Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi, Motivasi Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 322-330

Abstrak: Penelitian dilakukan bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh budaya organisasi motivasi kerja, kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Metode penelitian dengan pendekatan survei, populasi dan sampel karyawan jumah sampel sebanyak 83 responden dengan tehnik pengambian sampel simpel random sampling dengan rumus slovin. Analisis data regresi liner berganda dengan software SPSS versi. 20. Hasil penelitian H1: diterima pengaruh budaya organisai sig. 0.022 < 0.05 dan thitung > ttabel (2.342 > 1.990). H2: diterima pengaruh motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan sig. 0.000 < 0.05 dan thitung > ttabel (3.792 > 1.990). H3: ditolak pengaruh kepuasan Kerja terhadap kineja karyawan sig. 0.278 > 0.05 dan thitung < ttabel (1.093 < 1.990). H4: diterima pengaruh komitmen organisasi terhadap kineja karyawan sig. 0.045 < 0.05 dan thitung > ttabel (2.093 > 1.990). H5: diterima secara simultan pengaruh X1, X2, X3 dan X4 terhadap kinerja karyawan sig. 0.000 < 0.05 dan fhitung > ftabel (40.154 > 2.49). Abstract: The study was conducted aimed at analyzing the influence of organizational culture on work motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee performance. The research method is by survey approach, population and sample number of sample employees are 83 respondents with simple random sampling sampling method with slovin formula. Analysis of multiple linear regression data with SPSS software version. 20. H1 research results: accepted influence of organizational culture sig. 0.022 < 0.05 and tcount > t table (2,342 > 1,990). H2: accepted the influence of work motivation on employee performance sig. 0,000 < 0.05 and tcount > ttable (3,792 > 1,990). H3: rejected the effect of Job satisfaction on employee performance sig. 0.278 > 0.05 and t < t table (1.093 < 1.990). H4: the effect of organizational commitment is accepted on employee performance sig. 0.045 < 0.05 and tcount > t table (2.093 > 1.990). H5: Simultaneously accepted the influence of X1, X2, X3 and X4 on employee performance sig. 0,000 < 0.05 and fcount > ftabel (40154 > 2.49).

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-40
Ardinal Djalil

ABSTRACT: The era of globalization has hit various aspects of human life. In the economic field, this has a significant impact on industries in Indonesia, both in the trading, manufacturing, and service industries. Employee performance is a matter of great concern to the company so, the management of employee knowledge influences that employee performance improvement through knowledge management, development of organizational culture, and increased organizational commitment from employees. This study aims to determine how respondents respond to knowledge management, organizational culture, organizational commitment to employee performance, and to see how much influence knowledge management, corporate culture, organizational commitment on employee performance, partially or simultaneously. The method used in this research is quantitative. Data collection was carried out through a literature study and distributing questionnaires to 86 respondents. Sampling with Proportional Simple Random Sampling. Data analysis using multiple linear analyses. The results showed that: Respondents 'responses to knowledge management, organizational culture, and employee performance were in a good category, and respondents' responses to organizational commitment were in the sufficient category. Regression equation Y = 21,678 + 0,374X1 + (-0,045X2) + 0,169X3 + e, shows knowledge management, organizational culture, organizational commitment has a positive effect on employee performance. Correlation results (R) of 0.467, indicating that there is a moderate relationship between knowledge management, organizational culture, organizational commitment to employee performance. The results of the coefficient of determination (R2), indicate that the magnitude of the influence of knowledge management, organizational culture, organizational commitment to employee performance by 21.8%, the remaining 78.2% by variables not examined in this research model.  ABSTRACT: Era globalisasi telah melanda berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia. Dalam bidang perekonomian hal ini membawa dampak yang cukup besar bagi industri- industri di Indonesia baik itu industri perdagangan, manufaktur maupun jasa kinerja karyawan menjadi hal yang sangat di perhatikan oleh perusahaan, sehingga peningkatan kinerja karyawan dipengaruhi oleh pengelolaan pengetahuan karyawan melalui knowledge management, perbaikan budaya organisasi, dan peningkatan komitmen organisasi dari karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana tanggapan  responden mengenai knowledge management, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi dengan kinerja karyawan, serta untuk melihat seberapa besar pengaruh knowledge management, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan, secara parsial maupun simultan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi pustaka dan penyebaran kuesioner kepada 86 responden. Pengambilan sample dengan Proportional Simple Random Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Tanggapan responden terhadap knowledge management, budaya organisasi, dan kinerja karyawan berada dalam kategori baik, serta tanggapan responden terhadap komitmen organisasi berada dalam kategori cukup. Persamaan regresi Y = 21,678 + 0,374X1 + (-0,045X2) + 0,169X3 + e, menunjukkan knowledge management, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan. Hasil korelasi (R) sebesar 0,467, menunjukkan bahwa terjadi hubungan yang sedang antara knowledge management, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan. Hasil koefisien determinasi (R2), menunjukkan bahwa besarnya pengaruh knowledge management, budaya organisasi, komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan sebesar 21,8%, sisanya 78,2% dipengaruhi oleh variabel yang tidak diteliti dalam model penelitian ini.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 969
Johansen Dayani ◽  
Carol Daniel Kadang

This study aims to analyze the effect of work motivation and organizational culture on employee performance at PT Citra Harapan Anugrah in Jakarta. This research was conducted with a probability sampling method with a simple random sampling type. Researchers distributed questionnaires to 52 employees of PT Citra Harapan Anugrah. Data analysis using Smart PLS analysis. The results of the analysis concluded that work motivation and organizational culture significantly influence the performance of employees of PT Citra Harapan Anugrah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh motivasi kerja dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT Citra Harapan Anugrah di Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode probability sampling dengan jenis simple random sampling. Peneliti menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 52 karyawan PT Citra Harapan Anugrah. Analisis data menggunakan analisis Smart PLS. Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa motivasi kerja dan budaya organisasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Citra Harapan Anugrah.

Andi Wijaya ◽  
Agustin HP

One concept to maintain corporate image is employee performance. A concept that seeks to create a good and reliable Human Resources within the company to achieve the goals of the company itself. When the company has committed to maintain employee performance improvement will encourage companies to pay attention to the level of work discipline experienced by employees and the provision of proper work motivation to see the level of job satisfaction of each employee will make employees feel more eager in completing the work. The population of this study were non-permanent employees of Hotel ASTON Jember and the sample was set by 50 respondents. The variables analyzed in this research are work discipline, work motivation and job satisfaction as independent variable, and employee performance as dependent variable. The sampling method used is simple random Sampling in which all permanent employees have the opportunity to be sampled in this study. This type of research is an explanatory research.Research is a study that tries to explain a subject matter and there is a hypothesis testing and perform  analysis  of  data  obtained.  Methods  of  data  analysis  using  Multiple  Linear Regression Analysis.The results of this study indicate that discipline, motivation and satisfaction simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance at Hotel ASTON Jember, partially work discipline has a positive and significant impact on employee performance at Hotel ASTON Jember, partially motivation of work has a positive and significant impact on performance Employees at Hotel ASTON Jember and job satisfaction have a negative and insignificant effect on the performance of Hotel ASTON Jember's employees. Keywords: Discipline, Motivation, Satisfaction, Performance

Ahda Safitri ◽  
Trusti Wismantari ◽  
Vina Hermawati ◽  
Innocentius Bernarto

Abstract: This study aims to determine the positive effect of work discipline, work motivation, and job satisfaction on employee performance in generation Y civil servants in Ministry of Trade. The data in this study are obtained through a questionnaire with the target population being all Y generation civil servants in Ministry of Trade, Jakarta. The number of samples specified is401 samples. Sampling is carried out using simple random sampling through the SPSS program. The statistical analysis in this study uses partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) through the SmartPls 3.0 program. The final result of this research shows that there is a positive effect of work discipline, work motivation, and job satisfaction on employee performance.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui pengaruh positif disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada PNS generasi Y di Kementerian Perdagangan. Data pada penelitian ini didapatkan melalui kuesioner dengan target populasi adalah seluruh PNS generasi Y pada Kementerian Perdagangan, Jakarta. Jumlah sampel yang ditentukan sebesar 401 sampel. Penarikan sampel dilakukan menggunakan simple random sampling melalui program SPSS. Analisis statistik pada penelitian ini menggunakan partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) melalui program SmartPls 3.0. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini diketahui bahwasanya terdapat pengaruh positif dari disiplin kerja, motivasi kerja, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai.Keywords: work discipline, work motivation, job satisfaction, employee performance

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sari Marliani

Abstract This study aims to determine the influence of job satisfaction, work motivation to employee performance. Using by simple random sampling method 40 respondents from taken 160 employees population. Explanatory research use SPSS 20, the data used is primary and secondary data, . The analysis showed that: the relationships among the exogenous variables of job satisfaction and work motivation has a direct influence on the endogenous variable employee performance. Therefore, it is still necessary to improve the performance of an increase in motivation, job satisfaction to employees by providing stimuli. Keyword: Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Employee Performance. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh motivasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan . Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode simple random sampling 40 orang responden dari populasi yang berjumlah 160 orang karyawan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan SPSS 20, data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan sekunder, Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa : variabel eksogen kepuasan kerja dan motivasi kerja terdapat pengaruh terhadap variabel endogen kinerja karyawan. Oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan kinerja masih diperlukan adanya peningkatan motivasi, kepuasan kerja dengan memberikan stimuli kepada karyawan. Kata Kunci: Motivasi Kerja , Kepuasan Kerja, dan Kinerja Karyawan

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Adelia Farhani Romadhona ◽  
Ratri Wahyuningtyas

This research aims to determine the organizational commitment, organizational culture, and employee performance at Bank BJB Branch Office Tamansari Bandung, and the effect of organizational commitment and organizational culture to the employee performance, both partially and simultaneously. This research uses quantitative method. Data collection technique uses questionnaires distributed to employees of Bank BJB Branch Office Tamansari Bandung, with the population of 160 employees and the samples 115 employees. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling. To interpret the results of the research uses descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis, and coefficient of determination. The result of data proccessing shows that organizational commitment and organizational culture significantly influence the employee performance at Bank BJB Branch Office Tamansari Bandung, both partially and simultanously.

2021 ◽  
Rulia Rulia ◽  
Sri Rochani Mulyani ◽  
Farida Yuliaty ◽  

This study aims to analyze the influence of Employee Competency and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Culture and their implications for Employee Performance. Determination of sample in this study using Stratified Random Sampling, and the size of 114 respondents, the analysis methode uses path analysis. The results of the study concluded that there was a significant effect simultaneously on Employee Competency and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Culture. There is partial effect Employee Competency and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Culture. The study concluded that there was a significant effect simultaneously on Employee Competency and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance. There is partial effect Employee Competency and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance. There are positif and significant influences Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Agung Wahyu Handaru ◽  
Umi Mardiyati

<p>The purpose of this study was to examine the employee performance of fish-based food processing industries in West Java, which driven by variables of organizational culture, job satisfaction and motivation. The fishing industry in Indonesia has resulted in huge foreign exchange. On the other hand, their products are still poor quality and do not meet export standard. This is likely due to low employee performance. The research object were employees of three fish-based food processing plants. The sample was selected by simple random sampling technique. This study revealed different results from previous studies, that only organizational culture has an effect on employee performance. While job satisfaction and motivation has no effect on performance.</p><p> </p><p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji kinerja karyawan industri pengolahan makanan berbasis ikan di wilayah Jawa Barat, yang dipengaruhi dari variabel budaya organisasi, kepuasan kerja dan motivasi. Industri perikanan di Indonesia telah<br />menghasilkan devisa negara besar. Disisi lain, hasil produknya masih banyak yang belum memenuhi standar ekspor dan bermutu rendah. Hal tersebut kemungkinan dikarenakan kinerja karyawan yang rendah. Objek penelitian ini adalah karyawan dari tiga pabrik pengolahan makanan berbasis ikan. Sampel dipilih dengan teknik simple random sampling. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan hasil yang berbeda dari penelitian sebelumnya. Dari ketiga variabel independen, hanya budaya organisasi yang berpengaruh pada kinerja karyawan. Sedangkan kepuasan kerja dan motivasi tidak berpengaruh.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-118
Evi Mafriningsianti

This research objective to determine the satisfaction, discipline, and motivation of employees of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi, and also to determine satisfaction and discipline of influence on work motivation the employee of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi. There are 90 employees of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi as a sample in this study. The sampling technique uses simple random sampling techniques. Observation and questionnaire methods are used in collecting the data. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis with the SPSS program. The results of the descriptive analysis show the good realization of job satisfaction (average score 3.63) and employee work discipline (average score 3.61) so that it has a positive impact on employee work motivation (average score 3.57). These results are supported by Bekasi Tirta Bhagasasi PDAM data in 2018 which obtained a level of realization of workforce satisfaction of 61.38% (sufficient category), the value of realization of employee work discipline at 5.80% (sufficient category), and the level of realization of labor motivation of 60.71% (sufficient category). t value calculated job satisfaction (b1) = 9,133 with a significance of 0,000 (<= 0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that job satisfaction has a significant effect on the work motivation of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi employees. T value is calculated work discipline (b2) = 5.535 with a significance of 0,000 (<= 0.05) then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that work discipline has a significant effect on the work motivation of PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi employees.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 322-334
Amrozi ◽  
Zarah Puspitaningtyas ◽  
Djoko Poernomo

This study is to examine the influence of leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee performance. Population in this research was the entire employees of Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Besuki, Situbondo, Indonesia which was about 295 peoples. Then, the researcher applied probability random sampling technique to select 170 respondents as the sampling. The researcher analyzed the data by applying multiple linear regression method. The result shows that leadership and job satisfaction contribute positive and significant effect on employee performance, while organizational commitment has no effect on employee performance.

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