bentuk Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA), Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN), belanja modal pemerintah, angkatan kerja dan ekspor dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian adalah melihat pengaruh besarnya faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap Pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Riau 2000-2018. Untuk kepentingan khusus penelitian dengan tujuan melihat pengaruh krisis keuangan global tahun 2008 terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi maka dimasukkan variabel dummy krisis keuangan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode regresi berganda log-log linier dan data time series. Model diestimasi dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PMA, PMDN, angkatan kerja dan ekspor signifikan positif mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi yang diukur dengan nilai Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB). Begitu juga dengan dummy krisis keuangan global meskipun berlangsung singkat ternyata berpengaruh terhadap PDRB di Provinsi Riau. Namun demikian ditemukan bahwa belanja modal pemerintah tidak signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan PDRB.There are some problems in resources of the regions, namely investment, labour force, and technology as the component factors to make the output of the region’s economy. This study aims to analyze the relationship between investment as consist of foreign direct investment (FDI), private investment, government capital expenditure, labour force, export and economic growth to the gross regional domestic product growth of regency in Riau Province 2000-2018. For the specific purpose of describing global financial crises in 2008 influence the economic growth, we put the dummy variable of the financial crisis in the model. This research is quantitative descriptive with the multiple regression model of log-linear and time series method using Ordinary Least Square (OLS). The study shows that government capital expenditure is statistically not significant to affect the gross regional domestic product growth. FDI, private investment, labour force and export is statistically significant to affect the gross regional domestic product growth. As well as a dummy of the global financial crisis is statistically significant to affect the gross regional domestic product growth.

Atayi Abraham Vincent ◽  

This research work address the positive effect of Agriculture on the manufacturing sector in Nigeria. The study made used of Ordinary Least Square Method estimation techniques. The findings showed that Agricultural output, government spending on agriculture, and real gross domestic product all have positive effects on the manufacturing sector. The effects is RGDP 66percent, AGRQ by 63%, and GOEXA by 96 percent. The study recommends among other things that government should allocate more resources to the Nigerian agricultural sector and ensure that the funds are judiciously use and that the government should also seek to strengthen its incentives for the manufacturing sector in order to promote increased industrial production and growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-182
Aep soleh Soleh

This study investigates the impact of fuel price adjusment on changes in fuel consumption and inflation in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data obtained from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Trade, Bank Indonesia, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), and PT Pertamina (Persero) from 2006 to 2016 and analyzed by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Research showed, if the government increases Premium Gasoline's price by 10%, in average its consumption would decrease around 2,99 %. However, if the Pertamax Gasoline's price increases, the consumption of Premium Gasoline would also increase due to substitution effect. Every 10% increase in Subsidized Diesel's price, in average its consumption would decrease around 4,80 % and vice versa. However, if the Pertamina dex's price increases, the consumption of Subsidized Diesel would also increase due to substitution effect. Moreover, IDR1.000/L increase in Premium Gasoline's Price would contribute 1,10 % to the inflation rate. On the other hand, increase in Subsidized Diesel's price does not contribute to the inflation rate.

Munazar R Muari'F ◽  
Vecky A.J. Masinambow ◽  
Tri Oldy Rotinsulu

ABSTRAKSektor tranportasi merupakan salah satu komponen utama dalam peningkatan arus perekonomian, baik untuk memaksimalkan potensi daerah yang selama ini dimiliki namun juga untuk membuka sektor-sektor ekonomi baru yang berujung pada  peningkatan perekonomian sebuah daerah.Guna memanfaatkan potensi-potensi yang dimiliki maupun membuka potensi-potensi perekonomian yang baru maka peran serta pemerintah dalam mengatur alokasi belanjanya perlu untuk lebih dimaksimalkan. Untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh belanja pemerintah dalam bentuk belanja langsung dan belanja tidak langsung mempengaruhi peningkatan sub-sektor transportasi.Penelitian ini menggunakan Ordinary least square dengan  metode regresi berganda, dari hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil r square sebesar  96,7. Dengan hasil ini maka dapat terlihat pengaruh belanja pemerintah terhadap peningkatan sub-sektor transportasi hampir mencapai angka 97 persen, yang artinya hanya tersisa 3 persen tingkat pengaruh variabel lain. Kata kunci : Belanja Langsung (BL), Belanja Tidak Langsung (BTL), Otonomi, Transportasi ABSTRACT                    Transport sector is one of the main components to increase the flow of the economy, to maximize the potential of the area that had been held, but also to open up new economic sectors which resulted in an increase in the economy of a region.               In order to utilize the potential that may or unlock the potential of the new economy, the role of government in regulating the allocation of spending needs to be maximized. To see how much influence government spending in the form of direct expenditure and indirect expenditure affect the improvement of the transport sub-sector.               This study using the Ordinary least squares multiple regression method, the result showed the the r-square of  96.7. With that, it can be seen the effect of government spending to increase transport sub-sector almost reached 97 percent, which means that only the remaining 3 percent the level of influence of other variables. Keywords: Direct Expenditure, Indirect Expenditure, Autonomy, Transportation

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