2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Rafaela Beleza Fernandes ◽  
Gerleide Monteiro Costa ◽  
Renato Lima Santos

A competitividade tem demandado das instituições ações voltadas para a valorização efetiva dos seus colaboradores, onde a satisfação pessoal e profissional se torne um fator motivacional que impulsione a produtividade das partes envolvidas. O endomarketing é uma ferramenta de gestão que proporciona a aplicação de ações para o melhoramento da comunicação interna, gerando melhorias nas relações interpessoais entre os nutricionistas, que atuam como gestores, e seus colaboradores. Neste sentindo, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo detectar o uso desta ferramenta em Unidades Produtoras de Refeição, bem como, descrever o relacionamento do nutricionista gestor com seus colaboradores. Como metodologia de investigação, utilizou-se a pesquisa de campo na forma quantitativa e exploratória, sendo possível delinear a coleta de dados, por meio de um questionário com 25 (vinte e cinco) questões, o qual se aplicou a (23) vinte e três profissionais em nutrição. Através da referida pesquisa, foi possível identificar que o endomarketing é essencial para a obtenção de resultados positivos. A ação do endomarketing na nutrição resulta diretamente na melhoria da produtividade e na qualidade do serviço do colaborador, contribuindo para fidelização dos consumidores externos. Nowadays, competitiveness has demanded, from the institutions, actions increasingly focused on the effective valorization of its employees, where personal and professional satisfaction become a motivational factor that drives the productivity of the parties involved. The endomarketing as a management tool being used in nutrition, brings this purpose, as it provides the application of actions for the improvement of internal communication, causing benefits in relations among nutritionists. Therefore, the objective of this research is to detect this tool in nutrition, in Meal Producing Units, as well as to describe how it should be the relationship of the nutritionist manager with his collaborators. As a research methodology, field research was used in quantitative and exploratory form, and it was possible to delineate the data collection through a questionnaire with 25 (twenty-five) questions, which applied to (23) twenty-three professionals in nutrition. Through this research, it was possible to identify that endomarketing is essential for obtaining positive results. The endomarketing action in nutrition results directly in improving the productivity and quality of the employee's service, contributing to the loyalty of external consumers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-27
Gerleide Monteiro Costa ◽  
Rafaela Beleza Fernandes ◽  
Renato Lima dos Santos

Introdução: A competitividade temdemandado das instituições ações voltadas para a valorização efetiva dos seus colaboradores, onde a satisfação pessoal e profissional se torne um fator motivacional que impulsione a produtividade das partes envolvidas. O endomarketing é uma ferramenta de gestão que proporciona a aplicação de ações para o melhoramento da comunicação interna, gerando melhorias nas relações interpessoais entre os nutricionistas, que atuam como gestores, e seus colaboradores. Objetivos: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo detectar o uso desta ferramenta em Unidades Produtoras de Refeição, bem como, descrever o relacionamento do nutricionista gestor com seus colaboradores. Materiais e Métodos: Como metodologia de investigação, utilizou-se a pesquisa de campo na forma quantitativa e exploratória, sendo possível delinear a coleta de dados, por meio de um questionário com25 questões, que foi aplicado a 23 profissionais de nutrição. Resultados: Através da referida pesquisa, foi possível identificar que o endomarketing é essencial para a obtenção de resultados positivos. Conclusão: A ação do endomarketing na nutrição resulta diretamente na melhoria da produtividade e na qualidade do serviço do colaborador, contribuindo para fidelização dos consumidores externos.   ABSTRACTIntroduction: Nowadays, competitiveness has demanded from the institutions, actions increasingly focused on the effective valorization of its employees, where personal and professional satisfaction become a motivational factor that drives the productivity of the ones involved. The endomarketing as a management tool being used in nutrition, brings this purpose, as it provides the application of actions for the improvement of internal communication, causing benefits in relationships among nutritionists. . Objectives: The objective of this research is to detect the use of this tool in nutrition, in Meal Producing Units, as well as to describe how it should be the relationship of the nutritionist manager with his collaborators. Materials and Methods: As a research methodology, field research was used in quantitative and exploratory form, and it was possible to delineate the data collection through a questionnaire with 25 questions, which were applied to 23 professionals in nutrition. Results::Through this research, it was possible to identify that endomarketing is essential for obtaining positive results. Conclusion: The endomarketing action in nutrition results directly in improving the productivity and quality of the employee's service, contributing to the loyalty of external consumers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Irma Yuliani

This study aims to determine customer perceptions of service quality and products of Kaltimtara Sharia Bank Samarinda Branch. This type of research is field research. The nature of this study is qualitative descriptive by using interviews and questionnaires as data collection techniques. The population in this study are all priority customers of Samarinda Bank Kaltimtara Syariah Branch, amounting to 300 customers, using purposive techniques. sampling, the research sample was 75 respondents and interviews with related parties. The results showed that customer perceptions of service quality and products at Bankaltimtara Syariah Samarinda branch were measured using the CARTER dimension (Compliance, Assurance, Reliability, Tangibles, Emphaty, and Responsiveness). Whereas for products measured through 6 dimensions which include Performance, Features, Realiability, Durability, Conformance to specifications and aesthethic shows positive results which are very good but the things that need to be considered are regarding the need for additional park land specialized and financial consultations to meet priority customer needs. This is in line with the results of interviews with relevant parties that indicate the quality or quality of services and products that are sharia standard and in accordance with the vision and mission of Bankaltimtara Syariah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Tengku Rita

The purpose of this research was to know the method of counseling guidance provided by counselors to students of SMK Negeri 1 Tualang and to know the relationship of counseling guidance with the behavior of students of SMK Negeri 1Tualang. The data collection in this study was conducted using qualitative techniques by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The results showed that the absence of relationship counseling guidance methods namely lecture methods, question and answer methods, and brainstorming methods of changing student behavior, namely discipline behavior, diligent behavior, polite behavior, and obedient behavior. Regarding the respondent's assessment of the quality of counseling guidance methods applied with the approach used to students, most respondents responded inappropriately, and scheduled consultations will be able to increase the interest in student counseling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-160
Ahmad Asse ◽  
Ahmad Sehri ◽  
Prof. M. Asy'ari

This research is focused, how to apply several effective Arabic learning methods in improving the ability to read the Kitab Kuning to the Students PBA IAIN Palu. This research is a field research, which provides a systematic description of situations and events, intact and actual, and explain the relationship of the problem being studied. Data collection techniques with field studies, in-depth interviews and observations. The data obtained in the field are then analyzed and compiled in a draft question and answer between the researchers who then make general conclusions to be reported as a result of the research that has been done. The results of this study indicate that the application of several methods among the students of IAIN Palu is not effective except for the qawaid tarjamah method, as mandated in the 1998 curriculum. There is no meeting point between the curriculum and curriculum implementers, in this case the lecturers who are the main factor in not implementing the method according to expectations. While the qawaid tarjamah method is more effective than other methods. In addition, the language skills and reading of the Kitab Kuning owned by IAIN Palu students are very standardized even though the qawaid tarjamah method is very fruitful but not optimal. This is due to the application of the direct method using the Nazariyah al-Wahdah theory, but there is no stability in reading and translating.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-36
Mahmoud Hassan Gomaa ◽  
Amer Rashid Aanid ◽  
Mohammed Ibrahim Tayeh

   The research aims to identify the level of strategic leadership and quality of higher education, and testing the relationship of correlation and influence between strategic leadership and quality of higher education, The research problem was the role of strategic leadership in the quality of higher education of Diyala University. The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool, distributed to 30 forms as a sample for research, analyzed using the SPSS program, For the purpose of testing research hypotheses. The research found a correlation and an impact between strategic leadership and quality of higher education. The research ended with a set of recommendations that it is hoped will benefit the concerned.

Siti Mahnunah ◽  
Rostanti Toba

This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence towards the educators’ professionalism at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda. This type of research is a field research with a quantitative approach, the data collection techniques in this study are observations and questionnaires which are then analyzed using the Alpha Cronbach formula, this is because the type of correlation in this study is multiple correlation, so to obtain valid and reliable results the calculation uses  the IMB SPSSP 20 with a significant level of 5%. The results found were the relationship between emotional intelligence and professionalism of educators at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda was 0.750, and the relationship between spiritual intelligence and the professionalism of educators at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda was 0.756, while the relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence towards the professionalism of educators at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda is 0.836. Thus all the existing variables are said to be related to one another.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 114-118
Maria Inês Ferreira De Miranda ◽  
Taís Regina Oliveira ◽  
Pedro Di Tárique Barreto ◽  
Maria das Graças Carvalho Ferriani ◽  
Marcuce Antônio Miranda Dos Santos ◽  

O estudo objetivou investigar os casos de violência nas relações dos acadêmicos a fim de conhecer a prevalência de bullying dentro da Universidade Federal de Rondônia-Campus Porto Velho. Tratou-se de um estudo quantitativo no qual foi efetuado um inquérito epidemiológico que consistiu em um delineamento de pesquisa que possibilitou conhecer as vivências de violência apresentadas pelos alunos de ensino superior da cidade em evidência. Para coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário validado que foi aplicado durante visitas à Universidade, com alunos dos diversos cursos selecionados pela amostra quantitativa. Foram realizadas 456 entrevistas. Os resultados comprovaram que as manifestações de bullying ocorrem, principalmente, nas salas de aula (6,1%). Também foi observado que 32% afirmaram já ter passado por uma situação que considerou humilhante ou constrangedora por parte dos docentes. Mediante aos achados desta pesquisa foi possível afirmar que as manifestações de bullying estão presentes nas relações sociais da universidade.Descritores: Violência, Bullying, Ensino Superior.Behavior of students in a university of the amazon region faced with bullyingThis study aimed to investigate cases of violence in the relationship of academics to ascertain the prevalence of bullying within the Federal University of Rondônia, Porto Velho Campus. This was a quantitative study in which it was conducted a survey that consisted of a research design that helped us to understand the experiences of violence presented by the students of higher education from the city highlighted. For data collection we used a validated questionnaire that was applied during visits to the University with students from various courses selected by the sample quantity. 456 interviews were performed. Results showed that the manifestations of bullying occur mostly in the classroom (6,1%). It was also observed that 32% said they had experienced a situation considered humiliating or embarrassing by teachers. Upon the findings of this research it was possible to affirm that the manifestations of bullying are present in social relations of the university.Descriptors: Violence, Bullying, Higher Education.Conducta de estudiantes de la universidad de la amazonía frente a bullyingEl estudio tiene por objetivo investigar los casos de violencia en la relación de los académicos para conocer la prevalencia del maltrato entre iguales en la Universidad Federal de Rondónia- Campus, Puerto Viejo. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo en que fue realizado un plan de investigación que ayudó a comprender las experiencias de violencia presentados por los estudiantes de educación superior de la ciudad en evidencia. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un cuestionario validado que se aplicó durante las visitas a la Universidad, con estudiantes de diferentes cursos seleccionados por la cantidad muestra cuantitativa.456 entrevistas fueron realizadas. Los resultados mostraron que las manifestaciones de bullying se producen principalmente en las clases (6,1%). También se observó que el 32% dijeron que habían experimentado una situación que él consideraba humillante o embarazoso por parte de los docentes. Tras los resultados de esta investigación fue posible afirmar que las manifestaciones de bullying están presentes en las relaciones sociales de la universidad.Descriptores: Violencia, Bullying, Enseñanza Superior.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (12) ◽  
pp. 52-58
E.P. Meleshkina ◽  
S.N. Kolomiets ◽  
A.S. Cheskidova ◽  

Objectively and reliably determined indicators of rheological properties of the dough were identified using the alveograph device to create a system of classifications of wheat and flour from it for the intended purpose in the future. The analysis of the relationship of standardized quality indicators, as well as newly developed indicators for identifying them, differentiating the quality of wheat flour for the intended purpose, i.e. for finished products. To do this, we use mathematical statistics methods.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 76-91
E. D. Solozhentsev

The scientific problem of economics “Managing the quality of human life” is formulated on the basis of artificial intelligence, algebra of logic and logical-probabilistic calculus. Managing the quality of human life is represented by managing the processes of his treatment, training and decision making. Events in these processes and the corresponding logical variables relate to the behavior of a person, other persons and infrastructure. The processes of the quality of human life are modeled, analyzed and managed with the participation of the person himself. Scenarios and structural, logical and probabilistic models of managing the quality of human life are given. Special software for quality management is described. The relationship of human quality of life and the digital economy is examined. We consider the role of public opinion in the management of the “bottom” based on the synthesis of many studies on the management of the economics and the state. The bottom management is also feedback from the top management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Siska Oktavia ◽  
Wahyu Adi ◽  
Aditya Pamungkas

This study aims to analyze the value of the density of marine debris, perceptions and participation in Temberan beach and Pasir Padi beach, as well as determine the relationship of perception and participation to the density of marine debris. This research is a type of research that is descriptive with a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative). The study was conducted at Temberan beach in Bangka Regency and Pasir Pasir Beach Pangkal Pinang in October 2019. The sampling technique used was random sampling and purposive sampling. The data collection technique was carried out using observation technique namely sampling and questionnaire. The validity test uses the Pearson Product Moment formula and the reliability test uses the Cronbach’s Alpha formula. The results showed that the density of debris in the Temberan beach was more dominant at 10.92 pieces/meter2, while at Temberan beach 3 pieces/meter2. The results of perception and participation are different, with the Temberan beach occupying more complex waste problems. The relationship of perception and participation in the density of marine debris have a relationship that affects each other.

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