scholarly journals Land Rights Execution as a Pledge Object Based on MoU with PT. Pegadaian at the Office of Agrarian Affairs Ministry and National Land Agency

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 8-16
R Slamet Soeprijadi

Cooperation Agreement between the Production Director of PT Pegadaian (Persero) and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency Number 352/S-00015.02/2018, Number 31/SKB-100/IV/2018. The content of the agreement is that the land certificate, especially productive land belonging to agriculture, can be used as collateral for which a mortgage is imposed in PT Pegadaian (Persero). The imposition of a certificate of land rights as collateral for a mortgage is interesting to discuss by discussing the problem of objects as collateral and the imposition and execution of collateral object rights when the debtor defaults, a conclusion is obtained as follows: Objects as collateral and the imposition, that the types of objects are distinguished between movable objects and non-movable objects. If the differentiation of objects is used as collateral, there is also a distinction. A movable object which is charged with a pledge, is required to transfer of ownership right from the giver to the recipient with the threat of cancellation if the delivery is not made. Non-movable objects are burdened with mandatory register of mortgage rights at the Land Office, the Land Office will issue a certificate of mortgage right which has the power of evidence as a court decision which has permanent legal force. Execution of the collateral object rights when the debtor defaults, if the debtor defaults does not carry out his/her obligation to pay off the debt, then at the pledge, the creditor can execute based on the provisions of Article 1150 B.W., while in the mortgage right if the debtor defaults and does not fulfill obligations voluntarily can execute according to the provisions of Article 14 UUHT (Mortgage Rights to Land and Land-Related Objects).

Alfi Hidayat ◽  
Sukanda Husin ◽  
Ulfanora Ulfanora

The writing of this article is based on a research that aims to analyze and identify the application of prudential banking principles in loan agreement by the bank as creditor for granting loans using collateral land and building as well as to analyze and describe legal protection for creditor as the mortgage holder for granting loan using collateral land and building against bad-loan debtor. The method used is normative legal research using statute and conceptual approaches. Based on the results of the study, mortgage certificate has a permanent, executorial and legal force. It has an executive force that is equivalent to a court decision that has permanent legal force and applies as a substitute for grosse acte hypotheek as long as it concerns land rights. To secure the loan granted to the debtor, the mortgage certificate holder, especially the Bank, has received legal protection in the form of a droit de preference (having precedence rights over other creditors), droit de suite, the ease of auction. In this case, the mortgage object is protected from bankruptcy and it cannot be divided into mortgage objects.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 220
Bambang Tri Wahyudi ◽  
Rachmad Safa’at

This study aimed to analyze the legal force, legal conflicts, and legal consequences of the provisions of Article 33 of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Number 6 of 2018 and the formulation that was appropriate with the regulations of the payment procedures for income tax (PPh) and acquisition duty of right on land and building (BPHTB). This study used a normative juridical method with a conceptual and statute approach. Based on academic juridical perspective, article 33 Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Number 6 of 2018 had weak legal force, while from a formal juridical perspective the regulation remained valid before a decision to cancel its application from the Supreme Court. The provisions of Article 33 of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency Number 6 of 2018 contradicted the provisions of Articles 3 and 7 of Government Regulation Number 34 of 2018 and Articles 90 and 91 of Law Number 28 of 2009. It caused legal consequences i.e. legal uncertainty, legal injustice, and did not fulfill the legal force of land rights certificates as a strong means of proof. The formulation of the right regulation regarding the procedure for paying income tax and fees for acquiring land and building rights was carried out by establishing and stipulating a ministerial regulation as a normative guideline for a complete systematic land registration program.

Bayu Prasetyo ◽  
Ikhwanul Muslim ◽  
Rio Arif Pratama

From the results of the study it can be seen that the issuance of certificate of ownership rights No. 317, 318, 320, 321, 322, 339, 340, 341 in Balikpapan City, eight of which certificates have no heritage and do not have strong legal force to the owners. Indonesia adheres to a negative publication system, but there is still an opportunity to file a lawasuit to the Court, meaning that the certificate of land rights is the strongest but not absolute. Then a certificate without a license does not have strong legal force if a claim is filed to the Court, while the efforts to submit a request for cancellation of the no-rights ownership certificate is by submitting a written request to the Balikpapan City Land Office and attaching copy of identity photocopy of certificate, photocopy of court decision, execution report and other documents related to cancellation. The court ruling was based on the Balikpapan City Land Office to issue a decision to cancel the certificate, in accordance with the ruling which had obtained permanent legal force.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Bayu Prasetyo ◽  
Ikhwanul Muslim ◽  
Rio Arif Pratama

From the results of the study it can be seen that the issuance of certificate of ownership rights No. 317, 318, 320, 321, 322, 339, 340, 341 in Balikpapan City, eight of which certificates have no heritage and do not have strong legal force to the owners. Indonesia adheres to a negative publication system, but there is still an opportunity to file a lawasuit to the Court, meaning that the certificate of land rights is the strongest but not absolute. Then a certificate without a license does not have strong legal force if a claim is filed to the Court, while the efforts to submit a request for cancellation of the no-rights ownership certificate is by submitting a written request to the Balikpapan City Land Office and attaching copy of identity photocopy of certificate, photocopy of court decision, execution report and other documents related to cancellation. The court ruling was based on the Balikpapan City Land Office to issue a decision to cancel the certificate, in accordance with the ruling which had obtained permanent legal force.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Ananda Dwinanti Kinasih , ◽  
M. Hudi Asrori S ,

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims for reviewing how the settlement of compensation as the consequences of the tenure <br />of land rights unlawfully in civil law Surakarta state court verdict number 106/pdt.g/2017/PN.SKT and <br />number 103/pdt.G/2006/PN.SKT where the court’s decision has a permanent legal force. This research is <br />a juridical normative legal research. The location of this research at Notary Office and PPAT Adib Sujarwadi <br />and the State Court Surakarta Class 1A Specific. Kinds and the sources of data in this research are <br />consist of primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection through interview and library <br />study. The analytical technique used by the author is by the method of syllogism that uses the deduction <br />mindset. Regarding the settlement of compensation due to unlawful tenure of land rights is a compensatory <br />damages, in the form of payment to the victim amounting to a loss that is actually experienced. Based on <br />the decision of the Panel of Judges. Regarding the non-granting of immaterial compensation because <br />the Plaintiff does not attach the appropriate evidence. After the verdict is declared incracht, outside the <br />court, the Defendant and the Plaintiff may hold deliberations to determine the amount of the indemnity or <br />the Plaintiff waived the indemnity obligation, but the Defendant must leave the land of the object of the <br />dispute voluntarily. In the case of still occupy it will be executed by the bailiff from the Court.<br />Keywords: Compensation; Tort; Tenure Of Land Rights.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum pada perkara perdata Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Nomor 106/<br />Pdt.G/2017/PN SKT dan Nomor 103/Pdt.G/2006/PN SKT, dimana putusan pengadilan tersebut telah <br />berkekuatan hukum tetap. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yuridis. Lokasi penelitian <br />yaitu di Kantor Notaris dan PPAT Adib Sujarwadi dan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Kelas IA Khusus. Jenis <br />dan sumber data penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui <br />wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah dengan metode <br />silogisme yang menggunakan pola pikir deduksi. Penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum yaitu dengan ganti rugi kompensasi, berupa pembayaran kepada korban <br />sebesar kerugian yang benar-benar dialami. Berdasarkan keputusan Majelis Hakim. Mengenai tidak <br />dikabulkannya ganti rugi immateriil dikarenakan Penggugat tidak melampirkan bukti-bukti yang sesuai. <br />Setelah putusan dinyatakan incraht, di luar pengadilan, Tergugat dan Penggugat dapat mengadakan <br />musyawarah untuk menentukan jumlah ganti rugi atau Penggugat membebaskan kewajiban pembayaran <br />ganti rugi, namun Tergugat harus meninggalkan tanah obyek sengketa secara sukarela. Dalam hal masih <br />tetap menempati maka akan dilakukan eksekusi oleh juru sita dari Pengadilan.<br />Kata Kunci : Ganti Kerugian; Perbuatan Melawan Hukum; Penguasaan Hak Atas Tanah.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-55
Irman Widi Kurniawan ◽  
Etty Mulyati ◽  
Betty Rubiati

ABSTRAKDi dalam bagian kedua UUPA mengatur tentang pelaksanaan konversi hak atas tanah menjadi wujud kepastian hukum sebagaimana ketentuan Pasal 33 ayat (3) UUD 1945. Namun kepastian hukum terhadap konversi Hak atas tanah barat terutama sertifikat Hak Eigendom Verponding masih menjadi problematika tersendiri bagi masyarakat yang memiliki bukti kepemilikan hak atas tanah barat tersebut apabila dijadikan sebuah jaminan guna memperoleh fasilitas kredit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah yuridis normatif dengan kajian bahan hukum primer, sekunder serta tersier. Berdasarkan pembahasan tersebut bahwa Kepastian Hukum terkait konversi hak Eigendom Verponding telah memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat dengan ketentuan diperlukan konversi sehingga dapat dijadikan objek jaminan namun dalam prakteknya masih terdapat objek jaminan dengan tidak memperhatikan asal mula objek jaminan tersebut serta akibat hukum terhadap konversi hak atas tanah tersebut adalah pemberlakuan UUPA menjadi dasar bahwasanya prinsip status quo hak atas tanah terdahulu memberikan jaminan kepastian hukum dengan ketentuan hak-hak lama menjadi tidak diakui keberadaannya. Kata Kunci: hak atas tanah; hak barat; kepastian hukum jaminan; konversi ABSTRACTIn the second section of the UUPA regulates the conversion of land rights into a form of legal certainty as stipulated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution. But the legal certainty of the conversion of the Right to western land, especially the Eigendom Verponding Rights certificate, remains a problem for people who have proof of ownership of the western land if it is used as a guarantee to obtain credit facilities. The research method used is normative juridical with the study of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Based on the discussion that legal certainty related to the conversion of rights Eigendom Verponding has had a binding legal force with the necessary provisions of conversion so that it can be used as an object of guarantee but in practice there is still an object of guarantee by not taking into account the origin of the object of the guarantee and the legal consequences of the conversion of the right to land is the enactment of the UUPA being the basis that the principle of the status quo of the former land rights provides a guarantee of legal certainty with the provisions of old rights to be unclaimed civility. Keywords: conversion; guarantee legal certainty; land rights; western rights

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 369
Inca Nadya Damopolii ◽  
R. Imam Rahmat Sjafi’i

This study aimed to analyze the force of private testament proofing and the judge's consideration in the Bitung District Court Decision Number 43 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PN.Bit. about sale without any written evidence. The study used a normative research method with a statutory approach and a case approach. The results showed the power of private testament regarding the Bitung District Court Decision Number 43 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PN.Bit. is strong, judging from the power of physical evidence, the power of formal evidence, and the power of material evidence. However, the sale carried out between the plaintiff and the defendant which was not in the presence of the Land Deed Official had weak legal force because it was not in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations. In their legal considerations, judges used the principle of sale customary law only, namely light and cash, and witness testimony de auditu as evidence. This legal consideration was deemed inappropriate because it was against the Basic Agrarian Law and in general the witness testimony de auditu was rejected as evidence.

Markus Diesing ◽  
Terje Thorsnes

Cold-water coral reefs are rich, yet fragile ecosystems found in colder oceanic waters. Knowledge of their spatial distribution on continental shelves, slopes, seamounts and ridge systems is vital for marine spatial planning and conservation. Cold-water corals frequently form conspicuous carbonate mounds of varying sizes, which are identifiable from multibeam echosounder bathymetry and derived geomorphometric attributes. However, the often large number of mounds makes manual interpretation and mapping a tedious process. We present a methodology that combines image segmentation and random forest spatial prediction with the aim to derive maps of carbonate mounds and an associated measure of confidence. We demonstrate our method based on multibeam echosounder data from Iverryggen on the mid-Norwegian shelf. We identified the image-object mean planar curvature as the most important predictor. The presence and absence of carbonate mounds is mapped with high accuracy (overall accuracy = 84.4%, sensitivity = 0.827 and specificity = 0.866). Spatially-explicit confidence in the predictions is derived from the predicted probability and whether the predictions are within or outside the modelled range of values and is generally high. We plan to apply the showcased method to other areas of the Norwegian continental shelf and slope where MBES data have been collected with the aim to provide crucial information for marine spatial planning.

Anak Agung Istri Diah Mahadewi

AstractThis study discusses, "regulation of Procedure Cancellation of Certificate of Land whichis the State Owned Assets", which aims to study theoretically on Cancellation of Certificateof Rights to the land including State owned Assets, ie, how the implementation Regulation ofCancellation of Certificate of Land to include of State.This research is a law that is derived from primary and secondary legal materials werethen analyzed by using the approach of legislation and legal concepts and approaches usinganalytical tools and techniques argumetasi legal description.Discussion and research results can be summarized as follows: Regulation Procedurecancellation of Certificate of Land which is the State Owned Assets can not provide legalcertainty for the National Land Agency officials in conducting cancellation, because to thestate owned assets known as asset removal must be approved by Property Manager theMinister of Finance, while the state owned assets such as land has issued a certificate if theobject of the dispute and has permanent legal force in terms of the form of action settlementwith the cancellation of the certificate of land Rights. So in this case the absence of a definiteregulation that can be used as guidelines for the Government Apparatus to take legal action inthe form of cancellation of Certificate of Land Rights

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 212
Arief Sultony

Job Creation Law has removed Article 13 paragraph (5) and Article 15 paragraph (4) of General Provision and Tax Procedures (KUP) Law. The absence of these articles may result in state financial loss recovery in taxation cannot be recovered. This research will identify how the regulation on the execution of tax fines related to the recovery of state financial loss before Job Creation Law was enacted and the consequences of Job Creation Law implementation on state financial losses recovery caused by tax crime. By applying the normative legal method, this research will propose the solution to the problem. The findings indicate that the KUP Law does not specifically regulate the execution of fines, so that there is a possibility that the fines will not be paid. However, based on Article 13 paragraph (5) and Article 15 paragraph (4) of the KUP Law, the state financial loss recovery can be imposed through tax assessment after court decision has permanent legal force. The elimination of these articles by Job Creation Law has the risk that the state financial losses cannot be recovered. Therefore, regulation in tax criminal fines execution is urgently required so that state financial losses can be recovered.

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