general provision
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2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (6) ◽  
pp. 103-108
Tatiana E. Burtseva ◽  
V. V. Arzhakova ◽  
N. M. Gogolev ◽  
N. I. Douglas ◽  
E. A. Borisova ◽  

Objective. To analyze the provision of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with medical personnel. Materials and methods. The article presents an analysis of the human resources of the healthcare of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 20002020. The main trends in the medical personnel provision of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are determined according to the data of the Yakut Republican Medical Information and Analytical Center. Results. The personnel resource of healthcare is its fundamental component. The problem of providing the population with medical personnel is one of the key factors in the socio-economic development of the regions, especially the regions of the Arctic zone of Russia. The national project "Healthcare" includes the federal project "Providing Medical Organizations of the Healthcare system with Qualified Personnel". The key goal of the national project on staffing the medical service is to achieve almost full staffing of doctors and nurses in healthcare institutions. The article analyzes the provision of the population with medical personnel in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for the period 2017-2019. In dynamics, there is an increase in the indicator of providing the population with doctors and nurses in general; provision with therapeutists and pediatricians in the primary healthcare sector is growing. The article describes the qualification characteristics of medical personnel in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Conclusions. The indicators of the provision of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with medical personnel according to official reports of the Ministry of Health of the RS (Y) are higher than the average in Russia. This is due to the territorial, logistical characteristics, features of the network and healthcare system of the region.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 212
Arief Sultony

Job Creation Law has removed Article 13 paragraph (5) and Article 15 paragraph (4) of General Provision and Tax Procedures (KUP) Law. The absence of these articles may result in state financial loss recovery in taxation cannot be recovered. This research will identify how the regulation on the execution of tax fines related to the recovery of state financial loss before Job Creation Law was enacted and the consequences of Job Creation Law implementation on state financial losses recovery caused by tax crime. By applying the normative legal method, this research will propose the solution to the problem. The findings indicate that the KUP Law does not specifically regulate the execution of fines, so that there is a possibility that the fines will not be paid. However, based on Article 13 paragraph (5) and Article 15 paragraph (4) of the KUP Law, the state financial loss recovery can be imposed through tax assessment after court decision has permanent legal force. The elimination of these articles by Job Creation Law has the risk that the state financial losses cannot be recovered. Therefore, regulation in tax criminal fines execution is urgently required so that state financial losses can be recovered.

Japanese Law ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 191-211
Hiroshi Oda

Tort is part of the Law of Obligations. Provisions on tort liability are found in Book Three, the Law of Obligations, of the Civil Code. There is only a single general provision on tort. The legislature expected rules to develop out of case law. A person who intentionally or negligently infringes upon others’ right or interests protected There is a body of case law which sets out details of tort law such as causation and fault. There have been cases where the shift of the burden of proof was at issue. 

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 698
Chloe H. Stevens ◽  
Barney T. Reed ◽  
Penny Hawkins

Good practice for the housing and care of laboratory zebrafish Danio rerio is an increasingly discussed topic, with focus on appropriate water quality parameters, stocking densities, feeding regimes, anaesthesia and analgesia practices, methods of humane killing, and more. One area of current attention is around the provision of environmental enrichment. Enrichment is accepted as an essential requirement for meeting the behavioural needs and improving the welfare of many laboratory animal species, but in general, provision for zebrafish is minimal. Some of those involved in the care and use of zebrafish suggest there is a ‘lack of evidence’ that enrichment has welfare benefits for this species, or cite a belief that zebrafish do not ‘need’ enrichment. Concerns are also sometimes raised around the practical challenges of providing enrichments, or that they may impact on the science being undertaken. However, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that various forms of enrichment are preferred by zebrafish over a barren tank, and that enriched conditions can improve welfare by reducing stress and anxiety. This review explores the effects that enrichment can have on zebrafish behaviour, physiology and welfare, and considers the challenges to facilities of providing more enrichment for the zebrafish they house.

Adrian Ward

In 1961 Adrian Ward was one of the first intake for the first full-time law degree in Scotland. He was enrolled as a solicitor in 1967 and practised for approximately 50 years. From 1976 he was gradually drawn into the subject of what is now known (in Scotland) as adult incapacity law, in which he became a national and then international expert. As his interest and involvement developed, so did the subject. However, although it is still a new subject, its history in law goes back to Roman law, and concepts from Roman law were central to leading cases in the development of the subject in which Adrian was involved. Attempts to protect the human rights of defined groups go back in Scotland to the 7th century, but there is fundamental conflict between the concept of universality of human rights, and according particular rights to defined groups. Violations of human rights often start with putting people into categories seen as “other”. A deliberately personalised lecture confronted the audience with personally witnessed human rights violations. Of the concepts defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, “reasonable accommodation”, though it attracts more attention, is always second-best to non-discriminatory solutions offered by “universal design”. Human rights must be translated into law, and law into practice. Existing law should be understood, used to maximum effect, and then if necessary improved. Measures for the exercise of legal capacity can be categorised as voluntary, involuntary, and third party, but need to recognise the reality that “capability” and “incapability” are the extreme ends of a wide spectrum. Such variations, and individual progressions through them, must be accommodated in general provision and in individual measures. Fundamental concepts of human rights and their progressive developments have driven progress to date, and enabled probable future trends to be identified.

Evgenii Vladimirovich Zubenko ◽  
Evgenii Nikolaevich Bugaev ◽  
Darima Andreevna Garmaeva

The research subject is the activity of public authorities and officials related to anti-criminal education of non-professional participants of criminal proceedings, and the legal regulation of such an activity within a criminal investigation. The authors study the role of legal awareness in criminal science. The research object is social relations regulating the activity at the level of public authorities and their officials aimed at legal education. The authors consider legal education as a part of an investigator’s work, which should be reflected in criminal science. The research methodology is based on the dialectical and formal-legal research methods, as well as the analysis of regulatory documents and criminalistic literature. The authors describe the role of legal education (in the course of their formation) within the structure of criminal science. It can be implemented within one or several tactical methods (their combination); as a general provision of the criminal investigation technique; as a subtheory of criminal science.   

Rendi Lopiga Tarigan

ABSTRAKistilah kebijakan hukum pidana dapat pula dikenal dengan istilah politik hukum pidana, penal policy, criminal law policy, strafrechts-politiek. hukum pidana adalah bagian dari keseluruhan hukum yang berlaku dari suatu negara, yang megadakan dasar-dasar dan aturan-aturan untuk menentukan perbuatan-perbuatan mana yang tidak boleh dilakukan, yang dilarang, dengan disertai ancaman atau sanksi yang berupa pidana tertentu bagi barang siapa yang melanggar larangan tersebut, menentukan kapan dan dan hal-hal apa kepada mereka yang telah melanggar larangan-larangan itu dapat dikenakan atau dijatuhi pidana sebagaimana yang telah diancamkan, menentukan dengan cara bagaiamana pengenaan pidana itu dapat dilaksanakan apabila ada orang yang dapat disangka telah melanggar larangan tersebut. salah satu kebijakan yang dikeluarkan pemerintah indonesia adalah undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 2011 tentang transfer dana. secara umum ditemukan beberapa permasalahan dalam undang-undang ini diantaranya pada bab i ketentuan umum, bagian kesatu terkait definisi yang tidak sesuai dengan hal-hal kongkrit dan bab xii tentang ketentuan pidana pada pasal 85 yang belum menjamin kepastian hukum. jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif. ditemukan definisi yang tidak sesuai dengan hal-hal kongkrit dan ketentuan pidana pada pasal 85 yang belum menjamin kepastian hukum melakukan perubahan terhadap bab i ketentuan umum, bagian kesatu terkait definisi-defenisi tentang ketentuan umum pada undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 2011 tentang transfer dana dan melakukan perubahan terhadap pasal 85 undang-undang nomor 3 tahun 2011 bab xii tentang ketentuan pidana terkait ketentuan tindak pidanakata kunci: kebijakan hukum pidana, tindak pidana transfer danaABSTRACTthe term criminal law policy can also be known as the politics of criminal law, penal policy, criminal law policy, strafrechts-politiek. criminal law is part of the entire applicable law of a country, which establishes the basics and rules to determine which actions should not be carried out, which are prohibited, accompanied by threats or sanctions in the form of certain penalties for those who violate the ban, determine when and and what things to those who have violated the prohibitions can be imposed or convicted as threatened, determine in what way the imposition of the crime can be carried out if there are people who can be suspected of violating the prohibition. one of the policies issued by the indonesian government is law number 3 of 2011 concerning funds general, several problems were found in this law, including in chapter i general provisions, the first part is related to definitions that are not in accordance with concrete matters and chapter xii concerning criminal provisions in article 85 that do not guarantee legal certainty. this type of research uses the normative juridical approach. found definitions that are not in accordance with concrete matters and criminal provisions in article 85 that do not guarantee legal certainty. amend changes to chapter i general provision, the first part relates to definitions of general provisions in law number 3 of 2011 concerning funds transfer and amendments to article 85 of law number 3 of 2011 chapter xii concerning criminal provisions relating to criminal provisionsKeywords: criminal law policy, criminal acts of fund transfer

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Branislav Malagurski

The matter of company law in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Companies, which does not contain the general provision defining whether it is based on the freedom of will, unlike the Law on Obligations, which defines so. Even therefrom, it can be concluded that the rules of the Law on Companies are in general mandatory.  Such conclusion only confirms the exception-provision which defines that founders of the LLC their mutual relations and their relations with the Company regulate freely, unless by this Law otherwise defined.  So, only the rules regulating mutual relations of founders and their relations with the LLC are default, unless otherwise provided in particular case. Other rules of the company law in Serbia are in general mandatory.  However, even when the provisions regulating certain matter being mandatory, it does not mean that there is absolutely no space for deviations, like in below described cases of special duties, for example. But such deviations do not necessarily mean that the rules from which it is deviated are default ones.

Андрей Владимирович Каляшин

В статье представлен анализ теоретических положений, законодательных актов и судебной практики, касающихся расторжения контракта и увольнения сотрудников со службы в уголовно-исполнительной системе по основанию «в связи с совершением проступка, порочащего честь сотрудника» (в ситуации проступка, административного правонарушения и преступления). Цель исследования состоит в проведении системного анализа доктринальных, правовых позиций и практических ситуаций увольнения сотрудников, проходящих службу в федеральных органах исполнительной власти, связанных с правоохранительной деятельностью, включая службу в уголовно-исполнительной системе, по причине совершения проступка, порочащего честь. На основе исследования предполагается выразить в форме общего теоретического определения категорию «увольнение сотрудника УИС» по изучаемому основанию, а также выработать критерии, которые позволят отграничить рассматриваемый проступок от нарушений служебной дисциплины. В результате исследования трудового и административного законодательства, правовых позиций судов, действительных ситуаций и научной литературы автором сделаны выводы, сформулировано теоретическое определение увольнения сотрудников со службы в уголовно-исполнительной системе по основанию совершения проступка, порочащего честь, а также предложены отличительные признаки, позволяющие его разграничить с нарушением служебной дисциплины. Теоретическое определение понятия и отличительные признаки возможноиспользовать в научно-исследовательской и образовательной деятельности. Объединенные в форме общего положения правовые позиции судов, конкретные ситуации и критерии могут быть востребованы кадровыми и юридическими подразделениями Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний. The article analyzes the theoretical provisions, legislative acts and judicial practice related to termination of the contract and dismissal of employees from service in the penal system, on the basis, in connection with the commission of an offense, which damages the honor of an employee (in a situation of misconduct, administrative offense and crime). The purpose of the study is to conduct a systematic analysis of the doctrinal, legal positions and practical situations of the dismissal of employees serving in federal executive authorities related to law enforcement, including in the penal system, because of an offense defaming the honor. On the basis of the study, it is supposed to express in the form of a general theoretical definition the category of dismissal of a penal system officer on the studied basis, as well as to develop criteria that will distinguish the offense under consideration from violations of official discipline. As a result of the study of labor and administrative legislation, legal positions of courts, actual situations and scientific literature, the author draws conclusions, formulates a theoretical definition of the dismissal of employees from service in the penal system, on the basis of an offense defaming honor, and also suggests distinctive features that allow him to differentiate with violation of official discipline. A theoretical definition of the concept and distinguishing features may be used in research and educational activities. The legal positions of courts, specific situations and criteria, combined in the form of a general provision, can be claimed by the personnel and legal units of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

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