Association Between Body Mass Index & Asthma Control Among Adult Asthmatics Population in South India: Cross Sectional Observational Study

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 38-39
Rashmi C ◽  
Don Gregory Mascarenhas ◽  
Venkatesh BM

Introduction: Airway hyper-responsiveness due to biochemical effects of adipose tissue related cytokines and adipokines, and mechanical changes in lung function due to obesity play an important role in outcome of asthma in obesity. In this study we correlate the severity of asthma and body mass index. Methods: Cross-sectional- observational study including 78 patients with bronchial asthma confirmed by history, physical findings and pulmonary function test attending Father Muller Medical College Hospital during November 2018- December 2019. Results Among 78 patients 27 (34.7%) had normal Body Mass Index (BMI), 35 (44.4%) were overweight and 16 (20.8%) were obese. Out of 35 overweight patients 15(46.8%) had uncontrolled asthma and 17(53%) had partly controlled asthma. Out of 16 obese patients 13(86.6%) had uncontrolled asthma and 2(13.3%) had partly controlled asthma. There was a significant correlation between BMI and asthma control with p – value <0.05. Conclusion: Partly controlled and uncontrolled asthma were partly associated with overweight and obesity. There is a need for further studies to demonstrate the effect of weight reduction in asthma control

2019 ◽  
pp. 127-136
Venti Agustina

Hipertensiadalah penyebab kematian utama di Indonesia. Kematian akibat hipertensi lebih banyak terjadi di perkotaan dibandingkan di desa. Tingginya kejadian hipertensi dipengaruhi oleh faktor yang dapat dikontrol (obesitas,berat badan lebih, konsumsi garam berlebih,aktivitas fisik rendah, perokok, dan konsumsi alkohol) dan faktor yang tidak dapat dikontrol (genetik, usia, dan jenis kelamin). Penelitian bertujuan memberikan gambarandistribusi tekanan darah dan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) pendudukperempuan di kota maupun di desa.Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif kuatitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Data primer didapatkan melalui pengukuran tekanan darah, tinggi badan dan berat badan. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Kutowinangun Kidul, Kecamatan Tingkir,Salatiga yang mewakili penduduk perempuan di perkotaan dan Desa Batur, Kecamatan Getasan, Kabupaten Semarangyang mewakili penduduk perempuan pedesaan. Adapun jumlah sampel masing-masing 66 respondendan 72responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kejadian penyakit hipertensi, resiko obese dan obese lebih didominasi oleh respondendi perkotaan dibandingkan di pedesaan dengan rentang usia di atas 46 tahun. Respondendi desa dengan indeks massa tubuh normal cenderung mengalami pre-hipertensi (8,3%) dan hipertensi stadium I (6,9%) sementararesponden dengan resiko obese dan obese cenderung mengalami hipertensi stadium I (1,4%).Respondendi kota dengan indeks massa tubuh normal cenderung mengalami pre hipertensi (6,06%), hipertensi stadium I (4,5%) dan II (7,5%). Responden dengan resiko obese cenderung mengalami hipertensi stadium I (4,5%), dan responden dengan obese I dan II cenderung mengalami pre-hipertensi (4,5%).   Hypertension is the leading cause of death in Indonesia. Deaths due to hypertension are more common in urban areas than in villages. The high incidence of hypertension is influenced by factors that can be controlled (obesity, overweight, excessive salt consumption, low physical activity, smokers, and alcohol consumption) and factors that cannot be controlled (genetic, age, and sex). The study aimed to provide an overview of blood pressure distribution and body mass index (BMI) of female residents in cities and villages. The study design was descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach. Primary data was obtained through measurements of blood pressure, height and weight. The study was conducted in Kutowinangun Kidul Village, Tingkir Subdistrict, Salatiga representing women in urban areas and Batur Village, Getasan Subdistrict, Semarang Regency, representing rural women. The number of samples was 66 respondents and 72 respondents respectively. The results showed that the incidence of hypertension, the risk of obese and obese was more dominated by respondents in urban areas than in rural areas with ages above 46 years. Respondents in villages with normal body mass index tended to experience pre-hypertension (8.3%) and stage I hypertension (6.9%) while respondents with obese and obese risk tended to experience stage I hypertension (1.4%). Respondents in cities with normal body mass index tended to experience pre-hypertension (6.06%), stage I hypertension (4.5%) and II (7.5%). Respondents with obese risk tended to experience stage I hypertension (4.5%), and respondents with obese I and II tended to experience pre-hypertension (4.5%).

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