2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Lilik Sriwiyati ◽  
Tunjung Sri Yulianti

Latar belakang : jumlah kasus Covid-19 dan/atau jumlah kematian semakin meningkat, hal ini berdampak pada aspek politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan keamanan, serta kesejahteraan masyarakat di Indonesia. Kondisi wabah penyakit akan menyebabkan orang merasa khawatir dan tertekan. Berbagai dampak yang dialami masyarakat dari segi ekonomi maupun psikologis yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Melihat kejadian tersebut, maka peneliti memandang perlu untuk melakukan penelitian tentang hubungan kecemasan masyarakat pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan kualitas hidup. Tujuan : mengetahui hubungan kecemasan dengan kualitas hidup masyarakat pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Desa Bolopleret Kecamatan Juwiring, Klaten. Metode : desain penelitian ini adalah korelasional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 86 yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Kecemasan diukur menguunakan instrumen HRSA sedangkan kualitas hidup diukur menggunkan instrumen WHOQOL-BREF. Data yang sudah terkumpul dilakukan analisa menggunakan uji Spearman Rho. Hasil : terdapat 46,7% masyarakat yang mengalami kecemasan dengan kategori kecemasan ringan  sebanyak 11 responden (12,2%), kecemasan sedang sebanyak 13 responden (14,4%) dan kecemasan berat sebanyak 18 responden (20%). Responden yang tidak mengalami kecemasan, mayoritas memiliki kualitas hidup baik, yaitu sebesar 70,83%. Sedangkan responden yang mengalami kecemasan baik ringan, sedang, maupun berat, mayoritas memiliki kualitas hidup sedang. Semakin berat tingkat kecemasan maka semakin banyak responden yang memiliki kualitas hidup sedang, bahkan kualitas hidup buruk. Responden yang mengalami kecemasan sedang memiliki kualitas hidup sedang sebanyak  61,54% dan responden yang mengalami kecemasan berat semakin banyak yang memiliki kualitas hidup sedang, yaitu sebanyak 83,33%. Hasil analisa statistik menggunakan uji Spearman rho didapatkan nilai p=0,000 dan nilai rs=-0,647. Kesimpulan : terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecemasan dengan kualitas hidup yang bersifat negatif, artinya semakin tinggi nilai kecemasan maka semakin rendah kualitas hidup atau sebaliknya, semakin rendah kecemasan maka semakin tinggi kualitas hidup.   Kata kunci : Covid-19, kecemasan, kualitas hidup   Background : the number of Covid-19 cases and/or the number of deaths is increasing, this has an impact on political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security aspects, as well as the welfare of the people in Indonesia. An epidemic condition will cause people to feel worried and depressed. The various impacts experienced by the community can cause problems both from an economic and psychological perspective that can affect the quality of life. Seeing this incident, the researchers considered it necessary to conduct research on the relationship of anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic with quality of life Purpose: Knowing the relationship of community anxiety in the Covid-19 pandemic with the quality of life Methods : the design of this research is correlational. The number of samples was 86 which were taken using simple random sampling technique. Anxiety was measured using the HRSA instrument while quality of life was measured using the WHOQOL-BREF instrument. The data that has been collected is analyzed using the Spearman rho test. Result : there are 46.7% of people who experience anxiety with mild anxiety category as many as 11 respondents (12.2%), moderate anxiety as many as 13 respondents (14.4%) and severe anxiety as many as 18 respondents (20%). Respondents who do not experience anxiety, the majority have a good quality of life, there are 70.83%. Meanwhile, the majority of respondents who experienced mild, moderate, and severe anxiety had a moderate quality of life. The heavier the level of anxiety, the more respondents have a moderate quality of life, even worse quality of life. Respondents who experience moderate anxiety have a moderate quality of life as much as 61.54% and respondents who experience severe anxiety have more moderate quality of life, which is 83.33%. The results of statistical analysis using the Spearman rho test obtained p value = 0.000 and value of rs=-0,647. Conclusion : there is a significant relationship between anxiety and quality of life which is negative relationship, meaning that the higher the anxiety, the lower the quality of life, otherwise, the lower the anxiety, the higher the quality of life.   Keywords: anxiety, Covid-19, quality of life

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Lilik Sriwiyati ◽  
Tunjung Sri Yulianti

Latar belakang : jumlah kasus Covid-19 dan/atau jumlah kematian semakin meningkat, hal ini berdampak pada aspek politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan keamanan, serta kesejahteraan masyarakat di Indonesia. Kondisi wabah penyakit akan menyebabkan orang merasa khawatir dan tertekan. Berbagai dampak yang dialami masyarakat dari segi ekonomi maupun psikologis yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Melihat kejadian tersebut, maka peneliti memandang perlu untuk melakukan penelitian tentang hubungan kecemasan masyarakat pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan kualitas hidup. Tujuan : mengetahui hubungan kecemasan dengan kualitas hidup masyarakat pada masa pandemi COVID-19 di Desa Bolopleret Kecamatan Juwiring, Klaten. Metode : desain penelitian ini adalah korelasional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 86 yang diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Kecemasan diukur menguunakan instrumen HRSA sedangkan kualitas hidup diukur menggunkan instrumen WHOQOL-BREF. Data yang sudah terkumpul dilakukan analisa menggunakan uji Spearman Rho. Hasil : terdapat 46,7% masyarakat yang mengalami kecemasan dengan kategori kecemasan ringan  sebanyak 11 responden (12,2%), kecemasan sedang sebanyak 13 responden (14,4%) dan kecemasan berat sebanyak 18 responden (20%). Responden yang tidak mengalami kecemasan, mayoritas memiliki kualitas hidup baik, yaitu sebesar 70,83%. Sedangkan responden yang mengalami kecemasan baik ringan, sedang, maupun berat, mayoritas memiliki kualitas hidup sedang. Semakin berat tingkat kecemasan maka semakin banyak responden yang memiliki kualitas hidup sedang, bahkan kualitas hidup buruk. Responden yang mengalami kecemasan sedang memiliki kualitas hidup sedang sebanyak  61,54% dan responden yang mengalami kecemasan berat semakin banyak yang memiliki kualitas hidup sedang, yaitu sebanyak 83,33%. Hasil analisa statistik menggunakan uji Spearman rho didapatkan nilai p=0,000 dan nilai rs=-0,647. Kesimpulan : terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecemasan dengan kualitas hidup yang bersifat negatif, artinya semakin tinggi nilai kecemasan maka semakin rendah kualitas hidup atau sebaliknya, semakin rendah kecemasan maka semakin tinggi kualitas hidup.   Kata kunci : Covid-19, kecemasan, kualitas hidup   Background : the number of Covid-19 cases and/or the number of deaths is increasing, this has an impact on political, economic, social, cultural, defense and security aspects, as well as the welfare of the people in Indonesia. An epidemic condition will cause people to feel worried and depressed. The various impacts experienced by the community can cause problems both from an economic and psychological perspective that can affect the quality of life. Seeing this incident, the researchers considered it necessary to conduct research on the relationship of anxiety during the Covid-19 pandemic with quality of life Purpose: Knowing the relationship of community anxiety in the Covid-19 pandemic with the quality of life Methods : the design of this research is correlational. The number of samples was 86 which were taken using simple random sampling technique. Anxiety was measured using the HRSA instrument while quality of life was measured using the WHOQOL-BREF instrument. The data that has been collected is analyzed using the Spearman rho test. Result : there are 46.7% of people who experience anxiety with mild anxiety category as many as 11 respondents (12.2%), moderate anxiety as many as 13 respondents (14.4%) and severe anxiety as many as 18 respondents (20%). Respondents who do not experience anxiety, the majority have a good quality of life, there are 70.83%. Meanwhile, the majority of respondents who experienced mild, moderate, and severe anxiety had a moderate quality of life. The heavier the level of anxiety, the more respondents have a moderate quality of life, even worse quality of life. Respondents who experience moderate anxiety have a moderate quality of life as much as 61.54% and respondents who experience severe anxiety have more moderate quality of life, which is 83.33%. The results of statistical analysis using the Spearman rho test obtained p value = 0.000 and value of rs=-0,647. Conclusion : there is a significant relationship between anxiety and quality of life which is negative relationship, meaning that the higher the anxiety, the lower the quality of life, otherwise, the lower the anxiety, the higher the quality of life.   Keywords: anxiety, Covid-19, quality of life

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Astrida Budiarti

ABSTRAK Masalah pada lansia yaitu terjadi penurunan interaksi sosial karena faktor kesehatan maupun kehilangan pasangan dan kunjungan keluarga yang jarang sehingga menimbulkan perasaan kesepian dan penurunan kualitas hidup pada lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan interaksi sosial terhadap tingkat kesepian dan kualitas hidup lansia di UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel menggunakan Simple Random Sampling sebanyak 77 lansia di UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan Surabaya. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah interaksi sosial yang diukur dengan instrumen kuesioner terstruktur. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat kesepian yang diukur dengan instrumen kuesioner UCLA Loneliness Version 3 dan kualitas hidup yang diukur dengan instrumen kuesionerWHOQOL-BREF. Analisis data menggunakan uji Spearman rho ρ=0,05.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan interaksi sosial terhadap tingkat kesepian lansia dengan ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05) dan terdapat hubungan interaksi sosial terhadap kualitas hidup lansia dengan ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05). Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu interaksi sosial berperan penting dalam mengurangi tingkat kesepian dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia, sehingga perlu adanya pendampingan dalam kegiatan kelompok kecil dan kunjungan keluarga yang rutin. Kata Kunci :Lansia, Interaksi Sosial. Kesepian, Kualitas Hidup   ABSTRACT The problem in the elderly is that there is a decrease in social interaction due to health factors and loss of spouses and rare family visits, giving rise to feelings of loneliness and decreased quality of life in the elderly. This study aims to determine the relationship of social interactions to the level of loneliness and quality of life of the elderly in the UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan Surabaya. The study design was observational analytic with a cross sectional approach. The sample used Simple Random Sampling as many as 77 elderly at the Griya Werdha UPTD Surabaya. The independent variable in this study is social interaction measured by a structured questionnaire instrument. The dependent variable in this study was the level of loneliness measured by the UCLA Loneliness Version 3 questionnaire instrument and quality of life as measured by the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Data analysis using the Spearman rho test ρ = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship of social interaction to the loneliness level of the elderly with ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05) and there is a relationship of social interaction with the quality of life of the elderly with ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05). The implication of this study is that social interaction plays an important role in reducing the level of loneliness and improving the quality of life of the elderly, so that there is a need for assistance in small group activities and regular family visits. Keywords: Elderly, Social interactions. Loneliness, Quality of life ABSTRAK Masalah pada lansia yaitu terjadi penurunan interaksi sosial karena faktor kesehatan maupun kehilangan pasangan dan kunjungan keluarga yang jarang sehingga menimbulkan perasaan kesepian dan penurunan kualitas hidup pada lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan interaksi sosial terhadap tingkat kesepian dan kualitas hidup lansia di UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel menggunakan Simple Random Sampling sebanyak 77 lansia di UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan Surabaya. Variabel independen dalam penelitian ini adalah interaksi sosial yang diukur dengan instrumen kuesioner terstruktur. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat kesepian yang diukur dengan instrumen kuesioner UCLA Loneliness Version 3 dan kualitas hidup yang diukur dengan instrumen kuesionerWHOQOL-BREF. Analisis data menggunakan uji Spearman rho ρ=0,05.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan interaksi sosial terhadap tingkat kesepian lansia dengan ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05) dan terdapat hubungan interaksi sosial terhadap kualitas hidup lansia dengan ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05). Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu interaksi sosial berperan penting dalam mengurangi tingkat kesepian dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia, sehingga perlu adanya pendampingan dalam kegiatan kelompok kecil dan kunjungan keluarga yang rutin. Kata Kunci :Lansia, Interaksi Sosial. Kesepian, Kualitas Hidup   ABSTRACT The problem in the elderly is that there is a decrease in social interaction due to health factors and loss of spouses and rare family visits, giving rise to feelings of loneliness and decreased quality of life in the elderly. This study aims to determine the relationship of social interactions to the level of loneliness and quality of life of the elderly in the UPTD Griya Werdha Jambangan Surabaya. The study design was observational analytic with a cross sectional approach. The sample used Simple Random Sampling as many as 77 elderly at the Griya Werdha UPTD Surabaya. The independent variable in this study is social interaction measured by a structured questionnaire instrument. The dependent variable in this study was the level of loneliness measured by the UCLA Loneliness Version 3 questionnaire instrument and quality of life as measured by the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Data analysis using the Spearman rho test ρ = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship of social interaction to the loneliness level of the elderly with ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05) and there is a relationship of social interaction with the quality of life of the elderly with ρ = 0.001 (ρ≤0.05). The implication of this study is that social interaction plays an important role in reducing the level of loneliness and improving the quality of life of the elderly, so that there is a need for assistance in small group activities and regular family visits. Keywords: Elderly, Social interactions. Loneliness, Quality of life

Yanti Nopita ◽  
Susmiati Susmiati ◽  
Emil Huraini

Hemodialysis is a kidney replacement therapy for clients with chronic renal failure. Hemodialysis therapy helps the client's survival, but on the other hand the client will experience various problems including psychosocial problems, which ultimately affect the client's quality of life. Self Help Group is a social support therapy and the Mobile Messaging Apps (WhatsApp) application can be used in Self Help Group. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of implementing a combination of Self Help Group and the use of Mobile Messaging Apps on the quality of life of clients with chronic kidney failure. The research design was quasy experiment with pre and post test design with control group, the sampling technique was simple random sampling. The research sample consisted of 42 people, consisting of 21 respondents in the control group and 21 in the intervention group. The test results showed the effect of implementing a combination of Self Help Group and the use of Mobile Messaging Apps on the quality of life of clients with p value < 0.05. It is recommended that Self Help Group and the use of WhatsApp be implemented as part of nursing interventions in nursing care. Keywords: mobile messaging apps; quality of life; self help group ABSTRAK Hemodialisa merupakan salah satu terapi pengganti ginjal bagi klien gagal ginjal kronik. Terapi hemodialisa membantu kelangsungan hidup klien, namun di sisi lain klien akan mengalami berbagai masalah termasuk masalah psikososial, yang pada akhirnya mempengaruhi kualitas hidup klien. Self Help Group adalah salah satu terapi dukungan sosial dan aplikasi Mobile Messaging Apps (WhatsApp) aplikasi yang dapat digunakan dalam Self Help Group. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan kombinasi Self Help Group dan penggunaan Mobile Messaging Apps terhadap kualitas hidup klien gagal ginjal kronik. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasy experiment dengan rancangan pre and post test with control group, teknik pengambilan sampel yaitu simple random sampling. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 42 orang terdiri dari 21 responden kelompok kontrol dan 21 kelompok intervensi. Hasil uji menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penerapan kombinasi Self Help Group dan penggunaan Mobile Messaging Apps terhadap kualitas hidup klien dengan p value < 0,05. Direkomendasikan Self Help Group dan penggunaan WhatsApp diterapkan sebagai bagian intervensi keperawatan dalam asuhan keperawatan. Kata kunci: mobile messaging apps; kualitas hidup; self help group

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-138
A.A. Ayu Rani Puspadewi ◽  
Etty Rekawati

Setiap orang dapat mengalami depresi, salah satunya adalah lansia, dimana lansia memiliki konsekuensi fungsional yang lebih serius dibandingkan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan lainnya, mulai dari kualitas hidup yang negatif hingga bunuh diri. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara depresi dengan kualitas hidup lansia. Sampel penelitian adalah lansia ≥ 60 tahun yang tinggal di Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia 1 Jakarta, mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Indonesia, serta bersedia menjadi responden. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional dengan metode simple random sampling yang melibatkan 101 lansia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara tingkat depresi dengan kualitas hidup lansia (p=0,017; α=0,10). Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna untuk pengembangan ilmu keperawatan di masa yang akan datang terkait peningkatan kualitas hidup lansia dengan cara menangani depresi lansia. Kata Kunci: Depresi, Kualitas Hidup, Lansia, Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha Abstract Depression in Relation with the Quality of Life Elderly in Nursing Home Jakarta. Depression could experienced by anyone, such as elderly whose fuctional consequences is experienced more serious such as low quality of life and the worst one is suicidal. The purpose of this research was to find  the relationship between depression and quality of life in elderly. The research sample was elderly aged 60 and over who live at Institutionof Elderly Budi Mulia 01 Jakarta, speak Bahasa, and willing to be a respondent. This research used cross sectional study design with simple random sampling method which involved 101 elderly. The result of this study showed that there was significant relation between level of depression and quality of life in elderly (p=0.017; α=0.10). This research is expected to be useful for nursing science development in the future, spesificly on preventive of quality of life decreased by handling depression in elderly.  Keywords: Depression, quality of life, elderly, nursing homes

2020 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
T. Atasoy ◽  
Aydın Pekel

This study investigated the relationship between quality of life level and social appearance anxiety levels of physically disabled boccia athletes. The population of 2018–2019 Boccia Championships for the Physically Disabled Turkey was invited to participate (N = 97 athletes), and sampling was determined by simple random sampling (n = 83); data from 80 athletes were used. The quantitative study was performed by applying the linkage method to the screening model. Questionnaire technique was used as the data collection method. The descriptive form, quality of life scale, and social appearance anxiety scale were applied to the participants. Correlation and regression analysis were used for statistical analysis. When the direction and level of the relationship between quality of life and social appearance anxiety were examined, a high level and positive relationship between quality of life and social appearance anxiety was found. There is a significant relationship between quality of life and social appearance anxiety. Regression coefficient values of quality of life level contribute to social appearance anxiety level. As a result, a high and negative relationship was found between quality of life and social appearance anxiety. This study found that the quality of life level of the physically disabled individuals engaged in boccia sport contributed to social appearance anxiety level. In other words, it has been determined that the determinants of quality of life are an important or priority variable in social appearance anxiety of physically disabled boccia athletes.

Lupus ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 096120332110310
Sierra Mendelsohn ◽  
Lina Khoja ◽  
Sofia Alfred ◽  
Jennifer He ◽  
Melanie Anderson ◽  

Introduction At least 38% of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) experience cognitive impairment (CI). Patients report CI impacts their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and social role participation. Objectives To synthesize and critically appraise the quantitative literature on the relationship of CI to HRQoL and social role participation in individuals with SLE. Methods Six electronic databases were searched in December 2018 and June 2020 by an information specialist. Two reviewers independently completed all screening phases and data extraction; a third reviewer resolved disagreements. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool was used to critically appraise the quality of included studies. Data has been synthesized and analyzed descriptively to present evidence on the relationship of CI to HRQoL and social role participation. Results A total of 7182 references were identified and screened, with 14 articles included. Four of the included articles investigated the relationship between CI and HRQoL and all identified a negative relationship. Ten of the 14 studies investigated CI and social role participation, eight identified a negative relationship. There was heterogeneity of measures used between studies to examine CI, HRQoL, and social role participation. As such, results were interpreted descriptively and could not be pooled for meta-analysis. Conclusion The presence of CI is negatively related to HRQoL and social role participation in patients with SLE. Healthcare professionals should be aware of this relationship so that it can be addressed in clinical practice. Further research, using consistent methods of quantifying CI, HRQoL and social role participation, is needed to enable data pooling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 261-266
Shohreh Tofighian ◽  
Ali Khanehkeshi ◽  
Kolsoom Akbarnataj Bisheh ◽  

Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is affected by cognitive and emotional factors. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between sensitivity to anxiety and executive functions and the Quality of Life (QoL) of MS patients using path analysis. Methods: This descriptive correlational research was done on all patients with MS in Gorgan MS Association in 2020. The sample size was considered to be 290 people according to the sample selection formula and based on the values obtained from the previous study selected by simple random sampling. To collect data, the Executive Functions Questionnaire of Nejati (2013), QoL questionnaire of McGuigan & Hutchinson (2004), and Sensitivity to Anxiety Questionnaires of Taylor and Cox (1998) were used. Path analysis with SPSS v. 18 and AMOS v. 23 software was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the executive functions had a positive relationship with QoL in MS patients and sensitivity to anxiety had a negative relationship with QoL in MS patients. Also, mediating role of the anxiety sensitivity variable in the relationship between executive functions with QoL in MS patients was confirmed (P≤0.01). Conclusion: The present study indicated the importance of cognitive factors, such as executive functions, and emotional factors, such as sensitivity to anxiety in explaining the QoL in MS patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Siswoyo Siswoyo ◽  
Kushariyadi Kushariyadi ◽  
Biastika Alun Sukma

Glaucoma is incurable but can be controlled with lifelong treatment. In addition, decreased visual function affects daily activities and can reduce the quality of life of patients. A factor influencing the quality of life is family support. Family support can improve the quality of life for example, the family helps care costs. This study aims to analyze the relationship of family support with the quality of life of Glaucoma patients at Baladhika Husada Level III Hospital in Jember,  using a cross sectional approach, the independent variable is family support and dependent quality of life. 71 research samples with purposive sampling. Data collection uses a family support questionnaire to assess family support and a GQL-15 questionnaire to assess quality of life. Analysis of the relationship of family support with quality of life using Spearman rank test with p value of <0.05. The results showed the percentage of family support 59 (83.1%) had high family support and 12 (16.9%) low family support, the percentage of quality of life was 58 (81.7%) had a good quality of life and 13 (18, 3%) poor quality of life. There  is a  relationship  between  family  support  and  quality  of  life (p  value = 0.001 r value = +0.467) with a positive correlation means the higher the family support, the higher the quality of life. Family support is related to quality of life in glaucoma patients because family support has an important role in efforts to improve quality of life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 306
Armina Armina ◽  
Dwi Kartika Pebriyanti

Children with Thalassemia rely heavily on therapy for the sake of continuity in living life. Specifically, the purpose of this study is: (1) knowing the picture of transfusion compliance and iron class in thalasemia, (2) knowing the picture of the quality of life of thalassemia children, (3) analyzing the relationship of transfusion compliance and iron class with the quality of life of thalasemia children. This research plan will use Crossectional study design. The location of this research will be conducted in hospitals in Jambi. The population of this study is children with Thalasemia using purposive sampling techniques with sample characteristics, namely thalasemia children aged 2-18 years who are treated at. Transfusion and iron grade compliance were measured by questionnaires. Quality of life was measured using a Quality of Life questionnaire based on pediatric PedsQL indicators. Data analysis will be done by Corelation Spearman test. The results showed that there is a relationship between compliance of blood transfusion and iron class with the quality of life of children thalasemia aspects of social function with a value of p 0.000, aspects of emotional function with p value of 0.021 and school function p value of 0.030

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 109 ◽  
Yuni Kusmiyati ◽  
Niken Meilani ◽  
Sriyulan Ismail

Kualitas sumber daya manusia dipengaruhi oleh inteligensi anak. Skor kecerdasan intelektual yang tidak menetap pada usia tertentu dapat berubah karena faktor genetik, gizi, dan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan kadar hemoglobin dengan kecerdasan intelektual anak. Penelitian observasional dengan desain potong lintang ini dilakukan pada populasi siswa kelas VI Sekolah Dasar Negeri Giwangan Yogyakarta, tahun 2013. Penarikan sampel dilakukan dengan metode simple random sampling terhadap 37 sampel siswa. Instrumen untuk mengukur kecerdasan intelektual dengan Cultural Fair Intelligence Quotient Test yang dirancang untuk meminimalkan pengaruh kultural dengan memperhatikan prosedur evaluasi, instruksi, konten isi, dan respons peserta. Tes dilakukan oleh Biro Psikologi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, kadar hemoglobin diukur menggunakan Portable Hemoglobin Digital Analyzer Easy Touch secara digital.Variabel luar indeks massa tubuh diukur langsung menggunakan parameter tinggi badan dan berat badan. Analisis menggunakan uji regresi linier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks massa tubuh tidak berhubungan dengan kecerdasan intelektual (nilai p = 0,052). Anemia berhubungan cukup dengan kecerdasan anak (r = 0,491) dan berpola positif, semakin tinggi kadar hemoglobin semakin tinggi kecerdasan intelektual anak. Nilai koefisien determinasi 0,241 menerangkan bahwa 24,1% variasi anemia cukup baik untuk menjelaskan variabel kecerdasan intelektual. Ada hubungan antara kadar hemoglobin dengan kecerdasan intelektual (nilai p = 0,002).Quality of human resources is influenced by the child’s intelligent. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) score will not settle at a certain age and can change due to genetic factors, nutrition, and the environment. The objective is known relationship of anemia with IQ to child. Method of observational study with cross sectional design. Population are students of class VI elementary school of Giwangan Yogyakarta in 2013. Sample was taken by simple random sampling, obtained 37 students. Measuring of instruments IQ with CFQT, hemoglobin was measured using a Portable Digital Analyzer Easy Touch is a digital gauge Hb, external variable body mass index was meas- ured directly using the parameters height and weight of children. Analysis using Linear Regression. This research showed BMI was not associated with IQ (p value = 0.052). Relationship with the child’s intelligence anemia showed enough relationship (r = 0.491) and a positive pattern, where the higher levels Haemoglobin as the higher IQ score of the child’s. The coefficient of 0.241 explained 24.1 % variation anemia that is good enough to explain the variable IQ. There is a relationship between hemoglobin levels with IQ (p value = 0.002).

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