environment and behavior
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-158
Zata Ismah ◽  
Tri Bayu Purnama ◽  
Dyah Retno Wulandari ◽  
Ema Rizka Sazkiah ◽  
Yulia Khairina Ashar

Tropical countries are the largest contributor to the incidence of Dengue HemorrhagicFever (DHF), but research on risk factors is still independent in various countries, it cannot beconcluded holistically. Through the research design, a systematic review is able to summarize andanswer the causes of DHF in this tropical country. This research method is a systematic review withguidelines following the 2009 PRISMA Checklist. In the initial search, 1,680 articles were foundusing the keyword “risk factors for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever”, reduced to 274 article titles afteradding the keyword “tropical country”. Furthermore, the relevant abstracts were fi ltered and found37 selected article items. Through critical appraisal of the full text of the article, it was found that 17articles met the selection criteria for further review in this study. The results showed that there were5 major groups of risk factors that were widely studied, namely sociodemography, climatology, placeof dwelling, environment, and behavior. The sociodemographic factor associated with the incidenceof DHF in tropical countries is age. In terms of climatology, temperature and rainfall are importantfactors in the vector breeding process. Rural areas (rural areas) are the place of dwelling with the mostcases of DHF found. The environmental aspect that has been widely studied is mosquito breeding. Themost signifi cant risk behavior factor in transmission was the behavior of hanging clothes. Of the 17articles, it was found that 77.8% of the articles examined environmental variables.

Zhenhua Zheng ◽  
Hong Chen

Although the community environment is a known determinant of older adults’ health, it is unclear about the logical relationships among the community environment, behavior, activity ability, and health of older adults, and the differences between the different age groups. This study used a two-stage sampling method to conduct a household survey of people over 60 years old living in Xinhua Street, Shanghai, China. In total, 2783 valid samples were obtained. Of these, 1256 were males and 1627 were females, with an average age of 71.1 years. The statistical method used in this study was the structural equation modeling method. The effects of the community environment and behavior on the activity ability and self-rated health of older adults are different, and the path of health influence of older adults is different in different age groups. Community environment has more wider effects on older adults’ self-rated health, while behavior, including walking behavior and neighbor contacts, have a more intensive effect on the activity ability of older adults. The community environment has a significant positive effect on the activity ability of the younger group but not on that of the older group, which instead was significantly affected by the neighbor contacts. Therefore, refined environmental governance and targeted improvement and resolution of different types of health problems among different groups of older persons will contribute to the overall health of older adults.

Chenjing Wu ◽  
Xianyou He

The environment affects moral behavior. Previous research found that a beautiful environment leads to pro-social behavior, which is related to behavioral intention. However, the effect of environmental aesthetic value on immoral and moral behavior remains unclear. Therefore, in the present study, we explored the effect of environmental aesthetic value on behavioral intention and its possible mechanisms. We conducted four experiments. Experiment 1 adopted the priming paradigm and IAT paradigm to explore the relationship between environmental aesthetic value and behavioral intention. It used photographs of the environment as priming stimuli and scene drawings of behavior as target stimuli. The results showed that participants had a higher intention to engage in moral behavior in an environment with a high aesthetic value, and a lower intention to engage in immoral behavior, compared to in an environment with a low aesthetic value. Similarly, an environment with a low aesthetic value was related to immoral behavior. Experiment 2 further explored the possible mechanism for the above results: changes in moral judgment. The results showed that moral judgment in different environments may lead to different behavioral intentions. The current study extends prior research by demonstrating the effect of environmental aesthetic value on behavioral intention and moral judgment, and good knowledge about the relationship between environmental aesthetic value and moral behavior. In addition, it provides a new hypothesis for the relationship between environment and behavior according to the results of the environment–behavior matching hypothesis, which can provide a new perspective on moral education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-80
Yi Zhong ◽  
Mengyu Xiao

With the development of network information technology, the Internet is gradually playing a more and more important role in people’s work and life. The Internet brings convenience to people, meanwhile, the network violence behaviors become more and more. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the severe reality of online violence and identify possible related factors. Based on previous studies, this study selected two independent variables, social media experience and community behavior, from two aspects of environment and behavior respectively, and analyzed with online violence tendency as the dependent variable. The analysis results prove that social media experience and community behavior both have a positive effect on the behavioral intention of online violence. In order to curb the occurrence of cyber violence, the following suggestions are proposed based on the conclusions drawn above: (1) Establish a correct social media concept. (2) Strengthen social media moral education. (3) Standardize the personal behavior of Internet users.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (127) ◽  
pp. 63-74
Ahmed Muyasser Abed Jader

   SMNs like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp,..etc. are among the most popular sites on the Internet. These sites can provide a powerful means of sharing, organizing, finding information and knowledge. The popularity of these sites provides an opportunity to measure the use them in knowledge sharing, which needs a special scale, but unfortunately, there is no special scale for that. Thus, this study supposes to use SCT as a scale to measure the use of SMNs in electronic knowledge sharing due to it has been used to measure knowledge sharing with its traditional form. This study can help the decision-makers to use these SMNs to share the academics’ knowledge in educational institutes to the communities by adopting special plans and strategies to address the main factors in such cases that will help to increase the knowledge sharing between academics and communities.  The aim of this study to know the amount of using SMNs by academics to share their own knowledge with the community, which will reflect on educating the community and disseminate the culture within the community. Additionally, to address what the main factor can affect them to share their knowledge with others. The study uses SCT which consists of three factors: (Personal, Environment, and Behavior) as an independent variable, while the dependent variable is: (Knowledge Sharing). Furthermore, the quantitative method is adopted in this study by using an electronic questionnaire through Google Documents with “Five Scale of Likert” to collect the data from participants (250), who are the staff of some Iraqi universities. SPSS has been used in analyzing the collected data. The findings of the study come up with the following: the environmental factor has the greatest influence, then the behavioural factor which is lesser and the personal factor has the lowest influence. Finally, the study found that there is a possibility and ability to measure knowledge sharing by using SCT electronically.   Paper type: research paper.

Javier Ortuño-Sierra ◽  
Beatriz Lucas-Molina ◽  
Félix Inchausti ◽  
Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero

Psychological problems in children and adolescent populations range from 10% to 20% [...]

Nataliia Lytvynova ◽  

In the article, the author proves the importance for the full development of the child, the formation of his identity and the establishment of ties between the child and the parents or persons who replace them. Ensuring communication, stable and lasting relationships between children and adults are considered. In the first six years of a child's life, attachment exists on several levels: feelings, imitation, belonging, feelings of importance to others, love, feelings that you are known. The types of attachment disorders, the relationship between the stages of development and the needs of the child are analyzed. Signs of attachment disorder in the child's behavior. Consequences of disorders and reactions in adulthood. Recommendations for establishing a positive relationship with the child and forming a stable attachment are formulated: unconditional acceptance of the child and his past; educational process without punishment and any violence; listen carefully to the problems, experiences and needs of the child; clearly formulated rules, the structure of the day – part of which is taken with the child; spend a lot of time with the child; clear and safe for the child the role of an adult – a mentor in his life; predictability of the environment and behavior of adults; to support all, even insignificant successes of the child; always help the child if she asks you to; discussing one’s emotions and safely expressing one’s feelings to adults; make remarks to the child in the form of impersonal ,,I-messages’’; assistance of specialists, mutual support groups, training; provide the opportunity to choose and strengthen the child’s sense of control and self-efficacy, involve the child in the decision-making process in his life, emphasize the child’s sense of ,,I can’’; do not forget to hug, kiss, hug the child.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-133
Muhammad Jusman Rau ◽  
Puti Andalusia Sarigando Banilai

Dengue High Fever (DHF) is a contagious health problem in tropical areas like Indonesia. Palu city has the highest cases of DHF that is 600 cases (Incidence Rate 166,2/100.000 population) and there are 9 people died. Incidence of DHF in the working area of Kamonji public health center are 106 cases. Factors that cause DHF in this working area are environment and behavior of community. The study aimsis determine risk factors of environment and eradication of mosquito nests efforts in the working area of Kamonji Public Health Center. This type of research is case-control approach and the sample taken from Total Sampling technique which amounts to 86 respondents with a ratio 1:1. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate at 95% confidence level (α=0,05) which shows that precenses of larvae in breeding place (OR=0,334) and drain water containers (OR=0,237) are protective factors. Another result shows that presences of mosquito in resting place (OR=3,654), close water containers (OR=4,032), the use of abate (OR=3,048) and the use of anti-mosquito drugs (OR=4,909) are risk factors of incidence of DHF in working area of Kamonji public health center. The efforts to prevent incidence of DHF is implement eradication of mosquito nest so that the environment around the house still clean and has no chance for become breeding place of Aedes aegypti.    

Yuriy Chernobay

The museum serves as an effective tool for learning and evaluating the latest signs of valorization of natural objects and environmental and social phenomena. Unlike departments and institutes specialized in biological disciplines, the museum has a wide range of cognitive competencies for the public. Social isolation, active transition to remote methods of communication, as well as psychological tensions make clear the socio-natural problems that existed before the pandemic. Along with a clear differentiation of methods of behaviorism and ethology, their nomenclature additions, it is necessary to use important manifestations of the integration of these areas of psychology. To solve this methodological problem by force only by methods of museological interpretations. The paradigm of coevolution provides an opportunity to operate with the concept of evolutionary process in relation to heterogeneous socio-biotic systems. In the Carpathian region, the sociological strategy should integrate the positive aspects of fragmentation. Models of such coevolutionary integration are various complexes – from indigenous soil-detrital complexes of substrates and reducers to coenopopulations of species. It is the soil profiles of succession series that reflect the history of coevolution of secondary ecosystems and act as reliable benchmarks in the diagnosis of probable changes. Behavioral principles of behavioral ecology should become a normative element in the knowledge of coevolutionary changes, and the museum serves as a universal center of analysis and forecast of further coevolutionary development of human-nature relations.

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