scholarly journals Kinerja Guru Kelas Dalam Menyusun dan Mengembangkan Perangkat Pembelajaran di SD Negeri KIP Maccini Makassar

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Nurul Hikmah

Abstract;                      Nurul Hikmah, (2019). Teacher performance class in organizing and developing learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. Guided By Syarifuddin Cn Sida and Idawati.This study aims to study the performance of the teachers in developing and expanding learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. The location in this research is the state elementary school KIP Maccini Makassar. The types of data in this study are primary data obtained directly from the informant and secondary data in the form of documents relating to the issues and the research reports. The instruments in this research are own researchers and supporting data collection tools are interview guidelines. Based on the results of the study that the performance of teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI in the planning of learning received an average score of 18.32 in the category quite effective. The assessment showed that teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI were well-performing in the planning of learning. Keywords: teacher performance; Learning devices

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Ananda Dwinanti Kinasih , ◽  
M. Hudi Asrori S ,

<p>Abstract<br />This article aims for reviewing how the settlement of compensation as the consequences of the tenure <br />of land rights unlawfully in civil law Surakarta state court verdict number 106/pdt.g/2017/PN.SKT and <br />number 103/pdt.G/2006/PN.SKT where the court’s decision has a permanent legal force. This research is <br />a juridical normative legal research. The location of this research at Notary Office and PPAT Adib Sujarwadi <br />and the State Court Surakarta Class 1A Specific. Kinds and the sources of data in this research are <br />consist of primary data and secondary data. The technique of data collection through interview and library <br />study. The analytical technique used by the author is by the method of syllogism that uses the deduction <br />mindset. Regarding the settlement of compensation due to unlawful tenure of land rights is a compensatory <br />damages, in the form of payment to the victim amounting to a loss that is actually experienced. Based on <br />the decision of the Panel of Judges. Regarding the non-granting of immaterial compensation because <br />the Plaintiff does not attach the appropriate evidence. After the verdict is declared incracht, outside the <br />court, the Defendant and the Plaintiff may hold deliberations to determine the amount of the indemnity or <br />the Plaintiff waived the indemnity obligation, but the Defendant must leave the land of the object of the <br />dispute voluntarily. In the case of still occupy it will be executed by the bailiff from the Court.<br />Keywords: Compensation; Tort; Tenure Of Land Rights.</p><p>Abstrak<br />Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji bagaimana penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum pada perkara perdata Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Nomor 106/<br />Pdt.G/2017/PN SKT dan Nomor 103/Pdt.G/2006/PN SKT, dimana putusan pengadilan tersebut telah <br />berkekuatan hukum tetap. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yuridis. Lokasi penelitian <br />yaitu di Kantor Notaris dan PPAT Adib Sujarwadi dan Pengadilan Negeri Surakarta Kelas IA Khusus. Jenis <br />dan sumber data penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui <br />wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah dengan metode <br />silogisme yang menggunakan pola pikir deduksi. Penyelesaian ganti rugi akibat penguasaan hak atas <br />tanah secara melawan hukum yaitu dengan ganti rugi kompensasi, berupa pembayaran kepada korban <br />sebesar kerugian yang benar-benar dialami. Berdasarkan keputusan Majelis Hakim. Mengenai tidak <br />dikabulkannya ganti rugi immateriil dikarenakan Penggugat tidak melampirkan bukti-bukti yang sesuai. <br />Setelah putusan dinyatakan incraht, di luar pengadilan, Tergugat dan Penggugat dapat mengadakan <br />musyawarah untuk menentukan jumlah ganti rugi atau Penggugat membebaskan kewajiban pembayaran <br />ganti rugi, namun Tergugat harus meninggalkan tanah obyek sengketa secara sukarela. Dalam hal masih <br />tetap menempati maka akan dilakukan eksekusi oleh juru sita dari Pengadilan.<br />Kata Kunci : Ganti Kerugian; Perbuatan Melawan Hukum; Penguasaan Hak Atas Tanah.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
I Gusti Ngurah Fredi Firawan ◽  
Ida Bagus Suryawan

Nungnung Waterfal is located in Pelaga Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. Nungnung Waterfal have several potentials that can be developed into a natural taourist attraction. It is the researchers wanted to know the potential of what is owned by NungnungWaterfall that can be developed into a tourist attraction. Types of data and data sources used are the data Qualitative, Quantitatif, primary data and secondary data. Collection data by Observasi, interviews, library, and using purpose sampling method, data analytic method using qualitative descriptive that applies the facts found in the field. Nungnung Waterfallhas the potential of natural and artificial potential that could be developed into a tourist attraction. Natural potential possessed NungnungWaterfallis landscapes, mountains, waterfalls, and forests. As for the potential of artificial owned by Nungnung Waterfallnamely supporting facilities including a gazebo for resting place for tourists and take pictures in the area of Nungnung Waterfall.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2016 ◽  
Ni Ketut Supasti Darmawan ◽  
I Nyoman Sumardika ◽  
I Nyoman Gede Paramartha

Home ownership credit faciliities are very much needed by the people who have low and medium buying power. In theory, as set forth in Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the State Minister of Agrarian Services/Head of National Body for Land Affairs (BPN) No. 4 of 1996, with the binding of SKMHT is only granted to secure certain credits ,i.e. to finance simple ownership , modest homes, condominiums with land area of 200m2 and the building has not more than 70m2. In practice many home ownership credit facilities are granted to buy a house with a land area of more than stated by the provision above. Problems also occurs with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (1) of UUHT which require SKMHT regarding land rights which are already registred, SKMHT must be followed by the making of APHT as late as 1(one) month. Rights to land that has not been registered, should be followed by creating APHT as late as 3(three) months after the SKMHT is granted in accordance with Article 15 of UUHT paragraph (2). However, in granting Home ownership credit, the provision applied is Article 1, paragraph (2) of the Regulation of the State Minister of Agrarian Services/Head of Nation Body for Land Affairs (BPN) No. 4 of 1996 confirming that SKMHT is not mandatory until the end of the principal agreement. The principle issue in this study is the factors that cause the developer defaults on the SKMHT agreement completed with buy back guarantee and the efforts made by a bank if a developer defaults on yhe agreement of buy back guarantee. Type of research used in this thesis was empirical legal research, which departed from the gap between Government Regulation State Minister of Agrarian Services/Head of Nation Body for Land Affairs (BPN) No. 4 of 1996, and the prevailing reality. The Approach used was a qualitative approach. Primary data collection technique was conducted using the method of taking sample interview with the Non-Random Sampling; secondary data collection was done through the technique of documentary studies and tertiary legal materials in the form of dictionaries and encyclopedias. The results showed that the factors that caused the developer defaults on the agreement of SKMHT equipped with buyback guarantee are internal and external factors. The internal factor is the missue of credit facilities and bad character of developers. External factors that make economic recession are that the bank interest rate jump dramatically, as a result many debitors are unable to pay loans. Efforts made by the bank if a developer defaults on the agreement of buy back guarantee can be an effort in litigation and non-litigation paths. The best solution for creditors is through non-litigation paths.

Ni Putu Sri Prajayanti ◽  
I M Sudana ◽  
I G M Karma ◽  

This research aims to determine the marketing strategy that must be taken from the results of the SWOT analysis at the b Hotel Bali & Spa Denpasar. This study uses primary data sources and secondary data sources with data collection methods through interviews, observation and questionnaires. The analysis technique used is a qualitative descriptive analysis technique, namely the SWOT analysis technique which explains, first, the data collection stage at the Bali Hotel & Spa Denpasar regarding the identification of internal and external factors in the form of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, the second is the analysis stage, and third namely the stage of decision making to determine the strategy to be taken by the company. The research results from the SWOT analysis show that the company is in quadrant I, where it shows a problem regarding for the strength to see opportunities where the strategy taken is the SO strategy used to be applied in developing strategies that can be suggested at management b Hotel Bali & Spa Denpasar, to can improve the progress of the hotel going forward.

2020 ◽  
Bukman Lian

This study aimed at determining the managerial implementation of school principals at SD Negeri 24 Pulau Rimau. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive research approach. The subject is the school principal at SDN 24 Pulau Rimau. The informants are the school principal and teacher. Data collection techniques were (1) observation; (2) interview; and (3) documentation. The collected data is examined for the validity of the data, using triangulation, with verification and checking of the adequacy of the references. The results of this study were the ability of the managerial implementation of principals at SD Negeri 24 Pulau Rimau was very good seen from planning, organizing, directing, and supervising.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 376-386
Adnan Abdul Safii ◽  
Amin Pujiati

This research aims to identify the level of community participation in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village, to know the inhibiting factors in the development of tourism villages, and to identify efforts to overcome obstacles to increase the participation of the Keseneng Village community. The design in this study is a case study research with a type of qualitative descriptive research. The data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. The data validity technique uses triangulation techniques. Trianggulation technique means using different data collection techniques to get data from the same source. The results showed that the level of community participation in the development of the Keseneng Tourism Village using the Arnstein ladder was in the stage of Placatation. Participation in the threatening stage means that the communication made by the community and the government has been done well. The community also has the opportunity to place its representatives in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village activities. The inhibiting factors in the development of Keseneng Tourism Village are lack of funding, quality of Human Resources, knowledge and insights of the community regarding tourism villages, and incomplete facilities and infrastructure. Efforts are being made to overcome obstacles by disseminating tourism, providing skills training, fostering tourism villages, participating in marketing and publishing Keseneng Tourism Village, as well as comparative studies to other tourist villages. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng, mengetahui faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan desa wisata, serta mengetahui upaya dalam mengatasi hambatan untuk meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat Desa Keseneng. Desain dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Teknik keabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat partisipasi masyarakat pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng menggunakan tangga Arnstein berada pada tahap Penentraman (Placatation). Partisipasi tahap Penetraman berarti bahwa komunikasi yang dilakukan masyarakat dan pemerintah telah dilakukan dengan baik. Masyarakat juga memiliki kesempatan untuk menempatkan perwakilannya dalam kegiatan pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng. Faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Keseneng yaitu kurangnya pendanaan, kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia, pengetahuan dan wawasan masyarakat mengenai desa wisata, serta sarana dan prasarana belum lengkap. Upaya yang dilakukan  masyarakat dan pemerintah untuk mengatasi hambatan dengan melakukan sosialisasi kepariwisataan, memberikan pelatihan keterampilan, pembinaan desa wisata, ikut memasarkan dan mempublikasikan Desa Wisata Keseneng, serta studi banding ke desa wisata lain.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Fani Fadliyani ◽  
Yosep Farhan Dafik Sahal ◽  
Muhamad Aris Munawar

This study aims: (1) to determine the morals of students in SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (2) to determine the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. (3) to find out the results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in building the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The purpose of this study was to determine the morals of students, the implementation of Islamic Personal Development and to find out the results of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. This study used a qualitative research method with a case study approach. This study used data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation study. The data used are primary data obtained directly from respondents regarding the implementation of Islamic Personal Development. Meanwhile, secondary data in the form of theories and other supporting data were obtained from literature and school archives documentation. All of these data are materials to describe the implementation of Islamic Personal Development (BPI) at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The morals of the students at SD Inspiratif Al-Ilham, Banjar City are good enough. (2) Implementation of Islamic Personal Development in fostering the morals of students at Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City, namely through coaching which includes guidance by exemplary, guidance with habituation and guidance with advice (3) The results of the Islamic Personal Development (BPI) in fostering the morals of students at the Inspiratif Al-Ilham Elementary School, Banjar City are quite good, where students have been able to show behavior according to the existing indicators, including being able to carry out congregational prayers and prayers. sunnah dhuha and qiyamullail, reciting dhikr after every prayer and so on.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Said Nasuiton

Food security is inseparable from the factors of availability, quality, and affordability of food, where the condition of a country is able to meet the food needs of society ranging from families to individuals. This is in accordance with the contents of the latest Law number 18 of 2012 concerning Food which states that food security includes availability in quantity, quality, and affordability, the aim is to create a healthy, productive and sustainable life. This paper discusses how much influence the urban farming program as one of the government programs to achieve food security, especially family food. This research was conducted in several villages in five districts of Malang, namely Klojen, Suku, Lowokwaru, Blimbing, and Kedungkandang. The research method used in this paper is qualitative descriptive, with primary data collection techniques conducted by interviews and field observations. While secondary data collection is done by library and documentation techniques. Through the research conducted, the results show that this urban farming program has an influence on several points regarding food security contained in Law number 18 of 2012 including availability, quality, and affordability. Besides that, there are also locations that are less able to develop urban farming programs effectively, due to several obstacles encountered in implementing the program. 

Al-Qalam ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 421
Khaerun Nisa'

This study aims to determine the process of implementation the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the Konjo community adult process, how is the existance of the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the modern area, and how is the islamic perspective on the procession of tradition. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Data sources are primary and secondary data. Researcher as a key instrument. Data collection methods are observation, deep interview and documentation. <em>Parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attrarasa’s </em>tradition is a traditional ceremony held by Konjo community in eastern Bulukumba, when  a child enters adulthood. The traditional still exists carried out by the community of Konjo until now, as a way to appreciate the ancestrals heritage. According to the islamic perpective on the procession of the traditional ceremonies, such as the presentation of offerings and flattening of teeth <em>(attarasa)</em> is considered contradictory to the existing rules in islam.<br /><p align="center"> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Arlinta Prasetian Dewi

This research was conducted at several amil zakat institutions representing the Ponorogo area, namely BMH Ponorogo, LAZISMU ponorogo, BAZNAS Ponorogo Regency and LAZ Ummat Sejahtera. The location is adjusted to the origin of the institution. BMH and LAZISMU are under the auspices of the organization Hidayatullah and Muhamadiyah, BAZNAS under the auspices of the government in this case the ministry of religion, and LAZ Prosperous Community which is an independent institution. This research is qualitative descriptive field research. Methods of collecting data through observation, documentation, and interviews. While the type of data used is primary data and secondary data. From this study, it was concluded that the pattern of zakat distribution carried out by BMH and LAZ Prosperous Ummah could be said to be better and more innovative especially with the high professionalism of amil in work so that the distribution system could be optimally implemented, complete and organized in the hope that distribution could be optimized zakat institutions for the welfare of society will be greater.

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