scholarly journals Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (Konsep dan Implementasi)

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-34
Anarisa Anarisa

Efforts to improve the quality of education by conducting curriculum development are a necessity, because there are a number of pillars as well as the direction of the implementation of education in schools. In accordance with global demands ahead of the enactment of AFTA (Asean Free Trade Area) and AFLA (Asean Free Labor Area) the demands of the education world are increasingly complex. The world of education is required to be able to produce skilled workers who are able to exist and survive in this global development. because to meet the demands of these developments, improvement and renewal of various components of education especially the educational curriculum becomes an urgent thing to do, because in reality the 1994 curriculum was no longer relevant to deliver students to be able to compete with the global development of society for the government through the Ministry of National Education in academic year 2004/2005 will provide a new curriculum called the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) with a variety of studies and planning that is expected to be able to produce quality HR and be able to answer the global challenges of society.   

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Iwan Setiajie Anugrah

<strong>English</strong><br />Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) is a regional trade cooperation of ASEAN countries intended to boost trade volumes through tariff decrease of specific commodities including those of agriculture. AFTA is scheduled in 2008 but it is implemented earlier in 2003. This is a promising opportunity for Indonesia to boost agricultural product export and a challenge to produce competitive products at the regional level. Some constraints to solve by the government of Indonesia are quality products, limited capital, price and exchange rate policies, market competition, and instable domestic political setting. Implementation of regional autonomy is expected to improve quality of agricultural products to compete in regional and global markets. It will improve farmers’ welfare and local government incomes.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA) merupakan bentuk kerjasama perdagangan di wilayah negara-negara ASEAN yang mempunyai tujuan untuk meningkatkan volume perdagangan di antara negara anggota melalui penurunan tarif beberapa komoditas tertentu, termasuk di dalamnya beberapa komoditas pertanian, dengan tarif mendekati 0-5 persen. Dalam kesepakatan, AFTA mulai efektif pada tahun 2008 namun dalam perkembangannya dipercepat menjadi tahun 2003. Bagi Indonesia, kerjasama AFTA merupakan peluang yang cukup terbuka bagi kegiatan ekspor komoditas pertanian yang selama ini dihasilkan dan sekaligus menjadi tantangan untuk menghasilkan komoditas yang kompetitif di pasar regional AFTA. Upaya ke arah itu, nampaknya masih memerlukan perhatian serta kebijakan yang lebih serius dari pemerintah maupun para pelaku agribisnis, mengingat beberapa komoditas pertanian Indonesia saat ini maupun di masa yang akan datang masih akan selalu dihadapkan pada persoalan-persoalan dalam peningkatan produksi yang berkualitas, permodalan, kebijakan harga dan nilai tukar serta persaingan pasar di samping iklim politis yang tidak kondusif bagi sektor pertanian. Diharapkan dengan diberlakukannya otonomi daerah perhatian pada sektor agribisnis dapat menjadi salah satu dorongan bagi peningkatan kualitas produk pertanian sehingga lebih kompetitif di pasar lokal, regional maupun pasar global, dan sekaligus memberikan dampak positif bagi perekonomian nasional maupun peningkatan pendapatan petani dan pembangunan daerah.

At-Turats ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Rustam Abong

Curriculum in Indonesia is always related to the constellation of power, and therefore the direction and substance of the curriculum are determined by the decision of state authorities and non-state subsystems, or complying to a certain notion and concept of education. Constellation of power and complexity of curriculum can be seen in the instruction of Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK), school-based curriculum (KTSP) and 2013 Curriculum. After all, there is no guarantee that these curriculums will be able to develop students’ competency and build their character in line with the national education goals as mandated by Law No. 20/2003 on National Education System. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the curriculum; it is the fault of policy makers of education. The Indonesian people need political will of the government. Curriculum is not the only factor that determines the quality of education. Nor is it the only tool to realize the vision of education. However, curriculum can serve as a strategic device to seed the interests of power. Changes in curriculum in fact generate a strong constellation of power in the curriculum itself, especially in determining the content of education, so no wonder education in Indonesia is “subjugated” by curriculums with business and political interests.

2021 ◽  
Volodymyr Olefir ◽  

The benefits and costs of the implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between Ukraine and the EU have been studied. The study aimed to find out to what extent the implementation of DCFTA has helped increase exports and attract foreign direct investment into Ukraine’s economy. A comparison method was used to conduct the study. The period of implementation of the DCFTA (2016-2020) was compared with the period before the implementation of the DCFTA (2010- 2014). Due to trade liberalization, exports of Ukrainian goods to the EU and imports of goods from the EU to Ukraine have increased. Trade liberalization has not contributed to further attracting foreign direct investment from the EU to Ukraine’s economy. The urgent task of the Government of Ukraine is to create a business regulatory environment according to European standards and protect foreign investment.

Zulganef Sutan Sati ◽  
Usin Susanto

The Indonesian government believes that textbooks play a strategic role in improving the quality of primary and secondary education (Regulation of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No.11 of 2005). Nevertheless, Abdulkarim (2010) revealed that the quality of school textbooks, either in junior or vocational / high school is very low. The contradiction between Regulation of the Minister of National Education Regulation goal and Abdulkarim (2010), and some previous research, such as Heskett et al. (1997), and Dimitriades (2006) motivates this study to analyze the effect of satisfaction to commitment and loyalty of vocational teachers in Bandung. The results showed that there was no correlation between satisfaction and the commitment and between the commitment and loyalty, but there is a significant direct correlation between satisfaction and loyalty. This shows that users of textbooks as the government policy consumers has loyalty in the sense will do its use continuously, but the loyalty is not based on a commitment, but only based on satisfaction.This is suggests that vocational high school teachers are satisfied with the textbook but don’t want to rely on Regulation of National Education Minister, since commitment is defined by Dwyer et al. (1987), Morgan and Hunt (1994), and Pritchard et al. (1999) as a stable seeking and defensive attitude towards not to change a choice. They are easy to change attitudes through using of Electronic Text Boook (ETB) as teaching materials. The Authors also revealed some limitations and recommendations

2014 ◽  
Vol 60 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 31-48
E. Cihelková

The European Union pays a primary attention to the development of neighbouring relations; it means the relations with countries in the immediate vicinity of its external borders. This is done for the sake of prosperity, stability and the spread of democratic values in the world. In this sense, a kind of the privileged region have always created the states of the Southern and Eastern or eventually Northern Mediterranean with which the European Economic Community began to develop cooperation immediately after its formation. Then since the mid-1990s, the EU set out a goal to create a Euro-Mediterranean free trade area and thus to move closer to the interlacing of the two entities in the form of integration. The outline of the process of development of Euro-Mediterranean relationships (including the changes of bilateral approaches and the conditioning factors) is the objective of this article. It is divided into three sections, which cover different stages of the development of these relationships over time and escalate in terms of two-way approaches to a new quality of cooperation (including the three stated research questions). The result of these relationships could become a Euro-Mediterranean Alliance that is outlined as a differentiated form of multilateralism in the conclusions of the paper.

Эдуард Джагитян ◽  
Eduard Dzhagityan ◽  
Виктория Перская ◽  
Viktoriya Pyerskaya ◽  
Николай Ревенко ◽  

In the collective monograph, written by the authors of the Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation and Banking Academy of Vietnam identified key problematice economic ties of the EEU member States and SVR. It States that the Agreement on free trade between the member States of the Eurasian economic Union and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam even for a short period of operation has allowed to deepen cooperation in almost all areas which are the subject of the interaction. A comparative assessment of different types of free trade agreements was made. The problems preventing the intensification of interaction between the EAEU countries and Vietnam in the areas of trade, foreign direct investment, intellectual property, tourism and regulation of migration flows are identified, the legal analysis of the articles of the Agreement is carried out. The efficiency of the EAEU-Vietnam free trade zone is estimated using the gravity model.The main recommendations on strengthening the interstate partnership within the framework of the current Agreement are formulated. For managers and specialists in foreign economic activity, researchers, postgraduates, students studying international economic relations.

2019 ◽  
Sukma ◽  
Rusdinal ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

There have been many efforts made by the government in improving the quality of education such as issuing Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 19 of 2005 concerning national education standards. Educational institutions hold scientific activities that can improve the ability or potential of educators so that professional educators can be created who can later improve the quality of learning in schools. This article discusses the factors that can improve the quality of education, elements and strategies in improving the quality of education.

Yuridika ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Indrawati . ◽  
Rr. Herini Siti Aisyah

There are many various efforts have been taken by the Government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, one of them with empowerment and improving the quality of teachers and lecturers as professional educators must have the academic qualifications, competence, education certificates, and have the ability to achieve national education goals. However, as consequences Government cut the student salaries component included basic salary and allowances, and only receive the benefits of the family. The existing lawsconcerning the financial management of state budget allocations, especially civil servants salaries that are taking education in the Ministry of National Education in Indonesia that are incompatible with the principles of good governance. While the principle of state financial accountability contained in Article 23 art (1) of UUD 1945 that is “responsible for the greatest prosperity of the people”. The dimensions of financial accountability, not judged merely from the final report submitted, but from the beginning of the design process, discussion, and ratification, and implementationKeyword : education, payroll deduction, regulation, good governance, accountability.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Anak Agung Ketut Raka ◽  
I Ketut Winantra

ABSTRAK             Di Indonesia peningkatan mutu pendidikan merupakan sasaran pembangunan di bidang pendidikan nasional dan merupakan bagian integral dari upaya peningkatan kualitas manusia secara menyeluruh. Mengingat peran pendidikan sangat penting bagi kehidupan masyarakat, maka pemerintah berupaya untuk meningkatkan kwalitas semua komponen yang dapat menunjang peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Salah satu komponen yang dimaksud adalah peningkatan mutu profesionalisme guru khususnya guru pendidikan agama hindu.             Ada beberapa komponen strategis yang perlu diperhatikan oleh guru pendidikan agama hindu yaitu permasalahan-permasalahan profesionalisme guru, prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme guru dan upaya peningkatan profesionalisme guru. Permasalahan-permasalahan profesionalisme guru meliputi profesionalisme profesi keguruan, otoritas profesioanal guru, kebebasan akademik dan tanggung jawab moral. Prinsip-prinsip profesionalisme guru meliputi memiliki bakat, minat, panggilan jiwa dan idealisme, memiliki komitmen, kualifikasi akademik, kompetensi, tanggung jawab, penghasilan, kesempatan, jaminan perlindungan hukum dan organisasi profesi. Upaya-upaya profesionalisme guru meliputi terdidik secara baik, terlatih secara baik, dihargai secara baik, terlindungi secara baik dan dikelola secara baik. ABSTRACT Indonesia is improving the quality of education is a development target in the field of national education and is an integral part of efforts to improve the quality of society, the government seeks to improve the quality of all components that can support the improvement of the quality of education. one of the components in question is improving the quality of teacher professionalism, especially teachers of Hindu education. There are several strategic components that need to be considered by Hindu religious education teachers, namely problems - the problems of teacher professionalism, the principles of teacher professionalism and efforts to increase teacher professionalism. problems - the problems of teacher professionalism include professionalism of the teaching profession, teacher professional authority, academic breakdown and moral responsibility. the principles of teacher professionalism include having talent, interest, calling soul and idealism, having commitment, academic qualifications, competence, responsibilities, income, opportunities, legal protection guarantees and professional organizations.Efforts - the efforts of teacher professionalism include well-educated, well-trained, well-respected, well-protected and well-managed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Tatang Ibrahim ◽  
Siti Robiah

The essence of education is a learning process. There is no quality education without quality learning. Changes in the system of management, both from the point of view of educators and educational personnel, must have clear supervision. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of education in madrasah, the government, in this case the Ministry of National Education, is developing various programs which are expected to improve the quality of learning, especially through supervision activities. This study aims to determine whether there is a positive and significant relationship between the academic supervision of the head of madrasah and the improvement of the quality of learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Jamiatul Huda Bekasi district. This research is based on the idea that one of the ways to improve the quality of education is by increasing the quality of learning. In this case the learning process is an important component in determining the quality of education. besides teachers and students who are in the implementation of the learning process. The activities of the principal of madrasah in supervising, guiding, fostering teachers in the learning process use academic supervision. For this reason, the research was conducted to determine whether there was a relationship between the academic supervision of the head of the madrasah and the improvement of the quality of learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Jamiatul Huda, Bekasi district. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach, correlational type and uses a simple linear regression method. The population is all teacher councils at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Jamiatul Huda Bekasi Regency and as many as 28 people. Research data using the SPSS 26 for windows program. The results of this study indicate that the academic supervision of the head of madrasah has a positive and significant relationship with the improvement of the quality of learning at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Jamiatul Huda Bekasi district. Based on the results of the research, the following suggestions can be made: (1) Madrasah supervisors and madrasah principals are expected to supervise not only matters of an administrative nature, but prioritizes supervision in the academic field, so as to improve the innovative performance of teachers who In the end, improve the quality of education, (2) maximize classroom observations or class assessments, so that the head of madrasah is aware of teacher teaching developments and teacher constraints and is able to provide solutions in improving the learning process.

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