Healing Cultural Personae With the Media Dream

Stephen Brock Schafer

Issues of cultural morality and health in a mediated reality of simulated illusion may be addressed with Jungian principles. The psychological dynamics of interactive images projected as media images correspond with psychological dream images as defined by Carl G. Jung. Therefore, images in the media mirror patterns of energy and information in what Jung called the collective unconscious. Dream dynamics may be used to address global political hacking, cyber warfare, and neuromarketing with ICTs.

Jessica White

Has suburbia ever truly met the needs of the populations it claims to serve? Since its creation suburbia has been a centre of conflict between the image created by the media and lived realities. The post war images of femininity in the suburbs were ones of domesticity and a heteronormative family. In essence the “sitcom” family was created and reality was made to look like its television counterpart. Yet in real life, did any family look like that of Leave it to Beaver? Have our ideals of the perfect family living in the perfect house truly changed? If they have changed have they had an effect on policy makers and land developers? A brief historical examination of suburbia, its creation, and media images will be contrasted with the developments and policies we find in today’s suburbia. To partially answer my original question the demographic of women in suburbia, more specifically mothers will be discussed. Are today’s media images of suburbia a better depiction of lived realities or are urban political processes still at play to perpetuate an ideal image?

Jeffrey Kurebwa ◽  
Prosper Muchakabarwa

This study focuses on media images of islamophobia as portrayed by Cable News Network (CNN) and its implications for international relations. The study employed qualitative methodology. Data was collected using key informant interviews, while documentary search was done using CNN current affairs videos. The study findings indicated that the media has the power to influence human perceptions towards stereotyping Islam as a terrorist organisation and conflating the Islamic religion and the Muslim culture with terrorism. The study also found out that islamophobia really has a relationship with how Muslims are represented in the media. The study recommends that media houses should have media ethics, laws and policies which force journalists to be more accountable and objective when reporting issues of religion, race and culture as a way of eliminating offensive communication and religious intolerance.

2018 ◽  
Dahniar Harahap

Rekognisi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan Volume 1, No.1, Tahun 2016 PGSD Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara The purpose of this study are: (a) to know how to use the media image in improving student learning outcomes in social studies learning the material diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia (b) to determine student learning outcomes in social studies material diversity of tribes and cultures Indonesia using media images. Media used in this study is the media image, ie an image of the diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia, such as image custom homes, traditional clothing, traditional weapons and traditional dances from all regions in Indonesia. The test is performed three times the initial test (pretest), test results of studying the first cycle and the second cycle. Based on data analysis, which showed that: (1) difficulties faced by students in social studies learning are: students who have not been able to explain the contents of the image due to lack of confidence developed in the classroom and explain the contents of the image to a friend, (2) how to use media images in learning social studies in the first cycle that, the teacher explains the material diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia by using an image, then the teacher asked students to comment on the pictures, and the second cycle the teacher asks the students to form groups and work the assignment of teachers in groups and provide individual training. (3) At the beginning of the test (pre-test) the ability of the student in completing the material diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia is low. I learned on the test results of 37 students who take the test, there are 18 students or 48.64% were thoroughly studied and are not thoroughly studied as many as 19 students or 51.36%. In the second cycle of learning outcomes, from 37 students who take the test are 35 students or 94.60% were thoroughly studied, and there are 2 students or 5.40% were not thoroughly studied. It can be concluded that the use of media images can improve student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-65
Nurul Ulfah Putri Utami ◽  
Taopik Rahman

ABSTRACTThis study triggered by the lack of mastery of vocabulary in English language learning. It is based on interviews and learning activities of researchers at TK Pertiwi DWP Tasikmalaya on the activities of the implementation of the PPL UPI Tasikmalaya in 2017, as well as the data pre action before the research activities carried out which shows that there are still many students who do not abide by the minimum completeness criteria (KKM ). Low mastery of vocabulary students are not separated from the ineffectiveness of the media used and the ability of teachers to plan and implement teaching and learning. This study aims to determine the planning, implementation and improvement ofmastery of vocabulary children'sthrough the use of media images. Media image is a kind of learning media by using the image (pattern / graffiti a form) that is projected onto the two-dimensional form. By using media images of children will obtain data about an object in full shape, appearance and the name of the object. So that the child will be faster remember a word well. This is certainly very suitable to be applied on English language learning. In this study the research method used was classroom action research (PTK) is adapted from the model Kemmis and Mc Taggart with three cycles. Subjects in this study is the researchers themselves and the children in group A2 TK Pertiwi DWP Tawang District of Tasikmalaya, amounting to 13 people. Data was collected by APKG and observation sheet. Based on the results obtained by an increase in the ability of teachers to create lesson plan reached 92.18%, enhancements to the ability of teachers in implementing the learning reached 93.12% and themastery of vocabulary child'sof 92.3%. In general the increase occurred after be applied using media imagesPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya penguasan kosa kata pada pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Hal ini didasarkan pada hasil wawancara dan kegiatan belajar mengajar peneliti di TK Pertiwi DWP Kota Tasikmalaya pada kegiatan pelaksanaan PPL UPI Tasikmalaya tahun 2017, serta data hasil pra tindakan sebelum kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan yang menunjukan bahwa masih banyak siswa yang tidak memenuhi nilai kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM). Rendahnya penguasaan vocabulary siswa tidak terlepas dari tidak efektifnya media yang digunakan dan kemampuan guru dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan peningkatan penguasaan vocabulary anak melalui penggunaan media gambar. Media gambar adalah suatu jenis media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan gambar (pola/coretan suatu bentuk) yang diproyeksikan ke dalam bentuk 2 dimensi. Dengan menggunakan media gambar anak akan memperoleh data mengenai suatu benda secara lengkap baik bentuk, tampilan maupun  nama benda tersebut. Sehingga anak akan lebih cepat mengingat suatu kata dengan baik. Hal ini tentunya sangat cocok diterapkan pada pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Pada penelitian ini metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang mengadaptasi dari model Kemmis dan Mc Taggart dengan tiga siklus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peneliti sendiri dan anak kelompok A2 TK Pertiwi DWP Kecamatan Tawang Kota Tasikmalaya yang berjumlah 13 orang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan APKG dan lembar observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh peningkatan kemampuan guru dalam membuat rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran mencapai 92,18 %, peningakatan kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran mencapai 93,12 % dan hasil penguasaan vocabulary anak mencapai 92,3 %. Secara umum peningkatan terjadi setelah diterapakan penggunaan media gambar. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 228
Bonifacius Vicky Indriyono

Komunikasi telah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia dan menjadi hal yang sangat penting seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Dalam proses komunikasi, banyak terjadi kegiatan pertukaran informasi. Ada kalanya informasi yang dipertukarkan tersebut bersifat penting dan rahasia sehingga keberadaannya tidak boleh diketahui oleh pihak yang tidak berkepentingan. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi informasi, banyak cara yang dilakukan agar kerahasiaan informasi tersebut dapat terjaga agar tidak jatuh ke tangan pihak-pihak yang tidak berkepentingan. Kriptografi merupakan kajian ilmu dan seni untuk menjaga suatu pesan dan meningkatkan aspek keamanan informasi. Selain menggunakan teknik kriptografi, menjaga kerahasiaan informasi juga dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode steganografi, dimana dalam metode ini informasi yang akan dikirimkan disisipkan melalui sebuah media (gambar, musik, suara, video). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti merancang sebuah aplikasi dengan menerapkan kombinasi steganografi teknik Least Significant Bit untuk menyisipkan informasi pesan dalam media Gambar bitmap 24 bit dan kriptografi Rijndael yang digunakan untuk melakukan enkripsi terhadap gambar bitmap sehingga informasi pesan dapat diamankan dari pihak-pihak yang tidak berkepentingan.Communication has been a part of human life and become very important over time. In the process of communication, a lot going on information exchange. There are times when the information exchanged is important and so secret that its existence should not be known by unauthorized parties. With the development of information technology, many ways in which the confidentiality of the information that can be maintained in order not to fall into the hands of parties who are not interested. Cryptography is the study of science and art to keep a message and to improve aspects of the security of information. In addition to using cryptographic techniques, confidential information can also be done by using steganography, which in this method of information to be transmitted is inserted through a media (images, music, sound, and video). In this study, researchers designed an application by applying a combination of Least Significant Bit steganography techniques to insert messages in the media information 24 bit bitmap images and Rijndael cryptography is used to encrypt the message bitmap image so that information can be secured from the parties who are not interested.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1A) ◽  
pp. 92-101
Sarniwati Sarniwati

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keberhasilan menggunakan media pembelajaran gambar dengan memperhatikan ada atau tidaknya peningkatan kemampuan menulis puisi siswa kelas VI SD Negeri No. 101/II Muara Bungo. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) merupakan salah satu pendekatan dalam penelitian yang berbasis kelas atau sekolah untuk melakukan pemecahan berbagai permasalahan yang digunakan dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas pendidikan. Hasil penelitan, diperoleh hasil bahwa pertama, pada dasarnya para peserta didik kelas VI mampu untuk membuat suatu puisi sederhana, hanya saja diperlukan media yang dapat merangsang imajinasi mereka. Kedua, media gambar ternyata dapat digunakan untuk merangsang imajinasi para peserta didik kelas VI, sehingga pada akhirnya mereka dapat membuat satu bait puisi. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the success of using image learning media with regard to whether or not the increase in the ability to write class poetry students VI SD Negeri No. 101/II Muara Bungo. The research method used is Classroom Action Research. Classroom Action Research (PTK) is one approach in classroom or school-based research to solve various problems used in the context of improving the quality of education. The results of research, obtained the results that first, basically the students of class VI able to make a simple poem, it's just necessary media that can stimulate their imagination. Secondly, the media images can be used to stimulate the imagin

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-65
Tahta Qurotu A’yunina

The learning process is basically demands the ability of teachers to control students' learning activities. Although not every learning activity, students rely on the presence of the teacher, but there is a causal relationship between teachers teach and students learn. Therefore, one of the responsibilities of teachers in the learning process is to design and implement the learning process in a way that students can achieve the goals that have been set. Creating an effective learning with the involvement of students in order to learn and grow going optimization of basic skills and complex skills in students, not an easy task. This requires another aspect that is not only verbal, but the inclusion of a variety of learning resources used by students with attendance and proper use. Therefore, it is necessary as part of the instructional media learning resources. Media helpful image to equip, maintain, and even improve the quality of ongoing learning, learning outcomes, activities, and student motivation. In the process of learning the presence of media images in poetry writing skills have to be particularly important because in the event that material submitted can deliver media as intermediary. This study focused on describing media images in poetry writing skills. This study aims to determine (1) the use of the techniques of media images in writing skills poetry in Islamic Elementary School Nurul Jadid, State Islamic Elementary School Kolomayan, and Islamic Elementary School Hashim As'ary Wonodadi Blitar, (2) to know the results of students in the use of media images in writing skills poetry in class V Islamic Elementary School Nurul Jadid, State Islamic Elementary School Kolomayan, and Islamic Elementary School Hashim As'ary Wonodadi Blitar. (3) To find out the constraints encountered in the use of media images in writing skills poetry Islamic Elementary School Nurul Jadid, State Islamic Elementary School Kolomayan, and Islamic Elementary School Hashim As'ary Wonodadi Blitar. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach to the type of multi-case. The subjects were students of class V Islamic Elementary School Nurul Jadid, State Islamic Elementary School Kolomayan, and Islamic Elementary School Hashim As'ary Wonodadi Blitar. The data source consisted of informants, participants, locations, documentation. Data collection techniques by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Analysis of data using data analysis in the case and cross-case analysis of the data. While checking the validity of the data using focus peers, data triangulation, and triangulation of data sources. From these results, the authors concluded that (1) the use of technical implementation of media images in writing skills poetry in class V Islamic Elementary School Nurul Jadid, State Islamic Elementary School Kolomayan, and Islamic Elementary School Hashim As'ary. material that is difficult / abstract always use a medium of learning and practice for more simplicity, most media image media, direct objects and works of learners, to form an interesting learning invites students to the library, the school environment, to the outdoors, such as rice paddies, rivers and the ground. Techniques used lectures, media images, but it invites children to observe pictures that were in the school environment. (2) the results of students in the use of media images in writing skills poetry in class V Islamic Elementary School Nurul Jadid, State Islamic Elementary School Kolomayan, and Islamic Elementary School Hashim As'ary. Increase enthusiastic learners, enhance creativity and imagination of students, results of using the media image is very good. Learners' achievements can be increased more than if not using the media. (3) the constraints faced in the use of media images in writing skills poetry Islamic Elementary School Nurul Jadid, State Islamic Elementary School Kolomayan, and Islamic Elementary School Hashim As'ary prepare the medium, time constraints usage, the image must be in accordance with the theme of the picture, no Wi-Fi or internet, elections words (diction).

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