scholarly journals Pemberian Penguatan Verbal dan Non-verbal untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Kepahlawanan dan Patriotisme

Siti Yunanik

[Title: The Provision of Verbal and Non-verbal Reinforcement to Improve Student Learning Achievement in Heroism and Patriotism Subject Matter]. The purpose of this study is to improve student learning achievement on the heroic and patriotism figures subject matter through the provision of verbal and non-verbal reinforcement. This research is a class action research (CAR) with the subject of the research were class IV students in semester 1 of SDN 2 Sandik, amounting to 28 students. Student learning achievement data were collected using test instruments and analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The results showed that the student learning achievement in the first cycle was in the medium category (mean = 5.50) increased in the second cycle (mean = 8.25) with the good category. The implementation of learning has also increased in each cycle. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the provision of verbal and non-verbal reinforcement can improve student learning achievement on the heroic and patriotism figures subject matter at SDN 2 Sandik.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-78
Maiharti Hadijah

Teacher has a very important role in creating an exciting and enjoyable learning environment in math lessons.Learning atmosphere is not exciting and fun for students usually to create learning activities that are less harmonious.As in SD 06 Perawang Barat is still low learning achievement of mathematics students, especially VD class with the number of students 32 people.Based on the mathematical repetition value of grade VD students contained in table 1 can be concluded that most students have not reached the established KKM that is 60 in 2012/2013           Another effort that teachers do is to provide practice questions (PR). Then the teacher also repeats the material that the students have not understood. But the effort made by the teacher has not achieved the expected result; low student learning achievement to mathematics is a material for researchers, that the need for mathematics learning that can improve the results of learning mathematics.               The formulation of the problem in this study is whether the application of direct learning model in groups can improve student achievement on the subject matter of the fractional matter in the VD SDN 06 Perawang Barat class in the even semester of the academic year 2012/2013?       The form of this research is collaborative classroom action research, in collaborative classroom action research involving teachers, principals, and outsiders in one team simultaneously, with the aim of improving learning outcomes, the development of theory and teacher performance improvement. This team relationship is a partnership, meaning that the position of team members with each other is the same that aims to think about the issues to be studied in classroom action research. In this case the researcher serves as a teacher. Action will be done is in order to improve the results of teaching mathematics at class VD SDN 06 in Perawang Barat.               The data in this study were collected with observation sheet and mathematics learning result test. Observations were made to the activities of the students and teachers during the learning process for each meeting by filling out the observation sheets that have been filled in by observing the observation sheets of each teacher and student behavior on the observation sheet. While data is about mathematics learning result collected through daily test (UH1) and daily test (UH2) which contains problem based on indicator that will be achieved based on lattice test result of learning.               The data obtained in this research is then analyzed through descriptive analysis.Descriptive data analysis aims to describe data about student learning outcomes on subject matter using in problem solving.               Based on the results of research and discussion concluded that the application of direct learning model in groups can improve student learning achievement at VD SDN 06 in Perawang Barat class on the subject matter using fractions in problem solving.      

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Afnan Mochammad Najmudin ◽  
N Hani Herlina ◽  
Diki Najib Fuadi

The preliminary study through preliminary observations found the fact that the learning outcomes of students in the mathematics subjects in grade 3 of SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah were still low. This is because there are still many students who experience difficulties in working on math problems. Thus, it seems that one of them is needed for geoboard media to improve student learning outcomes on the subject of the concept of flat building. The purpose of this class action research implementation is to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics subjects the subject of the concept of flat building using geoboard media. This research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) in the subject of Grade 3 SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah, amounting to 35 students. This study consisted of 3 cycles, data collection techniques with observation, tests and interviews. Data analysis uses analysis techniques of individual completeness and classical completeness. After conducting research in grade 3 of SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah, the results showed that: 1) The teacher experienced an increase in the ability to develop RPP using geoboard media with an average value in the first cycle 87.75, cycle II 90.05, and cycle III 92.45. 2) The performance of teachers in the process of implementing learning using media geoboard has increased with an average value in the first cycle 89.72, cycle II 91.47, and cycle III 92.26. 3) Student learning outcomes using geoboard media have increased, with an average value in the first cycle 66.42, cycle II 72.28 and cycle III 81.42. Thus, if the preparation of the RPP and the implementation of learning using geoboard media optimally it will improve student learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-102
Nurhaningtyas Agustin ◽  

Learning is a way for someone to gain knowledge through experience, remembering, and getting information / finding. Teaching through providing experience in finding his own knowledge, it is hoped that these lessons will be meaningful for students. This study aims to find out about the application of inquiry learning models, improve student learning achievement through inquiry models, student responses to the application of inquiry learning models in science subjects the subject matter of life cycle in class V MI Sunan Kalijogo Wolutengah Kerek District, Tuban lesson year 2017/2018. This research is a type of Classroom Action Research (Action Classroom Research). The data in this study are data on increasing the learning achievement of science subjects in the life cycle with inquiry learning models. Data analysis was carried out by observing student activities, questionnaires to determine student responses that were calculated in the form of percentages, and data from student evaluation results. From the implementation of this study the results were obtained (1) that the application of inquiry learning models in science learning the subject matter of the life cycle of living things can improve student learning achievement. The increase can be seen from the learning outcomes achieved by students in the first cycle and second cycle which are significant. (2) student learning achievement has increased after the implementation of inquiry learning models. After the application of the inquiry learning model in the first cycle the average value of students was 62.63, in the second cycle it increased to 81.84. Increased activity of students in observation or group discussion, in the first cycle 52.63%, in the second cycle to 84.21%. The accuracy of completing the chart or table of observation in the first cycle is 57.89%, in the second cycle becomes 84.21%. The activity at presentation in the first cycle was 15.79%, increasing in the second cycle to 57.89%. The intensity of play alone decreased from 31.58% to 15.79% in cycle II. (3) Positive student responses, indicated by 17 students (89.47%) liked the application of the inquiry learning model, and 2 students (10.53%) did not like because they felt left behind from their friends. The results of this class action research can be categorized as successful in its implementation. The conclusions from the results of this study that the application of inquiry learning models in science subjects the subject matter of the life cycle in class V MI Sunan Kalijogo Wolutengah Kerek District, Tuban Regency 2017/2018 school year can improve student learning achievement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Habibah Habibah

This Classroom Action Research discusses the use of the Drill method to improve student learning outcomes in Class IV on the subject of the Qur'an. His study was motivated by the low ability to memorize the Qur'an's Hadith students. This study is intended to answer the problem: (1) Whether the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the Al-Quran Hadith subject material Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV at MIN 8 Southwest Aceh 2018/2019 Academic Year ?. This type of research used in this study is Classroom Action Research with the nature of CAR carried out independently, which means researchers conduct CAR without collaboration with other teachers, but only involve 1 peer teacher to make observations during the teaching and learning process. Data collection methods used are documentation, observation and test methods. The study was conducted using 2 cycles with the steps of planning, implementing action, observation and reflection. To determine the effectiveness of the Drill method using descriptive analysis techniques. This study shows that learning the subject of the Qur'an in the Hadith Q. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar by using the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in MIN 8 Southwest Aceh. This can be seen from before the pre cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II an increase in student learning outcomes. the percentage of mastery learning from pre Cycle 41.66%, in Cycle I increased to 62.50% and in Cycle II increased to 83.33%. So there is no need to continue in the next cycle because the KKM and the percentage of completeness have been reached. This finding can be used as a material for consideration or input for schools in conducting school quality improvement with an improvement in student achievement. For the advice that I can convey is that the teacher in carrying out the learning of the Qur'anic Subjects of Hadith is expected to be able to use various learning methods that are tailored to the material being taught, so as to create a pleasant learning atmosphere that can ultimately improve student learning outcomes. Then students in order to have confidence so that they do not feel afraid to memorize in front of the teacher. In essence, the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the subject of the Qur'an Hadith material Q. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV MIN 8 Aceh Barat Daya 2018/2019 Academic Year.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Habibah Habibah

This Classroom Action Research discusses the use of the Drill method to improve class IV student learning outcomes in the Hadith Qur'an subjects. His study was motivated by the low ability to memo-rize the Qur'an's Hadith students. This study is intended to answer the problem: (1) Whether the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the Al-Quran Hadith subject material Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV at MIN 8 Southwest Aceh 2018/2019 Academic Year ?. This type of research used in this study is Classroom Action Research with the nature of CAR carried out independently, which means researchers conduct CAR without collaboration with other teachers, but only involve 1 peer teacher to make observations during the teaching and learning process. Data collection methods used are documentation, observation and test methods. The study was conducted using 2 cycles with the steps of planning, implementing action, observation and reflection. To determine the effectiveness of the Drill method using descriptive analysis techniques. This study shows that learning the subject of the Qur'an in the Hadith Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar by using the Drill method can improve student learn-ing outcomes in MIN 8 Southwest Aceh. This can be seen from before the pre cycle, Cycle I and Cycle II an increase in student learning outcomes. the percentage of mastery learning from pre Cycle 41.66%, in Cycle I increased to 62.50% and in Cycle II increased to 83.33%. So there is no need to continue in the next cycle because the KKM and the percentage of completeness have been reached. These findings can be used as material for consideration or input for the school in conducting school quality improve-ment with the improvement of student achievement. For the advice I can convey is that the teacher in carrying out the learning of the Qur'anic Subjects of Hadith is expected to be able to use various learning methods that are tailored to the material being taught, so as to create a pleasant learning atmosphere that can ultimately improve student learning outcomes. Then students should have confidence so that they do not feel afraid to memorize in front of the teacher. In essence, the Drill method can improve student learning outcomes in the subject of the Qur'an Hadith material Q.S. An-Nasr and Al-Kautsar class IV MIN 8 Aceh Barat Daya 2018/2019 Academic Year.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 610
Elpis Elpis

This study aims to improve learning outcomes through the use of image media. This research is a class action research, the subject of research is the students of class VI SDN 010 Jaya Mukti. This study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle is implemented based on four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The result of the study showed that the IPS learning achievement increased in the first cycle of student learning outcomes was 80.77% and in cycle II increased up to 85.08. Student learning completeness in classical equal to 88,46% in cycle I and 100% in cycle II. Based on the results of the above research, it can be concluded that the use of image media can improve the learning outcomes of IPS students class VI SDN 010 Jaya Mukti.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Karlianor Arief

The problem is the low of student’s achievement. This study aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomes and student activities through STAD type cooperative learning model on the subject matter introduction of Microsoft Excel 2007 program subjects ICT students class XI semester. This research used Class Action Research method (PTK). This classroom action research is divided into three cycles, each cycle encompassing planning, action, observation, and reflection activities. The place of research is in Madrasah Aliyah SMIP 1946 Banjarmasin, which was held on January 13, 2016 until the date of March 10, 2017 semester Even academic year 2016/2017. The subjects of the study were the students of class XI IPS Madrasah Aliyah SMIP 1946 Banjarmasin on the subject of Communication Technology and Informasin (ICT). The result showed that learning with STAD type cooperative model can improve learning achievement and student activity on the subject matter of introduction of Microsoft Excel 2007 program of ICT Class XI semester 2. The improvement of this learning achievement can be seen in the first cycle with the percentage of complete students of 78.26%, cycle II with the percentage of students completed by 82.61%, and cycle III with the percentage of students who complete 95.65%. Student learning activity on cycle I with average amount 73,00%, cycle II with average amount 85,00% and in cycle III with average amount 92,00%.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Titik Umiyati

Abstrak:Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji proses pembelajaran matematika danmenganalisis peningkatan prestasi belajar melalui permainan mistar bilangan. Metodepenelitian yang digunakanadalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan sebanyak 2siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 2 Temengeng Kabupaten Blorapada semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Teknikanalisis yang digunakandeskriptifkomparatif, yaitu membandingkan data hasil antara prasiklus, siklus I, dan siklus II. Hasilpenelitian yang dilaksanakan 2 siklus menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran matematikadengan menggunakan permainan mistar bilangan sangat menyenangkan siswa, sehinggaaktivitas pembelajaran meningkat dari 62,5 menjadi 84,5. Hasil belajar siswa juga meningkatditandai hasil siklus I nilai rata-rata kelas 60,48 dan ketuntasan mencapai 57,10%. Siklus IInilai rata-rata kelas 75,24 dan ketuntasan 85,70%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah pembelajaranmatematika tentang penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan bulat melalui permainan mistarbilangan dapat meningkatkan aktivitas pembelajaran dan hasil belajar menunjukkan semuasiswa berminat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan memperoleh pengalaman yang menyenangkandalam permainan mistar bilangan. Abstract:The purpose of this research is to study the learningprocess ofmath and analyseincreasing of learning achievement through rulernumbers game. The method usedin thisresearch is class action which is done in2 cycles. The subject of the research are fourth gradestudents of Number 2 PublicElementary Schoolat Temengeng, Blora district in second semesterof the school year 2014/2015. The analysetechnicusedby comparingthe data from precycle,first cycle and second cycle. The results of the research that is done two cycles indicate thatmath learning process by using ruler numbers game can make the students feel pleased sothatlearning activities increase from 62.5 to 84.5. The results of student learning alsoincrease,it can be showed from the average score of the first cycle is 60.48 and the completeness scorereaches57.1%. The average score of thesecond cycle is 75.24 and the completeness scorereaches 85.7%. The conclusion of the research ismath learning about addition and deductionof integer through ruler numbers game can improve learning activity and the results of studentlearning show that all students are interested to obtain the task and get moreenjoyableexperience in using rulernumbers game.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 169
Rosniar Rosniar ◽  
Salawati Salawati

The aim of this study was to improve the learning achievement and activities of students through the implementation of the Problem Solving learning method in Mol Concept. This study was conducted by using two cycles of classroom action research. The subject of this research was 25 students of class X-2 MAN Rukoh Banda Aceh. The result of the implementation of learning Problem Solving method showed that there is improvement of student learning achievement from Cycle I to Cycle II. It could be seen from the results of research that showing about 64% of students had passed learning in Cycle I and about 88% in Cycle II. While the observation was conducted, the improvement of learning activities of students amounts 50%. Based the result of this study, it is can be concluded that the implementation of learning Problem Solving method can improve the learning achievement and activities of the student in Mol Concept.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Sasmono Sasmono

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pembelajaran menggunakan model Project Based Learning (PjBL) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran kimia dengan pokok bahasan Hakikat Ilmu Kimia, serta untuk mengetahui besar peningkatannya. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Variabel yang digunakan adalah peningkatan hasil belajar mencakup nilai kognitif dan psikomotorik. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan adalah pretes-postes, portofolio, lembar observasi, dan angket kuisioner. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaran siswa yang mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) nilai kognitif sebesar 97% dengan rata-rata nilai 82, siswa yang mencapai KKM nilai psikomotorik sebanyak 100% dengan rata-rata nilai 91. Terjadi peningkatan keberhasilan guru dalam menerapkan model pembelajaran PjBL pada siklus I sebesar 88% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 97%. Peningkatan keaktifan rata-rata siswa pada siklus I sebesar 82%, meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 93%. Ketertarikan rata-rata siswa juga mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I sebesar 84% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 92%. Hasil observasi penerapan PjBL secara keseluruhan menunjukkan nilai sangat baik yaitu 95. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan model Project Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pokok materi hakikat ilmu kimia.   Project Based Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcome in Chemistry Lessons with the Subject Matter of the Nature of Chemistry Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine whether learning using the Project Based Learning model can improve student learning outcomes in chemistry lessons with the subject matter of the nature of Chemistry, and to determine the magnitude of the increase. Classroom Action Research is carried out in 2 cycles. The variables used are improvement in learning outcomes including cognitive, and psychomotor values. The instruments used were pretest-posttest, portfolio, observation sheet, and questionnaire questionnaire. Data were analyzed qualitatively descriptive. From the results of the study obtained a picture of students who reached KKM cognitive value as much as 97% with an average value of 82, students who achieved KKM psychomotor value as much as 100% with an average value of 91. There was an increase in the success of teachers in applying the PjBL learning model in the first cycle of 88%, increasing in the second cycle by 97%. The increase in the average activity of students in the first cycle was 82%, increasing in the second cycle by 93%. The average interest of students also increases in the first cycle by 84%, increasing in the second cycle by 92%. Observation of the application of PjBL as a whole shows a very good value of 95. Based on the results of the analysis of the data shows that learning using the Project Based Learning model can improve student learning outcomes of the subject matter of the nature of chemistry.

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