2010 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 188-195 ◽  
Algimantas Sirvydas ◽  
Vidmantas Kučinskas ◽  
Paulius Kerpauskas ◽  
Jūratė Nadzeikienė ◽  
Albinas Kusta

Solar radiation energy is used by vegetation, which predetermines the existence of biosphere. The plant uses 1–2% of the absorbed radiant energy for photosynthesis. All the remaining share of the absorbed energy, accounting for 99–98%, converts into thermal energy in the plant leaf. At the lowest wind under natural surrounding air conditions, plant leaves change their position with respect to the Sun. An oscillating plant leaf receives a variable amount of solar radiation energy, which causes changes in the balance of plant leaf energies and a changing emission of heat in the leaf. The analysis of solar radiation energy pulsations in the plant leaf shows that when the leaf is in the edge positions of angles 10°, 20° and 30° with respect to the Sun, 1.5%; 6% and 13% less of radiation energy reach the leaf, respectively. During periodic motion, when the amplitude of leaf oscillation is no bigger than 10°, the plant surface receives up to 1.6% less of solar radiation energy within a certain period of time, and when the amplitude of oscillation reaches 30° up to 14% less of solar radiation energy reach the leaf surface. The total amount of radiant energy received during pulsations of solar radiation energy is not dependent on the frequency of oscillation in the same interval of time. Temperature pulsations occur in the leaf due to solar radiation energy pulsations when the plant leaf naturally changes its position with respect to the Sun. Santrauka Saules spinduliuotes energija būtina augalijai, kuri lemia biosferos egzistavima. Augalas 1–2 % absorbuotos spinduliuotes energijos sunaudoja fotosintezei, o 99–98 % absorbuotos energijos augalo lape virsta šilumine energija. Natūraliomis aplinkos salygomis esant mažiausiam vejui augalo lapu padetis Saules atžvilgiu keičiasi. Taigi augalo svyruojančio lapo gaunamas Saules spinduliuotes energijos kiekis yra kintamas, tai sukelia pokyčius augalo lapo energiju balanse ir kintama šilumos išsiskyrima lape. Analizuojant Saules spinduliuotes energijos pulsacijas augalo lape, nustatyta, kad, lapui esant kraštinese 10°, 20° ir 30° kampu padetyse Saules atžvilgiu, i ji atitinkamai patenka 1,5 %; 6 % ir 13 % mažiau spinduliuotes energijos. Augalo lapui periodiškai svyruojant, kai svyravimo amplitude yra iki 10°, per tam tikra laika i lapo paviršiu patenka iki 1,6 % mažiau Saules spinduliuotes energijos, o kai svyravimo amplitu‐de siekia iki 30°, – iki 14 % mažiau. Saules spinduliuotes energijos pulsaciju metu gautas bendras spinduliuotes energijos kiekis nepriklauso nuo to paties laiko intervalo svyravimo dažnio. Del Saules spinduliuotes energijos pulsaciju, natūraliai keičiantis augalo lapo padečiai Saules atžvilgiu, lape kyla temperatūros pulsacijos. Резюме Растения потребляют солнечную лучевую энергию, которая является основой существования биосферы. 1–2% абсорбированной лучевой энергии они используют на фотосинтез. В натуральных условиях при малейшем дуновении ветра листья растений меняют свое положение относительно Солнца. Колеблющийся лист получает переменное количество лучевой энергии, которое вызывает изменения в энергетическом балансе листа растения, что сказывается на переменном выделении тепла в листе. Анализируя пульсации солнечной лучевой энергии в листе растения, установлено, что при крайних положениях листа относительно Солнца на 10, 20 и 30 градусов на лист попадает соответственно на 1,5%, 6% и 13% меньше лучевой энергии. При периодическом колебании листа, когда амплитуда его колебания составляет 10 градусов, за известный промежуток времени солнечная лучевая энергия, попадающая на поверхность листа, уменьшается до 1,6%, а при амплитуде колебания до 30 градусов соответственно количество лучевой энергии на поверхности листа растения уменьшается до 14%. Установлено, что суммарное количество солнечной лучевой энергии во время пульсации не зависит от частоты колебания листа за одинаковый промежуток времени. Пульсации солнечной лучевой энергии при изменении положения листа растения относительно Солнца вызывают температурные пульсации в листе.

Najibullah Hossini

Solar energy is an integral part of living things on Earth, man uses this huge source of energy for various purposes. The sun is very active and is a lingering source of energy for the present and potential for the future. The energy received on the surface of the earth in one year is about 10,000 times the energy consumption of the total population of the world. The use of sunlight in the form of light and heat has been common since ancient times and human beings from the effect of thought and exploration to meet their needs, using the power of reason and experience they have also achieved innovations, innovations and inventions. Using photovoltaic (PV) panels to generate solar power in the world, from 2005 to 2015, it has increased from 5.1 GW to 227 GW. The highest amount of solar energy available at noon on summer days, it is approximately equal to 1 KW/m2 , but in most parts of the world this figure is around 200 W/m2 on average. The amount of solar radiation energy in Afghanistan, in June, when the angle of the sun shines at a latitude of 23.5° above the earth, the amount of radiant energy in the southernmost areas of Afghanistan (29.5°), at sunny noon, is equal to 43.70 MJ/m2 and in December at this width the country will be equal to (19.85 MJ/m2 . Afghanistan, with its adequate areas and suitable radiation norm (700W/m2 ), has a production capacity of 13548700 MW of electricity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-41
Shere Manikant Lal ◽  
Abhishek Bhandari ◽  
Triloksingh P. Bhogal ◽  
Pankaj k Singh

In this research article the review is done on solar chimney.The solar radiation is abundant in nature and the radiation energy is used to convert into sustainable energy.The radiant energy is used to heat the fluid (air).The inclined canopy helps the air to move towards the tower having the lift force.The lift force is used to run the turbine to produce electricity. The fluid temperature decreases and moisture in air condensed to water and can be used in various applications such as drinking or in boiler.The area under canopy can be used as green house farming.Therefore, the solar chimney is new horizon in scientific and engineering community

Algimantas Povilas Sirvydas ◽  
Vidmantas Kucinskas ◽  
Paulius Kerpauskas ◽  
Juratė Nadzeikienė

The plant leaf temperature is a result of biological processes occurring in an organ of the plant and its energy exchange with the environment. The plant leaf temperature always differs from the ambient temperature except for the moments of transition from a positive to a negative (or vice versa) temperature gradient. It is determined that the plant leaf temperature continuously changes during the sunny time of the day. Temperature pulsations emerge in plant tissues when the leaf naturally changes its position with respect to the Sun (e.g. impacted by the wind) during the sunny period of the day. When a leaf position changes with respect to the source of radiation, a temperature change in the plant leaf also depends on local plant leaf thickness δ, leaf position angle β, leaf oscillation frequency ƒ and a temperature difference between the leaf surface and the atmosphere. When changing its position with respect to the Sun during the sunny period of the day the plant leaf plate becomes a temperature mosaic. Changing the leaf tillt angle from 30° to 60° depending on leaf thickness δ, it is estimated by mathematical modeling that during 6 s the temperature change in the plant leaf reaches 0,03-0,29° C (when β=30°) and 0,11-1,04°C (when β=60°) respectively. Temperature pulsations in the plant leaf entail local temperature gradients in the leaf plate as well as changes in the local balance of plant leaf energies. The anatomic framework of the plant leaf predetermines different local impulses of temperature changes in the plant leaf. The emerged temperature gradient generates heat fluxes in the plant leaf plate. Santrauka Augalo organo temperatūra yra augalo organe vykstančių biologinių procesų ir jo energinės apykaitos su aplinka rezultatas. Augalo lapo temperatūra, išskyrus perėjimo momentus iš teigiamo į neigiamą (arba atvirkščiai) temperatūros gradientą, visuomet skiriasi nuo aplinkos temperatūros. Nustatyta, kad saulėtu paros metu augalo lapo temperatūra nuolat kinta. Saulėtu paros metu natūraliai keičiantis augalo lapo padėčiai Saulės atžvilgiu (pvz., dėl vėjo poveikio) lapo audiniuose kyla temperatūros pulsacijos. Temperatūros pokytis augalo lape, kintant lapo padėčiai spinduliavimo Šaltinio atžvilgiu, priklauso ir nuo lokalaus augalo lapo storio δ, lapo padėties kampo β, lapo svyravimo dažnio ƒ ir temperatūrų skirtumo tarp lapo paviršiaus ir aplinkos. Augalo lapo plokštelė, saulėtu paros metu keisdama padėtį Saulės atžvilgiu, tampa temperatūrine mozaika. Kintant lapo posvyrio kampui nuo 30° iki 60°, matematiškai modeliuojant nustatyta, per 6 s temperatūros pokytis augalo lape priklausomai nuo lapo storio δ (0,11 mm) atitinkamai siekia 0,03-0,29° C (kai β=30°) ir 0,11-1,04° C (kai β=60°). Dėl temperatūros pulsacijų augalo lape susidaro lokalieji temperatūros gradientai lapo plokštelėje, atsiranda pokyčių lokaliame augalo lapo energijų balanse. Dėl augalo lapo anatominės sandaros augalo lape susidaro lokalūs temperatuūros pokyčio impulsai. temperatūros gradientas augalo lapo plokštelėje sukuria šilumos srautus. Резюме Температура органа растения является результатом биологических процессов в нем и его энергетического обменас окружающей средой. Температура листа растения, за исключением моментов перехода от положительного котрицательному (или наоборот) градиенту температуры, всегда отличается от температуры окружающей среды.Установлено, что в солнечные часы дня при натуральном изменении положения листа по отношению к Солнцутемпература листа постоянно меняется. В солнечные часы дня при натуральном изменении положения листаотносительно Солнца (например, под влиянием ветра) в тканях листа возникают температурные пульсации.Температурные изменения в листе растения зависят от локальной толщины листа δ, угла положения листа β,частоты колебаний листа f и разницы между температурой листа и окружающей среды. В солнечные часы дняпластинка листа растения под влиянием ветра меняет положение относительно Солнца и становитсяпульсирующей температурной мозаикой. Математическим моделированием установлено, что изменение угла положения листа β от 30° до 60° в зависимости от толщины листа δ (0,1–1 мм) в течение 6 с вызывает температурные изменения соответственно 0,03–0,29 °C (при β = 30°) и 0,11–1,04°C (при β = 60°). Пульсации температуры влисте растения вызывают локальные градиенты температуры, а также изменения в локальном энергетическомбалансе листа растения. Анатомическая структура листа растения является причиной, вызывающей локальныеизменения температуры, что создает тепловые потоки в пластинке листа растения под влиянием температурногоградиента.

Eric B. Kraus ◽  
Joost A. Businger

The earth receives virtually all of its energy from the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is absorbed, reflected, and scattered by the earth’s surface, the ocean, and the atmosphere. The absorbed radiation is transformed into heat and other forms of energy, and eventually it is returned to space as low-temperature terrestrial radiation. It is clear that radiation is of fundamental importance to atmosphere-ocean interaction. There exists an adequate body of literature on the subject from an introductory treatment by Fleagle and Businger (1980) to specialized monographs by Kondratjev (1969), Liou (1980), and Goody and Yung (1989). Here it will suffice to introduce the basic concepts and focus on the applications to the air-sea interface. Radiation in the atmosphere and ocean comes from all directions simultaneously. The radiation energy per unit time coming from a specific direction and passing through a unit area perpendicular to that direction is called the radiance, I. The irradiance, Fi, or radiant flux density, is the radiant energy that passes through a unit horizontal area per unit time coming from all directions above it. Therefore where θ is the zenith angle and dω is an infinitesimal solid angle. The cos θ reflects the projection of the horizontal unit area into the direction from where I comes. The limits 0 and 2π of the integral reflect the hemisphere of directions above the unit area. When the radiance is independent of direction it is called isotropic. Equation may then be integrated to yield The irradiance from below the unit area is also called exitance and is denoted by Fe. The net irradiance, Fn, is defined by For isotropic radiance, the net irradiance Fn = 0. The fluxes are positive when upward and negative when downward. The interactions between radiation and matter may take various forms. They include refraction, reflection, scattering, diffraction, absorption, and emission. All these interactions are described by the theory of electromagnetic waves (e.g., Panofsky and Phillips, 1962). The full theory will not be developed here, but a number of basic and useful relations will be introduced to describe the characteristics of the interactions mentioned previously.

2020 ◽  
Vol 216 ◽  
pp. 01146
R. Muminov ◽  
M. Tursunov ◽  
I. Yuldoshev ◽  
H. Sabirov ◽  
U. Kholov ◽  

The paper considers experimental results on the development of a photovoltaic battery of a new design with increased efficiency and power with a new heat collector based on cellular polycarbonate, which leads to complete uniform thermal contact with the back surface of the photovoltaic battery. It is shown that the use of materials with a high reflection coefficient in the side plane of solar radiation reflection, increasing the accuracy of the operational guidance node to the sun using an upgraded support structure that allows orientation to the sun in two planes, reduces the loss of solar radiation energy. It is possible to control the capacity of the heat collector, which ensures the reliability of obtaining parameters, increases power, and ensures uniformity of the temperature of the rear surface of the PVB, which increases the efficiency of the installation.

1938 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-208
N. I. Kalitin

Biomedgiz. Leningrad branch. 1937 208 pp. Pr. 6 rubles. 50 kopecks. The content of the book is much wider than what the reader has a right to expect, judging by its title. The book concerns not only the measurement of radiant energy and touches on not only issues of interest to doctors working in resorts. The properties of solar radiation under various conditions, the influence of water vapor, ozone, dustiness of the atmosphere, the value of scattered radiation reflected from the sky and clouds, which is usually not paid enough attention, all these and many other issues are covered in detail in the book of prof. N.I. Kalitina largely on the basis of her own long-term research.

1971 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 413-421 ◽  
B.G. Marsden

There has long been speculation as to whether comets evolve into asteroidal objects. On the one hand, in the original version of the Oort (1950) hypothesis, the cometary cloud was supposed to have formed initially from the same material that produced the minor planets; and an obvious corollary was that the main physical difference between comets and minor planets would be that the latter had long since lost their icy surfaces on account of persistent exposure to strong solar radiation (Öpik, 1963). However, following a suggestion by Kuiper (1951), it is now quite widely believed that, whereas the terrestrial planets and minor planets condensed in the inner regions of the primordial solar nebula, icy objects such as comets would have formed more naturally in the outer parts, perhaps even beyond the orbit of Neptune (Cameron, 1962; Whipple, 1964a). Furthermore, recent studies of the evolution of the short-period comets indicate that it is not possible to produce the observed orbital distribution from the Oort cloud, even when multiple encounters with Jupiter are considered (Havnes, 1970). We must now seriously entertain the possibility that most of the short-period orbits evolved directly from low-inclination, low-eccentricity orbits with perihelia initially in the region between, say, the orbits of Saturn and Neptune, and that these comets have never been in the traditional cloud at great distances from the Sun.

1888 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 118-121
John Aitken

In the many theories that have been advanced to explain the comparative constancy of solar radiation in long past ages as evidenced by geological history, it has been generally assumed that the temperature of the sun has not varied much, and to account for its not falling in temperature a number of theories have been advanced, all suggesting different sources from which it may have received the energy which it radiates as heat. Since the chemical theory was shown to be insufficient to account for the vast amount of heat radiated, other theories, such as the meteoric theory and the conservation of energy theory, have been advanced.

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