2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Agus Sjafari ◽  
Kandung Sapto Nugroho ◽  
Arenawati Arenawati ◽  
Oki Otaviana ◽  
Guntur Fernanto

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas kegiatan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat pesisir yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah provinsi Banten, sehingga dapat mengetahui model pemberdayaan ekonomi paling efektif bagi masyarakat pesisir di Provinsi Banten. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan lokasi penelitian di Desa Lontar Kecamatan Tirtayasa, Kabupaten Serang dan Desa Citeurep, Kecamatan Panimbang, Kabupaten Pandeglang. Penentuan informan dilakukan secara purposive sampling. Data primer penelitian ini diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Data sekunder diperoleh dari studi literatur dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan karakteristik nelayan antara desa Lontar dan Citeurep. Ada perbedaan jenis pemberdayaan di kedua desa. Ada perbedaan komoditas pada kedua kelompok nelayan. Di Desa Lontar, jenis komoditas yang dihasilkan lebih bervariasi, perikanan tangkap, bandeng dan budidaya rumput laut dan usahatani rumput laut. Sedangkan di Desa Citeurep komoditi hanya menangkap ikan. Dalam perspektif kelompok, nelayan di Desa Lontar lebih terorganisir daripada nelayan di Desa Citeurep. Model pemberdayaan relatif yang dapat diterapkan pada dua kelompok nelayan tersebut adalah dengan Model Pendekatan Kelompok Berbasis Regional dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik masyarakat yang ada di daerahnya masing-masing. Pola pemberdayaan yang paling tepat adalah pola pemberdayaan yang melibatkan seluruh pemangku kepentingan yang menggunakan skema kemitraan seperti: peran pemerintah daerah, perguruan tinggi, DPRD, dan swasta / perusahaan.   Kata kunci: pemberdayaan pesisir, kesejahteraan, kelompok nelayan   ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of economic empowerment activities of coastal communities that have been done by the government of Banten province, thus to find out the most effective model of economic empowerment for coastal communities in the province of Banten. Metode used in this study is qualitative descriptive, with research sites in the village of Lontar sub District Tirtayasa, Serang Region and Citeurep Village, Panimbang sub District, Pandeglang Region. Informant's determination is done by purposive sampling. Primary data of this research is getting from indepth interview and observation. Secondary data getting from by literature study and documentation. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the characteristics of fishermen between Lontar and Citeurep villages. There are differences in type of empowerment in both villages. There is a difference of commodities in both groups of fishermen. In Lontar Village, the types of commodities produced are more varied, capture fishery, milkfish and Sea Weed cultivation and seaweed farming. While in Citeurep Village the commodity is capture fish only. In group perspective, fishermen in Lontar Village are more organized than the fishermen in Citeurep Village. The relative empowerment model that can be applied to the two groups of fishermen is with the Regional-Based Group Approach Model taking into account the characteristics of the community that exist in their respective regions. The most appropriate  pattern of empowerment is the empowerment pattern that involves all stakeholders using partnership schemes such as: the role of local government, universities, DPRD, and private / corporate   Keywords: coastal empowerment, welfare, group of fishermen

Victoria E.N. Manoppo ◽  
Jeannette F. Pangemanan ◽  
Nurdin Jusuf

AbstractThe decline in fishermen's income was triggered by increased household needs while the income of fishermen's fate seemed to be unbearable. This is also experienced by Neyan in the Coastal Region of Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. Their income continues to decline even more often they have no cost for their daily lives. They are in debt which is strangling their necks. They are increasingly desperate because there is no solution offered either from the government or from other relevant parties. Starting from the background, the problem is formulated as follows: 1. What causes the level of income of fishermen in the Coastal Zone of Mandolang District to decrease; 2. How do they increase their income. The research objectives are: 1. To describe and analyze what causes the level of income of fishermen in the Coastal Zone of Mandolang District to decrease; 2. To analyze how they increase their income. This research will be carried out in the Coastal Area of Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency in 2017 since it was signed a work contract with LPPM. The method in this study is purposive sampling method. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data analysis is qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative description.Keywords: coastal area, income of fishermen, Mandolang sub-district AbstrakTurunnya pendapatan nelayan itu dipicu kebutuhan rumah tangga yang meningkat sedangkan pendapatan nasib nelayan seolah tak lepas dirundung malang. Hal ini juga dialami oleh neyan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Pendapatan mereka semakin hari semakin menurun bahkan seringkali  mereka tidak mempunyai biaya untuk kehidupan mereka sehari-hari. Mereka terlbat utang yang semakin mencekik leher.  Mereka semakin putus asa karena belum ada jalan keluar yang ditawarkan baik dari pemerintah ataupun dari pihak-pihak terkait lainnya.  Bertitik tolak dari latar belakang tersebut maka masalah dirumuskan sebagai berikut: 1. Apa yang menyebabkan turunnya tingkat pendapatan nelayan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang; 2. Bagaimana cara mereka meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah : 1. Untuk mengdeskripsikan dan menganalisis apa yang menyebabkan turunnya tingkat pendapatan nelayan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang; 2. Untuk menganalisis bagaimana cara mereka meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa pada tahun 2017 sejak di tandatangani kontrak kerja dengan LPPM. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah metode purposive sampling. Sumber data adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data yakni analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan deskripsi kuantitatif.Kata kunci: wilayah pesisir, pendapatan nelayan, kecamatan Mandolang

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-128
Sugeng Setyadi ◽  
Moh Sofyan Budiarto

  Ekonomi kreatif merupakan salah satu sektor yang diharapkan mampu menjadi kekuatan nasional dan provinsi Banten dengan kontribusi terhadap PDB meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Diperlukan pemetaan terhadap potensi dan prioritas sektor industri kreatif di provinsi Banten untuk menentukan rencana aksi dan strategi pengembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi dan prioritas industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Provinsi Banten melalui indikator indikator yang bersifat kualitatif. Penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif dengan melakukan survei terhadap pelaku industri kreatif di provinsi Banten. Data primer diperoleh dengan metode wawancara, dan kuisioner sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari data yang relevan dari sumber lain seperti BPS, Disperindag dan studi literature. Analisa data menggunakan Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) merupakan pendekatan pengambilan keputusan yang dirancang untuk memberikan solusi dari permasalahan yang menyangkut kriteria yang bersifat komplek, menentukan prioritas pilihan-pilihan dengan banyak kriteria, dan menentukan model alternatif untuk menyelesaikan bermacam-macam masalah. Hasil perhitungan AHP dengan penyilangan Kriteria Prioroitas dengan Prioritas Subsektor Ekraf, didapatkan angka 0,496243386 pada posisi pertama untuk Kriya, 0,404603175 untuk subsektor Fesyen pada posisi kedua dan 0,099153439 untuk Subsektor Kuliner pada posisi ketiga. Ketiga Subsektor Ekoomi kreatif ini menjadi Sub sektor yang paling dominan dipilih oleh responden dan posisi peringkat diatas menjadi gambaran bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan stimulus lebih pada subsektor yang ada dan menjadi kekuatan utama sektor industri kreatif skala kecil dan menengah di Banten.   The research objective is to mapping the potential and priority of small and medium the creative industry in Banten Province through indicators with qualitative approach.  Research used qualitative descriptive methods by conducting a survey of creative industry actors in Banten province. Primary data was obtained by interview method, and questionnaire while secondary data was obtained from relevant data from other sources such as BPS, Disperindag and literature study. Data analysis using the Analytical Hyrachy Process (AHP) is a decision-making approach designed to provide solutions to problems involving complex criteria, determine priorities with multiple criteria, and determine alternative models to solve various problems. AHP calculation results by crossing the Priority Criteria with the Subsector's Priority Ekraf, obtained the number 0, 496243386 in the first position for Kriya, 0.404603175 for the Fashion sub-sector in the second position and 0.099153439 for the Culinary Subsector in the third position. The three subsectors of this creative economy become the most dominant subsector chosen by the respondents and the ranking position above becomes a picture for the government to provide more stimulus to the existing sub-sector micro, small and medium creative Industry sector in Banten Province.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 318
Deka Veronica ◽  
Etik Winarni ◽  
Ahmad Soleh

Law No. 32 of 2004 on Villages that gives villagers the opportunity to organize and take care of their own households, which is organized by promoting the principles of democracy, participatory, equalization, justice and paying attention to the potential diversity of the region is the starting point of the development change from the periphery. And strengthened by government policy in 2015 the government issued the Village Fund policy, which was marked by the publication of PMK No.49 in 2016. The reforms are a form of seriousness from the government in trying to build the country through the village. But the goodwill is certainly not all can run in accordance with expectations given the competency conditions of human resources and various conditions. Therefore, in this study will evaluate the success of the use of village funds that have been given by the government, whether it has a positive impact on the community economy. This research will be conducted in Pelepat Ilir sub-district with case studies in Maju Jaya Village and Tirta Mulya using quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods. While the data used is primary data and secondary data obtained from interviews, questionnaires and literature from the village. The analytical tools used in this study are models of effectiveness, average difference testing and SWOT analysis. With the ultimate goal of wanting to get the results of the evaluation of the successful use of the Village Fund. The results showed that judged to be successful in the management of village funds, this was shown with an effectiveness rate reaching 100 percent (very effective). Furthermore, the use of Village Funds also has an impact on improving public services and health services but has not had an impact on improving the community economy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-86
Fredi Enumbi ◽  
Paulus Allolayuk ◽  
Mariolin Sanggenafa

  Abstract The objectives of this study are (1) To determine village financial management in Hinekombe Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency in accordance with Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2018 concerning Village Financial Management. (2) To find out the obstacles faced by the village government in financial management and accountability in Hinekombe Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency. This research method is descriptive using a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and literature study. The primary data sources were interview data and secondary data from the hinekombe village profile. The research informants were 10 people. The results show that (1) the government of Hinekombe Village, Sentani District, Jaypura Regency is good enough in managing village finances in accordance with Permendagri Number 20 of 2018 concerning Village Financial Management. This shows that the Hinekombe Village Government has tried its best to be able to implement the central government regulations on village financial management even though there are some activity items that are incomplete in their reporting. (2) Constraints faced by the village government in financial management in Hinekombe Village, Sentani District, Jayapura Regency. Namely, community self-help is still lacking, supervision is also lacking. In addition, budget changes were not carried out through deliberations with community leaders or unilaterally by the Hinekombe Village Government Apparatus which made the community less confident in financial management carried out by the hinekombe village government. Keywords: Financial Management; Hinekombe Village. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk mengetahui pengelolaan keuangan desa di Kampung Hinekombe Distrik Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura sesuai dengan Permendagri Nomor 20 tahun 2018 Tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa. (2) Untuk mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dihadapi pemerintah kampung dalam pengelolaan dan pertanggung jawaban keuangan di Kampung Hinekombe Distrik Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif . Sumber data primer yaitu data wawancara dan data sekunder profil kampung hinekombe. Informan penelitian sebanyak 10 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Metode analisis yaitu reduksi data, pengelompokan data, display data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Pemerintah Kampung Hinekombe Distrik Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura sudah cukup baik dalam melakukan pengelolaan keuangan kampung sesuai dengan Permendagri Nomor 20 tahun 2018 Tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kampun Hinekombe telah berusaha bekerja dengan maksimal untuk dapat mengimplementasikan peraturan pemerintah pusat tentang pengelolaan keuangan kampung walaupun ada beberapa item kegiatan yang kurang tidak lengkap dalam pelaporannya. (2) Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi pemerintah kampung dalam pengelolaan keuangan di Kampung Hinekombe Distrik Sentani Kabupaten Jayapura.yaitu Swadaya Masyarakat masih kurang, pengawasan juga masih kurang. Selain itu juga perubahan anggaran tidak dilakukan melalui musyawarah dengan tokoh masyarakat atau sepihak oleh Aparatur Pemerintah Kampung Hinekombe yang membuat masyarakat kurang begitu percaya terhadap pengelolaan keuangan yang dilakukan pemerintah kampung hinekombe. Kata kunci : Pengelolaan Keuangan, Kampung Hinekombe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-59
Gumilar Mulyana

Since the late 1990s, the government has been aggressive in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This trend has paved the way for the "Digital Age". However, despite the widespread use of ICTs, research on e-government shows that e-government has not yet reached the potential for integration. In this research, the method used is a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study come from primary data and secondary data. The data technique used is field research, such as observation, interviews, and literature study. The analysis used by the pen is descriptive-qualitative. In this study, it is known that a "Leadership Model" is proposed, which will lead to a deep understanding of transforming government and broaden the agenda for further research.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Budi Setiawan

Nowadays the needs of the house are difficult to obtain, although the government is always active and strives to carry out housing development. In the midst of the limited ability of the government, has led to business opportunities to meet the needs of community housing, commonly referred to as developers. Developers in providing homes often do not provide clear information relating to the specification conditions of the house to the consumer. The problems discussed in this thesis writing is, first how the form of legal protection of the consumer for misleading housing ad information? Second, how is the business actor's responsibility for misleading home advertising information? This research is an analytical descriptive research, with normative juridical approach as main approach and empirical juridical as supporter. The data used are secondary data and primary data collected through literature study and field study with interview technique. The analysis is done qualitatively and presented in the form of qualitative descriptive. Based on the results of research that has been analyzed it can be concluded, firstly, forms of legal protection of misleading housing ad information, for the actions undertaken by developers PT. Bangun Persada Sejatera to Villa Anggrek housing consumer, the consumer as an injured party can make various legal efforts to fight for his rights through: the settlement of consumer dispute through litigation and settlement of non-litigation consumer disputes. Secondly, the business actor's responsibility for misleading housing advertising information is that the consumer is entitled to submit his / her complaint relating to the house in the maintenance warranty period of 100 (one hundred) calendar days. Developers as business actors will seek every improvement that complained by consumers. If the consumer feels aggrieved by the business actors, the entrepreneur shall be obliged to provide compensation, compensation and / or reimbursement for loss caused by the user, user and the utilization of the goods and / or services that have been traded.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Jehan M. Malahika ◽  
Herman Karamoy ◽  
Rudy J. Pusung

This research aims to analyze the Implementation of Village Financial System (SISKEUDES)  towards the government organization in Suwaan Village Kalawat Subdistrict North Minahasa Regency. This research using qualitative research approach as using primary data, which were in the form of interview and secondary data. The informants are the village head, the village secretaries, and the head of village government affairs. The result showed that : (1) The implementation of Village Financial System in Suwaan Village has running well (2) The procedure of SISKEUDES utilization done by 4 stages which are : Planning, Implementing, Administrating, and Reporting (3) Village Financial System has been giving the positive influence towards the performance of each employee. Therefore, Village Financial System holds an important role upon village government that impact directly by the employee of village. This is as accordance with the purpose on the implementation of Village Financing System which is to assist the work of villagers’ employee.Keywords: Village Financial System, Village Government

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 523-542
Sri Ayu Saputri ◽  
Nurzi Sebrina ◽  
Vita Fitria Sari

This study aims to determine how Administration, Reporting and Accountability of Dana Nagari in Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency, West Sumatra Province. There are three (3) aspects in village funds, administration, reporting and accountability. To achieve these objectives, descriptive qualitative research methods are used. Data sources are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study show: (1) Administration carried out by the treasurer in the form of receipts and expenditures which are recorded in the general cash book, bank book, income details book, and financing details book which is equipped with receipts. (2) Reporting that the delay in disbursing village funds was due to the late regulation of the Regulations of the Regent of Padang Pariaman which caused the disbursement of stage I and phase II village funds to be delayed too late. (3) Accountability Submission of accountability reports to the public through various media, such as websites and billboards. Submission through this media can make it easier for the public to obtain information about the performance of the village government.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
I Nengah Edi Santika ◽  
Ida Ayu Suryasih

Pengotan Tourism Village has unique culture that being a typical of the village itself. But, Pengotan Tourism Village isn’t known widely yet. The development which is not optimum and many obstacles make it happen. Based on that problems, this research aims to identify the cultural potentials, of Pengotan Tourism Village as a culture based tourism village in Bangli Subdistrict, Bangli Regency. The method that used in this research especially on analyzing the data is qualitative descriptive analysis to determine the potentials and the obstacles of development. The datas are collected through observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. The informants are determined using purposive sampling technique. The result of this research is Pengotan Tourism Village has many potentials that can make it as a tourist attraction in Bangli Regency. The potentials are cultural such as handicrafts, tradition, history of Pengotan, architecture, arts and musics, community livelihood, religion, and language.   Keywords : potential culture , Pengotan Tourism Village, Tourist Attraction

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3A) ◽  
pp. 397
Liby Rosany Lampah ◽  
Oktavianus ., Porajouw ◽  
Gene H. M. Kapantow

This study aims to compare the level of welfare of farmers who seek in the field of wetland rice and corn farmers in the Village Matani Tumpaan District in South Minahasa. The study lasted from July to September 2017. The data used are primary data collected throught interviews with farmers by purposive sampling taken 15 corn farmers and 15 rice field farmers.The study on farmers’ welfare level is seen from the form of economic and non economic variables enjoyed by respondents based on the criteria of BKKBN covering 5 stages of family welfare indicators. Secondary data is obtained throught documents and research results and library, data and information in village, sub-district and district offices. The result of this research concludes that rice farmers are more prosperous than corn farmers in Matani Village. Tumpaan Subdistrict of South Minahasa Regency. Wet land paddy farmers are included in the stages of the Prosperous Family II (KS II) and Prosperous Family III (KS III) while corn farmers are included in the stage of the Prosperous Family I (KS I).

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