scholarly journals Education on The Path to Digital Media transition, A Perspective of Pakistani Education in 2030

2021 ◽  
Vol volume 05 (issue 2) ◽  
pp. 241-258
Dr. Muhmmad Shahzad ◽  
Ali Hassan ◽  
Dr. Muhammad Asif Nadeem

Education sector in Pakistan lag in the age of media digital transition. The present study observed digital media challenges knocking at the door and the changes that required fulfilling the gap ensuing in this global world. The focus of the study was on the key question of which competencies students should acquire during their school education to be able to act self-determinedly and actively in a society that is continuously changing under the influence of digitalization processes. The sample was taken randomly from 68 experts from the education sector and education policy designers who were gathered in department of Education, IUB (Punjab) Pakistan, to design the national education policy 2021. A two-stage Delphi study sheds light on important aspects of digital teaching and learning in the school, training, university and continuing education sectors. It was found that Mobile devices (and apps for learning) are the most important technological trend that will shape digital learning over the next ten years (2020-2030). Overall, the majority of the experts do not expect any radical change or “disruption” with regard to learning habits and learning methods.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Huyi Intan Sari

This article aims to discuss the problems faced by the ICT teacher of SMP Negeri 2 Semarang in using English as classroom language. The International Standard School project is a new education policy in Indonesia that was enacted with a main goal to prepare the students for global competition. This policy is both an effort to internationalize schools in Indonesia and a part of the national education decentralization reform. The title International Standard School, SBI in Bahasa, is given as an accreditation status to schools that have completed the required standards. This accredited status requires the school to carry out teaching and learning process all in English. This applies to all subjects including ICT. This article is based on the observation on the teaching and learning process in ICT class at SMP Negeri 2 Semarang as one of famous International Standard Schools in Semarang. The observation has resulted in general problems which is elaborated in the teaching documents four aspects of language mastery; fluency, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Vihi Atina ◽  
Nurchim Nurchim ◽  
Yommy Adhiwira Yudha

Penerapan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) perlu ditingkatkan guna mendorong keberhasilan transformasi digital dalam dunia pendidikan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan menerapkan aplikasi augmented reality sebagai media pembelajaran digital di Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK) khususnya di TK Kemala Bhayangkari No 72 Wonogiri dengan materi belajar tentang profesi. Tahapan dalam menerapkan aplikasi ini meliputi (1) pengamatan masalah, (2) penerapan teknologi, (3) pelatihan mitra dan (4) pendampingan mitra. Hasil penerapan aplikasi augmented reality yakni dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menggunakan media digital dan menyediakan sarana prasarana pembelajaran digital. Selain itu, proses kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan memanfaatkan media digital menjadi lebih menarik dan interaktif.The implementation of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) needs to be improved to encourage the success of digital transformation in the world of education. This activity aims to apply the augmented reality application as a digital learning media in kindergarten especially in TK Kemala Bhayangkari No. 72 Wonogiri with learning material about the profession. The stages in implementing this application include (1) observation of the problem, (2) application of technology, (3) partner training, and (4) partner assistance. The results of implementing the augmented reality application are that it can increase teacher competence in using digital media and provide digital learning infrastructure. In addition, the process of teaching and learning activities using digital media is becoming more interesting and interactive.

Renee Hobbs

Digital learning is being transformed by changes in copyright law. This article discusses the author's personal journey as a copyright education activist through two rounds of rulemaking proceedings before the Copyright Office concerning the anti-circumvention provisions of one part of the copyright law, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), which is the law that exempts YouTube and other ISPs from liability from copyright claims and criminalizes the circumvention of digital rights management (DRM) software that protects DVDs from being copied. Every three years, petitioners can claim their rights have been compromised by the current law; the Copyright Office pores over the petitions, weighs the pros and cons, and then offers recommendations to the Librarian of Congress, who ultimately grants or denies the exemptions. The author was successful in expanding the rights of K-12 teachers to legally “rip” DVDs by using the Section 1201 rulemaking process, which is one of the only significant ways that educators can expand their rights to use copyrighted material for teaching and learning purposes. By asserting the rights of K-12 educators to circumvent encryption to make fair use of copy-protected DVDs and online digital media for teaching and learning, the law begins to move beyond the needs of large-scale content owners to include the rights of educators and students.

2012 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
Guy Burton

Is Brazil moving towards a more technocratic form of public administration?  This article considers the question, first by examining the main features and course of education policy during the first year of Dilma Rousseff’s government and second, by studying the main features of technocracy.  It finds that the issue of education by both government and stakeholders is primarily focused on issues of quantity over quality (i.e. through the establishment of a new national education plan which emphasises increased access to formal schooling, more public resources and use of targeted funds).  In terms of technocracy (‘rule by experts’), the article notes an ongoing depoliticisation in the education sector since 1995, diminishing its capacity as a vehicle for radical social and economic transformation.  The article concludes that despite this, the process remains incomplete and that there is still scope for greater political engagement, especially from outside government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3a) ◽  
I Made Pasek Gelgel Sukerna

As an effort to realize the goals of national education, namely to educate the nation's life and develop Indonesian people as a whole, namely humans who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, have knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, a solid and independent personality, and social and national responsibility. During the Covid-19 Virus pandemic to continue to maximize Hindu religious learning and education activities, Elementary school Abdi Kumara Tabanan implemented the maximum use of digital media. The results of the study show that: (1) the factors that lead to the importance of the maximum use of digital learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic; (2) What digital media are possible to use during the Covid-19 pandemic; (3) Constraints faced in the process of implementing digital media during the Covid-19 pandemic

Nuriyatul Hamidah

Many questions have aroused in terms of media and technology used and its implication for language teaching and learning. The focus is on how students can be critically aware of media, especially digital media, for their learning. Thus, the use of media in education impacts educational creativity development, such as digital technology applications. In terms of learning, digital literacy is the competency in understanding and using digital technologies effectively for learning. Research has already explored the need for digital literacy in the classroom. This recent paper tries to figure out how digital literacy is implemented in the teaching of ESP students. Furthermore, the method used to describe the idea of this paper is a conceptual paper in which the writer tries to figure out how digital learning is implemented for learning. The writer used literature review from some journal articles and books written by the experts to gather the data. In conclusion, applying digital literacy must be well prepared on the way how it is used. It must relate to their competence, learning objectives, and language skills being taught. Indeed, once the students are familiar with the technology being used, they significantly improve their skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-18
Franck Iradukunda ◽  
A Ananda Kumar

COVID-19 pandemic has left the largest disorder in education systems in history; these affected more than3.6 a billion learners in more than 200 countries. Suspending of physical learning of colleges, institutions and universities have impacted more than 95% of the world’s learner’s population. This has brought changes in all aspects of our usual education systems. Social distancing, mask-up and restrictive movement policies were put in place by several governments that have considerably interrupted ancient instructional practices. Re-opening of learning establishments and universities after relaxation of restriction is another ultimatum with many new standard operating systems and procedures that will be put in place.Since late 2019 after discovering the COVID-19 pandemic, several researchers have shared their findings on teaching and learning practices. Many colleges, faculties and universities have abandoned face-to-face teaching and learning practices. We tend to might lose the 2021 academic year or perhaps additional within the coming future. This recommends we’d like to introduce and implement different educational systems and assessment ways during which learning and teaching will continue however additionally putting in place the mitigation to fight against the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has given us an opportunity to introducing and improve digital learning and teaching systems to the very best level as never been before. This analysis aims to provide a radical report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education sector in Zambia, specifically at DMI-St. Eugene University.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (03) ◽  

In order to revitalize Indian education system, the Government of India has recently approved National Education Policy-2020 (NEP-2020) and proposed sweeping changes including opening up of Indian higher education to foreign universities, dismantling of the UGC and the AICTE, introduction of a 4-year multidisciplinary undergraduate program with multiple exit options, and discontinuation of the M Phil program. It aims at making ‘India a global knowledge superpower’. In the light of National Education Policy-2020, agricultural education system needs to be redefined in India as it increases knowledge or information and farmer’s capacity to learn. As the level of agricultural education increases, farmers will become more and more self-reliant and will depend more on their self-studies dealing with farming. It is suggested that reorientation of agricultural higher education in context of globalization, food security, diversification, sustainability of ecosystems, and agribusiness is necessary. The curriculum of agricultural higher education needs to be made more broad based and manpower has to be trained scientifically in topics such as biotechnology, genetic engineering, agro-meteorology, environmental science, agro-ecology, computer application, information technology, conservation of natural and human resources, specialized job-oriented courses, and trade and export in agribusiness. Finally, adequate emphasis should be placed on practical skills and entrepreneurial capabilities among the students to achieve excellence. To properly address the challenges faced by today’s Indian agriculture, competent human resource in sufficiently large numbers would be required in the near future. There is a vast scope for young graduates to undertake agriculture as their profession which is directly or indirectly contributing to the economic and social development of the country.

2017 ◽  
Vol SED2017 (01) ◽  
pp. 5-7
Ruchi Jain ◽  
Neelesh Kumar Jain

The concept of big data has been incorporated in majority of areas. The educational sector has plethora of data especially in online education which plays a vital in modern education. Moreover digital learning which comprises of data and analytics contributes significantly to enhance teaching and learning. The key challenge for handling such data can be a costly affair. IBM has introduced the technology "Cognitive Storage" which ensures that the most relevant information is always on hand. This technology governs the incoming data, stores the data in definite media, application of levels of data protection, policies for the lifecycle and retention of different classes of data. This technology can be very beneficial for online learning in Indian scenario. This technology will be very beneficial in Indian society so as to store more information for the upliftment of the students’ knowledge.

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