scholarly journals Kesalahan Sintaksis pada Esai Siswa (Grammatical Errors in Students Essays)

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Eti Mubarokah

Pemilihan teks dalam pembelajaran tingkat sekolah menengah atas sering kali dimulai dengan menggunakan teks-teks yang struktur penulisannya mudah. Salah satu pembelajaran teks yang melatih keterampilan menulis siswa dengan kaidah yang mudah adalah esai. Esai merupakan karangan yang membahas suatu topik secara sepintas. Penelitian ini menganalisis kesalahan berbahasa pada tataran sintaksis yang terdapat dalam esai karya siswa SMKIT Smart Informatika Surakarta tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Masalah yang ditelaah dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis-jenis kesalahan dan bagaimana kesalahan tersebut terjadi. Data berupa kesalahan gramatikal pada esai yang ditulis oleh siswa SMKIT. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis untuk menentukan jenis kesalahan dan bagaimana kesalahan itu terjadi. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa kesalahan sintaksis pada esai karya siswa SMKIT Smart Informatika Surakarta tahun ajaran 2018/2019 dibagi menjadi tiga, yaitu frasa, klausa, dan kalimat. Beberapa faktor penyebab terjadinya kesalahan juga disajikan. The selection of texts in learning at the high school level often starts using texts with easy writing structures. One of the learning texts that practices writing skills of students with easy rules is essay. Essay is a paper that simply discusses a topic. This study analyzed grammatical errors in essay made by the students of SMKIT Smart Informatika Surakarta in 2018/2019. On that account, this article discusses types of and how such grammatical errors happen in the essays. Data in the forms of grammatical errors were collected from the texts. The results show that there are three levels of errors, i.e. phrases, clauses, and sentences. Factors for the errors to happen are also discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-144
Agus Sadid

Writing is one of the four skills studied in the Indonesian language lesson. Unfortunately, many students find that it is difficult to make a short story. Writing needs the media to pull out ideas when the students write the short stories. This study aims to investigate the usage of the newspaper clipping media to improve the students’ short story writing skills. The research method employed was a quantitative approach with a quasi-experiment design and the new version of SPSS data analysis. The research was conducted from April to May 2017 at SKB Sumbawa regency. The findings showed that (1) by using the newspaper clipping media, there was a significant improvement of the package C (equal to Senior High School Level) students’ short story writing skills in SKB Sumbawa regency, (2) there was an increase of the post-test result to 80% (Good), (3) the result of t-test was 13.253>1ttable=2.021 which meant that there was a significant correlation of using the newspaper clipping media (x1) to the short story writing skill (x2). Based on the research the result, it is suggested that (1) it is important to use the newspaper clipping media in the writing lesson, (2) a joyful learning should use a media and (3) the usage of the newspaper clipping media is strongly recommended to improve the package C (equal to Senior High School Level) students’ short story writing skill.   References Arsyad, A. (2003). Media pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT. Rajawali Pers.  Arikunto, S. (2010). Prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Aminuddin. (2014). Pengantar apresiasi karya sastra. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algensindo.  Dalman, H. (2012). Keterampilan menulis. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Daryanto. (2013). Media pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Gava Media. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (2014). Buku siswa bahasa Indonesia ekspresi diri dan akademik (edisi revisi 2014). Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum dan Pembukuan, Balitbang Kemdikbud. Poerwadarminta, W.J.S. (1986). ABC karang mengarang. Yogyakarta: U.P.Indonesia. Rani, A., Arifin, B., & Martunik. (2013). Analisis wacana: Tinjauan deskriptif. Malang: Surya Pena Gemilang. Syafi’ie, I. (1990). Pragmatik dalam pengajaran bahasa Indonesia dalam antilan purba (ed. Kepragmatikan). Medan: IKIP Medan. Tarigan, H.G. (2008). Menulis sebagai suatu keterampilan berbahasa. Bandung: Penerbit Angkasa. Wahidah. (2015). Efektivitas penggunaan model picture and picture dalam keterampilan menulis cerpen siswa kelas X SMA Islam Diponegoro Wagir tahun ajaran 2014/2015. Skripsi. Malang: Universitas Islam Malang.  Wahyuni, S., & Ibrahim, A.S. (2012). Asesmen pembelajaran bahasa. Malang: PT.Refika Adiatma.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Alfira Veronica Mangana ◽  
Eri Kurniawan

Based on 2013 Curriculum, Personal Letter can be considered as one of the challenging text types that should be mastered by the students. This might be the reason why the text is taught in Senior High School Level. Therefore, it is crucial for the teachers to expand their knowledge regarding this type of genre to overcome students� problems faced during writing personal letter. This study is aimed to analyse student�s Personal Letter text based on three metafunctions in SFL perspective. It is expected that by identifying students� problems, teachers can decide and design appropriate pedagogical plan. The data of this descriptive qualitative study were analysed by using three metafunctions in Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The result of the study reveals that the student�s major problems in producing Personal Letter text are the use of subject and verb tense (interpersonal metafunctions), the generic structure of the text, the use of conjunctions, the grammatical errors, and L1 interference.Keywords: personal letter; systemic functional linguistics; metafunction; discovery learning strategy.

Titin Komalasari ◽  
Anggraeni Anggraeni ◽  
Astrid Antheosiaaretes Apodekta

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dari kesesuaian bahan ajar bahasa Mandarin tingkat SMA Kota semarang dengan kurikulum 2013. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dengan menganalisis kesesuaian dari 5 bahan ajar dari 5 SMA di kota Semarang. Pada 2 bahan ajar terdapat beberapa kesesuaian dengan KD Kurikulum 2013 tahun 2016 kelas XII (kekuatan). Pada 3 bahan ajar yang lain ditemukan tidak sesuai sama sekali dengan KD Kurikulum 2013 tahun 2016 kelas XII (kelemahan). Menyusun bahan ajar sendiri dengan panduan kurikulum 2013 bisa mencapai tujuan pembelajaran pada kurikulum 2013 (peluang). Pemilihan bahan ajar yang tidak didasarkan dari kurikulum 2013 bisa menyebabkan tidak tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran dari kurikulum 2013 (ancaman).This study aims to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the suitability of Mandarin teaching materials at the Semarang City Senior High School level with the 2013 curriculum. The research method used is a research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study were to analyze the suitability of 5 teaching materials from 5 high schools in the city of Semarang. In 2 teaching materials, there are several conformities with the XII class of class XII KD Curriculum 2013 (strength). The 3 other teaching materials were found to be not in accordance with the 2013 KD Curriculum 2016 for class XII (weakness). Developing your own teaching materials with the 2013 curriculum guide can achieve the learning objectives in the 2013 curriculum (opportunities). Selection of teaching materials that are not based on the 2013 curriculum can lead to not achieving the learning objectives of the 2013 curriculum (threat).

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 210
Laxmi Mustika Cakrawati

 AbstractRecount can be considered as one of the easiest types of text that can be written by students. This might be the reason why the text is learned in both junior and senior high school level. However, there are still a lot of students who cannot produce the text well. This study was aimed to analyze student’s recount text based on three metafunctions in SFL perspective. It is expected that by identifying students’ problems, teachers can decide and design appropriate pedagogical plan. The result of the study reveals that the student’s major problems in producing recount text are the use of subject and verb tense (interpersonal metafunctions), the generic structure of the text, the use of conjunctions, the grammatical errors, and L1 interference. Therefore, considering the problems found in the student’s recount text, POWER strategy is proposed as one of strategies can be applied by teachers in teaching writing, particularly teaching recount text. Keywords: recount text, systemic functional linguistics, metafunction, POWER strategy 

ياسر بن إسماعيل (Yasir Bin Ismail) ◽  
راضية بنت صالح (Radiah Binti Saleh)

ملخص البحث:لمادة الأدب في المرحلة الثانوية أهمية كبيرة في رفع مستوى الطلبة اللغوي وفي غرس حبِّهم لتذوق الجمال الأدبي. وتعدّ مادة الأدب العربي في مدارس المرحلة الثانوية الدينية بماليزيا من المواد الإجبارية في الشهادة الثانوية الدينية العالية الماليزية، لكن الملاحظ أن النصوص الأدبية التي يدرسها الطلبة في تلك المادة لم يكن اختيارها مبنيّاً على أُسس علمية واضحة، فكان من نتائج ذلك أن أولئك الطلبة استشعروا صعوبة فهْم تلك النصوص وعسْر تعلّمها، ولعل هذا يعدّ من أسباب تدنّي مستوى طلبة المرحلة الثانوية في اللغة العربية، لأن تلك النصوص لا تشجّعهم على الاستمرار في قراءتها، لأنها ليست سلسة بل بعضها غامضة وصعبة الفهم، لذا يهدف هذا البحث إلى إبراز جوانب القصور في اختيار تلك النصوص من ناحية الشكل والمحتوى، أما الشكل فسيُكتشف فيه جانب اختيار المفردات والتراكيب وحجم النص، بينما المحتوى سيُبرز فيه الجانب الثقافي والنفسي والتربوي لمضامين تلك النصوص. وسيقترح البحث بعض النماذج المختارة من النصوص الأدبية العربية التي تتناسب مع مستوى طلبة هذه المرحلة، وفي نهاية البحث ستُستخلص نتائج ومقترحات تفيد المهتميّن والمختصِّين في وضع الكتاب المدرسي عند اختيار النصوص المناسبة لمادة الأدب العربي.الكلمات المفتاحية: مادة الأدب العربي- الشهادة الثانوية الدينية العالية الماليزية (STAM)- النصوص الأدبية العربية- معايير اختيار النص الأدبي- تقويم النص الأدبي.Abstract:The subject of literature is significant on the secondary level to raise the language competency level of students and to cultivate their interest in literary sensibility. The literary subject in the syllabus of Malaysian high school religious certificate is compulsory. Unfortunately, there are no clear tenets for the selection of the literary texts in the subject. Consequently, the perception among students is that the texts are beyond comprehension and learning. It is possible to claim that this might be one of the explanations to the decline in the competency in Arabic among those students.  The students do not feel encouraged to read continuously the texts since they are difficult, ambiguous and complicated. This paper attempts to point out the shortcomings in the selection of the structure and content of those texts. Structurally, the study focuses on the selection aspect of the words, phrases and size of the text. As for the content, the aspects of culture, psychology and education of the texts are the focus of discussion. The paper will recommend a number of alternative Arabic texts that would suit the level of those students. Finally, the paper concludes a number of recommendations for the parties involved in textbook syllabus to take into consideration to select properly texts for this purpose.Keyword: Arabic literature subject– Malaysian High School Religious Examination– Arabic Literary Texts– Standards of selecting Arabic Literary Texts– Assessment of literary text.Abstrak:Mata pelajaran sastera pada peringkat sekolah menengah merupakan subjek penting untuk meningkatkan tahap kecekapan pelajar-pelajar dalam menggunakan bahasa dan memupuk minat mereka terhadap bidang kesusasteraan. Begitu juga dengan mata pelajaran sastera Arab yang diajar di sekolah-sekolah menengah agama di Malaysia, malah ia merupakan subjek wajib bagi peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM). Walau bagaimanapun, pemilihan teks-teks sastera yang diajarkan kepada para pelajar dalam subjek ini tidak mengikut asas yang jelas. Akibatnya, para pelajar berasa sukar untuk memahami dan mempelajari teks-teks tersebut. Keadaan ini mungkin menjadi salah satu sebab penurunan tahap pencapaian pelajar-pelajar sekolah menengah dalam bahasa Arab. Hal ini kerana teks-teks sastera yang digunakan rumit dan sukar difahami, bahkan tidak menggalakkan para pelajar untuk meneruskan bacaan. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini berusaha untuk memaparkan kekurangan dan kelemahan terhadap pemilihan teks-teks sastera yang digunakan sama ada dari segi isi kandungan atau pun binaannya. Dari sudut binaan, perbincangan akan difokuskan kepada aspek pemilihan perkataan, frasa dan saiz teks, manakala dari segi isi kandungan perbincangan akan difokuskan kepada aspek kebudayaan, psikologi dan pendidikan yang terdapat dalam teks-teks tersebut. Kajian turut mencadangkan beberapa contoh teks-teks sastera Arab lain yang sesuai dengan tahap para pelajar. Dapatan kajian dan saranan pemilihan teks-teks sastera yang bertepatan dengan mata pelajaran sastera Arab akan dibentangkan pada akhir kajian. Perkara ini penting bagi pihak yang terlibat dengan pembikinan buku teks untuk mengambil tindakan sewajarnya. Kata kunci: Mata pelajaran sastera Arab- Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM)- Teks-teks sastera Arab- Piawaian pemilihan teks sastera- Penilaian teks sastera. 

Beny Septian Panjaitan And Rahmad Husein

This study aimed at analyzing the cognitive dimension based on Revised BloomTaxonomy in reading questions in Look Ahead an English Course for Senior HighSchool Level 1, 2, & 3. This study used quantitative research design. The sampleswere 141 reading questions which taken by using random sampling technique byusing Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.0. in Look Aheadan English Course for Senior High School Level 1, 2, & 3. The data were analyzedby using Table analysis of cognitive dimension of Revised Bloom Taxonomy. Theanalysis showed that the most dominant cognitive dimension of Revised BloomTaxonomy in remembering dimension (57.45%). The second dominant cognitivedimension is understanding dimension (26.24%). The third dominant cognitivedimension is evaluating dimension (10.64%). The fourth dominant cognitivedimension is creating dimension (3.55%). The fifth dominant cognitive dimension isanalyzing dimension (2.13%). There was no cognitive dimension of applyingdimension that applied in reading question of the textbooks.

Hardianti Abubakar ◽  
Yolanda MTN Apituley ◽  
Lilian M. Soukotta

As a form of diversified processed fish meat, tuna meatball is very popular to people in Ambon. This type of food is sold by traders from Java by walking or cycling. Difficulties living in the origin area require traders to leave their families and go out looking for jobs in other areas with hopes that the family needs are met. The purpose of this research is to analyze (1). Characteristics of mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, (2). The amount of income received by mobile tuna meatball traders in Ambon, and (3). Percentage income utilized by the mobile tuna meatball traders either in family or personal needs. The study was conducted by survey and data obtained through interviews and observations from May to October 2018. The results show that the average age of meatball traders was between <25-65 yo, having education in junior and senior high school level, with the highest number of dependants 1-2 people and <5 years trading experience. The average income of tuna fish meatball traders is Rp. 4,747,231, - which is used for personal and family needs. Seven  traders use more than 50% for family needs and the rest for personal needs, while six traders utilize more than 60 % for personal needs and the rest for family needs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (04) ◽  
pp. 330-340
Wayan Suryasa ◽  
Jose Reynaldo Zambrano Mendoza ◽  
Telmo Mendoza Mera ◽  
Maria Elena Moya Martinez ◽  
Maria Rodriguez Gamez

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