2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-182

Presented research is characterized by the chronological-problem approach to content. The main research problem of this article focuses on place and role and activities of the Armed Forces of the Polish Republic in the process of holding the internal security in the area of Eastern Małopolska in the first half of the 1920s. The initial turning point was the signing of the Treaty of Riga in 1921 and the transition of the army to a peaceful activities, and the final one in 1925, in which an order was issued limiting the use of the army to activities that should be carried out by the State Police. During this period, soldiers from the Polish Army were used in battles with organized banditry, sabotage and subversive actions, which were repeated quite often, and which the police was not able to effectively counteract. All military actions were always carried out in close consultation with representatives of civilian field authorities on the principle of assistance. The army, however, had extensive powers with ad hoc jurisdiction, and the possibility of issuing and carrying out death sentences, also for crimes against property. The source basis of this research is the material from the archives in Poland and Ukraine, as well as literature and the local press.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 197-228
Aytul Kasapoglu ◽  
Alev Akbal

 The main research  problem of this study is that due to the uncertainties experienced, rationality has been replaced by feelings like morale panic and not all of the precautions will be applied by 55%, although it is known to be 90%. The main purpose of this article, Turkey and all experienced Covidien-19 (Corono virus)from the effects of a new virus in the world, is to examine the sociological basis of the news (reports) in the Turkish media The concepts of "uncertainties", "turning point" and "liminality" in social relations and values, classified by Harrison White (1992), constitute the theoretical basis of this relational sociological  study. The research questions, in which the article was sought in the critical analysis of the media, were formed on the basis of this theoretical framework. Uncertainties in social relations and values have been tried to be revealed through political discourse analysis of pictures and messages (Van Dick, 2016). Research findings revealed that the news in the media related to COVID-19virus caused attitudes and behaviors similar to those observed in previous bird flue (2005) and pig flue (2010) outbreaks in Turkey. In other words, while ontological insecurities lead to irrational reactions (morale panic) with the contribution of the media,  serious measures , such as curfews of people over 65, are not taken too seriously despite all warnings of the Minister of Health and Science Committee. On the other hand, it can be said that the authoritarian tendencies towards broader measures such as the curfew proclamation in the whole country have increased.

Kristina Mani

The Honduran military has a long history of established roles oriented toward both external defense and internal security and civic action. Since the end of military rule in 1982, the military has remained a key political, economic, and social actor. Politically, the military retains a constitutional mandate as guarantor of the political system and enforcer of electoral rules. Economically, its officers direct state enterprises and manage a massive pension fund obscured from public audit. Socially, the military takes on numerous civic action tasks—building infrastructure, conserving forests, providing healthcare, and policing crime—that make the state appear to be useful to its people and bring the military into direct contact with the public almost daily. As a result, the military has ranked high in public trust in comparison with other institutions of the state. Most significantly, the military has retained the role of arbiter in the Honduran political system. This became brutally clear in the coup of 2009 that removed the elected president, Manuel Zelaya. Although new rules enhancing civilian control of the military had been instituted during the 1990s, the military’s authority in politics was restored through the coup that ousted Zelaya. As no civilian politician can succeed without support for and from the military, the missions of the armed forces have expanded substantially so that the military is an “all-purpose” institution within a remarkably weak and increasingly corrupt state.


Povzetek Grožnje nacionalni varnosti se preoblikujejo zelo hitro. Prebivalci države pričakujejo, da se bo nacionalnovarnostni sistem učinkovito in uspešno odzval na te grožnje. Izvedbeno se lahko nacionalnovarnostni sistem države odzove samo tako, da v sistem zagotavljanja nacionalne varnosti vključi vse svoje vire v upanju sinergičnih učinkov. Uporaba oboroženih sil za zagotavljanje notranje varnosti je bila izredna naloga oboroženih sil. Obramba oziroma obrambna sposobnost vojske, ki se izvaja v notranjosti države za notranjo stabilnost in varnost države ob zakonskih in primarno konceptualno določenih nalogah vojske in policije, predstavlja zakonodajni in operacionalizacijski izziv države. Ključne besede Slovenska vojska, Policija, izredna pooblastila vojske, operacionalizacija. Abstract Nowadays, threats to national security are transforming extremely rapidly. The people of a country expect the national security system to respond effectively and successfully to these threats. Implementation-wise, a country's national security system can only respond by including all its resources in the national security system hoping to achieve synergistic effects. The use of the armed forces to ensure internal security was an extraordinary task of the armed forces. The defence and the defence capacity of the military, which are in addition to the legal and primarily conceptually determined tasks of the military and the police aimed at ensuring internal stability and national security in the interior of the country, represent a legislative and operational challenge of the state. Key words Slovenian Armed Forces, Police, extraordinary powers of the army, operationalization.

Agnieszka Rogozińska

The essence of international security concerns the possibility of counteracting threats created by other entities, creating conditions for its stable and harmonious functioning and development, and securing the values and interests of the state. The aim of the article is to identify the definition of international security and to diagnose contemporary threats to international security. The main research problem was formulated in the form of the question: What are the theoretical aspects of contemporary threats to international security? In the research process, the methodology of scientific cognition was used, including mainly the analysis and criticism of literature.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-95
Bernard Wiśniewski

This article presents the basic theoretical issues related to the use of armed forces to support the actions of institutions responsible for the internal security of the state. The reflections presented are based on an analysis of the literature on security sciences, generally applicable laws and directives of a strategic nature related to national security issues of the Republic of Poland. The basis for the discussion was a presentation of the significance of the effectiveness of the internal security system — the vision and the state security strategy. This served to illustrate the basic areas of support that have been identified on the basis of the common use of the term “internal security”. It is assumed that these are public safety and general security, understood as the components of the internal security of the state. An important issue in this part of the article is an overview of these types of security, which allows the relationships between them to be indicated. This range of considerations has consequently enabled the presentation of the rules of support for institutions responsible for the internal security of the state by the armed forces. Rules that have scientific justification, unmatchable practical value and that are systematically improved in the course of the day-to-day activity of the entities mentioned. In the final part of the work a summary, along with an indication of the specific scope of support, has been made using the conclusions of the provisions of generally applicable law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (34) ◽  
pp. 122-144
Stanisław Zarobny

In the article the author presents the genesis and evolution of the research on strategic culture. He also conducts an analysis of the conditions and factors shaping the Polish strategic culture and the role of the Polish national security strategy in it. Attempts are also made to evaluate the Polish strategic culture, with an emphasis on the perception of the role of military forces in it. The main research problem is as follows: Is strategic culture really present in Poland and what were the conditions for its development? Specific questions to be answered are: What has characterized strategic culture in Poland? What factors have determined the shape of Polish strategic culture? What is its impact on foreign policy and Poland’s security? How are armed forces perceived in Polish strategic culture? The main conclusion is that Poland has its own strategic culture, which has been shaped by historical experience.

2020 ◽  
pp. 171-180
Rafał Roguski

The presented text concerns the source material describing the internal security of Galicia, here referred to as Małopolska. The document comes from the collection of the State Archives of Lviv Oblast in Ukraine – the collection of the Provincial Office in Lviv. This is a monthly report of the State Police Headquarters in Małopolska for January 1920.

David Pion-Berlin

Argentina has moved through two defining eras. The first was one of military coups and dictatorships that repeatedly interrupted democratic periods of governance. The second has been one of uninterrupted democratic rule marked by firm military subordination to civilian control. From 1930 to 1976, the Argentine armed forces cut short the tenure of every democratically elected head of state. Eleven of 16 presidents during this period were generals. Military coups in Argentina were brought on by a combination of factors, including societal pressures, tactical and strategic blunders on the part of political leaders, and the military’s own thirst for power and privileges. Militaries would eventually leave power, but their repeated interventions would weaken respect for democratic processes. The last coup, which occurred in 1976, marked a turning point, giving rise to an authoritarian regime that spelled political, economic, and military disaster for the nation. So disgusted was the public with the dictatorship’s incompetence and brutality that it discovered a newfound respect for democratic rules of the game. The demise of the Proceso dictatorship helped usher in a long and unbroken period of democratic rule. Still, contemporary Argentine democratic governments have had to grapple with civil-military issues. Notable progress has been made, including the holding of human rights trials, the enactment of laws that restrict the military’s use in internal security, and the strengthening of the defense ministry. Notwithstanding a few rebellions in the late 1980s, the Argentine armed forces have remained firmly under civilian control since the return of democracy. Nonetheless, administrations have varied in their abilities and motivation to enact reforms.

V. Nazarkin ◽  
O. Semenenko ◽  
A. Efimenko ◽  
V. Ivanov

The task of choosing the rational number of power structures is always one of the main priorities of any political leadership of the state. An insufficient number of armed forces is a threat to the national security of the state; an excess number creates pressures on the development of the country's national economy. Today, when the development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being formed in the context of the practical application of their units and subunits to carry out combat missions, questions of choosing a priority approach to the formation (justification) of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an urgent issue. The article proposes a structure for conducting research on the development and implementation of the methodology of military-economic substantiation of the rational strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the system of defense planning of Ukraine in the formation of programs for their development for the medium and long term. The main objectives of this methodology are: scientific substantiation of the range of the necessary strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the period of the program of their development; the choice of the indicator of the rational size of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the years of the program from a certain range of its changes; military-economic substantiation of this number under the influence of various limiting factors. The development and implementation of such a methodology will increase the efficiency of the formation and implementation of development programs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the efficiency of using public funds for the development of power structures.

Fabrizio Coticchia

Since the end of the bipolar era, Italy has regularly undertaken military interventions around the world, with an average of 8,000 units employed abroad in the twenty-first century. Moreover, Italy is one of the principal contributors to the UN operations. The end of the cold war represented a turning point for Italian defence, allowing for greater military dynamism. Several reforms have been approved, while public opinion changed its view regarding the armed forces. This chapter aims to provide a comprehensive perspective of the process of transformation that occurred in post-cold-war Italian defence, looking at the evolution of national strategies, military doctrines, and the structure of forces. After a brief literature review, the study highlights the process of transformation of Italian defeshnce policy since 1989. Through primary and secondary sources, the chapter illustrates the main changes that occurred, the never-ending cold-war legacies, and key challenges.

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