scholarly journals Pelatihan Terapi Relaksasi Hypnobirthing Untuk Tenaga Kesehatan Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pelayanan Kesehatan Ibu Dan

2021 ◽  
pp. 133-140
Lutfiana Puspita Sari ◽  
Triwik Sri Mulati

Background: labor pain is a real problem for maternity mothers, as many as 90% of women experience pain during childbirth. Mothers who are about to give birth expect to be able to give birth with a sense of comfort, but in reality many health workers, especially midwives, do not understand how to accompany mothers in labor and teach the correct relaxation techniques to reduce labor pain. The hypnobirthing relaxation technique is a natural pain reduction program by utilizing the subconscious mind to believe that childbirth is a natural, comfortable, and normal process that pregnant women can learn during their pregnancy. Methods: Method this study is used relaxation hypnobirthing intervention. The sample of  this study were all midwives in the South Klaten Public Health Center area. The researcher demonstrated hypnobirthing relaxation and then the respondents practiced it in pairs. Results: the average value of the knowledge of the midwives before the training on hypnobirthing relaxation was only 50, after the training the knowledge increased by 90. Hypnobirthing relaxation  training can increase knowledge and skills of midwives to in assisting pregnant women during their pregnancy and lead pregnant women to a comfortable, smooth, natural, and normal labor. Conclusion: Hypnobirthing relaxation training for midwives can increase their knowledge in assisting mothers in childbirth so that they can relax in the face of childbirth.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-70
R.Oktaviance Simorangkir ◽  
Lilis Sumardiani

In the Working Area of Pancur Batu Puskesmas class, pregnant women begin to be implemented in 2016, but still found the low knowledge of pregnant women about the ideal pregnancy examination and there are pregnant women who show unimportant attitude checking pregnancy to health workers. Goals : The purpose of this research is to know the influence of maternal class on pregnant mother's knowledge and attitude about pregnancy examination and treatment. Methods : The study used a quantitative method with cross sectional design. The population of 151 pregnant women in Pancur Batu Community Health Center and 132 of them (63 pregnant women who had attended pregnant mother class and 69 pregnant women who never attended maternal class) were used as samples. Data analysis using independent t test at significance level α = 0,05. Result : The results showed the total range of knowledge scores of mothers who had followed the class of pregnant women is 7-13 with an average value of 10.08 ± 1.82, while the total range of scores of mothers who never follow the pregnant women's class is 1-9 with an average value 4,97,1,94. There is a maternal class effect on maternal knowledge of examination and treatment of pregnancy (p <3,82. There is a maternal class effect on maternal attitudes about examination and treatment of pregnancy (p3.13, while the total range of maternal scores that never follow the class of pregnant women is 27-47 with an average value of 35 , 410.001). The total score of attitudes of mothers who have attended the class of pregnant women is 41-56 with an average score of 48.24 <0.001). Conclution : It is expected that the Health Office to schedule Pancur Batu Puskesmas to carry out pregnant women's classes regularly and carried out 2 periods a year. Pancur Batu Puskesmas is expected to maintain the quality of pregnant women's classes and counseling invites all pregnant women to follow the class of pregnant women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 791-798
Much Ilham Bintara Indah ◽  
Windha Widyastuti

AbstractBack pain is a problem commonly experienced by pregnant women in the third trimester. One of the effective ways to reduce that pain is pregnancy exercise. This scientific writing aims to describe the implementation of pregnancy exercise to pregnant women who experience back pain based on a literature review. The review was done to three articles from similar journal, which were published during 2018 – 2020. The Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) was used as the instrument. From 39 pregnant women who participated, 97.4% of them were 20-35 years old and 69.2% were fulltime housewives. The result showed that average value of the pain scale before the intervention was 5.42, and after the intervention was 2.70. The conclution of this literature review was that the implementation of pregnancy exercise was effective in reducing the intensity of back pain in pregnancy. Hence, health workers are supposed to encourage pregnant women to do pregnancy exercise, especially in the third trimester.Keywords: Keywords: Pregnancy; Back Pain, Pregnancy Exercise AbstrakKetidaknyamanan nyeri punggung umum dialami oleh ibu hamil Trimester III. Salah satu tindakan untuk menurunkan nyeri punggung yang efektif adalah senam hamil. Karya Tulis Ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penerapan senam hamil pada ibu hamil yang mengalami nyeri punggung berdasarkan literature review. Subyek literature review yang digunakan yaitu 3 jurnal dengan laman jurnal yang yang sama, terbit tahun (2018-2020). Instrumen pada ketiga artikel ini menggunakan NRS (Numeric Rating Scale). Hasil analisa karakteristik responden dari 3 jurnal menunjukkan dari jumlah responden 39 ibu hamil. Sebagian umur responden adalah 20-35 tahun (97,4%), mayoritas status pekerjaan adalah IRT (69,2%). Nilai rata-rata skala nyeri sebelum intervensi 5,42, setelah intervensi 2,70. Kesimpulkan dari literature review adalah senam hamil efektif dalam menurunkan intensitas nyeri punggung pada kehamilan. Saran bagi pelayan kesehatan hendaknya menigkatkan penerapan senam hamil kepada seluruh ibu hamil terutama trimester III.Kata kunci: Kehamilan, Nyeri Punggung, Senam Hamil

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Mo Tabib ◽  
Susan Crowther

This article reports a service evaluation of “antenatal education on physiology of childbirth and relaxation.” A service evaluation was carried out during group class discussion, immediately after the workshops, and following birth. Identified themes in the collected data were (a) my own relaxation, (b) confident, and not afraid, (c) proud of myself, (d) unexpected and feeling in control, and (e) support. Overall, women creatively customized the learned skills and reported feelings of pride and confidence. They reported feeling able to apply relaxation techniques when unexpected situations arise. Support and encouragement from partners and midwives were also valued by women. The evaluation demonstrates the efficacy of designing antenatal education that includes education on physiology of normal birth and relaxation training.

Hendri Parluhutan Lumbantobing ◽  
Renny Sinaga ◽  
Kandace Sianipar

Physiologically, all women who give birth will experience pain during labor process and statistically, labor pain cannot be tolerated by two out of three mothers. Women who get massages during labor will experience a significant decrease in anxiety, reduction in pain, and shorter delivery time. No wonder that endorphin massage technique is important to be mastered by pregnant women and husbands who enter the gestational age of the 36th week. The second thing that can be done to deal with the labor pain besides the endorphin massage is dancing. Dancing is a performance art but also can heal and free someone, especially the pregnant women who suffer from psychological disorders. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of belly dance combined with endorphin massage in reducing pain in the first stage of labor at the Beringin Health Center Tapian Dolok District, Simalungun Regency. The hypothesis in this study was belly dance and endorphin massage were effective in reducing pain in primiparous mothers. The type of this research was a quasi-experiment. The design of this study was pre and post-test design. The required number of samples was 16 + 1.6 = 17.6 or n = 18 samples, that was the sample size for the control group was 18 samples and the sample size for the treatment group was 18 samples, so the total number of samples needed in this study were n = 36 respondents. The results showed that there was an effect of endorphin massage combined with belly dance (asymp.sig 0.004) on reducing pain in first stage of labor. This study is expected to provide an education to pregnant women about the importance of the belly dance combined with endorphin massage in reducing pain in first stage of labor, so that pregnant women can do a belly dance combined with endorphin massage at home.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-31
Kandace Sianipar ◽  
Juneris Aritonang ◽  
Wilda Wahyuni Siregar

The provision of maternal services during the pandemic needs to be a concern to avoid an increase in maternal morbidity and mortality, especially at this time there are restrictions on maternal health services in the form of anxiety during pregnancy during the Covid19 pandemic. The type of research used in this study is descriptive which aims to determine the anxiety of pregnant women about ante natal care services in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic at the Bandar Khalipah Health Center in 2020. The population in this study were all pregnant women who did ANC checks in the Bandar Khalipah Health Center area. The sampling technique used in this study was accidental sampling (sampling when the study was conducted) totaled 34 people. The results of the study found that the majority of respondents had mild anxiety (44%) about Ante Natal Care services in the Covid-19 pandemic era. From the results of this study, pregnant women should seek correct information about safe pregnancy during the Covid-19 pandemic so that they can change the anxiety of pregnant women about Ante Natal Care services in the Covid-19 pandemic era assisted by health workers in health education activities.

Wewet Savitri ◽  
Nispi Yulyana ◽  
Anisah Tifani Maulidyanti

Pain in labor is a manifestation of uterine contractions in the first stage of labor that can cause fatigue so that it causes a decrease in uterine contractions. Many methods are offered to reduce pain during labor, non pharmacologically including endorphine massage has been proven to increase the ability of mothers to tolerate pain during childbirth. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of endorphine massage on pain intensity scale in first-time normal mothers in PMB Bengkulu City in 2020. This study used quasi-experimental designs with the pretest-posttest Non Equivalent Control Group. The intervention group the endorphine massage was given to first stage mothers, while the control group was given deep breath relaxation techniques. Total sample are 30 people, divided into 2 groups, each each of which amounted to 15 people. The statistical analysis used was the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney Test. The results of thetest Wilcoxon showed that the average value of pain intensity in the first stage before and after the intervention was 7.53 and it became 6.00 with a p-value = 0.000 (<0.05). whereas in the control group the average value was 7.20 and after being treated it became 6.00 with a p-value = 0.001 (<0.05) which means that there was an influence of endorphine massage on the intensity scale of pain in first-time normal primipara delivery mothers in PMB Bengkulu City. It is expected that midwives can pay more attention to maternal needs for comfort by applying endorphine massage in the control of labor pain. Keywords:Labor, Labor Pain, Endorphine Massage

2020 ◽  
pp. 17-26
Arista Apriani ◽  
M Mufdlilah ◽  
Menik Sri Daryanti

ABSTRAK GDM dapat berpotensi menimbulkan komplikasi serius yang dapat mengakibatkan risiko kesehatan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang bagi ibu dan bayinya. diagnosis GDM menimbulkan efek emosional yang negatif. Persepsi ibu hamil tentang GDM dapat memengaruhi perubahan gaya hidup. Garis pertama penatalaksanaan DMG yaitu dengan perubahan gaya hidup. Tujuan menggali secara mendalam kebutuhan ibu dengan diagnosis diabetes melitus gestasional. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan  fenomenologi. Lokasi di Kabupaten Karanganyar yaitu Puskesmas Jaten I, Puskesmas Matesih dan RSUD Kabupaten Karanganyar, pada bulan Oktober 2019 - Januari 2020. Sampel secara criterion sampling Pengumpulan data dengan semistructure interview dengan one on one interview. Uji Keabsahan Data dengan Credibility pada penelitian ini menggunakan strategi validitas triangulasi, Tranferability, Dependability, Confirmability. Analisis data dengan Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Hasil penelitian kebutuhan ibu hamil dengan DMG teridentifikasi empat tema, yaitu dukungan keluarga dalam hal mengontrol pola makan, mengatarkan periksa ke tenaga kesehatan, dan mengingatkan untuk aktifitas olah raga. Dukungan sosial, yaitu cara mengontrol gula darah. Dukungan tenaga kesehatan, yaitu saran dan motivasi untuk mengontrol gula darah. Informasi mendapat saran atau perawatan DMG dalam kehamilan adalah dari tenaga kesehatan yaitu bidan, dokter, serta selain tenaga kesehatan dari teman dan internet. Kesimpulannya kebutuhan ibu hamil dengan DMG teridentifikasi empat tema, yaitu dukungan keluarga, dukungan sosial, dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan informasi.   Kata kunci: diabetes melitus gestasional, kehamilan, kebutuhan.   ABSTRACT GDM can overcome serious problems that can overcome short-term and long-term health problems for mother and baby. a diagnosis of GDM has a negative emotional effect. Pregnant women 's perception of GDM can affect lifestyle changes. The first line of management of DMG is lifestyle changes. Diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus. Qualitative research methods by studying phenomenology. Locations in Karanganyar Regency are Jaten I Health Center, Matesih Health Center and Karanganyar District Public Hospital, in October 2019 - January 2020. Sample sampling criteria Data collection by semi-structured interviews with one-on-one interviews. Data Validity Test with Credibility in this study using the triangulation validity strategy, Transparency, Dependability, Confirmability. Data analysis with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The results of the study of the needs of pregnant women with DMG identified four themes, namely supporting the family in terms of controlling diet, sending check to health workers, and reminding for sports activities. Social support, which is a way to control blood sugar. Support of Health Workers, namely advice and motivation to control blood sugar. The information obtained from DMG advice or treatment in the assessment is from health workers, namely midwives, doctors, and also health workers from friends and the internet. In conclusion, the needs of pregnant women with DMG identified four themes, namely family support, social support, support of health workers and information.  

2020 ◽  
pp. 105477382098491
Hülya Türkmen ◽  
Serap Çetinkaya ◽  
Hafize Kiliç ◽  
Emine Apay ◽  
Devrim Karamüftüoğlu ◽  

This randomized controlled experimental study was conducted with an intervention group ( n = 61) and a control group ( n = 63) consisting of primipara pregnant women. The pregnant women in the intervention group were asked to focus their attention on Maryam’s flower opening its leaf buds and imagine the labor’s progress during the course of their labor. The VAS was administered to each group at specific times (at 4–5 cm, 6–7 cm, 8–9 cm cervical dilatation) to determine their level of labor pain. A statistically significant difference was found between the groups’ mean pain scores at 4–5 cm, 6–7 cm, and 8–9 cm cervical dilatation ( p < .05). The labor duration of the pregnant women in the intervention group was significantly shorter than that of the pregnant women in the control group ( p = .017). The physical comfort level of the intervention group was significantly higher than that of the control group at 8–9 cm cervical dilatation ( p = .039).

2013 ◽  
Vol 93 ◽  
pp. 78-85 ◽  
Karine Vanthuyne ◽  
Francesca Meloni ◽  
Monica Ruiz-Casares ◽  
Cécile Rousseau ◽  
Alexandra Ricard-Guay

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (Suppl 2) ◽  
pp. e000559 ◽  
Peter Barron ◽  
Joanne Peter ◽  
Amnesty E LeFevre ◽  
Jane Sebidi ◽  
Marcha Bekker ◽  

MomConnect is a flagship programme of the South African National Department of Health that has reached over 1.5 million pregnant women. Using mobile technology, MomConnect provides pregnant and postpartum women with twice-weekly health information text messages as well as access to a helpdesk for patient queries and feedback. In just 3 years, MomConnect has been taken to scale to reach over 95% of public health facilities and has reached 63% of all pregnant women attending their first antenatal appointment. The helpdesk has received over 300 000 queries at an average of 250 per day from 6% of MomConnect users. The service is entirely free to its users. The rapid deployment of MomConnect has been facilitated by strong government leadership, and an ecosystem of mobile health implementers who had experience of much of the content and technology required. An early decision to design MomConnect for universal coverage has required the use of text-based technologies (short messaging service and Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) that are accessible via even the most basic mobile phones, but cumbersome to use and costly at scale. Unlike previous mobile messaging services in South Africa, MomConnect collects the user’s identification number and facility code during registration, enabling future linkages with other health and population databases and geolocated feedback. MomConnect has catalysed additional efforts to strengthen South Africa’s digital health architecture. The rapid growth in smartphone penetration presents new opportunities to reduce costs, increase real-time data collection and expand the reach and scope of MomConnect to serve health workers and other patient groups.

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