scholarly journals La voz femenina en Albacete. Sopranos destacadas en la segunda mitad del siglo XX

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 333-398
María del Valle de Moya Martínez ◽  
María del Valle Robles de Moya

This research is devoted to the recovery of the musical artistic heritage in the recent history of the city of Albacete. Thus, this paper sought to find out which were the most outstanding female figures in the city during the second half of the 20th century; specifically, the soprano singers. To this end, a series of relevant female singers has been selected. These singers were born in Albacete or have developed their professional career in this city, contributing with their careers in different professional fields to maintain and increase the musical legacy of Albacete.

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-31 ◽  
John Jaime Correa Ramírez

La referencia constante al civismo es uno de los rasgos más distintivos de la historia urbana de Pereira. Al igual que en muchas ciudades colombianas, la ideología del civismo asume la necesidad de establecer una especie de simbiosis entre la ciudad, sus espacios públicos y sus ciudadanos, tanto en lo material como en lo espiritual. En el caso de Pereira se busca identificar los aspectos más relevantes del discurso cívico que desarrollaron entidades como la Sociedad de Mejoras y el Club Rotario a través de diferentes medios escritos, poniendo especial énfasis en los valores morales que debían exhibir los ciudadanos cívicos o los "ciudadanos de bien" de la ciudad, en el proceso de transformación y modernización vivido a lo largo del siglo XX.Palabras clave: discurso, civismo, prensa, clubes y sociedades, historia local, siglo XX.The discourse of civism in Pereira, or The “sacredness” of public matters during the 20th century AbstractThe constant reference to civism is one of the most distinct characteristics of the urban history of Pereira. Similar to many Colombian cities, the ideology of civism assumes that there is a need to establish a kind of symbiosis between the city, its public spaces, and its citizens, in material as well as spiritual matters. In the case of Pereira, the author seeks to identify the most relevant aspects of the civic discourse which developed entities like the Improvement Society and the Rotary Club, through different written means, putting special emphasis on the moral values which the civic citizens (or ciudadanos de bien) must have exhibited in the process of transformation and modernization experienced throughout the 20th century. Keywords: discourse, civism, press, clubs and societies, local history, twentieth century.

Imafronte ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 29-58
José Manuel Almansa Moreno

PRUEBA - A mediados del siglo XX se inicia la revalorización de los centros históricos en Es- paña, especialmente de aquellas ciudades vinculadas con la historia de nuestro país, buscando desarrollar su potencial turístico como pieza clave para mejorar la economía nacional y ofrecer una imagen de modernidad en el extranjero.En esa labor tiene especial importancia la Sección de Ordenación de Ciudades de Interés Artístico Nacional, organismo dependiente de la Dirección General de Arquitectura, cuyos arquitectos son los encargados de diseñar proyectos de mejora y embellecimiento urbano, los cuales generalmente se complementaban con otras intervenciones acometidas en los edificios monumentales por otras instituciones (como, por ejemplo, la Dirección General de Bellas Artes o los cabildos municipales).A través de este estudio pretendemos analizar las intervenciones acometidas en la ciudad de Jaén durante la década de los 60 y 70, proyectos urbanísticos llevados a cabo si- guiendo otros ejemplos en la provincia como las reformas acometidas en Úbeda y Baeza una década antes, y que pretendían embellecer espacios tan emblemáticos como la Plaza de Santa María y el histórico barrio de la Magdalena. In the middle of the 20th. century began the revaluation of the historical centers in Spain, especially those cities linked to the history of the country, seeking to develop their tourist potential as a key piece to improve the national economy and to offer a modern image abroad. In this work it has special function the Section of Ordination of Cities of National Artistic Interest, organism dependent of the Directorate General of Architecture, whose architects are in charge of designing projects of improvement and urban beautification, which were generally complemented by other interventions in monumental buildings by other institutions (such as the Directorate General of Fine Arts). Through this study we intend to analyze the interventions undertaken in the city of Jaén during the decades of the ' 60s and ' 70s, urban projects carried out following other examples in the province as the reforms undertaken in Úbeda and Baeza a decade before, and which sought to beautify so emblematic as the Square of St. Mary and the historic district of the Magdalene.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 300
Luciane Sgarbi S. Grazziotin ◽  
Eduardo Cristiano Hass da Silva ◽  
Estela Denise Schütz Brito

Objetos, mobiliários e fotografias, enquanto documentos, contam-nos histórias e nos permitem refletir sobre o que se passou, reverberando um tempo por vezes distante e respondendo a questionamentos a eles feitos. Partindo desse pressuposto, buscamos, neste estudo, analisar os processos educativos que se passaram na cidade de São Leopoldo/RS, no início do século XX, particularmente entre os anos de 1905 e 1940. Para isso, tomamos como documento os mobiliários escolares, especialmente no que tange a fotografias e objetos escolares em exposição salvaguardados no Museu Histórico Visconde São Leopoldo. Os objetos foram registrados por meio fotográfico, catalogados e analisados a partir de sua materialidade. A análise realizada tem como temática a cultura material da escola à luz dos estudos realizados por Antonio Viñao Frago (1995, 2006), Rosa Fátima de Souza (2007) e Hernández Díaz (2002). Entendemos que o conjunto de objetos aqui analisados apresenta uma cultura escolar de práticas locais, em consonância com uma cultura nacional e, até mesmo, internacional. Dessa forma, as considerações finais apresentam contribuições para a História da Educação local e geral.Palavras-chave: Objetos escolares. História da Educação. São Leopoldo/RS.Preserving to remember: vestiges of the school material culture in the Visconde de São Leopoldo Historical Museum (1905-1940)ABSTRACTObjects, furniture, and photographs, as documents, tell stories and allow us to reflect on what happened, reverberating a distant time, and answering the questions we ask them. Under this assumption, we seek, in this study, to analyze the educational processes that occurred in the city of São Leopoldo/RS, at the beginning of the 20th century, particularly between the years 1905 and 1940. In this regard, we consider as documents the school furnishings, especially concerning exposed photographs and school objects safeguarded in the Visconde de São Leopoldo Historical Museum. The objects were photographed, catalogued, and analyzed from their materiality. The conducted analysis approaches the material culture of schools considering the studies undertaken by Antonio Viñao Frago (1995, 2006), Rosa Fátima de Souza (2007), and Hernández Díaz (2002). We understand that the set of objects analyzed here presents a school culture of local practices, in accord with a national culture, and even with an international one. Therefore, the final remarks present contributions to the local and general History of Education.Keywords: School objects. History of Education. São Leopoldo/RS.Preservar para recordar: vestigios de la cultura material de la escuela en el Museo Histórico Visconde de São Leopoldo (1905-1940)RESUMENObjetos, muebles y fotografías, mientras que documentos, nos cuentan historias y nos permiten reflexionar sobre lo que pasó, reverberando un tiempo distante y contestando a preguntas hechas a ellos. Sobre esta base, buscamos, en esta investigación, analizar los procesos educativos que se han pasado en la ciudad de São Leopoldo/RS, en el siglo XX, particularmente entre los años de 1905 y 1940. Para esto, tomamos como documento los muebles escolares, especialmente en lo que refiere a fotografías y a objetos escolares expuestos y preservados en el Museo Histórico Visconde de São Leopoldo. Los objetos fueron fotografiados, catalogados y analizados en su materialidad. El análisis tiene como temática la cultura material de la escuela desde el punto de vista de las investigaciones realizadas por Antonio Viñao Frago (1995, 2006), Rosa Fátima de Souza (2007) y Hernández Díaz (2002). Entendemos que el conjunto de objetos analizados presenta una cultura escolar de prácticas locales, de acuerdo con una cultura nacional, e incluso de una cultura internacional. De esta forma, las consideraciones finales presentan las contribuciones para la Historia de la Educación local y general.Palabras clave: Objetos escolares. Historia de la Educación. São Leopoldo/RS.

2021 ◽  
Vol 201 (3) ◽  
pp. 534-545
Janusz Zuziak

Lviv occupies a special place in the history of Poland. With its heroic history, it has earned the exceptionally honorable name of a city that has always been faithful to the homeland. SEMPER FIDELIS – always faithful. Marshal Józef Piłsudski sealed that title while decorating the city with the Order of Virtuti Militari in 1920. The past of Lviv, the always smoldering and uncompromising Polish revolutionist spirit, the climate, and the atmosphere that prevailed in it created the right conditions for making it the center of thought and independence movement in the early 20th century. In the early twentieth century, Polish independence organizations of various political orientations were established, from the ranks of which came legions of prominent Polish politicians and military and social activists.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Marta Lucía Bustos

ResumenEl texto examina el surgimiento de la institucionalidad cultural en el municipio de Bogotá como parte del proyecto colonial y señala cómo los discursos y prácticas que legitiman la creación de la Oficina de Propaganda Cultural en la década de los años treinta del siglo XX están anclados en la colonialidad del poder de una autoridad estatal que buscó educar a sectores sociales clasificados en la negativa categoría de masas populares. Al revisar el conjunto de prescripciones, afirmaciones, hechos, deseos e intenciones de una élite intelectual que promovió la creación de oficinas culturales, se identifica una idea de la cultura que se relaciona con un saber oculto y con una serie de prácticas en que la acción cultural destaca como vehículo para transfigurar el alma de un pueblo racialmente concebido y, por lo tanto, desposeído de cultura. Este texto hace parte de una serie de indagaciones sobre la institucionalidad cultural pública en Bogotá que tienen como propósito contribuir a ampliar el mapa interpretativo de las políticas culturales en la capital, y comprender mejor cómo se configuraron y desarrollaron formas, reglas y entidades que ordenan nuestro presente.           Palabras claves Políticas culturales; institucionalidad cultural; Bogotá; colonialidad del poder  Towards a Reading of Cultural Institutions. The Office of Cultural Propaganda in the Municipality of Bogotá (1933)Marta Lucía Bustos GómezAbstractThis article examines the emergence of cultural institutions in the city of Bogota as part of the colonial project and points out how the discourses and practices that legitimize the creation of the Office of Cultural Propaganda in the early 30s of the 20th century are anchored in the coloniality of power of a state authority that sought to educate social sectors classified in the negative category of popular masses. In reviewing the set of prescriptions, statements, facts, desires and intentions of an intellectual elite that promoted the creation of cultural offices, an idea of culture that is associated with an occult lore and a number of practices in which cultural action stands out as a vehicle to transfigure the soul of a racially conceived people and, therefore, one which is deprived of culture. This text is part of a series of inquiries into public cultural institutions in Bogota that are intended to help expand the interpretive map of cultural policies in the capital, and better understand how norms, rules and institutions that command our present were configured and developed.KeywordsCultural policies; cultural institutions; Bogotá, coloniality of power Sug  lecturakuna chi institución  culturalkuna. Chi oficina  propaganda cultural sug Municipio Bogotape (1933)Marta Lucia Bustos GómezMaillallachiska:Kai kilkaska examiname llugsirii chi institucionalidad cultural sug Municipio Bogotape sug aparte proyecto colonial  y señalanme sug discurso  y practica legitimandakuna uiñachingapa sug oficina propagandapa sulturalchi uata kimsa chunga y atun uatasiglo XX kamkuna anclareska colonialidadpe chi autoridad estatalpe markaska aichachingapa sector social clasificado negaspa  categoría masa popularkuna. Maskaspa chi conjunto prescripción, afirmación, ruraska munaikuna y Iuiaikuna sug elite iuiaiug Nirka uiñachingapa oficina cultural y regserenme sug idea chi cultural relacioname sug iachai pakalla y sug practikakuna chi acción culturalka kauachinmi sug autosina trukangapa alma pueblota racial iachaskata  y chasak mana culturaua kangapa.Kai  kilkaska  kame parte indagaska sug institucionalidad  cultural pública Bogotape y kanme aidachingapa atuniachingapa chi mapa interpretativo chi política cultural capitalpe, y entengapa imasa configuraska y desarrollaska forma, regla y entidadkuna Nukanchipa nukaurra.Rimangapa Ministidukuna:Políticas culturales; institucionalidad cultural; Bogota; colonialidad poderpe Vers une lecture des institutions culturelles. Le Bureau de propaganda culturelle à la municipalité de Bogotá (1933)Marta Lucía Bustos GómezRésuméLe texte examine l'émergence d'institutions culturelles dans la ville de Bogota dans le cadre du projet colonial et souligne la façon dont les discours et les pratiques qui légitiment la création du Bureau de propagande culturelle au début des années 30 du XXe siècle sont ancrées dans la colonialité du pouvoir d'une autorité étatique qui cherchait à éduquer les secteurs sociaux classés dans la catégorie négative des masses populaires. En examinant l'ensemble des ordonnances, des déclarations, des faits, des désirs et des intentions d'une élite intellectuelle qui a favorisé la création de bureaux culturels, une idée de la culture qui est associée à une tradition occulte et un certain nombre de pratiques don l'action culturelle se distingue comme un véhicule pour transfigurer l'âme d'un peuple racialement conçu et, par conséquent, privé de culture. Ce texte fait partie d'une série d'enquêtes sur les institutions culturelles publiques à Bogota qui sont destinés à aider à étendre la carte d'interprétation des politiques culturelles dans la capitale, et de mieux comprendre comment elles se sont configurées et ont développé des formes, des règles et des institutions qui commandent notre présent.Mots clésPolitiques culturelles; institutions culturelles; Bogotá; colonialité du pouvoirÀ LEITURA DAS INSTITUIÇÕES CULTURAIS. O ESCRITÓRIO DE PROPAGANDA CULTURAL NO MUNÍCIPIO DE BOGOTÁ (1933)Marta Lucía Bustos GómezO texto examina o surgimento da institucionalidade cultural no munícipio de Bogotá como parte do projeto colonial e assinala cómo os discursos e práticas que legitimam a criação do Escritório de Propaganda Cultural na década dos anos trinta do século XX estão ancorado na colonialidade do poder de uma autoridade no Estado que procurou educar a setores sociais classificados na negativa categoria de massas populares. Ao revisar o conjunto de prescrições, afirmações, fatos, desejos e intenções de uma élite intelectual que promoveu a criação de Escrtórios Culturais, se identifica uma ideia da cultura que se relaciona con um saber oculto e com uma série de práticas em que a ação cultural destaca como veículo para transfigurar a alma de um povo racialmente concebido e, pelo tanto, despossuídos de cultura. Este texto faz parte de uma série de inquéritos sobre a institucionalidade cultural pública em Bogotá que têm como propósito contribuir para expandir o mapa interpretativo das políticas culturais na capital, e compreender melhor como se configuraram e desenvolveram formas, regras e entidades que ordenam nosso presente. Palavras-chavePolíticas culturais; institucionalidade cultural, Bogotá; colonialidade do poder

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-70
Niyati Jigyasu

The first half of the 20th century was a turning point in the history of India with provincial rulers making significant development that had positive contribution and lasting influence on India’s growth. They served as architects, influencing not only the socio-cultural and economic growth but also the development of urban built form. Sayajirao Gaekwad III was the Maharaja of Baroda State from 1875 to 1939, and is notably remembered for his reforms. His pursuit for education led to establishment of Maharaja Sayajirao University and the Central Library that are unique examples of Architecture and structural systems. He brought many known architects from around the world to Baroda including Major Charles Mant, Robert Chrisholm and Charles Frederick Stevens. The proposals of the urban planner Patrick Geddes led to vital changes in the urban form of the core city area. New materials and technology introduced by these architects such as use of Belgium glass in the flooring of the central library for introducing natural light were revolutionary for that period. Sayajirao’s vision for water works, legal systems, market enterprises have all been translated into unique architectural heritage of the 20th century which signifies innovations that had a lasting influence on the city’s social, economic, administrative structure as well as built form of the city and its architecture. This paper demonstrates how the reformist ideas and vision of an erstwhile provincial ruler lead to significant architecture at the turn of the century in Princely state of Vadodara.

2009 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
Ciska Raventós Vorst

RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza el proceso de cambio político que se inició en Costa Rica en 1998 y que aún no concluye, ubicándolo en el contexto de la historia política de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Revisa luego las explicaciones que se han dado para el brusco quiebre en el comportamiento electoral de 1998, analiza la relación entre abstención y declive de los dos partidos tradicionales en el período 1998-2006 y se detiene a estudiar algunos rasgos del comportamiento electoral de los ciudadanos en el 2006. Concluye planteando una interpretación preliminar sobre el momento político en que se encuentra el país.ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the process of ongoing political change that has taken place in Costa Rica since 1998. It is analyzed in the context of the political history of the second half of the 20th century. This article reviews the explanations of the sudden shift in electoral behaviour in 1998, analyzes the relationship between electoral abstention and the decline of the two traditional parties between 1998 and 2006, and it studies some characteristics of voting behaviour in 2006. The paper concludes with a preliminary interpretation of the current political situation.

2017 ◽  
pp. 90
José Durán Fernández

La Ciudad de Nueva York fue pionera en la aplicación de un sistema de planificación de control urbano que pusiera orden y concierto a una ciudad que rebasa los 5 millones de habitantes a principios del siglo XX. Tal complejo organismo urbano, inédito hasta ese momento, fue objeto del más ambicioso plan urbano sobre una ciudad construida.Este artículo se destina al estudio de este originario plan urbano de 1916, el cual sentaría las bases, unas ciertamente visionarias otras excesivas, de la construcción de la Ciudad de Nueva York en todo el siglo XX. La Building Zone Resolution se creó con dos fines: resolver los problemas de congestión humana en un espacio reducido, la ciudad del presente, y proponer una visión del espacio urbano en las décadas venideras, la ciudad del futuro.El artículo es un compendio de diez textos cortos y un epílogo, que junto a sus respectivos diez documentos gráficos, construyen el corpus de la investigación. El lector pues se enfrenta a un ensayo gráfico formado por pequeños capítulos que le sumergirán en los orígenes de la primera ciudad vertical de la historia.PALABRAS CLAVE: Nueva York; Planeamiento; Visión urbana.The city of New York was a pioneer in the implementation of an urban control planning system that set in order a city that exceeds five million people in the early twentieth century. Such complex urban organism – invaluable until that moment – was the target for the most ambitious urban planning on a built city.This paper focuses on the study of this initial urban planning from 1916, which would set the basis, certainly some visionary yet others excessive, for the building of New York City throughout the 20th century. The Building Zone Resolution was created with two purposes: to solve the issues related to the human bundle in a limited space, the city of the present, and to aim a vision of the urban space in the forthcoming decades, the city of the future.The article is a compendium of ten short texts and one epilogue, which in combination with ten graphic documents, frame the corpus of this investigation. Thus, the reader will face a graphic essay composed by a series of brief chapters that highlight the beginning of the first vertical city in history.KEYWORDS: New York; Planning; Urban vision.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. vii-xxix
Carlos González Echegaray

No one today doubts that the press is an essential tool to know and understand recent history of countries and nations. And not just from the standpoint of politics and economics but also of everyday life, reflected in these types of publications, sometimes undervalued by historians and others. The evolution of the press in developed countries has been the subject of several studies. A parallel action is needed for the still recently established African states, paying special attention to the post-independence period. For this research an inventory of the titles of those publications is essential, as well as bibliographic data that can be documented.

Benjamin Isaac

The city of Joppe/Jaffa/Yafo on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean, immediately south of modern Tel Aviv, has a long history of importance as an urban centre, from the Middle Bronze Age onward until the 20th century. It was one of the few sites along the Palestinian coast that had a usable anchorage. The present article focuses on the Hellenistic, Roman, and late Roman periods, giving a brief survey of the major events, the political, social, and administrative history, and the major sources of information.

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