scholarly journals Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) di Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten Subang

2020 ◽  
pp. 148-165
Nuraida Nuraida

Penelitian Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) di Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten Subang. Lokasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian yaitu ProgramKeluarga Harapan di Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten Subang. Penelitian ini membahas tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dalam menjalankan program untuk meningkatkan kesejahtraan keluarga penerima bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriftif kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Metode pengumpulan data diperoleh langsung dan dokumen diperoleh dalam bentuk peraturan-peraturan, sedangkan pengolahan data dengan menganalisis hasil wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa efektivitas pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) di Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten subang belum efektif sesuai dengan teori pengukuran efektivitas program menurut Sutrisno. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan masih terdapat Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) yang tidak memahami hak dan kewajibannya serta belum semua masyarakat miskin mendapatkan bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan Pendamping kepada Keluarga Penerima Manfaat belum maksimal.   The implementation of the family of hope program (PKH) aims to find out how effective the implementation of the family of hope program (PKH) in cisalak sub-district, subang district. The location that was used as the object of research was the hope family program (PKH) in Cisalak sub-district, Subang Regency. The study didcusses maters relating to the implementation of the family of hope program (PKH) in running programs to improve family welfare. In this study the  authors used a qualitative descriptive research methods trought observationsand interviews, literature studies and documentation. Data collection methods are obtained directly from the informant throught interviews directly and documents obtain in the form of rqeulations, while the processing of data by analyzing the results of interviews and observations. The result showed that the effectiveness of the family hope program (PKH) in the district of Cisalak Subang district was not yet effective according to the theory of program effectiveness measurement according to Sutrisno. This is proven by the fact that there are still families of beneficiaries (KPM) who do not all pooor people have received assistance from the hope family program and the socialization provided by the companion to the beneficiary families is not maximal.    

Abdurrahman Rahim Thaha ◽  
Luki Natika ◽  
Iwan Henri Kusnadi

Penelitian Efektivitas Program Pemberdayaan Nelayan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas program Pemberdayaan Nelayan pada Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Subang. Lokasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian yaitu Program Pemberdayaan  Nelayan di Kecamatan Blanakan Kabupaten Subang. Penelitian ini membahas tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas Program Pemberdayaan Nelayan dalam menjalankan program untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Metode pengumpulan data diperoleh langsung dan dokumen diperoleh dalam bentuk pertauran-peraturan sedangkan pengolahan data dengan menganalisis hasil wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa efektivitas program Pemberdayaan Nelayan pada Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Subang belum efektif sesuai dengan teori pengukuran efektivitas program menurut Sutrisno. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kurangnya kesadaran para nelayan akan pentingnya program pemberdayaan nelayan serta masih terdapat Nelayan yang tidak memahami hak dan kewajibannya, belum semua nelayan mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan pemerintah belum maksimal.   Research on the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment Programs aims to find out how the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment program in Subang district fisheries service. The location that was made the object of research was the fishermen empowerment program in Blanakan Subang district, subang Regency. This research discusses matters relating to the effectiveness of fishermen empowerment programs in carrying out programs to improve the welfare of fishermen. In this study the authors used descriptive qualitative research methods through observation an interviews, literature study and documentation. Data collection methods are obtained directly and documents are obtained in the form of regulations while managing data by analyzing the results of interview and observations. The results showed that the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment program in Subang district fisheries service was not yet effective based on the theory of program effectiveness measurement according to Sutrisno. This can be seen from the lack of awareness of fishermen about the importance of fishermen empowerment programs, there are still fishermen who do not understand their rights and obligation and not all fishermen get help from the government and the government socialization has not been maximized.  

Tony Pathony ◽  
Kusman Yuhana ◽  
Iwan Henri Kusnadi

Penelitian Efektivitas Program Pemberdayaan Nelayan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas program Pemberdayaan Nelayan pada Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Subang. Lokasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian yaitu Program Pemberdayaan  Nelayan di Kecamatan Blanakan Kabupaten Subang. Penelitian ini membahas tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas Program Pemberdayaan Nelayan dalam menjalankan program untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Metode pengumpulan data diperoleh langsung dan dokumen diperoleh dalam bentuk pertauran-peraturan sedangkan pengolahan data dengan menganalisis hasil wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa efektivitas program Pemberdayaan Nelayan pada Dinas Perikanan Kabupaten Subang belum efektif sesuai dengan teori pengukuran efektivitas program menurut Sutrisno. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari kurangnya kesadaran para nelayan akan pentingnya program pemberdayaan nelayan serta masih terdapat Nelayan yang tidak memahami hak dan kewajibannya, belum semua nelayan mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan pemerintah belum maksimal.   Research on the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment Programs aims to find out how the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment program in Subang district fisheries service. The location that was made the object of research was the fishermen empowerment program in Blanakan Subang district, subang Regency. This research discusses matters relating to the effectiveness of fishermen empowerment programs in carrying out programs to improve the welfare of fishermen. In this study the authors used descriptive qualitative research methods through observation an interviews, literature study and documentation. Data collection methods are obtained directly and documents are obtained in the form of regulations while managing data by analyzing the results of interview and observations. The results showed that the effectiveness of the fishermen empowerment program in Subang district fisheries service was not yet effective based on the theory of program effectiveness measurement according to Sutrisno. This can be seen from the lack of awareness of fishermen about the importance of fishermen empowerment programs, there are still fishermen who do not understand their rights and obligation and not all fishermen get help from the government and the government socialization has not been maximized.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Shafila Mardiana Bunsaman ◽  
Budi Muhammad Taftazani

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan perempuan dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarga para petugas K3L (Kebersihan, Kenyamanan, Keindahan Lingkungan) Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor dan juga untuk mengetahui motivasi apa saja yang membuat perempuan memiliki keinginan untuk bekerja. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif serta metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui wawancara mendalam, buku referensi dan juga penelitian-penelitian terhadulu. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan menyatakan bahwa peranan perempuan dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga K3L terbagi menjadi dua peran, yang pertama adalah peran perempuan di dalam keluarga, diantaranya adalah peranan sebagai seorang ibu dan juga peranan sebagai pendamping suami. Yang kedua adalah peranan perempuan di luar keluarga yaitu sebagai pencari nafkah. Para perempuan ini bekerja untuk dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi keluarga. ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the role of women in improving the family welfare of the K3L officers of Universitas Padjadjaran Jatinangor and also to find out what motivation makes women have the desire to work. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive and data collection methods used through in-depth interviews, reference books and also research studies. The result of the research shows that the role of women in improving the economic welfare of K3L family is divided into two roles, the first is the role of women in the family, such as the role of a mother and also the role of the husband's companion. The second is the role of women outside the family as the breadwinner. These women work to improve the economic welfare of the family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Nurul Hikmah

Abstract;                      Nurul Hikmah, (2019). Teacher performance class in organizing and developing learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. Guided By Syarifuddin Cn Sida and Idawati.This study aims to study the performance of the teachers in developing and expanding learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. The location in this research is the state elementary school KIP Maccini Makassar. The types of data in this study are primary data obtained directly from the informant and secondary data in the form of documents relating to the issues and the research reports. The instruments in this research are own researchers and supporting data collection tools are interview guidelines. Based on the results of the study that the performance of teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI in the planning of learning received an average score of 18.32 in the category quite effective. The assessment showed that teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI were well-performing in the planning of learning. Keywords: teacher performance; Learning devices

Al-Qalam ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 421
Khaerun Nisa'

This study aims to determine the process of implementation the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the Konjo community adult process, how is the existance of the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the modern area, and how is the islamic perspective on the procession of tradition. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Data sources are primary and secondary data. Researcher as a key instrument. Data collection methods are observation, deep interview and documentation. <em>Parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attrarasa’s </em>tradition is a traditional ceremony held by Konjo community in eastern Bulukumba, when  a child enters adulthood. The traditional still exists carried out by the community of Konjo until now, as a way to appreciate the ancestrals heritage. According to the islamic perpective on the procession of the traditional ceremonies, such as the presentation of offerings and flattening of teeth <em>(attarasa)</em> is considered contradictory to the existing rules in islam.<br /><p align="center"> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-264
Ina Veronika Ginting ◽  
Wisnu Prahadianto ◽  
Dwiesty Dyah Utami ◽  
Nuniek Agatri ◽  
Delanita Fachrunisa

Lake Toba area has the potential in the field of tourism business that is useful for the businessman. In order to achieve the target of 1 million tourists targeted by the Badan Pelaksana Otorita Danau Toba required a media marketing role that is able to support it. One of its marketing efforts is through ITX (Indonesia Tourism Exchange) which can develop the business network of tourism so that tourism business products become better known globally, easier booking process and online payment transactions to be more efficient and reliable. Asdep Tata Kelola Destinasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, held socialization in Tobasa district. After the socialization, tourism businessmen who join to become ITX members are Polado Homestay and CV. Toba Sporty from 30 participants. Obviously after becoming a member of ITX, the businessmen who have joined must have changes. Therefore it is necessary to conduct research on the role of ITX as an e-marketplace in Lake Toba area. In this study the researchers used qualitative descriptive research methods. This research uses e-marketplace theory. Data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. The whole study yields a conclusion and suggestion related to the role of ITX.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Elvira Santi ◽  
Mbina Pinem

This study aims to determine (1) the requirements of recipients of the family hope program (2) the implementation of the family hope program in education (3) the implementation of the family hope program in the health sector. This research was carried out in Bandar Sono Village in 2019. The population in this study were all residents in Bandar Sono village who had implemented the Hope Family Program of 442 KPM (Beneficiary Families). The sample is determined 20% of the total population so that the sample is 88 KPM. Data collection techniques used were direct communication / interview techniques. Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive techniques. The results showed (1) Requirements for recipients of the hope family program in Bandar Sono village did not fully qualify as recipients of the hope family program because there were 12 KPM that were not included in poor households. (2) Implementation of the family of hope program in the field of education with attendance of more than 85% of the effective days of school every month. Thus the implementation of the family of hope program in the field of education has been going well. (3) the implementation of the family hope program in the health sector has run well and all participants of the family hope program have been helped in meeting the needs in the health sector.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ira Ariska

<p><em>Fan Dance is one of the dance creations that exist in the district of South OKU, which until now is still held high by the community as a tradition directed at the South OKU district precisely Ranau area because this dance is only used for entertainment such as during weddings, circumcision, and so on.</em><em> </em><em>The purpose of this research is to know and describe the form of presentation of fan dance by Art Gallery Duagha in District Warkuk Ranau Selatan South OKU District. In this research researchers use qualitative descriptive research methods, data collection retrieval techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation</em><em> </em><em>The results of this study showed that according to Soedarsono's theory of the form of presentation attributed to the material used by the researchers was the form of presentation at the fan dance by the art gallery Duagha in South OKU district which includes motion components, floor patterns, music, makeup, costumes, property, and venue. The movement components consist of motion greeting, worship, Tabik, Nindai, Rock Reject, and right mutogh. The floor pattern consists of a V-letter, circle, and horizontal floor pattern. The music includes traditional music. The dressing uses pretty makeup. The costumes used are the typical clothes of Ranau area called Kawai Kanduk and the property that only fans use. As well as his performances can be on the stage open and closed but in this study there is a closed stage like inside the building.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>presentation form, Fan dance</em><em>, Oku Timur</em><em></em></p>

Syaeful Bakhri ◽  
Cucu Herawati ◽  
Wardah Nuroniyah

In the development of KLA in Indonesia, there has not been a single region in West Java Province that has won the title of child-friendly regency/city. Cirebon Regency itself has succeeded in achieving the title of Child-Friendly City (KLA) in the Primary category in 2015. This study aims to determine the prospects and challenges of the Cirebon Regency towards a Child-Friendly Regency with a better grade. The research approach used is a type of qualitative descriptive research with data collection methods in-depth interviews, data processed through SWOT analysis. The results of the study show a combination of strategies with the highest priority, namely Strength – Opportunity (SO), followed by Weakness – Opportunity (WO), then Strength – Threat (ST), and Weakness – Threat (WT). With an interpretation that the intended strategy is how to maximize strength and opportunities to support the running of child-friendly regional action plans in the Cirebon Regency.

Amelia Sabella ◽  
Hilman Syafei ◽  
Umi Habibah ◽  
Rahma Rosaliana Saraswati

An understanding of laboratory management is highly important to be owned by parties related to the laboratory, both directly and indirectly. Laboratories must be managed and utilized properly, because chemical laboratories are one type of laboratory that is considered quite dangerous in the context of carrying out education, research, and / or community service. This study aims to describe the management of a chemical laboratory using qualitative descriptive research methods. Research subjects were the principal, vice chairman of the curriculum, chair of the laboratory, and teachers in the field of chemistry studies. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research are: 1) Planning of chemical laboratory work program has been prepared and standardized by the head of the laboratory, 2) Organizing the laboratory structurally already exists, 3) Organizing by the principal involving all those involved in laboratory management, 4) The implementation of the program is suitable with the plan of the work program, 5) Supervision and evaluation of the principal must still be carried out intensively. In other words, laboratory management at SMA 55 Jakarta has been well organized.

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