scholarly journals Sistem Pakar Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor untuk Mendiagnosa Hama dan Penyakit pada Tanaman Cabai

Respati ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 38
Muhammad Reza Alamsyah, Hendra Kurniawan

INTISARICabai merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman sayuran yang dapat menjadi bumbu masakan atau disajikan secara langsung sebagai bahan tambahan dalam makanan. Cabai juga menjadi sayuran yang paling diminati oleh masyarakat Indonesia, sehingga berpotensi besar untuk dikembangkan dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang cukup tinggi. Akan tetapi, tanaman cabai memiliki masalah yang kompleks terkait serangan hama dan penyakit yang berpotensi mengurangi produksi dan menyebabkan gagal panen. Sistem pakar merupakan salah satu cabang artificial intelligence dalam ilmu komputer yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyelesaikan berbagai jenis masalah. Sistem pakar mampu berperan seperti seorang pakar, sehingga mendiagnosa hama dan penyakit pada tanaman cabai. Pengembangan sistem pakar ini menggunakan metode centainty factor. Metode ini dapat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan dan menampilkan persentase hasil diagnosa terkait hama dan penyakit pada tanaman cabai. Sistem pakar dikembangkan berbasis website supaya menjadi sistem yang dinamis, sehingga dapat di akses melalui komputer ataupun smartphone. Hasil akhir diagnosa oleh sistem pakar berupa kesimpulan, penjelasan, dan cara mengatasinya.Kata kunci— Tanaman Cabai, sistem pakar, certainty factor ABSTRACTChili is a type of vegetable plant that can be used as a spice in cooking or served directly as an additional ingredient in food. Chili is also a game that is most in demand by the people of Indonesia, so it is likely to be developed and has a fairly high economic value. However, chili plants have problems related to pests and diseases that disrupt production and cause crop failure. Expert system is a branch of artificial intelligence in computer science that can be used to solve various types of problems. The expert system is able to act as a person, thus diagnosing pests and diseases in chili plants. The development of this expert system uses the centacity factor method. This method can assist in making decisions and displaying diagnostic results related to pests and diseases in chili plants. The expert system was developed based on a website to become a dynamic system, so that it can be accessed via a computer or smartphone. The final result of diagnosis by the system is in the form of conclusions, explanations, and how to overcome them.Kata kunci—  Chilli plant, expert system, certainty factor

Repositor ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Nina Mauliana Noor Fajriah ◽  
Yufis Azhar ◽  
Gita Indah Marthasari

Expert system is one of the AI Development fields. AI (Artificial Intelligence) is part of a computer science which used the computer to imitate the human thoughts and behavior. The usage of a method in Expert System is very important. Thus, the most compatible method to use is the Certainty Factor method. This method is suitable to be used on Expert System to measure things and diagnosed it, will it be very sure or unsure. For example, Expert System to diagnose disease on strawberry plants. This software allows the user to diagnose the disease on strawberry plants before taking a further action. This software is using PHP programming language and store the data using MySQL system database. When the user consulting to the software, the software will show the symptoms of the disease and the user can choose the level of certainty from the chosen disease symptom. The final result from the software is a form which includes the guide of how to take the measurement of the disease based on the chosen symptoms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmat Yusuf ◽  
Bagus Satrio Waluyo Poetro

The state of Indonesia, especially in the area of Central Java, is one of the largest producers of water guava. Some farmers rely on the results of guava cultivation as the basis for the family's economy because the guava harvest is quite promising. However, in certain seasons, water guava plants are often attacked by various kinds of pest and disease season disturbances. So that it can reduce crop yields or even cause crop failure. To overcome this problem, fast and precise action is needed so that the guava plant is protected from various kinds of pests and diseases. The method of developing an expert system for disturbance in water guava plants is the best solution in order to identify disturbances in water guava plants as early as possible. The method used in this expert system is the certainty factor method. With this method, several experts are needed to provide data related to disturbances in water guava plants. The expert system for guava plant disorders is designed using a web-based PHP programming language. In designing the knowledge base, which is the core of this system, is made dynamically to make it easier to add new data.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Tomi Winanto, Yustina Retno Wahyu Utami, Sri Hariyati Fitriasih

Chili plants have a lot of pest and disease attacks. Pest and disease attacks potentially reduce the production of chilli and even cause crop failure. In addition, the limited number of extension workers and the lack of knowledge of practitioners / chili farmers inhibits efforts to control pests and diseases of chili plants. Therefore, the authors propose an expert system to diagnose pests and diseases in large chili plants using the Certainty Factor method. The Certainty Factor method is used to perform calculations by providing an expert's level of confidence. Expert systems relate symptoms and diseases as well as pest and disease control solutions of large chili plants. The data were obtained based on interviews with experts at the Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement (OISCA) Training Center Karanganyar. The data obtained was analyzed and expert system design application was made using UML diagram. The design is continued with the implementation of expert system application into PHP programming and MySQL database. The test results show that the system can diagnose pests and diseases of large chili plants like an expert. Keyword: certainty factor, expert system, pest and disease, large chili plant (Capsicum Annuum Longum).

Syahrizal Dwi Putra ◽  
M Bahrul Ulum ◽  
Diah Aryani

An expert system which is part of artificial intelligence is a computer system that is able to imitate the reasoning of an expert with certain expertise. An expert system in the form of software can replace the role of an expert (human) in the decision-making process based on the symptoms given to a certain level of certainty. This study raises the problem that many women experience, namely not understanding that they have uterine myomas. Many women do not understand and are not aware that there are already symptoms that are felt and these symptoms are symptoms of the presence of uterine myomas in their bodies. Therefore, it is necessary for women to be able to diagnose independently so that they can take treatment as quickly as possible. In this study, the expert will first provide the expert CF values. Then the user / respondent gives an assessment of his condition with the CF User values. In the end, the values obtained from these two factors will be processed using the certainty factor formula. Users must provide answers to all questions given by the system in accordance with their current conditions. After all the conditions asked are answered, the system will display the results to identify that the user is suffering from uterine myoma disease or not. The Expert System with the certainty factor method was tested with a patient who entered the symptoms experienced and got the percentage of confidence in uterine myomas/fibroids of 98.70%. These results indicate that an expert system with the certainty factor method can be used to assist in diagnosing uterine myomas as early as possible.

Selvia Katarina Waruwu ◽  
Agustina Simangunsong

Dental disease is one of the many health problems Complained of by the people of Indonesia. Dental health is a reflection of human health. Lack of knowledge and limited sources of information on oral health have the caused public awareness to maintain oral and dental health is still low .. The development of one of the fields of information technology namely artificial intelligence has been Widely applied in various fields of life. In this study, the dental and oral disease expert system uses the Dempster Shafer method to control inferences that Contain thought patterns and reasoning mechanisms used by experts in solving problems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
Puji Sari Ramadhan

Granulomatous dermatitis is a type of inflammatory disease in the inner layer of the skin that causes damage to the nerves, skin layers and motor members of the body. This disease originated in the attack of an aerobic type of mycobacterium leprae which can spread and transmit infection by contact and air, besides this disease is estimated to enter Indonesia in the early V century. At present the diagnosis and treatment of Granulomatous Dermatis is experiencing difficulties, this based on the limited information and lack of knowledge of the community about Granulomatous Dermatis so that later it will result in late or unpreparedness of treatment in patients with Granulomatous Dermatis cases. On the basis of these events, it is very necessary to build a system by acquiring scientific concepts of artificial intelligence that are capable of producing an Expert System which can later be used to diagnose Granulomatous Dermatis by applying the Certainty Factor analysis. With the application of this diagnosis later can help the community and medical experts in diagnosing Granulomatous Dermatis as a reference tool in concluding the final diagnosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Rosyid Ridlo Al Hakim ◽  
Erfan Rusdi ◽  
Muhammad Akbar Setiawan

Since being confirmed by WHO, the status of COVID-19 outbreak has become a global pandemic, the number of cases has been confirmed positive, cured, and even death worldwide. Artificial intelligence in the medical has given rise to expert systems that can replace the role of experts (doctors). Tools to detect someone affected by COVID-19 have not been widely applied in all regions. Banyumas Regency, Indonesia is included confirmed region of COVID-19 cases, and it’s difficult for someone to know the symptoms that are felt whether these symptoms include indications of someone ODP, PDP, positive, or negative COVID-19, and still at least a referral hospital handling COVID-19. Expert system with certainty factor can help someone make a self-diagnose whether including ODP, PDP, positive, or negative COVID-19. This expert system provides ODP diagnostic results with a confidence level of 99.96%, PDP 99.99790%, positive 99.9999997%, negative 99.760384%, and the application runs well on Android OS

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-102
Siti Nurajizah ◽  
Ita Yulianti ◽  
Elin Panca Saputra ◽  
Rani Kurnia Dewi

Dental and oral disease is one of the diseases that has been felt by most of the people. Insufficient information and the limited level of public awareness of the prevention of dental and oral diseases make the impact quite dangerous if not handled properly. An appropriate information system is needed in overcoming and providing solutions for handling a disease as early as possible. Expert systems can be used as a means of information on the treatment of dental and oral diseases. The manufacture of the expert system in this study initially used the forward chaining method, which is a method that searches based on information that is made into a set of rules so as to get a conclusion. However, after re-analysis, two other methods, namely certainty factor and dempster shafer, were also applied in this study with the aim of overcoming the shortcomings of the forward chaining method, one of which is uncertainty in producing a conclusion or diagnosis of disease. Determining the type of dental and oral disease can be known by looking at the symptoms experienced by the patient. The use of an expert system for diagnosing dental and oral diseases can be used as an initial solution in helping someone to treat the disease. The existence of this expert system can be used as consideration in making decisions to determine the type of dental and oral disease quickly, precisely and accurately.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-118
Friska Nainggolan ◽  
Harvei Desman Hutahaean ◽  
Asaziduhu Gea

Abstrak           Sayur sawi tergolong tanaman sayuran daun dari keluarga Crucifarea yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi dan sudah sangat populer dikalangan masyarakat.Sayur sawi sering di gunakan masyarakat sebagai bahan olahan dalam berbagai jenis masakan.Pada umumnya sayur sawi di tanam di daerah dataran rendah hingga dataran tinggi dan panen di lakukan pada umur 30 -60 hari setelah tanam tergantung varietasnya.Sistem pakar merupakan sistem yang  berusaha mengadopsi pengetahuan manusia ke komputer, agar komputer dapat menyelesaikan masalah seperti yang biasa dilakukan oleh para ahli . Metode bayes merupakan salah satu metode yang terdapat pada sistem pakar yang dapat menghitung  nilai-nilai probabilitas setiap gejala.Sistem pakar mendeteksi penyakit tanaman sayur sawi memilki 5 jenis penyakit yang terdapat pada tanaman sayur sawi yaitu Rebah semai,busuk daun, akar gada, bercak daun dan busuk alternaria.             Kata kunci : Sistem Pakar, Metode Bayes.Sayur sawi.   Abstract           Mustard vegetables are classified as leaf vegetables from the Cruciferaefamily which have high economic value and are very popular among the people. Mustard vegetables are often used by people as processed ingredients in various types of cuisine. In general, Vegetable Vegetables are planted in the lowlands to the highlands and harvest is done at the age of 30 - 60 days after planting, depending on the variety. Expert systems are systems that try to adopt human knowledge to computers, so that computers can solve problems as usual by experts. Bayes method is one of the methods found in expert systems that can calculate or process the probability values ​​of each symptom. The expert system detects mustard plant disease has 5 types of diseases found in mustard vegetable plants, namely seedlings, leaf rot, clubroot, leaf spot, alternaria rot.           Keywords: Expert System, Bayes Method, mustard greens.

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Bayu Angga Wijaya ◽  
Juliansyah Putra Tanjung

The eye is the important senses. If the eye is disrupted and ignore it, it will disturb the sufferer. In fact, many people delay to checked eye diseases suffered, due to the lack of knowledge society, the cost is quite expensive and the imbalance between patients and doctors so that should be queued if  will check the eye health. It is necessary for the expert system that can diagnose eye diseases, so a layman can be checked their eye diseases suffered without having to go to the doctors. This expert system is based on web with the programming language PHP and MySQL database. In the process of withdrawal conclusion, system using the certainty factors methodthat use a value to assume degree of confidence from an experts to a data. Expert system provides results in the form of the possibility of illness suffered, the value of the percentage of beliefs from the illness and the treatment solution based on the value of confidencethat given. So it can help the people to know the eye disease their suffered and the action can be done faster

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