2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-42
Sartika Dewi

Mediasi merupakan cara penyelesaian sengketa yang cepat, sederhana dan biaya yang ringan, mediasi merupakan penyelesaian sengketa dengan cara damai yang dibantu pihak ketiga yaitu mediator. Pelaksanaan mediasi dalam penyelesaian perkara perdata di Pengadilan pada hakikatnya merupakan bentuk implementasi dari musyawarah mufakat. Hal ini diatur dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Prosedur Mediasi di Pengadilan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prosedur proses mediasi di pengadilan agama, faktor yang mempengaruhi dan sejauhmana keberhasilan proses mediasi dalam mencapai kesepakatan damai di Pengadilan agama. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian kualitatif yaitu dilaksanakan untuk membangun pengetahuan melalui pemahaman dan penemuan. Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif adalah suatu proses penelitian dan pemahaman yang berdasarkan pada masalah manusia. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah proses dari mediasi terdiri dari Pra mediasi dan proses mediasi selama kurang lebih 30 hari. Faktor yang mempengaruhi proses mediasi diantarnya kualifikasi mediator, kepatuhan masyarakat, fasilitas, itikad baik para pihak Kata kunci: Mediasi di Pengadilan, Perkara Perceraian, Pengadilan Agama Karawang   Mediation is a way of resolving disputes that is fast, simple and low cost, mediation is a peaceful settlement of disputes assisted by a third party, namely a mediator. The implementation of mediation in the settlement of civil cases in court is essentially a form of implementation of consensus agreement. This is regulated in the Supreme Court Regulation No.1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures in Courts. The purpose of this study was to determine the procedures for the mediation process in religious courts, the factors that influence and the extent of the success of the mediation process in reaching a peace agreement in religious courts. The method used in this research is qualitative research, which is carried out to build knowledge through understanding and discovery. A qualitative research approach is a process of research and understanding based on human problems. The result of this research is the process of mediation consisting of pre-mediation and mediation process for approximately 30 days. The factors that influence the mediation process include the qualifications of the mediator, community compliance, facilities, and good faith of the parties. Keyword: Mediation in Court, Divorce Case, Karawang Religious Court  

Zulkarnain Ahmad ◽  
Nila Sastrawati ◽  
Ashar Sinilele

AbstrakPenelitan ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peranan mediator dalam menyelesaikan sengketa ekonomi syariah melalui mediasi di Pengadilan Agama Makassar Kelas 1A, Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang berbentuk penelitian lapangan (field research), dengan menggunakan pendekatan secara empiris. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah data dan wawancara kepada hakim ekonomi syariah yang memiliki serfikat mediator di Pengadilan Agama Makassar kelas 1A. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peranan dan proses mediator dalam penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2016. Proses dan peranan tersebut, yaitu melalui mediasi di Pengadilan Agama Makassar Kelas 1A, Dalam proses mediasi dilakukan dengan cara membuat resume kemudian kedua pihak menyampaikan dua isi pokok resume yaitu perkara yang sedang diperkarakan dan solusi tawaran untuk penyelesaian secara damai. Prosedur dan tahapan mediasi dalam perkara perdata pada umumnya, diatur dalam pasal 3 sampai pasal 14 peraturan mahkamah Agung RI No. 2 Tahun 2003 jo PERMA Nomor 1 Tahun 2008 tentang Prosedur mediasi di pengadilan, dan PERMA Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 Tentang Prosedur Mediasi di Pengadilan. Mediasi di Pengadilan dibagi dalam dua tahap yaitu tahap pra mediasi dan tahapan pelaksanaan mediasi. Tahapan pramediasi adalah tahap dimana para pihak menunjuk mediator sebagai pihak ketiga yang akan membantu menyelesaikan sengketa mereka. Sehingga peranan mediator dala memediasi sengketa ekonomi syariah yaitu dengan dua cara, Hanya sebagai fasilitator yang mengatur kelancaran proses mediasi (facilitative approach).Kata Kunci: Mediator, Pengadilan Agama, Sengketa Ekonomi. AbstractThe type of research used in this study was qualitative. in the form of field research (field research), using an empirical approach. The data sources of this research are data and interviews with sharia economic judges who have a mediator certificate at the Class 1A Makassar Religious Court. The results show that the role and process of the mediator in settling sharia economic disputes are in accordance with the provisions of Perma No.1 of 2016. The process and role, namely through mediation at the Class 1A Makassar Religious Court, in the mediation process is carried out by making a resume then both parties submit the two main contents of the resume, namely the case being litigated and the solution offered for a peaceful settlement. The procedures and stages of mediation in civil cases in general are regulated in article 3 to article 14 of the Supreme Court Regulation No. 2 of 2003 in conjunction with PERMA Number 1 of 2008 concerning mediation procedures in court, and PERMA Number 1 of 2016 concerning Mediation Procedures in Courts. Mediation in court is divided into two stages, namely the pre-mediation stage and the mediation stage. The pre-mediation stage is the stage where the parties appoint a mediator as a third party who will help resolve their dispute. So that the role of the mediator in mediating Islamic economic disputes is in two ways, only as a facilitator who regulates the smoothness of the mediation process (facilitative approach).Keywords: Economic Dispute, Mediator, Religious Court.

Carlos Ricardo Caichiolo

The DSM, or Dispute Settlement Mechanism, in the absence of a judicial body, is the closest representation of a supreme court or judicial institution in a regional bloc or other international organisation. The search for a peaceful settlement of disputes in the international arena had led to the development of the DSM during the 20th and into the 21st century. The DSM acts as an impartial third party, wherein it intervenes in any international conflict to offer feasible solutions for both sides.O MSC, ou Mecanismo de Solução de Controvérsias, na ausência de um órgão judicial, é a representação mais próxima de uma Corte Suprema ou de instituição judiciária em um bloco regionl ou em organização internacional diversa. A busca por um meio pacífico de solução de disputas no meio internacional levou à criação do MSC ao longo dos séculos XX e XXI. O MSC age como um terceiro imparcial, na medida em que ele intervém em conflitos internacionais com o intuito de ofertar soluções possíveis para as partes envolvidas.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Safrudin Aziz

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui gambaran secara utuh dan menyeluruh tentang implementasi kebijakan peningkatan mutu pendidikan berbasis al-Qur’an di TK Darul Qur’an al-Karim Karangtengah Banyumas tahun 2016-2017 serta berbagai aspek kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, ancaman atau tantangan terhadap implementasi kebijakan dirumuskan dalam tulisan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, pengamatan peran, observasi partisipasi serta dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa tahap yakni: reduksi data, display data, serta conclusion drawing dan verification.   Hasil penelitian ini memuat dua poin inti yakni: terungkapnya tujuh jenis kebijakan meliputi: kebijakan berbasis shalat sunnah, kebijakan berbasis tahfidz al-qur’an, kebijakan berbasis jum’at language, kebijakan berbasis kreativitas guru, kebijakan berbasis parenting qur'ani, kebijakan berbasis infak, kebijakan pembiayaan berbasis low cost. Selanjutnya kebijakan tersebut di analisis melalui SWOT untuk mengetahui sisi kekuatan, kelemahan, ancaman serta solusi terhadap pelaksanaan kebijakan tersebut.  Kata kunci: Kebijakan pendidikan; Analisis SWOT; Taman Kanak-Kanak.   Abstract This study aims to determine the overall picture and comprehensive about the implementation of education quality improvement policies based on al quran in TK Darul Qur'an al Karim Karang tengah Banyumas 2016-2017, as well as various aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats or challenges to policy implementation formulated in this paper.  This research uses descriptive qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, role observation, participatory observation and documentation.  Data analisys in this research using several stages namely: data reduction, display data, and conclusion drawing and verification. The results of this study contain two core points namely: the disclosure of seven types of policies include: Sunna-based prayer policy, based tahfidz Al Qur'an, Furthermore, the policy is analyzed through SWOT to know the strength, weakness, threat and solution to the implementation of the policy.  Keywoard: Education of Policy; SWOT analisys; Kindergarten.

1970 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Kun Budianto

This article discussed regulatory policy on mediation in religious courts way dispute resolution through mediation according to Islamic law and implementation of mediation in settlement court cases in Religious Courts Bandung Class I A. This research base on the policy rules by mediation in the  Religious Courts;  (a)  the  benefits to  be  gained if mediation used as a means in the  settlement  of  disputes,  namely  the  mediation process  could overcome  the  problem  of  accumulation of  matter,  the  mediation process is viewed as a means of dispute resolution that is faster and cheaper than the litigation process, enforcement of mediation can expand access for all parties to gain a sense  of  justice,  (b)  provision their peace  efforts in legislation.  (c) Indonesian society is a society that likes peace. The Implementation of the mediation process done with two ways, namely mediation initial litigation, and over litigation.

AAN Roy Sumardika

Mediation process means dispute resolution through negotiation process for obtaining a peace agreement between the parties by using a third party in settling the dispute. Article 130 HIR/154 RBg determines peace efforts may use since the trial began before a judge hands down the dispute. Mediation as part of the Alternative Dispute Resolution is a process outside the court, but Indonesian Supreme Court Rules No. 1/2008 integrates it in the court proceedings and allows the mediation process at the level of legal remedy. So the problem investigated is the court decision re-mediated and the peace agreement mediation results. The method used normative legal research by Legislation Approach and to deepen the research study also use a Legal Concept Analysis Approach which is intended to establish a view and legal arguments in solving the problem at hand. Case that has been decided by the courts is not possible to re-mediated. The mediation process at the level of legal remedy is contrary to the law, especially the provisions of Article 130 HIR / 154 RBg. Indonesian Supreme Court Rules as rules are hierarchically under the law (HIR/RBg) not justified material being regulated substance exceeding material are governed by higher laws. So Indonesian Supreme Court Rules No. 1/2008 can not be a legal basis to regulate the integration of mediation into the docket particularly about mediation at the level of legal remedy because the principle of lex superiori derogat legi inferiori and the principle of lex specialis derogat legi generali not met.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 184-194
Dewi Nurul Musjtari ◽  
Benny Riyanto ◽  
Ro’fah Setyowati

Purpose of the study: The general objective of this study was to explore the potential of the mediation process as a reformulation of Islamic banking dispute settlement after the Supreme Court Regulation (SCR) on mediation procedure in the court. On the one hand, this study tries to find a repositioning of mediation procedures in resolving disputes over Islamic Banking in religious courts. Methodology: This research was normative and empirical. The data collection techniques of this literature would be done utilizing literature study and field research. Primary data was obtained through field research with interviews. The participants from Judges of Religious Court, Abdul Manan as a Judge of in the Supreme Court Institution, Islamic banking legal unit. Data were processed by a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. Secondary data used consisted of primary legal material sourced from SCR No. 1 of 2016 and the contract. Principal Findings: The mediation process as a reformulation of Islamic banking dispute settlement especially in the Religious Court is according to Article 2 Paragraph (1) SCR No. 1 of 2016. The repositioning of mediation procedures in resolving Islamic banking disputes in the Religious Courts applied by making changes as part of the case registration process implemented through honesty, fidelity, and justice. Applications of this study: This paper is essential for the parties to get the legal certainty in maintaining the continuing development of Islamic banking business, product development, risk management and efficiency of the bank. The study may be instrumental in helping to improve the development of the legal studies programs, notably the Islamic Economic Law. The results of this study will provide benefits for the religious court to improve its performance effectively and efficiently in dispute settlement through mediation. Novelty/Originality of this study: Determination of the mediation as reformulation of dispute settlement on Islamic banking post-enactment or issuance of the SCR No. 1 of 2016 and to find out about repositioning of the mediation procedure and proposing changes in the position (repositioning) of the mediation process and reaffirming the roles, duties and accountability of professional mediators or non-judge mediators so that it is expected that the role of non-judge mediators can active in resolving Islamic banking disputes both in procedures in the court or outside the courts applied at the Indonesian Religious Court. The contribution of this paper will be the revision of the curriculum of legal studies and Islamic Economic Law. The importance for researchers of the study is to develop and improve the capability of researchers for developing the law study program called Islamic Economic Law.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Wildana Arsyad ◽  
Edi Gunawan

This study aims to provide information about procedure of dispute settlement of sharia economy in the Religious Courts. This research uses qualitative method with juridical approach. The dispute procedure of sharia economic in religious court runs in accordance with the mandate of the Law contained in article 49 to article 53 Act no. 7 years 1989, Law No. 3 year 2006, Law No. 50 of 2009 about Religious Courts. Sharia economic dispute is basically due to three things, namely because one of the parties to break the promise (wanprestasi), due to unlawful acts against the agreements agreed upon and because of coercive circumstances. Settlement of disputes is held with the aim of enforcing the law which contains the value of legal justice, the value of legal certainty, and the value of legal benefit. The settlement of the sharia economic dispute in the Religious Courts is very new, so the Supreme Court up to now still conducts education and training of sharia economic certification for all Religious Court judges.Penelitian ini  bertujuan   untuk memberikan informasi mengenai prosedur penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah di Pengadilan Agama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yuridis Prosedur penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah di pengadilan agama berjalan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang yang tertera dalam pasal 49 sampai pasal 53 Undang-Undang No. 7 tahun 1989 jo. Undang-Undang No. 3 tahun 2006 jo.Undang-Undang No.50 tahun 2009 tentang Peradilan Agama.Sengketa ekonomi syariah pada dasarnya disebabkan karena tiga hal, yaitu karena salah satu pihak melakukan ingkar janji (wanprestasi), karena perbuatan melawan hukum terhadap perjanjian yang disepakati dan karena keadaan memaksa. Penyelesaian sengketa diadakan dengan tujuan untuk menegakan hukum yang di dalamnya mengandung nilai keadilan hukum, nilai kepastian hukum, dan nilai kemanfaatan hukum.Penyelesaian sengketa ekonomi syariah di Pengadilan Agama merupakan hal yang sangat baru, sehingga Mahkamah Agung sampai saat ini masih melaksanakan pendidikan dan latihan sertifikasi ekonomi syariah bagi seluruh hakim Pengadilan Agama.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11/2 (-) ◽  
pp. 16-18

Introduction. Interstate interaction and integration, on the one hand, are the key to the successful functioning of humanity, and on the other hand, they provoke the emergence of international differences and conflicts, including those of an economic nature. Successful settlement of economic differences in accordance with the principle of peaceful settlement of international disputes is a necessary condition for strengthening and developing international cooperation. The issue of peaceful settlement of economic disputes, including through the use of diplomatic means, has been studied by such authors as I.V. Grynchak, О.M. Malysheva, Z.V. Tropin, etc. The purpose of the paper is to determine the specifics of negotiation and mediation as political ways to resolve economic disputes peacefully. Results. In international legal doctrine, the most common is the division of peaceful means of resolving international disputes into diplomatic (political) and legal (judicial). The most common are negotiations, good services and mediation, international arbitration. International negotiations, as part of the system of international relations, on the one hand, feel their influence, acting as a tool in solving a range of foreign policy and, in some cases, domestic policy problems, on the other – themselves affect international relations, largely defining and shaping them. The difference between mediation and negotiation is that a third party intervenes in the dispute resolution process with the aim of reconciling the parties. At the same time, the role of the mediator is quite passive, the purpose of his activity is to establish a constructive dialogue between the conflicting states. Therefore, the result of applying this method in some cases can only be reduced to the resumption of negotiations. Conclusion. Negotiation and mediation are diplomatic (political) means of peaceful settlement of international economic disputes. Such means of resolving international economic disputes are used in the presence of a common will of the parties to resolve the conflict, and a common focus on finding a mutually beneficial and compromise solution to the dispute. A key difference between negotiation and mediation is the involvement of a third party in the mediation process, which helps the parties to reach an agreed and compromise solution.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-172
Nor Salam

This article analyzes the background of the legal pattern of the community at Kalisat Pasuruan in making local mediation as the main model to resolve divorce cases. This study uses a socio-legal approach with the Legal System Theory initiated by Lawrence Meir Friedman. This article is based on the emergence of the Supreme Court Regulation on Mediation in order to change the image of the Religious Courts from judicial paradigm to dispute resolution paradigm, including in divorce cases. The mediation in the case is imperative and the denial of mediation process in the court results in the cancellation of the decision by law. This study concludes that the alignment of the Kalisat community towards local mediation is much more due to non-legal factors which are categorized into elements of legal culture than to structural elements or legal substances. The legal culture element that is intended for example concerns the understanding of the Kalisat community on the teachings of their religion, their perceptions of the proceedings in the Religious Court in resolving divorce cases, or other factors such as the emotional closeness between them and community leaders who are local mediators.

1992 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-97
P.H. Kooijmans

From the very beginning peaceful settlement of disputes has been on the agenda of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Principle V of the first chapter of the Final Act of Helsinki of 1975 (the so-called first basket) reaffirmed the obligation of the participating states to settle their disputes by peaceful means. The Final Act, however, does not provide a mechanism through which such disputes can be resolved. The Swiss delegation had submitted in 1973 a draft-convention (called the Bindschedler-proposal after its auctor intellectualis Rudolf Bindschedler, the Legal Advisor of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs), containing a detailed system of compulsory dispute settlement. A distinction was made between judiciable and non-judiciable disputes. Judiciable disputes would be submitted to a permanent Arbitral Tribunal, non-judiciable disputes to a permanent Commission of Inquiry, Mediation and Conciliation. This proposal was, however, unacceptable to the East European states (with the exception of Romania) which had always rejected the idea of compulsory third-party dispute settlement, whereas the greaterpart of the Western states, although in principle favourable to a system of compulsory dispute settlement, had serious objections against the substance of the Swiss proposal, inter alia with regard to the rather artificial distinction between judiciable and non-judiciable disputes. The Swiss delegation did not insist on its proposal and went along with a clause in the Final Act which provided for a follow-up meeting of experts with the task “to pursue the examination and elaboration of a generally acceptable method for the peaceful settlement of disputes aimed at complementing existing methods”. It was decided that this meeting of experts was to be convened by Switzerland afterthe first follow-up meeting which was planned for 1977 in Belgrade.

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