scholarly journals Koettu työkyky ja hyvinvointitekijät Lapin 40–59-vuotiaassa väestössä

Kuntoutus ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Aila Järvikoski ◽  
Kristiina Härkäpää ◽  
Marjo Romakkaniemi ◽  
Esa Nordling

Heikentyneeseen työkykyyn yhteydessä olevien tekijöiden selvittäminen on tärkeää pyrittäessä ehkäisemään työelämästä syrjäytymistä ja parantamaan kuntoutuksen suuntaamista. Työkyvyn muutokset ovat 40 vuotta täyttäneillä yleisempiä kuin nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää sosiaalisten resurssien ja psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin liittyvien tekijöiden yhteyttä työkyvyn heikentymiseen Lapissa asuvilla 40–59-vuotiailla henkilöillä. Tiedonkeruu toteutettiin Lapin sairaanhoitopiirissä syksyllä 2012. Postikyselyn otos oli 8200 henkilöä ja vastausprosentti 33. Ikäryhmään 40–59 vuotta kuului vastanneista 959 (vastausprosentti 32). Heikentynyt työkyky määriteltiin työkykypistemäärän avulla (arvo 0–7 asteikolla 0–10). Analyysimenetelmänä oli logistinen regressioanalyysi. Terveys ja työkyky olivat työssä olevilla paremmat ja eläkeläisillä heikommat kuin työttömillä. Psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ongelmia oli työttömillä ja eläkeläisillä yhtä paljon. Pääasiallinen toiminta, sosiaalinen tuki, psyykkinen roolitoiminta, depressio ja terveydentila olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä heikentyneeseen työkykyyn kokonaismallissa, joka sisälsi myös sosiodemografiset taustamuuttujat. Tietoja työkykyä selittävistä tekijöistä voidaan käyttää hyväksi pohdittaessa työkykyä ylläpitävän toiminnan ja kuntoutuksen mahdollisuuksia. Abstract Perceived work ability and related factors with middle-aged people living in Lapland Perceived work ability predicts continuing at work or withdrawal to disability pension. The aim of the study was to investigate the associations of social, psychological and health factors with work ability in persons aged 40-59 years, living in Lapland. The total sample of the study was 8200 persons and the response rate 33. The number of persons aged 40–59 was 959 (response rate 32). A single-item work ability measure (work ability compared with the life time best) was used. With the unemployed, health and work ability were weaker than with those at work and better than with those at pension. Logistic regression analysis was used in determining the associations of social, psychological and health factors with work ability. In the total model, life situation, social support, psychological role functioning, depression and state of health were statistically significant predictors among all respondents, whereas health was the most important predictor among those at work. Information of factors associated with work ability is needed when developing strategies for rehabilitation and maintaining work ability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (Supplement_5) ◽  
J Kausto ◽  
L Kaila-Kangas ◽  
T Lallukka ◽  
P Leino-Arjas

Abstract Background A rising number of women will go through menopause while working. We aimed to examine the association of menopausal status with multisite pain and pain interfering with work ability. Methods We analysed cross sectional data collected in the Helsinki Health Study. Female full-time municipal employees aged 45, 50, 55 or 60 years and of at least normal weight were studied. Premenopausal group included 2420 and postmenopausal group 1364 participants. First, we examined the associations between menopausal status and multisite pain. Second, among those with pain (n = 1481), the association between menopausal status and change in work ability due to pain was studied. Age, health behaviour (including the use of hormone replacement therapy) and work-related factors were controlled for. Results Postmenopause was associated with multisite pain (OR 1,44; 95 % CI 1,11 − 1,87) as compared with premenopause. Postmenopause was also associated with a large change in self¬-perceived work ability caused by pain (OR 1,53; 95 % CI 1,01 − 2,32). Conclusions The results underline the importance of menopause to the experience of multisite pain and its contribution to the change in self¬-perceived work ability. Key messages This study adds evidence to the underresearched topic of menopause and work. Support for women in menopause and further attention in work issues of women in midlife are necessary.

2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 375-381 ◽  
Marja Hult ◽  
Anna-Maija Pietilä ◽  
Päivikki Koponen ◽  
Terhi Saaranen

Aims: The aims of this study were to describe the perceived work ability of unemployed individuals and to explore the association between perceived good work ability and sociodemographic, work-related and well-being factors. Methods: The data were derived from the Finnish Regional Health and Well-being Study (ATH) collected by postal and Internet-based questionnaires in 2014–2015. The random sample was selected from the Finnish National Population Register. The present study includes data from unemployed or laid-off respondents ( n=1975) aged 20–65 years. Logistic regression was used in the statistical analysis. Perceived work ability was measured with the Work Ability Score. Results: Factors significantly associated with good work ability were having young children living in the household, short-term unemployment, low or moderate physical strain in most recent job, moderate mental strain in most recent job, satisfaction with most recent job, good self-rated health and good quality of life. Good self-rated health (odds ratio=10.53, 95% confidence interval 5.90–18.80) was the most substantial factor in the multivariate model. Conclusions:The findings provide further evidence on the factors related to good work ability of the unemployed. These factors should be considered when designing interventions for promoting work ability and to minimise the harmful effects of long-term unemployment.

Gerontology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
André Hajek ◽  
Christian Brettschneider ◽  
Tina Mallon ◽  
Hanna Kaduszkiewicz ◽  
Birgitt Wiese ◽  

Introduction: There is a lack of studies examining the link between perceived autonomy and frailty among the oldest old. Therefore, our objective was to fill this gap. Methods: Data were used from the multicenter prospective cohort study “Needs, health service use, costs and health-related quality of life in a large sample of oldest-old primary care patients (85+)” (AgeQualiDe; follow-up [FU] wave 9; n = 510 observations in the analytical sample). The average age was 90.3 years (SD: 2.7 years). The Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) was used to assess frailty. Socioeconomic and health-related covariates were included in our regression model. The autonomy scale developed by Schwarzer was used to assess perceived autonomy in old age. Results: Adjusting for various confounders, multiple linear regressions showed that lower perceived autonomy was associated with increased levels of frailty (total sample: β = −0.13, p < 0.001; women: β = −0.14, p < 0.001; and men: β = −0.12, p < 0.001). Furthermore, lower perceived autonomy was associated with more depressive symptoms, higher cognitive impairment, and being institutionalized (except for men) in the total sample and in both sexes, but it was not significantly associated with age, sex, marital status, educational level, and social support. Conclusion: Findings indicate that frailty is associated with lower autonomy among the oldest old. More generally, while health-related factors were consistently associated with autonomy, sociodemographic factors (except for being institutionalized) were not associated with autonomy among the oldest old. We should be aware of the strong association between autonomy and physical as well as mental health in very old age.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. e046446
Monica Unsgaard-Tøndel ◽  
Ottar Vasseljen ◽  
Tom Ivar Lund Nilsen ◽  
Gard Myhre ◽  
Hilde Stendal Robinson ◽  

ObjectivePrimary care screening tools for patients with low back pain may improve outcome by identifying modifiable obstacles for recovery. The STarT Back Screening Tool (SBST) consists of nine biological and psychological items, with less focus on work-related factors. We aimed at testing the prognostic ability of SBST and the effect of adding items for future and present work ability.MethodsProspective observational study in patients (n=158) attending primary care physical therapy for low back pain. The prognostic ability of SBST and the added prognostic value of two work items; expectation for future work ability and current work ability, were calculated for disability, pain and quality of life outcome at 3 months follow-up. The medium and high-risk group in the SBST were collapsed in the analyses due to few patients in the high-risk group. The prognostic ability was assessed using the explained variance (R2) of the outcomes from univariable and multivariable linear regression and beta values with 95% CIs were used to assess the prognostic value of individual items.ResultsThe SBST classified 107 (67.7%) patients as low risk and 51 (32.3%) patients as medium/high risk. SBST provided prognostic ability for disability (R2=0.35), pain (R2=0.25) and quality of life (R2=0.28). Expectation for return to work predicted outcome in univariable analyses but provided limited additional prognostic ability when added to the SBST. Present work ability provided additional prognostic ability for disability (β=−2.5; 95% CI=−3.6 to −1.4), pain (β=−0.2; 95% CI=−0.5 to −0.002) and quality of life (β=0.02; 95% CI=0.001 to 0.04) in the multivariable analyses. The explained variance (R2) when work ability was added to the SBST was 0.60, 0.49 and 0.47 for disability, pain and quality of life, respectively.ConclusionsAdding one work ability item to the SBST gives additional prognostic information across core outcomes.Clinical trial number:NCT03626389

Rheumatology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (Supplement_1) ◽  
Mandeep Ubhi ◽  
Shirish Dubey ◽  
John Reynolds ◽  
Caroline Gordon ◽  
Tochukwu Adizie ◽  

Abstract Background/Aims  Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) affect patients from minority ethnic backgrounds, with many patients experiencing symptoms that affect their daily lives despite receiving long-term controller medication. Work is a large part of most people’s lives, yet little has been explored into how people from minority ethnic backgrounds cope at work whilst living with SLE. We conducted a study to understand the impact of SLE on working lives of South Asian patients. The aim was to identify and develop support mechanisms that could assist them with remaining at work. Methods  Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten patients of South Asian origin with SLE to explore their work experiences. Patients were recruited from three rheumatology centres in the West Midlands, UK and were interviewed between November 2019 and March 2020. Interviews were audio-recorded and typed by an independent transcribing company. Returned transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis and QSR NVivo 12 software was used to organise and manage the data. Results  The majority (n = 8) of patients were female. Eight patients were from an Indian background, and two were from a Pakistani background. Half of all patients were educated to degree level. The age range of patients was 23 - 58 years old (S.D = 10.79), and disease duration varied between 3 months-33 years (S.D = 9.52). All patients had permanent jobs; six were in full-time employment, and four were in part-time employment. Four main themes emerged from the data: 1) Disease related factors; impacting work ability; 2) Employment related factors; impacting work ability; 3) Personal and cultural related factors; impacting work ability; 4) Recommendations for improvement were made by patients. Conclusion  In this novel study we highlight patients’ experiences of being at work. This study reports low awareness of SLE and mixed support in the workplace. Patients discussed work to varying degrees with their clinicians and needed further information for employers that was not available nor provided by their clinicians. The study reports cultural barriers in understanding SLE that could lead to lack of family support to remain in employment. Moreover, recommendations made in this study require further investigation and could be used by clinicians and Lupus UK to support patients of South Asian origin at work. Disclosure  M. Ubhi: None. S. Dubey: None. J. Reynolds: None. C. Gordon: None. T. Adizie: None. T. Sheeran: None. K. Allen: None. R. Jordan: None. S. Sadhra: None. J. Adams: None. R. Daji: None. K. Kumar: None.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-17
Minna Savinainen ◽  
Elina Lindgren ◽  
Hannu Heikkilä

Työurien pidentämisessä ja työhön osallistumisen lisäämisessä oleellista on tukea myös osatyökykyisten henkilöiden työhön kiinnittymistä ja työssä jatkamista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää erikoissairaanhoidon kuntoutustutkimuspotilaiden (N = 238) työmarkkinatilanteen, sairausetuuksien käytön, elämänlaadun sekä työ- ja toimintakyvyn muutoksia vuoden kuluttua kuntoutustutkimuksesta. Kuntoutustutkimuksessa olleiden osallistuminen työmarkkinoille sekä ammatilliseen kuntoutukseen lisääntyi ja samalla sairausetuuksien käyttö väheni. Potilaiden elämänlaatu, koettu terveys ja työkyky sekä itsestä huolehtiminen paranivat. Vastaavasti kognitiivinen ja fyysinen toimintakyky sekä osallisuus heikkenivät. Systemaattisella ja moniammatillisella työ- ja toimintakyvyn arvioinnilla voidaan saavuttaa vaikuttavia suunnitelmia työllistymisen edistämiseksi. Abstract Follow-up study on the labor market situation, quality of life and perceived work ability and functioning of patients of a rehabilitation outpatient clinicIn order to prolong working careers and increase participation in work, it is also important to support the attachment and continuation of people with partial ability to work. The aim of the study was to find out the changes in the labor market situation, the use of sick leave, quality of life, and work ability and functioning of the outpatient clinic of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (N=238) during one-year follow-up. Participation in the labor market and vocational rehabilitation of those who participated in rehabilitation increased, and at the same time the use of sickness benefits decreased. Patients’ quality of life, perceived health and work ability, and self-care improved. Correspondingly, cognitive and physical functioning as well as inclusion were impaired. Systematic and multi-professional assessment of work ability and functioning can lead to effective plans to promote employment. Keywords: rehabilitation, employment status, quality of life, work ability, functioning

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
Ariana FIDELIS ◽  
Helenides MENDONÇA

Abstract This study aims to analyze the moderating power of time of unemployment in the relationship between work values and psychological well-being. The sample consisted of 265 unemployed individuals, 77 men and 188 women with an average age of 27 years (SD = 7.21), with complete secondary education in 48% of the total sample. The following data collection instruments were applied: Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, the Flourishing Scale and the Work Intrinsic Values Scale. The results of hierarchical regression analyses show that time of unemployment acts as a moderator in the relationship between the work values and the psychological well-being, so that the longer the unemployment duration the greater the individual’s psychological well-being. Consequently, the shorter the period of unemployment, more intense is the feeling of negative emotions. The result yield three important contributions: demonstration of the association between work values and psychological well-being of unemployed; identification that the period of unemployment is an important moderator to understand the unemployed well-being and review of the issue of unemployment in the social and political field in times of recession.

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