Nabila Irbah ◽  
Diyah Sri Yuhandini ◽  
Dewi Vimala

A child is a candidate for the next generation of the nation and national development capital. If children have good qualities such as healthy, smart, physically strong, and productive, they will help support national development for a country. Children's reproductive health is part of overall health, because health problems in children will disrupt the function of reproductive health. Provision of health education is one of the strategies to create healthy and well-behaved children, especially in maintaining reproductive health. This study aims to determine the effect of health education using the traditional game media that has been modified to the level of knowledge and behavior of reproductive health. The study used a quasi-experimental design on 45 elementary school children taken with total sampling technique. Data collection was obtained from primary data using a questionnaire that was analyzed by Repeated ANOVA and McNemar. There is an effect by using the Engklek game on knowledge reproductive health before intervention, after the first intervention, and after the second intervention which is the result showed p value= 0.001 (p<0.05). Then there is no effect of using Engklek game on the behavior of reproductive health before intervention and after the first intervention the result showed p value= 0.508 (p< 0.05) and there is an effect before intervention and after the second intervention which showed p value= 0.000 (p <0.05). There is an effect of health education using media playing Engklek on knowledge and behavior in maintaining reproductive health.   Keywords: Reproductive health; elementary school children; Engklek games

2020 ◽  
pp. 99-104
Siti Mardiyah ◽  
Bambang Abdul Syukur

Bullying merupakan perilaku agresif yang dilakukan oleh individu atau kelompok terhadap orang-orang atau kelompok lain yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang dengan cara menyakiti secara fisik maupun mental. Bullying dapat menyebabkan depresi, kurang percaya diri, kesedihan (perasaan sedih, duka cita, kesusahan hati), merasa bodoh dan tidak berharga sehingga kepercayaan diri mereka menjadi rendah dan meningkatkan kecemasan sosial. Pelaku bullying dapat mempunyai efek untuk berbuat kriminalitas. Pengetahuan tentang bullying dan efeknya adalah penting untuk diterapakan dalam mencegah perilaku bullying. Pengetahuan dapat ditingkatkan melalui edukasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh edukasi terhadap pengetahuan tentang pencegahan bullying pada anak sekolah dasar.. Jenis penelitian adalah quasi eksperiment one group pretest posttest design dengan  populasi penelitian adalah anak sekolah dasar. Tehnik pengambilan sample dengan purposive sampling yakni kelas empat dan lima yang berjumlah 64 siswa. Instrumen penelitian adalah intrumen pengetahuan siswa tentang bullying yang terdiri dari 17 pertanyaan dalam bentuk closed ended question yang telah dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Hasil penelitian menggunakan wilcoxon didapatkan hasil P value adalah 0,000<0,005 artinya terdapat pengaruh edukasi dengan metode role play terhadap pengetahuan tentang pencegahan bullying pada anak sekolah Dasar. Disarankan bagi sekolah agar menyisipkan pelajaran tentang bullying dengan metode role play untuk pencegahan bullying.   Bullying is an aggressive behavior carried out by individuals or groups against other people or groups that are carried out repeatedly using hurting physically and mentally. Bullying can cause depression, lack of confidence, sadness (feelings of sadness, sorrow, distress), feeling stupid and worthless so that their confidence is low and increases social anxiety. Bullying can have the effect of committing a crime. Knowledge about bullying and its effects is important to be applied in preventing bullying behavior. Knowledge can be increased through education. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of education on knowledge about the prevention of bullying in elementary school children. The type of research is a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design with the study population is elementary school children. The sampling technique was purposive sampling in the fourth and fifth grades totaling 64 students. The instrument of this study was the instrument of students' knowledge about bullying which consisted of 17 questions in the form of closed-ended questions that had been tested for validity and reliability. The results of the study using Wilcoxon showed that the P value was 0,000 <0.005, meaning that there was an influence of education with the role-play method on knowledge about preventing bullying in elementary school children. It is recommended for schools to insert lessons about bullying with the role-play method for bullying prevention.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-132
Leni Marlina

helminthiasis is a disease caused by a worm or helminth. Worm disease is a neglected infectious diseases / Neglected Infectious Disease (NIDS), which can lead to declining health, nutrition, intelligence and productivity. Factors that could cause the high incidence of worm disease is sanitation, hygiene, education level, socio-economic, knowledge, attitudes, behavior and geographical conditions. This study aimed to determine the relationship Soil transmitted helminth infections with Hb levels in elementary school children in the fishing village town of Bengkulu. This study was a cross sectional analytic. Subjects were four primary school pupils in Desa Nelayan of Bengkulu. Large sample of 185 samples. Sampling with simple random sampling technique. Examination of faeces by direct methods. Analysis of the samples by using the t test. The result showed no significant association with Hb STH infection (p = 0.09), no significant relationship with personal hygiene STH infection (p = 0.89), no significant association with the school environment sanitation STH infections (p = 0.34) and no significant relationship with the environmental sanitation STH infection (p = 0.70) in the elementary school children in Desa Nelayan of Bengkulu. The school have to provide counseling so that maintain the health of the prevention efforts that can reduce STH infections in elementary school children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 445-452
Rita Agustina ◽  
Tusy Triwahyuni ◽  
Devita Febriani Putri ◽  
Nindi Destiani

ABSTRACT: RELATIONSHIP WITH ANEMIA IN ELEMENTARY CHILDREN IN TANJUNG SENANG REGENCY, BANDAR LAMPUNG Background: Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the hemoglobin concentration in them is less than normal. WHO in the World Wide Prevalence of Anemia reports that the total population of the world who suffer from anemia is 1.62 billion people with a prevalence in primary school children (25.4%) and 305 million school children worldwide suffer from anemia. In general, the cause of anemia is nutritional deficiencies, especially iron deficiency and parasitic infections such as worms. Worms is an infectious disease caused by parasites in the form of worms. Objective: Knowing the Relation between Worms and Anemia in Elementary School Children in In Tanjung Senang District Bandar Lampung in 2020. Method: This type of research is quantitative research and analytical observational research methods with a cross sectional approach with the Chi Square test. Sampling was done using Quota Sampling. The sample in this study were 63 people. Results: The results of the Chi Square test showed p-value = 0.000, which is less than the significance value of 5% (0.05), this shows that there is a significant relationship between worms and anemia in elementary school children in Tanjung Senang, Bandar Lampung, in 2020. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between helminths and the incidence of anemia in elementary school children in Tanjung Senang, Bandar Lampung, in 2020. Keywords: Worms, Anemia Incidence  ABSTRAK: HUBUNGAN KECACINGAN DENGAN KEJADIAN ANEMIA PADA ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR DI KECAMATAN TANJUNG SENANG BANDAR LAMPUNG Pendahuluan: Anemia merupakan suatu kondisi dimana jumlah sel darah merah atau konsentrasi hemoglobin di dalamnya kurang dari biasanya. WHO dalam World wide Prevalence of Anemia melaporkan bahwa total dari keseluruhan penduduk dunia yang menderita anemia adalah 1,62 miliar orang dengan prevalensi pada anak sekolah dasar (25,4%) dan 305 juta anak sekolah di seluruh dunia menderita anemia. Pada umumnya penyebab anemia adalah kekurangan nutrisi, terutama kekurangan zat besi dan infeksi parasit seperti kecacingan. Kecacingan merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh parasit berupa cacing.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Kecacingan Dengan Kejadian Anemia Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang Bandar Lampung Tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dan metode penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan uji Chi Square. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan Quota Sampling. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 63 orang.Hasil: Hasil uji Chi Square  menunjukkan p-value = 0.000 dimana kurang dari nilai kemaknaan yaitu 5% (0.05), hal tersebut menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecacingan dengan kejadian anemia pada anak Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang Bandar Lampung Tahun 2020.Kesimpulan: Kesimpulannya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecacingan dengan kejadian anemia pada anak Sekolah Dasar di Kecamatan Tanjung Senang Bandar Lampung Tahun 2020. Kata Kunci  Kecacingan, Kejadian Anemia

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Oslida Martony

This study aims to determine the effect of the educational game of balanced nutrition ladder snakes on changes in knowledge and attitudes and actions in elementary school children in Muhammadyah school, Tanjung Morawa district. This type of research is a Quasi-Experimental study (quasi-experimental design) with the design of One Group Pretest- Posttest. The sample in this study was 75 elementary school children Muhammadiyah Kec. Tanjung Morawa. Data was collected using a questionnaire that was filled in by the respondent himself. If the data is normally distributed then the type of test used is the dependent T-test (in pairs). If the data is not normally distributed then the test used is the ranking test. The statistical test results obtained p-value = 0,000 < 0.05, which shows that the influence of snake ladder education game balanced nutrition to changes in knowledge and attitudes in school children. The conclusion in this study is the influence of the educational game of balanced nutrition ladder snakes on changes in knowledge and attitudes in school children.

Tria Nuradila Rahmah

The phenomenon of social problems in Indonesia is the outbreak of children on the street. Especially in the city of Cirebon, which is known as one of the areas supplying street children in Jakarta. The occurrence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV / AIDS) is still a global problem. Health education is very important in changing one's behavior. Children on the street have a high enough risk factor for HIV / AIDS. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of health education on knowledge, attitudes, risk behaviors in HIV / AIDS prevention. Experimental research with a research design using Quasi Experiment with Pretest-posttest One Group Design on 38 street children with purposive sampling technique. Data collection using a questionnaire that was analyzed by the Cochran and McNemar tests. This study shows the frequency distribution of knowledge both before being given health education as many as 1 person (2.6%) and after being given health education as many as 35 people (92.1%), the frequency distribution of positive attitudes before being given health education as much as 2 people (55.3 %) after 36 people were given health education (9.7%), the frequency distribution of risk-free behavior before being given health education were 23 people (60.5%) and 37 people were given health education (97.4%). In addition, the results of p value 0,000 were obtained using the Cochran test calculations for knowledge, attitudes, and behavior (p≤0.05). Then it was stated that there was an influence of health education on knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in the prevention of HIV / AIDS. Health education with PowerPoint media, videos, and leaflets combined with games with repeated interventions can have an influence on increasing knowledge, positive attitudes, and changing risk behaviors in preventing HIV/AIDS

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