scholarly journals The Resillience of Indigenous People in The Middle of A Stream of Modernization in The Indonesia – Timor Leste Border Area

Eni Eni ◽  
Danu Damar
2021 ◽  
Frederikus Fios ◽  
Silverius Constantino Yohanes Maria Lake ◽  
Murty Magda MMP Pane ◽  
Christian CS Siregar ◽  
Winibaldus Stefanus Mere

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Evelyn Bellatrix Sumby

Indonesia is one of the countries with abundant natural resources, this can be seen from the abundant human resources that are able to improve the management of existing natural resources. This is also emphasized in Article 33 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD RI 1945). A different fact is faced by small communities in the border area between Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia and Timor Leste. The problem is that the small communities there are not unable to enjoy subsidy relief due to wrong targets but because of smuggling carried out to neighboring countries. In several criminal cases that occurred in the border area between East Nusa Tenggara and Timor Leste, one of them was the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Satgas Pamtas) RI-RDTL East Sector Border Security Task Force, Yonif Raider 408 / Sbh, thwarted the smuggling of thousands of liters of fuel oil. (BBM) in the RI-RDTL border area.There have been many efforts made by the government to improve the welfare of its citizens by utilizing existing natural resources, especially in the oil and gas sector, one of which is in terms of access to energy consumption through fuel oil (BBM) subsidies which are still being debated. Some are of the view that state assistance must be maintained, but on the other hand, they still think that fuel subsidies are still not on target. A different fact is faced by small communities in the border area between Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia and Timor Leste. In addition, at the opening of the International Convention on Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas 2020, which was organized by SKK Migas, the Government also supported the improvement of the investment climate in Indonesia's upstream oil and natural gas (oil and gas) sector, amid a decline in national oil and gas production and sluggish movement of strategic industries due to the the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 351-364
Uman Rejo

This research aims to explore and describe some of the problems experienced in the learning History of Literature courses in Indonesian Language and Literature Education courses on the campus of the border region of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia-Democratic Republic of Timor Leste (NKRI-RDTL). One of the campuses located in the border area is the University of Timor (Unimor). The problems explored will be balanced with several solutions and recommendations, to reduce some of the problems represented. In this case, the method used is a qualitative descriptive method using an e-ethical paradigm. This paradigm was used by Clifford Geertz in The Religion of Java which was presented to Abangan Santri dan Priyayi dalam Masyarakat Jawa (1981) by Aswab Mahasin. About Timorese culture, Gregor Neonbasu applied this paradigm in his monograph entitled Citra Manusia Berbudaya: Sebuah Monografi tentang Timor dalam Perspektif Melanesia (2017). The subject of this research is the study activity learning History of Literature inactive students of the first semester (odd) study program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Timor academic year 2019—2020. Based on the results of the study concluded that the problem faced in the learning History of Literature courses on the campus of the border area of NKRI-RDTL is due to five aspects, namely material aspects or teaching materials, methods, media, students, and literacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
NLM Mahendrawati ◽  
I Gde Suranaya Pandit ◽  
IN Sujana ◽  
S Nahak ◽  
C.A. Soares ◽  

This study is a type of empirical legal study conducted based on the discrepancy between the existing provisions and theories and the legal facts occurring among the society, that is, the transaction of goods carried out by crossing the border between two countries.Any hindering obstacles and barricades to the law enforcement over illegal businesses can be settled through social and cultural, economic, political, and security approaches. Alternative solutions that should be applied in dealing with such legal issues can be establishing buildings in the border area, which are specifically directed to help accelerate the handling of three fundamental problems faced in the scope of the development of the border area in question, one of which is delimitation and delineation aspects of the state's boundaries, the aspect of affirming national borders on watershed areas between Indonesia and Timor Leste, the aspect of development discrepancy in the form of fulfilling infrastructure needs in the economic field to foster opportunities for the border areas to participate and compete amid both global and regional markets.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Nugraha Gumilar

<p><strong>Abstrak</strong> - Sejak Timor –Timur (sekarang Timor Leste) memisahkan diri dari Republik Indonesia membawa dampak permasalahan eksodus masyarakat Timor Leste ke Indonesia dan perbatasan tentang penetapan delimitasi wilayah perbatasan kedua negara yang disebut daerah Un-resolved segment dan Un-Surveyed, sehingga keberadaan Satgas pasukan penjaga perbatasan (Satgas Pamtas) sangat penting sebagai bentuk kampanye militer untuk mendukung diplomasi Indonesia dalam menyelesaikan isu – isu tersebut. Postur, penempatan dan pelaksanaan tugas Satgas Pamtas dan Gelar pasukan di wilayah perbatasan menjadi hal yang penting untuk menjaga keamanan negara dan membangun saling percaya antara kedua negara. Dukungan alat peralatan yang memadai sangat dibutuhkan Satgas Pamtas, pada kegiatan sub meeting bidang keamanan joint border meeting peran Satgas pamtas menentukan regulasi pengawasan perbatasan bersama pihak Timor Leste dan menjamin daerah un-resolved dan un-surveyed bebas dari pengelolaan yang dapat menyebabkan timbulnya konflik. Dukungan kampanye militer dalam bentuk penjagaan dan penghentian pembangunan pada daerah konflik akan menjamin stabilitas wilayah sehingga penyelesaian secara diplomasi terkait sengketa perbatasan lebih mudah dilakukan.</p><p><br /><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Kampanye Militer, Diplomasi</p><p><br /><strong>Abstract</strong> – Since East Timor (now Timor Leste) secedes from Republik Indonesia, this brought the issues about Timor Leste people exodus to Indonesia and delimitation border area between the two countries, which called as unresolved segment and unsurveyed. Therefore, the existence of Border Guard Force (Satgas Pamtas) is very important as a form of military campaign to support Indonesia’s diplomacy in resolving those issues. Posture, placement and execution of Satgas Pamtas and troops deploying in border area become important matters to maintain national security and build mutual trust between the two countries. Adequate equipment support is needed by the Satgas Pamtas. At the sub-meeting in security field, joint border meeting, Satgas Pamtas’ roles are to determine the regulation of joint supervision in the border area and to ensure the unresolved and unsurveyed areas free from the management that can lead to conflict. Military campaign support in the form of guarding and development termination in conflict areas will ensure the stability of the region. Thus, diplomatic settlement of border disputes is easier to do.</p><p><br /><strong>Keywords</strong>: Military Campaign, Diplomacy</p>

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 349
Dominikus Rato

This study aims to find the pattern of dependable approach in the border dispute settlement between Indonesia and Timor Leste in Oecusse. Historically, the community lived in the border area came from one ancestor. Because of social-political problems, however, the community subsequently followed the trajectory for which the partition between Indonesia and Timor Leste was undeniable. As a result of the partition, in the context, adat land should become the collective right of the community, which is situated under one adat law system but in the different national jurisdictions. This study questions on what causes collective land conflicts at the border of these countries. Using socio-legal and local wisdom approaches, as it is subsequently analyzed according to adat law, the study finds the cause that emerged as the result of the legal conflict between adat law and state law. If the state hands over the problem to adat communities or traditional leaders, based on their adat law dispute resolution, the conflict will resolve quickly. This study recommends the two states, Indonesia and Timor Leste, to provide the dispute resolution to adat or traditional leaders based on their adat law. Keywords: Legal Conflicts, Border Dispute, Adat Law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Giri Indra Kharisma ◽  
Imania Kusuma Rahayu

The product of this research is in the form of a textbook which aims to facilitate students in learning to understand and to produce descriptive texts. All the reading passages presented in the textbook describe the local wisdoms in Belu, which is directly adjacent to Timor Leste. This research uses 4D development model consisting of 4 stages, namely: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Based on the validation results by experts and practitioners, the developed textbook had a percentage of higher than 85% with a very feasible category to be implemented. The results of the try-out of the product conducted on students showed a very good response because it obtained 92% feasibility with a very good category.

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