2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 190-200
Ika Pratiwi Wibawanti ◽  
Endah Puspita Sari ◽  
Vequentina Puspa

Cadre is a member of the community representing its territory to serve as a mediator between Puskesmas (Community Health Center) and the community within a certain scope of area. In addition to posyandu cadres that have long been known, currently in some areas in Sleman district also has mental health cadres. One problem that occured in the mental health cadres at Cangkringan Community Health Center was communication apprehension among the mental health cadres to deliver a message from Puskesmas. This training was conducted to reduce communication apprehension on mental health cadres of Puskesmas Cangkringan. Kader merupakan anggota masyarakat yang mewakili wilayahnya untuk menjadi penghubung antara Puskesmas dan masyarakat dalam suatu cakupan kerja tertentu. Selain kader posyandu yang sudah lama dikenal, saat ini di beberapa wilayah di kabupaten Sleman juga memiliki kader kesehatan jiwa. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada kader kesehatan jiwa di Puskesmas Cangkringan adalah kecemasan saat berbicara di depan masyarakat untuk menyampaikan pesan dari Puskesmas. Pelatihan ini dilakukan untuk menurunkan kecemasan berbicara di depan umum pada kader kesehatan jiwa Puskesmas Cangkringan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, peneliti menggunakan quasi experimental one-group pre-test and post-test dengan within group analysis. Pengukuran pre-test dan post-test kelompok dilakukan menggunakan modifikasi alat ukur Back Anxiety Inventory. Hasil pengukuran menggunakan paired sample T-test menunjukan t = 5.647 dengan p = 0.000 (p ˂ 0.01). Artinya pelatihan mengatasi kecemasan berbicara di depan umum yang dilakukan pada kader kesehatan jiwa Puskesmas Cangkringan mampu menurunkan kecemasan dengan sangat signifikan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Emy Huriyati ◽  
Tri Ratnaningsih ◽  
Abdul Wahab ◽  
Arta Farmawati ◽  
Nur Imma Fatimah Harahap ◽  

ABSTRAK Fokus Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sleman untuk penanggulangan anemia dewasa ini bukan hanya pada ibu hamil saja, melainkan sudah dimulai dari remaja puteri, jauh sebelum mereka hamil. Langkah pemerintah dalam menanggulangi anemia dengan adanya suplementasi besi dikhawatirkan tidak tepat sasaran. Sejauh ini deteksi anemia oleh petugas puskesmas hanya sebatas pemeriksaan haemoglobin saja dan kejadian anemia yang terdeteksi masih bersifat general, tidak spesifik anemia defisiensi besi. Subjek dalam kegiatan ini adalah petugas puskesmas meliputi dokter, ahli gizi dan ahli teknologi laboratorium medis yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Metode yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini adalah pelatihan dengan rangkaian kegiatan yaitu penyuluhan dengan pre-test dan post-test, tutorial kasus, dan praktikum. Analisis data hasil kegiatan menggunakan uji paired t-test antara nilai pre-test dan post-test. Uji statistik dikatakan signifikan bila p-value kurang dari 0,05. Total peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan adalah 71 orang dari target awal 75 orang (persentase kedatangan= 94,67%). Pelatihan terkait anemia defisiensi besi untuk petugas puskesmas dapat meningkatkan tingkat pemahaman sebesar 32,82 poin (p<0,0001), yang merupakan delta kenaikan nilai pre-test dan post-test. Pemilihan metode untuk kegiatan pelatihan dirasa sudah tepat dengan pertimbangan hasil evaluasi kegiatan menunjukkan sebagian besar peserta kegiatan menilai metode pelatihan efektif atau sangat efektif (74,7%). Program pelatihan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman petugas puskesmas di Kabupaten Sleman terkait anemia defisiensi besi.KATA KUNCI pelatihan; puskesmas; pengetahuan; anemia defisiensi besi ABSTRACT The focus of the Sleman District Health Office in the prevention of anemia is not only on pregnant women anymore as it currently involves young women, long before they become pregnant. The government's step in overcoming anemia with iron supplementation is argued to fail to hit the target. So far the detection of anemia by health center officials is only limited to hemoglobin examination, indicating that the detection of anemia is still general and not specific to iron deficiency anemia. The subjects of this study were community health center staffs including doctors, nutritionists and medical laboratory technology experts who were picked by purposive sampling. The methods used were training with a series of activities: education with pre-test and post-test, case tutorials, and practicum. Paired t-test was performed to compare the difference of value between pre-test and post-test. P-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The total participants who took part in the activity were 71 people from the initial target of 75 people (percentage of arrivals = 94.67%). Training related to iron deficiency anemia for health center officers can increase the level of understanding by 32.82 points (p <0,0001). The methods chosen for training activities were considered appropriate with around three-quarters (74,7%) of the participants rated the training method effective or very effective. The training program can improve the understanding of health center staff in Sleman Regency regarding iron deficiency anemia.KEYWORDS training; community health center; knowledge; iron deficiency anemia 

2021 ◽  
pp. 594-612
Hadi Abdillah ◽  
Burhanuddin Basri

Ineffective nursing care at the community health center can, in part, be attributed to the lack of a proper supervision model. Supervision is a management function at the control stage which is carried out to direct nurses to work effectively and efficiently and reduce potential work problems. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test, together with a control group design. The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of supervision of the clinical model and supervision of academic models on the nursing service at the community health center in Sukabumi Regency. The sample was comprised of 40 people, and data analysis was performed using the General Linear Model Repeating Measure (GLM-RM). The results indicate that there was an increase in the value of nursing care following the intervention. The author saw that in the control group, although no intervention was carried out, they knew that they were being supervised by their supervisor, so that there was an increase in the value of nursing care, but the value was not as significant as that in the intervention group. Therefore, the study concludes that the academic method of supervision training is very effective in improving nursing care.   Keywords: Supervision of Clinical Models, Academic Models, Nursing Care

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-53 ◽  
Riwayani Riwayani ◽  
Riki Perdana ◽  
Ratna Sari ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi ◽  
Heru Kuswanto

Terdapat banyak model pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk menganalisis kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa. Namun, belum banyak model yang diintegrasikan dengan pembelajaran berbasis simulasi online untuk meningkatkan kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa. Padahal, saat ini ada banyak website simulasi online yang diterbitkan oleh lembaga pendidikan atau universitas di tingkat internasional dan jarang digunakan dalam penelitian. Penelitian ini mengintegrasikan model pembelajaran inovatif dengan pembelajaran berbasis online simulation untuk meningkatkan kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa. Website simulasi yang digunakan adalah Edu-media simulation. Dalam website ini ada banyak simulasi fisika yang disediakan, tetapi belum banyak penelitian yang menerapkan simulasi ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan kuasi eksperimen yang terdiri dari satu kelas eksperimen dengan sampel 25 siswa kelas XI MIA 3 di SMA N 1 Prambanan Yogyakarta. Argumentasi ilmiah siswa diukur melalui instrumen tes uraian. Data argumentasi ilmiah siswa dianalisis menggunakan paired sample t-test  dan pola argumentasi Toulmin (TAP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PBL berbantuan edu-media simulation dapat meningkatkan kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif. Ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai t value -11.051 < -1.711 bahwa terdapat perbedaan nilai rata-rata argumentasi pada pre-test (17) dan post-test (47). Dalam hal ini, siswa sudah mampu membuat klaim yang tegas dengan menyajikan bukti dan alasan yang mendukung klaim. Analyzing students’ scientific argumentation skill in optic: Problem-based learning assisted edu-media simulation AbstractThere are many learning models applied to analyze the ability of students' scientific argumentation. However, not many models have been integrated with online simulation-based learning to improve students' scientific argumentation skills. In fact, there are currently many online simulation websites published by educational institutions or international universities and rarely used in research. This research integrates innovative learning models with online simulation-based learning to improve students' scientific argumentation skills. The simulation website used is Edu-media simulation. In this website there are many physics simulations provided, but not many studies have applied this simulation. This research was conducted with a quasi-experimental consisting of one experimental class with a sample of 25 XI MIA 3 graders in Prambanan High School 1 Yogyakarta. Students' scientific arguments are measured through a description test instrument. Students' scientific argumentation data were analyzed using paired sample t-test and Toulmin argumentation patterns (TAP). The results showed that PBL assisted by edu-media simulation can improve students' scientific argumentation ability both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is indicated by the value of t value -11.051 <-1.711 that there are differences in the average value of argumentation in the pre-test (17) and post-test (47). In this case, students have been able to make assertive claims by presenting evidence and reasons that support the claim.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Salma Salma ◽  
Haniarti Haniarti ◽  
Nurhaeda Nurhaeda

Nutritional problems in Indonesia are getting more complex as the epidemiology transition occurs.  According to reports of posyandu weighing activities at Kabere Puskesmas in 2020 there were 28 malnourished toddlers. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in body weight of malnourished toddlers by providing high nutritional food made from tempeh and cauliflower in the working area of Kabere Public Health Center, Enrekang Regency. This type of research is a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The population is malnutrition under five in the working area of Puskesmas Kabere, The samples of this research were children under five who were malnourished, 14 under five who were given treatment and 14 children who were not given treatment for under-nutrition who were in the working area of the Kabere Community Health Center by calculating zcore, Data analysis was performed using the independent sample t-test with the help of the SPSS version 20 program. The location of this research was conducted in the working area of the Kabere Community Health Center. The research was conducted in July-August 2020.The results showed that the provision of high nutritional food made from tempeh and cauliflower could significantly increase body weight in malnourished children under five. So it is recommended that parents of toddlers provide adequate nutritional intake for under-nutrition children so that their nutritional status can continue to improve.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 196
Ellysa Verdyana ◽  
Antonius Johanes Tjahjoanggoro

Hasil analisis kebutuhan pada komunitas kepemudan X menunjukkan kurangnya self dan social awareness, solidaritas dan tenggang rasa, serta manajemen konflik yang belum efektif sehingga berdampak negatif pada kesolidan unit komunitas. Penelitian ini menguji efektivitas pelatihan yang disusun berdasarkan aspek emotional intelligence (Goleman, 2001). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasi-experimental one group pre-test post-test design. Kohesivitas diukur menggunakan Group Environment Questionnaire (Carron et al., 1985). Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 14 peserta. Evaluasi dilakukan pada level reaction, learning, dan behavior. Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan paired sample t-test (t = -7.311, p < 0.05). Analisis effect size Cohen’s D menghasilkan nilai d = 1.033 (large effect size). Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan emotional intelligence terbukti efektif secara signifikan meningkatkan kohesivitas pada komunitas kepemudaan X.

Ulfa Farrah Lisa ◽  
Mutia Putri

Abstrak Demontrasi perawatan payudara akan  membuat keterampilan ibu hamil semakin meningkat dan demonstrasi akan berpengaruhterhadap keterampilan perawatan payudara pada ibu hamil. Perawatan payudara bertujuan untuk melancarkan sirkulasi darah dan mencegah tersumbatnya aliran susu sehingga mempelancar pengeluaran ASI. Target pemberian ASI ekslusif adalah sebesar 80% sedangkan pencapaian di Kota Banda Aceh masih rendah yaitu  55,17%. Dari survei data awal yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Jeulingke Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh didapatkan bahwa jumlah ibu hamil sebanyak 31 orang dari lima desa dan mayoritas tidak bisa melakukan perawatan payudara. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh demonstrasi terhadap keterampilan perawatan payudara pada ibu hamil trimester ketiga diwilayah kerja Puskesmas Jeulingke Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan pre-test post-test desain. Dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jeulingke Kecamatan Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh, pada tanggal 25 Juni sampai dengan 2 Juli 2018. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian inisebanyak 31 orang dengan teknik total sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembaran observasi dan uji statistic menggunakan uji wilcoxon dengan taraf signifikasi α=0,05 (C1=95%). Hasil analisis menunjukkan dari 31 responden sebelum diberikan demonstrasi(pre-test) keterampilan responden mayoritas perlu perbaikan sebanyak 28 orang (90,3%) dan responden yang mampu sebanyak 3 orang (9,7%), sedangkan setelah diberikan demonstrasi (post-test) keterampilan responden mayoritas mampu sebanyak 16 orang (51,6%), mahir sebanyak 9 orang (29,1%) dan perlu perbaikan sebanyak 6 orang (19,3 %). Setelah dilakukan uji statistik, didapat nilai p-value 0,000. Kata Kunci      : Demonstrasi, Perawatan Payudara, Keterampilan Abstract Demonstration of breast care will make the skills of pregnant women is increasing and the demonstration will affect the skill of breast care in pregnant women. Breast care aims to improve blood circulation and prevent blockage of milk flow so that it smoothes out breast milk. The target of  the exclusive breastfeeding is 80% while the achievement in Banda Aceh is still low (55.17%).From the initial survey data conducted at the Community Health Center of Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh, and the number of pregnant women is 31 people from five villages and the majority cannot breast care. This article aims to  know the effect of demonstration on breast care skill in third trimester pregnant woman in work area at Community Health Center (Puskesmas) of Jeulingke, Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh. This research has aQuasi Experiment with pre-test post-test design. This research was Conducted in the work area at Puskesmas Jeulingke, District Syiah Kuala Banda Aceh, from 25 June to 2 July 2018. The samples in this research there were 31 people with total sampling technique. And the Data collection is used observation sheet and statistic by wilcoxon testwith a significance level α=0,05 (C1=95%). The results of the analysis show from 31 respondents before being given a demonstration (pre-test) the majority of respondents' skills were categorized as needing improvement as many as 28 people (90.3%) and respondents who were in the category of capable were 3 people (9.7%), while after being given a demonstration ( post-test) the skills of the majority of respondents are in the category of capable as many as 16 people (51.6%), proficient categories as many as 9 people (29.1%) and categories need improvement as much as 6 people (19.3%). After a statistical test, the p-value is 0,000.  Keywords: Demonstration, Breast Care, Skills.

Maria Dewati ◽  
Yoga Budi Bhakti ◽  
Irnin Agustina Dwi Astuti

<p class="AbstractEnglish"><strong>Abstract: </strong>STEM-based learning can help students to use technology and compile an experiment that can prove a postulate or concept. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Smartphone Microscopes as STEM-based physics learning media to improve understanding of optical concepts. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method with a Post-Test Only Control Group Design research design, which involved 84 Physic Education students as research samples. Determination of the sample using a cluster Random sampling technique. The research instrument used was an observation sheet and an optical concept understanding test sheet. The data analysis technique used is .the Paired Sample T-test. The results showed that 1) smartphone microscope is one of the most effective learning media in STEM learning, and 2) The understanding of student intelligence concepts increases through STEM learning.</p><p class="AbstrakIndonesia"><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Pembelajaran berbasis STEM dapat membantu peserta didik untuk menggunakan teknologi dan merangkai sebuah percobaan yang dapat membuktikan sebuah hukum atau konsep sains. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peranan <em>Microscope Smartphone</em> sebagai media pembelajaran Fisika dalam implementasi pembelajaran berbasis STEM untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep optik.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi-eksperimen dengan desain penelitian <em>The Pretest </em><em>Post</em><em>t</em><em>est Only Control Group Design</em>, yang melibatkan 84 mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika sebagai sampel penelitian. Penentuan sampel menggunakan teknik <em>cluster </em><em>rundom </em><em>sampling</em>. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi dan lembar tes pemahaman konsep optik. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan <em>Paired Sample T-test</em>. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) <em>microscope smartphone</em> merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang cukup efektif dalam pembelajaran STEM, dan 2) Pemahaman konsep optik mahasiswa meningkatkan melalui pembelajaran STEM</p>

Sugeng Iwan Setyobudi ◽  
I Nengah Tanu Komalyna ◽  

ABSTRACT Background: In East Java, the prevalence of 36% of toddlers did not finish standard supplementary feeding biscuits. Some contributed factors were disfavor of children (66.6%), forgotten to feed (3.9%), incompatible (0.5%), eaten by another family member (23.4%), and others (5.6%). This study aimed to determine the difference in acceptability and level of preference between modified and standard supplementary feeding in undernourished toddlers at Janti Community Health Center, Malang, East Java. Subjects and Method: A quasi-experimental study with one group pretest-posttest design was conducted at Janti Community Health Center, Malang, East Java, in July 2019. A sample of 16 under-five malnourished children aged 12-59 months was selected by purposive sampling. The dependent variables were acceptability and the level of preference of under-five malnourished children. The level of preference was categorized into taste, texture, color, and aroma. The independent variables were standard (biscuit) and modified (chocolate ball and chocolate pudding) supplementary feedings. The data were collected by questionnaires. The data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis. Results: The highest level of acceptance obtained in chocolate ball, followed by chocolate pudding and standard biscuit, and it was not statistically significant (p= 0.112). The highest preference for taste was chocolate ball, followed by standard biscuit and chocolate pudding, and it was statistically significant (p= 0.022). The highest preference for texture was chocolate ball, followed by chocolate pudding and standard biscuit, and it was statistically significant (p= 0.025). The highest preference for color was chocolate ball, followed by chocolate pudding and standard biscuit, and it was statistically significant (p= 0.022). The highest preference for aroma was standard biscuit, followed by chocolate pudding and chocolate ball, and it was not statistically significant (p= 0.190). Conclusion: There are no significant differences in the level of acceptance between standard (biscuits) and modified (chocolate ball and pudding) supplementary feedings among undernourished toddlers. The highest preference for taste and texture is in chocolate ball feeding. The highest preference for color is in standard biscuit feeding. Keywords: standard, modified, supplementary feeding, acceptance, preference level Correspondence: Sugeng Iwan S. Nutritional Study Program, School of Health and Sciences, Malang. Jl. Besar Ijen No.77C, Oro-oro Dowo, Klojen, Malang, East Java, 65119. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6281330200826. DOI:

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