scholarly journals Taqwīmu al-Kitāb “Ta’līmu al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah” Lilṣaffi al-Awwali min al-Madrasah al-Mutawassiṭah min Wijḥati Naẓar Rushdī Ahmad Ṭu’aimah

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-69
Ulfatun Niswah

This study aims to determine: the extent of the book “تعليم اللغة العربية” grade 1 Middle School with the criteria and scientific basics of the Arabic learning book for non-Arabic perspectives Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah, the strengths and weaknesses of the book “تعليم اللغة العربية” grade 1 Secondary school. The tool used in evaluating the book “تعليم اللغة العربية” grade 1 Middle School is based on the perspective of Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah. Researchers used qualitative descriptive approaches. The results of this study indicate that the book “تعليم اللغة العربية” grade 1 Middle School still does not fit the criteria and scientific basis of the Arabic learning book for non-Arabic Rusydi Ahmad Thuaimah perspective, with a percentage of 76 % with a value of “Good”. Keywords: Evaluation, Textbook, Rushdī Ahmad Ṭu’aimah

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Amir Baihaqi ◽  
Didik Aribowo ◽  
Mustofa Abi Hamid

ABSTRACTThis study aims to produce a product in the form of an Android-based apprenticeship information system in the Department of Electronics Industry, Vocational Secondary School (SMK) Negeri 1 Cikande. The development model used is a Waterfall with a software development method that has four stages: (1) Systems Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Programming, and (4) Testing. The test subjects consisted of 2 teachers and 24 students with data collection techniques in the form of literature and questionnaire studies. Media expert data collection has two aspects, namely: visual appearance and communication, while the user contains three points, including accuracy, visual communication, and data input. The results of user trial through questionnaires distributed to teachers obtained a value of 78.7% and students at 79.86% can be declared feasible. The implication of the results of this study is an Android application that is used by teachers, supervisors, and students for industrial work activities in the Department of Electronics Industry, SMK Negeri 1 Cikande, to make it faster, easier, and more efficient in conducting the internship process.Keywords: Implications, Research and Development, Trial Results, Waterfall.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk berupa sistem informasi prakerin berbasis Android di  Jurusan Elektronika Industri SMK Negeri 1 Cikande. Model pengembangan yang digunakan ialah Waterfall dengan metode pengembangan software yang memiliki empat tahapan: (1) Analisis Sistem, (2) Desain, (3) Pemrograman, dan (4) Uji coba. Subjek uji coba berjumlah 2 guru beserta 24 siswa dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka dan kuisioner. Pengumpulan data ahli media memiliki dua aspek yaitu tampilan dan komunikasi visual, sedangkan pengguna berisi tiga aspek diantaranya akurasi, komunikasi visual, dan penginputan data. Hasil ujicoba pengguna melalui  kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada guru memperoleh nilai sebesar 78,7% dan siswa sebesar 79,86% sehingga dapat dinyatakan layak. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini ialah sebuah aplikasi Android yang dimanfaatkan oleh guru, pembimbing, dan siswa untuk kegiatan prakerin di Jurusan Elektronika Industri SMK Negeri 1 Cikande, agar lebih cepat, mudah, dan efisien dalam melakukan proses prakerin.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Wisdiarman Wisdiarman ◽  
Eliya Pebriyeni ◽  
Yofita Sandra ◽  
Nessya Fitryona

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang  pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni budaya materi seni rupa berbasis  pendekatan saintifik di SMP  Bukittinggi. Metode yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah  metode  deskriptif  kualitatif. Subjekdalampenelitianiniadalahguru seni budaya di SMP Kota Bukittinggi. Teknik pengumpulan dat amenggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pedoman observasi dan pedoman wawancara.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, sertapenarikan kesimpulandan verifikasi. Pengujian keabsahan data dilakukan melaluiuji kredibilitas dengan triangulasi teknik dan sumber.Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Pertama; guru seni budaya SMPN  Bukittinggi sudah membuat Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) berdasarkan pendekatan saintifik. Tetapi dalam perumusan masing-masing langkah belum sesuai dengan ketentuannya. Kedua; guru seni budaya SMPN Bukittinggi belum lagi melaksanakan strategi/model pembelajaran berdasarkan pendekatan saintifik sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Hal ini  karena ketidak pahaman guru terhadap penggunaan strategi/model dan langkah-langkahpembelajaran berdasarkan pendekatan saintifik. Kata Kunci: pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pembelajaran berbasis pendekatan saintifik.AbstractThis study aims to obtain an overview of the implementation of art and culture learning art material based on the scientific approach in Bukittinggi Middle School. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. The subject of this research is the teacher of cultural arts in the Bukittinggi City Middle School. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The research instruments used were observation guidelines and interview guidelines. Data analysis techniques used were analytical techniques which included data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and verification. Testing the validity of the data is done through testing credibility with triangulation of techniques and sources. The findings of the study show that: First; Bukittinggi Public High School art teacher has made a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) based on a scientific approach. But in the formulation of each step not in accordance with the provisions. Second; Bukittinggi Middle School teachers of cultural arts have not yet implemented strategies / learning models based on the scientific approach as expected. This is due to the teacher's lack of understanding of the use of strategies / models and learning steps based on the scientific approachKeywords: implementation of learning, learning based on scientific approaches. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 407
ZM Abid Mohammady

Abstract: In the context of Indonesia, the quality of education seems to be something taboo to talk about, however, according to researchers the quality of education in Indonesia is very apprehensive. It is necessary for the role of headmaster and special efforts in developing a quality education institution through organizational culture as a value system that is understood, imbued, run jointly by members of the organization as a system of meaning or guidance for the organizers. This study aims to describe the three roles and impacts role of the headmaster role in developing the quality of organizational culture, they are: (1) the role of the headmaster as a manager; (2) the role of the headmaster as the educator; (3) the role of the headmaster as the supervisor; 4) The impact of the headmaster's role in developing the quality of organizational culture quality at SDMT Ponorogo. This research is categorized into a field research with qualitative descriptive approach and the research design was case study. The setting of study was at SDMT Ponorogo.  The findings showed that (1). The role of headmaster as manager encompasses conducting internal and external analysis, internalizing the Islamic value that is kemuhamadiyahan value. (2). The role of the headmaster as an educator includes involving educators in upgrading, workshops or training in order to provide opportunities for educators to improve their knowledge and skills by learning to the higher education, conducting cadre to members of organizational culture and creating jargon to motivate members of organizational culture. (3). The role of the headmaster as a supervisor comprises overseeing and Evaluating the performance and achievement of members of organizational culture, conducting weekly, monthly and semester meetings, monitoring achievements of educators and learners. (4) The impact of the school headmaster's role in developing the quality of organizational culture is organizational culture climate becomes harmonious and schools achieve more attainments.Abstrak: Dalam konteks Indonesia, mutu pendidikan seolah-olah menjadi barang yang tabu untuk diperbicangkan, dalam konteks tersebut kualitas pendidikan di Indonesia sangat memperihatinkan. Untuk itu diperlukan peran kepala sekolah dan Upaya khusus dalam mengembangkan sebuah mutu lembaga pendidikan melalui budaya organisasi sebagai sistem nilai yang dipahami, dijiwai, dijalankan secara bersama oleh anggota organisasi sebagai sistem makna atau pedoman bagi pelaku organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan tiga peran serta dampak peran  kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi, yaitu: (1) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai Manajer, (2) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai Educator, (3) Peran kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor, dan (4) Dampak peran kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi di SDMT Ponorogo. Dengan menghasilkan temuan: (1).Peran kepala sekolah sebagai manajer diantaranya: melakukan analisis internal dan eksternal, menginternalisasi nilai keislaman yaitu nilai kemuhammadiahan. (2). Peran kepala sekolah sebagai educator diantaranya: mengikut sertakan pendidik dalam penataran, workshop atau pelatihan memberikan kesempatan kepada pendidik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilannya dengan belajar ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi, melakukan pengkaderan kepada anggota budaya organisasi. membuat jargon-jargon untuk memotivasi anggota budaya organisasi. (3). Peran kepala sekolah sebagai supervisor diantarnya: mengawasi dan mengevaluasi kinerja dan pencapaian anggota budaya organisasi, mengadakan rapat setiap, minggu, bulan dan semester, memantau prestasi pendidik dan peserta didik. (4) Dampak peran kepala sekolah dalam mengembangkan mutu budaya organisasi diantaranya: iklim budaya organisasi menjadi harmonis, sekolah menjadi lebih berprestasi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Bekir Yildirim ◽  
Cumhur Türk

In this study, the opinions of middle school science teachers and mathematics teachers towards STEM education were examined. The research was carried out for 30 hours with 28 middle school science and mathematics teachers who were working in Istanbul during the spring semester of 2016-2017 academic year. 75% of these teachers are female teachers and 25% are male teachers. The study was conducted by the case study method among qualitative research methods. For the determination of the opinions of the secondary school science and mathematics teachers by the researcher, "STEM Interview Form for Teachers" consisting of 8 questions was created. As a result of the analysis, the teachers emphasized that they did not feel sufficient about STEM education. In addition, teachers emphasized that a good STEM teacher should have STEM knowledge, pedagogy knowledge and 21st century skill knowledge. However, they emphasize that STEM education is a useful educational concept but that there may be problems that may be encountered during STEM education. Moreover, it was also found that after the STEM training, teachers had positive changes in their opinions towards Engineering and Technology. Suggestions have been made in the direction of these obtained results.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Novia Daniati ◽  
Dezi Handayani ◽  
Relsas Yogica ◽  
Heffi Alberida

Curriculum of 2013 requires students to be able to think critically. This critical thinking ability can be trained by using questions that have indicators of critical thinking, besides those questions must also have cognitive levels C4 (analyze), C5 (evaluate), and C6 (synthesize). Padang Public Middle School 2 has implemented 2013 Curriculum in learning, but students' critical thinking skills are unknown. This research is a descriptive research. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The subject of the study consisted of 48 students of class VII of SMP Negeri 2 Padang. The data obtained in this study was obtained through test techniques. The test used is a description test. The test instruments used will be validated and analyzed first. Analysis of this instrument includes the level of difficulty, differentiation and reliability. Test instruments were tested before being used. This study produces data that the level of critical thinking skills of seventh grade students in Padang State Middle School is still in non-critical qualifications with a percentage average value of 48.53%. Indicators with the highest average percentage to the lowest, namely; the inference indicator obtained a score of 69.96% with quite critical qualifications; the indicator gives a basic statement obtained a value of 60.62% with less critical qualifications; the indicator estimates that a value of 53.12% is obtained with non-critical qualifications; the indicator gives an advanced statement obtained a value of 44.39% with non-critical qualifications, and; basic indicators of decision making obtained a value of 14.58% with non-critical qualifications. Keywords: Critical Thinking, Environmental Pollution, Descriptif

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Nur Haryanto

Teaching materials in the teaching of Arabic in middle school One of them is the translation of some short and long sentence, as in the conversations and topics of choice that fit the curriculum. It is also taught to students of simple Arabic wholesale. However, from the information obtained by the researcher from the Arabic teacher he says that the students could not master this skill, this situation can be seen from their duties in translating the Arabic language into Indonesian language still suffer from limitations in the syntax of the sentences and the choice of words in the particular expression. The difficulty of the text can be related to the translator's level of ability. There are two things that are interrelated: the text is easy because the translator's level of ability is very good, or the text is difficult because the translator's level of ability is still very low. This background is what drives the researcher to look into the problem of translation that is happening to students at the second Inter-Governmental Secondary School Bengkulu. The researcher uses a method of qualitative descriptive method. Research subordinates are students in the second semester of the second Islamic secondary school Bengkulu. The method of collecting data used by the researcher is interview, observation and documentation. Data analysis used is data collection, data identification, data presentation and data mining. The results of the research obtained by the researcher are from the data collected by the researcher, whether from the interviews, observations and documentation obtained by the researcher, the problems faced by students in translating the Arabic texts into the Indonesian language of students in the second semester in the second intermediate Islamic Islamic State School Bengkulu are two main problems, namely the linguistic problem and the non-linguistic problem

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Lalu Raftha Patech ◽  
Abdul Syukur ◽  
Didik Santoso

Seagrasses are plants in the marine environment and have a vital function for the survival of organisms. This study aims to describe the indicators of the seagrass ecological function of the diversity of echinoderms species. The research method used is the method of line and square transects. Data analysis uses analysis of abundance (Ki), diversity (H ') Shannon Wieners, Morisita Dispersion Index, and Jaccard Index. The results showed that the highest seagrass species found at Lungkak beach were 8 species and the lowest was in the Mangrove Poton of 6 species. Furthermore, the number of species of Echinoderms found was 14 species, and the species with the highest abundance was Diadema setosum with a value of 1.21 Individual / m2, and the species that had the lowest abundance was Holothuria scabra) with a value of 0.01 Individual / m2. Meanwhile, the location with the highest value H 'is in Gili Kere with a value of 1.76, and the location with the lowest value of H' is in Lungkak with a value of 1.01. Furthermore, the value of the Seagrass Morisita Dispersion Index and Echinoderms in the study area had a uniform and grouped pattern. The quantitative and qualitative values obtained are a form of seagrass ecological contribution to the sustainability of Echinoderms in the study location. Therefore, the results of this study can be a scientific basis for the importance of the existence of seagrass beds, especially for the sustainability of marine life such as species of Echinoderms.

1995 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 836
J. A. Mazzone

The establishment of links between SAGASCO Resources Limited (SAGASCO) and secondary schools in the city and country regions of South Australia has provided benefits to both the petroleum industry and to the students and teachers at the schools. Links between Penola High School in the southeast of South Australia and Hamilton Secondary School in Adelaide began in 1993 and have continued to the present. Feedback from the schools has been positive and significant. The two schools have overwhelmingly endorsed the links and have benefited both in curriculum development and in gaining a glimpse of industry operations that is not found in textbooks. The benefits from the link process has also revealed a cascade effect in which students and teachers have utilised information on the petroleum industry and incorporated it into reports, publications and texts that have been further used by the schools and the community, thus enhancing the original link process. Links with schools require stronger support by the petroleum industry to meet the needs of schools and to provide balance to the often negative profile of our industry in the community both in the immediate and longer term.

2012 ◽  
Vol 106 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-143
Thomas R. Post ◽  
Debra S. Monson ◽  
Edwin Andersen ◽  
Michael R. Harwell

in the early 1990s, after a long series of disappointing results on national and international mathematics achievement tests—for example, TIMSS (1998) and NAEP (Campbell, Hombo, and Mazzeo 2000)—the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded the development of thirteen complete mathematics programs at the elementary school, middle school, and secondary school levels.

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