Peranan ITX Sebagai E-Marketplace di Kawasan Danau Toba

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-264
Ina Veronika Ginting ◽  
Wisnu Prahadianto ◽  
Dwiesty Dyah Utami ◽  
Nuniek Agatri ◽  
Delanita Fachrunisa

Lake Toba area has the potential in the field of tourism business that is useful for the businessman. In order to achieve the target of 1 million tourists targeted by the Badan Pelaksana Otorita Danau Toba required a media marketing role that is able to support it. One of its marketing efforts is through ITX (Indonesia Tourism Exchange) which can develop the business network of tourism so that tourism business products become better known globally, easier booking process and online payment transactions to be more efficient and reliable. Asdep Tata Kelola Destinasi dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, held socialization in Tobasa district. After the socialization, tourism businessmen who join to become ITX members are Polado Homestay and CV. Toba Sporty from 30 participants. Obviously after becoming a member of ITX, the businessmen who have joined must have changes. Therefore it is necessary to conduct research on the role of ITX as an e-marketplace in Lake Toba area. In this study the researchers used qualitative descriptive research methods. This research uses e-marketplace theory. Data collection techniques used interviews and documentation. The whole study yields a conclusion and suggestion related to the role of ITX.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Nurul Hikmah

Abstract;                      Nurul Hikmah, (2019). Teacher performance class in organizing and developing learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. Guided By Syarifuddin Cn Sida and Idawati.This study aims to study the performance of the teachers in developing and expanding learning devices in the state SDN KIP Maccini Makassar. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive research methods. The location in this research is the state elementary school KIP Maccini Makassar. The types of data in this study are primary data obtained directly from the informant and secondary data in the form of documents relating to the issues and the research reports. The instruments in this research are own researchers and supporting data collection tools are interview guidelines. Based on the results of the study that the performance of teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI in the planning of learning received an average score of 18.32 in the category quite effective. The assessment showed that teachers certified by SDN KIP MACCINI were well-performing in the planning of learning. Keywords: teacher performance; Learning devices

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-78
Suparno Suparno

Islam is a religion of da'wah, meaning religion that always encourages its adherents to always active Islamic teachings. Even the advanced pullback of Muslims relies heavily on the da'wah activities it does. Da'wah can be done by means of Bill-oral, Bil Qalam, bil of things and can go through various forums as long as its purpose is to invite to live the command of Allah SWT in the form of faith and exempvises his apostles. Through Da'wah which is filled with Dhikrullah, praise the Prophet Muhammad with the accompaniment of the music that will captivate the society especially the youth follow the religious activities carried out by the congregation Sulthan. From the background, there will be a desire from researchers to know the extent of the role of the propagation of the Congregation of the Hubbun Prophet in increasing the spirit of the activity of youth religious activities village of Driyorejo District of Gresik Regency. And what are the encouraging factors in increasing the spirit of the youth's religious activities. This research uses qualitative descriptive research. Data collection using observations, interviews, and documentation. Through interviews and observations it is known that the main subjects studied were the youth members of the Hubbun prophet. The results showed that the mosque returned to life with all the religious activities and the taxon of youth by the worshippers of the Prophet Hubbun. This activity is done by preaching the congregation is a dhikr, shalawat with the suffix Sulthan rebana, Tahlil, Ad-Diba'i, Yellow Book and others. With the dhikr and Shalawat the youth will feel calm in their souls so that they can think clearly and do good things. And through the Mauidzah Hasanah and good guidance can affect the morality and the lives of the youth who follow the congregation of the Sulthan. The spirit, cooperation, feeling of sincerity and high sacrifice from the managers in spending time for the activities of the congregation and the community who are conducive to make the activities of the Congregation of the Prophet Hubbun can run well. Keywords: da'wah, Hadrah, religious activity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ira Ariska

<p><em>Fan Dance is one of the dance creations that exist in the district of South OKU, which until now is still held high by the community as a tradition directed at the South OKU district precisely Ranau area because this dance is only used for entertainment such as during weddings, circumcision, and so on.</em><em> </em><em>The purpose of this research is to know and describe the form of presentation of fan dance by Art Gallery Duagha in District Warkuk Ranau Selatan South OKU District. In this research researchers use qualitative descriptive research methods, data collection retrieval techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation</em><em> </em><em>The results of this study showed that according to Soedarsono's theory of the form of presentation attributed to the material used by the researchers was the form of presentation at the fan dance by the art gallery Duagha in South OKU district which includes motion components, floor patterns, music, makeup, costumes, property, and venue. The movement components consist of motion greeting, worship, Tabik, Nindai, Rock Reject, and right mutogh. The floor pattern consists of a V-letter, circle, and horizontal floor pattern. The music includes traditional music. The dressing uses pretty makeup. The costumes used are the typical clothes of Ranau area called Kawai Kanduk and the property that only fans use. As well as his performances can be on the stage open and closed but in this study there is a closed stage like inside the building.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong><em>presentation form, Fan dance</em><em>, Oku Timur</em><em></em></p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 148-165
Nuraida Nuraida

Penelitian Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) di Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten Subang. Lokasi yang dijadikan objek penelitian yaitu ProgramKeluarga Harapan di Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten Subang. Penelitian ini membahas tentang hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan efektivitas Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dalam menjalankan program untuk meningkatkan kesejahtraan keluarga penerima bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH). Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian deskriftif kualitatif melalui observasi dan wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan dokumentasi. Metode pengumpulan data diperoleh langsung dan dokumen diperoleh dalam bentuk peraturan-peraturan, sedangkan pengolahan data dengan menganalisis hasil wawancara dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa efektivitas pelaksanaan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) di Kecamatan Cisalak Kabupaten subang belum efektif sesuai dengan teori pengukuran efektivitas program menurut Sutrisno. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan masih terdapat Keluarga Penerima Manfaat (KPM) yang tidak memahami hak dan kewajibannya serta belum semua masyarakat miskin mendapatkan bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dan sosialisasi yang dilakukan Pendamping kepada Keluarga Penerima Manfaat belum maksimal.   The implementation of the family of hope program (PKH) aims to find out how effective the implementation of the family of hope program (PKH) in cisalak sub-district, subang district. The location that was used as the object of research was the hope family program (PKH) in Cisalak sub-district, Subang Regency. The study didcusses maters relating to the implementation of the family of hope program (PKH) in running programs to improve family welfare. In this study the  authors used a qualitative descriptive research methods trought observationsand interviews, literature studies and documentation. Data collection methods are obtained directly from the informant throught interviews directly and documents obtain in the form of rqeulations, while the processing of data by analyzing the results of interviews and observations. The result showed that the effectiveness of the family hope program (PKH) in the district of Cisalak Subang district was not yet effective according to the theory of program effectiveness measurement according to Sutrisno. This is proven by the fact that there are still families of beneficiaries (KPM) who do not all pooor people have received assistance from the hope family program and the socialization provided by the companion to the beneficiary families is not maximal.    

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Teguh Ansori

Abstract: This study aims to determine the management of productive zakat funds for the empowerment of mustahik in LAZISNU Ponorogo. The management of zakat funds should be supported by the role of professional amil, therefore the community can take the advantage on its impact of social-economic side. Potential zakat funds for the purpose of the community empowerment is reducing poverty. This qualitative descriptive research is intended to explain the distribution system of productive zakat funds in LAZISNU Ponorogo. The result showed that there are two forms of zakat funds distribution, namely consumptive and productive distribution. The first form of zakat distribution can be defined as providing zakat funds to mustahik without its empowerment. While the productive zakat distribution   is the provision of zakat funds to mustahik and its empowerment. It can be done through several activities, namely, the provision of venture capital as well as the budget for education and training. Finally, it can be concluded that accurate data collection can be carried out by submitting proposal by candidates of mustahik to LAZISNU then they are identified by amil. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengelolaan dana zakat produktif untuk pemberdayaan mustahik pada LAZISNU Ponorogo. Pengelolaan dana zakat harus didukung dengan peranan amil yang profesional agar dampak zakat secara sosial ekonomi dapat dirasakan oleh masyarakat. Dana zakat yang potensial dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat utamanya adalah dalam pengentasan kemiskinan. Sehingga distribusi dana zakat yang telah terkumpul tidak sembarangan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk memdeskripsikan sistem distribusi dana zakat produktif di LAZISNU Ponorogo. Dalam hal distribusi dana zakat ada dua kriteria, yakni konsumtif dan produktif. Distribusi zakat konsumtif adalah memberikan dana zakat kepada mustahik tanpa di ikuti pemberdayaan mutahik. Sementara distribusi zakat produktif adalah pemberian dana zakat kepada mustahik yang diikuti dengan pemberdayaan. Sifat pemberdayaan yang dilakukan bisa untuk pemberian modal usaha, juga bia dalam bentuk ketrampilan yang diwujudkan biaya pendidikan dan pelatihan. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan pendataan yang akurat dengan cara pengajuan proposal oleh calon mustahik kepada LAZISNU dan identifikasi mustahik oleh amil.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 172
Fitri Yanti ◽  
Elva Rahmah

Abstract The purpose of this study is to describe the role of the filing system in supporting work efficiency in the Padang City Library and Archives Service. The writing of this paper uses descriptive research methods with data collection techniques through interviews. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded as follows. (1) The filing system applied in the Padang City Library and Archives Service uses a substitution system, this substitution system is carried out in each area of expertise so that employees and archivists are not fixed with a particular field and gain experience with archives. (2) Archival management in the Padang City Library and Archives Service must know the distribution of archives. (3) The contribution of records management in supporting the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of employees in the Padang City Library and Archives Service. The effectiveness in managing records in an office is influenced by employees working in the filing unit.Keywords: system role, filing, work efficiency.

Amelia Sabella ◽  
Hilman Syafei ◽  
Umi Habibah ◽  
Rahma Rosaliana Saraswati

An understanding of laboratory management is highly important to be owned by parties related to the laboratory, both directly and indirectly. Laboratories must be managed and utilized properly, because chemical laboratories are one type of laboratory that is considered quite dangerous in the context of carrying out education, research, and / or community service. This study aims to describe the management of a chemical laboratory using qualitative descriptive research methods. Research subjects were the principal, vice chairman of the curriculum, chair of the laboratory, and teachers in the field of chemistry studies. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research are: 1) Planning of chemical laboratory work program has been prepared and standardized by the head of the laboratory, 2) Organizing the laboratory structurally already exists, 3) Organizing by the principal involving all those involved in laboratory management, 4) The implementation of the program is suitable with the plan of the work program, 5) Supervision and evaluation of the principal must still be carried out intensively. In other words, laboratory management at SMA 55 Jakarta has been well organized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-34
Anismar ◽  
Rukaiyah ◽  
Abdullah Akhyar Nasution

This study aims to determine the symbolic meaning of the kenduri blang procession in Gampong Ulee Gle Pidie Jaya. Researchers used qualitative-descriptive research methods. Data collection techniques are observation, interview, and document study. The results showed that the community interpreted kenduri blang as a symbol of gratitude and asked for blessings from Allah so that the next crop was bountiful. Besides that, kenduri blang can also strengthen the relationship between people to stay united and respect each other. Kenduri blang was held in September, precisely before the beginning of descending into the fields. The community participates by donating funds to buy buffalo, spices, and other necessities needed when the event is held. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui makna simbolik dari prosesi kenduri blang di Gampong Ulee Gle Pidie Jaya. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat memaknai kenduri blang sebagai simbol kesyukuran dan meminta berkat dari Allah agar hasil panen berikutnya melimpah. Selain itu kenduri blang juga dimaknai sebagai pelestarian budaya Aceh, ajang memperkuat silaturrahmi antar masyarakat untuk tetap bersatu dan saling menghargai. Kenduri blang dilaksanakan pada bulan September tepatnya menjelang permulaan turun ke sawah. Masyarakat berpartisipasi dengan menyumbang dana untuk membeli kerbau, bumbu, dan keperluan lainnya yang dibutuhkan saat acara digelar.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23

This study aimed to describe the value of cohesion and coherence contained in the translation of the Qur'an surah Al Zalzalah. This study was a qualitative descriptive research, research data collection techniques using three techniques namely, inventory, rading and understanding, and record keeping. The data analysis used the coding of data, classification data, and the determination of the data. The results showed that the cohesion markers used in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: 1) reference, 2) pronouns, ie pronouns second person, and third, the relative pronoun, the pronoun pointer, pen pronouns and pronouns owner, 3 ) conjunctions, namely temporal conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and conjunctions koorelatif, and 4) a causal ellipsis. It mean that there was a coherence in the translation of surah Al Zalzalah discourse are: the addition or addition, pronouns, repetition or repetition, match words or synonyms, in whole or in part, a comparison or ratio of conclusions or results. Keywords: Cohesion, Coherence, sura Al Zalzalah AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai kohesi dan koherensi yang terdapat dalam terjemahan Al-Qur’an surah Al Zalzalah. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan tiga teknik yakni, inventarisasi, baca simak, dan pencatatan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pengodean data, pengklasifikasian data, dan penentuan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemarkah kohesi yang digunakan dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: 1) referensi, 2) pronomina, yaitu kata ganti orang kedua, dan ketiga, kata ganti penghubung, kata ganti penunjuk, kata ganti penanya dan kata ganti empunya, 3) konjungsi, yaitu konjungsi temporal, konjungsi koordinatif, konjungsi subordinatif, dan konjungsi koorelatif, dan 4) elipsis kausal. Sarana koherensi yang terdapat di dalam wacana terjemahan surah Al Zalzalah adalah: penambahan atau adisi, pronomina, pengulangan atau repetisi, padan kata atau sinonim, keseluruhan atau bagian, komparasi atau perbandingan simpulan atau hasil.Kata Kunci: Kohesi, Koherensi, surah Al Zalzalah

Agung Nurrahman ◽  
Gatiningsih Gatiningsih ◽  
Muhammad Tri Syaputra

This research focuses on how leadership has a major role in addressing environmental issues, especially through the garbage bank program as a form of case study. Furthermore, the problems that occur in the midst of society are often rely solely on political will or political desire to solve them. The research is to know and learn Lurah's (head of village) leadership in the management of waste banks specifically. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques through structured interviews, documentation and observations. Researchers conducted an analysis using leadership theory from Yukl, where the theory discusses leadership comprehensively. Researchers only focus on five parts of the concept that are considered relevant, namely: visionary, guidance, affiliative, democratic and communicative concepts. The results of this study based on these dimensions are good enough Lurah (head of village) leadership. But there are several things that are considered able to optimize the running of the program through the role of Lurah (Head of village) leadership, namely: first, involving active knots and community leaders such as MUI, academics to support scientific aspects, and professionals in the field of practical management. Keywords: Leadership, Head of Village, Environmental Issues, Waste Management, Waste Bank  

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