A discursive approach to identity and critical transitions in mathematics learning

Einat Heyd-Metzuyanim
Sofnidar ◽  
Hartina ◽  
Kamid ◽  
Khairul Anwar

Prilaku belajar adalah suatu sikap y ang muncul dari diri siswa dalam menanggapi dan meresponi setiap kegiatan belajar mengajar yang terjadi. salah satu wujud dari prilaku adalah motivasi belajar. Menurut teori behavioristik, belajar adalah perubahan tingkah laku sebagai akibat adanya interaksi antara stimulus (rangsangan) dan respon (tanggapan). Stimulus yang diberikan guru dalam pembelajaran tertuang dalam rancangan aktifitas pembelajaran. Aktivitas pembelajaran merupakan kegiatan yang dirancang guru untuk mewujudkan dan atau menciptkan kondisi belajar siswa (stimulus). Pemilihan aktivitas belajar yang sesuai memungkinkan untuk terjadinya efektivitas pedagogis dalam mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, maupun dapat membentuk prilaku positif siswa (respon) dalam belajar. Desain pembelajaran berbasis outdoor-medelling mathematics memuat serangkain aktivitas kegiatan pembelajaran yang berbassis investigasi konteks masalah outdoor (masalah real life) dengan muatan konten materi modeling mathematics. Pada makalah ini akan membahas prilaku belajar dan bagaimana motivasi terbentuk melaui aktifitas kegiatan pebelajaran outdoor-medelling mathematics yang diklasifikasikan menjadi motoractivities mentalactivities, visualactivities, emotionalactivities, motoractivitie.Melalui metode kulitatif deskriptif, dengan mengambil 20 siswa kelas IX-B SMP N 1 Muaro Jambi yang mempunyai gaya belajar visual, auditorial, dan kinestetik. Setelah pelaksanaan pembelajaran, pengambilan data dilakukan melalui angket, dan lembar pengamatan beserta wawancara ke subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran yang dapat memotivasi siswa belajar matematika adalah visualactivities sebesar 74,16%; motoractivities sebesar 96,67%; mentalactivities sebesar 71,66%; dan emotionalactivities sebesar 73,33%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran outdoor-medelling mathematics matematika yang paling dominan dapat memotivasi siswa belajar adalah motoractivities dengan persentasi 96,67% dengan kriteria sangat baik dan sangat memotivasi siswa belajar matematika dalam pembelajaran luar kelas. Indikatornya adalah melakukan percobaan. Kelebihan aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran outdoor-medelling mathematics adalah, aktivitas belajar lebih membuat siswa termotivasi untuk belajar matematika. Siswa menjadi lebih aktif dan interaksi dengan teman sesamanya semakin meningkat juga. Adapun kelemahan aktivitas belajar dalam pembelajaran luar kelas adalah sulit untuk siswa terfokus dalam aktivitas belajar yang sedang dilakukan.   Learning behavior is an attitude that arises from students in responding and responding to each teaching and learning activity that occurs. one form of behavior is learning motivation. According to behavioristic theory, learning is a change in behavior as a result of an interaction between stimulus (stimulus) and response (response). The stimulus given by the teacher in learning is contained in the design of learning activities. Learning activities are activities designed by the teacher to realize and or create the conditions for student learning (stimulus). Selection of appropriate learning activities allows for the occurrence of pedagogical effectiveness in achieving learning goals, and can form positive student behavior (response) in learning. Outdoor-based learning mathematics learning design contains a series of learning activities based on the context of outdoor problems (real life problems) with the content of modeling mathematics material. In this paper will discuss learning behavior and how motivation is formed through the activities of learning activities outdoor-modeling mathematics which are classified into mental activities, visual activities, emotional activities, motor activities. Through the descriptive qualitative method, taking 20 students of class IX-B Muaro Jambi Middle School 1 who have visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. after the implementation of learning, data retrieval was carried out through questionnaires, and observation sheets and interviews to the research subjects. The results showed that learning activities in learning that could motivate students to learn mathematics were visual activities at 74.16%, motor activities at 96.67%, mental activities at 71.66%, and emotional activities at 73.33 %%. Based on the results of the analysis carried out learning activities in mathematics outdoor-modeling mathematics learning the most dominant motivating students to learn is motor activities with a percentage of 96.67% with very good criteria and very motivating students to learn mathematics in learning outside the classroom. The indicator is to experiment. The advantages of learning activities in outdoor-modeling mathematics learning are that learning activities make students more motivated to learn mathematics. Students become more active and interactions with their peers also increase. The weaknesses of learning activities in learning outside the classroom is difficult for students to focus on the learning activities that are being done.

Rini Dian Anggraini ◽  
Titi Solfitri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran matematika untuk sekolah menengah pertama yaitu kurikulum Silabus, Rencana Pembelajaran dan Lembar Kerja Siswa 2013 tentang statistik dan probabilitas dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan oleh Borg dan Gall yang dimodifikasi oleh Sugiyono (2008) melalui langkah-langkah: (1) potensi dan masalah; (2) pengumpulan data; (3) desain produk; (4) validasi desain; (5) revisi desain; (6) uji coba kelompok kecil; (7) revisi produk; (8) uji coba kelompok besar; (9) revisi produk. Pada tahap potensi dan masalah, para peneliti melakukan analisis potensi dan masalah. Kemudian, peneliti mengumpulkan data yang diperlukan sebagai referensi untuk desain perangkat pembelajaran matematika yang akan dikembangkan. Desain perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan kemudian divalidasi oleh tiga validator dan direvisi berdasarkan saran validator. Hasil perancangan perangkat pembelajaran kemudian diujicobakan dalam uji coba kelompok kecil yang subjeknya 8 siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Pekanbaru. Setelah dicoba dalam uji coba kelompok kecil, kemudian direvisi berdasarkan kuesioner dari siswa yang mengikuti uji coba kelompok kecil. Setelah itu, para peneliti melakukan uji coba dalam kelompok besar yang subjeknya adalah 39 siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Pekanbaru, direvisi lagi dan disempurnakan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan diskusi data, perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan valid yang nilai untuk Silabus adalah 3,39, rata-rata nilai untuk 5 Rencana Pelajaran adalah 3,41. Nilai rata-rata untuk 5 Lembar Kerja Siswa adalah 3,34. Lembar Kerja Siswa yang telah dikembangkan adalah persyaratan praktis yang memenuhi syarat untuk digunakan oleh siswa sekolah menengah pertama.   This research aimed to develop mathematics learning device for junior high school that are Syllabus, Lesson Plan and Students Worksheet curriculum 2013 on statistics and probability by used problem based learning model. This research use development model by Borg and Gall modified by Sugiyono (2008) through the steps : (1) potentials and problems; (2) data collection; (3) design product; (4) validation of design; (5) revision of design; (6) small group trial; (7) revision of product; (8) large group trial; (9) revision of product. At potentials and problems stage, the researchers conducted analysis of potentials and problems. Then, researchers collect the necessary data as reference to design of mathematics learning device that will be developed. Design of learning device that had been developed then validated by three validators and revised based on validator suggestion. The result of learning device design and then try out in small group trial which subjects are 8 students of VII SMP Negeri 23 Pekanbaru. After try out in small group trial, then it revised based on questionnaire from the students who take the small group trial. After that, the researchers conducted try out in large group trial which subjects are 39 students of VII SMP Negeri 23 Pekanbaru, revised again and refined. Based on result of data analysis and discussion, learning device that had been developed is valid which value for Syllabus is 3,39, the average of value for 5 Lesson Plan are 3,41. The average of value for 5 Students Worksheet are 3,34. Students Worksheet that had been developed is qualify practical requirement to used by students of junior high school.

Hanifah Nurus Sopiany

Penalaran matematis menggunakan pola pikir logis dalam menganalisa suatu masalah yang nanti pada akhirnya akan ditandai dengan aktivitas menyimpulkan atas masalah tersebut. Seseorang yang memiliki penalaran yang baik, tentunya akan berhati-hati dalam bertindak dan memutuskan sesuatu. Materi-materi pada kalkulus merupakan materi yang ada pada tingkat sekolah menengah yang nantinya menjadi lahan mengajar mahasiswa calon guru matematika S-1. Kemampuan penalaran yang dikaji mempengaruhi pembelajaran mahasiswa kedepannya karena berlaku pada matakuliah lanjut, contohnya pada kemampuan pembuktian akan selalu digunakan pada matakuliah persamaan diferensial, struktur aljabar, analisis  vektor, analisis real, dll. Sedangkan sebagai calon guru yang nantinya mengajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah, maka kemampuan penalaran ini menjadi salah satu capaian pembelajaran matematika bagi siswa sekolah menengah, maka oleh karena itu guru yang mengajarnya haruslah memiliki kemampuan penalaran yang baik. Analisis kesalahan sangat penting untuk melakukan evaluasi dan refleksi pada struktur soal maupun pada perlakuan dalam pembelajaran dalam upaya memperbaiki kemampuan penalarannya.   Mathematical reasoning uses a logical mindset in analyzing a problem that will eventually be marked by concluding activity on the problem. Someone who has good reason, will certainly be careful in acting and deciding something. The material content on the calculus is the material that exists at the secondary school level which will become the field of teaching the prospective master of math teacher bachelor. The reasoning ability studied influences student learning in the future as it applies to advanced courses, for example in the ability of proof will always be used in the course of differential equations, algebraic structure, vector analysis, real analysis, etc. While as a teacher candidate who will teach at the secondary school level, then this reasoning ability becomes one of the achievements of mathematics learning for high school students, therefore teachers who teach it must have good reasoning ability. Error analysis is very important to evaluate and reflect on the problem structure as well as on the treatment in learning in order to improve the reasoning ability.

Atma Murni ◽  
Rini Dian Anggraini ◽  

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penerapan Strategi Pemecahan Masalah dalam pembelajaran kooperatif pendekatan struktural Think Pair Share (TPS) terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 14 Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian pra eksperimental menggunakan desain penelitian perbandingan kelompok statis. Instrumen pengumpulan data meliputi tes keterampilan mahematika awal dan tes hasil belajar matematika. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh strategi pemecahan masalah dalam pembelajaran kooperatif pendekatan struktural Think Pair Share (TPS) terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas VIII SMP Negeri 14 Pekanbaru.   The aim of this study was to know the influence of Problem Solving Strategy implementation in cooperative learning of structural approach Think Pair Share (TPS) to mathematics learning outcome of VIII class students of SMP Negeri 14 Pekanbaru. This study use pre experimental research design using The static group comparison research design. The instruments of  data collection include early mahematics skills test and mathematics learning outcome test. Data were analyzed using t test. The result of this study showed that there is influence of problem solving strategy in cooperative learning of structural approach Think Pair Share (TPS)  to mathematics learning outcome  of  VIII class students of SMP Negeri 14 Pekanbaru

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Isna Rafianti ◽  
Etika Khaerunnisa

This research is motivated by the lack of interest of teachers in the use of props in the process of learning mathematics in elementary school. In accordance with the demands of the curriculum in 2013 and supported by the developed learning theory, learning mathematics is abstract object of study, students need an intermediary that props math-ematics, so that students can more easily understand the concepts that will be pre-sented, and in the end it can deliver students to solve mathematical problems, not only that proposed by the teacher but also the problems in life. The purpose of this study was to determine the interest of prospective elementary teachers on the use of props mathematics after getting lectures media and elementary mathematics learning model. By knowing the interest of prospective elementary teachers will be developed further realization of the state of the subject being studied. The method used is descriptive research, then the instruments used were questionnaires and interviews. The results of this study stated that the interest of prospective elementary teachers on the use of props after attending lectures media and elementary mathematics learning model is high over-all with a percentage of 76.70%.Keywords : Interest, Props Mathematics

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Lazim. N ◽  
Zulkifli ' ◽  
Rima '

The problem on this research was that the low score of students’ learning on social science study. There werestill a lot of students that did not understand basic concepts and tended to memorize examples. It was showed by58,07% from 31 students achieving minimum criteria completeness (KKM) from students’ test score in IVCclass of SDN 108 Pekanbaru for Koperasi subject. The students’ average score was 62,4, and the KKM stated byschool was 68. Based on this problem it was needed to do an action research using cooperative learning modelsTeams Games Tournaments (TGT) type. This research aims to know whether the implementation of cooperativelearning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students’ social science learningoutcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru in 2013/2014 with 31students. This research was done in twocycles. First cycle consists of three meetings with one daily test and first tournament, and cycle II consists ofthree meetings with one daily test and second tournament. Instruments to collect data in this research areteacher’s observation sheets, students’ observation sheet, and tests. By implementing using cooperative learningmodels Teams Games Tournaments (TGT) type can improve students’ mathematics learning outcomes.Percentage of completeness in basic score was 54,8% (62,40 in average), and it changed into 77,4% (75,6 inaverage) in cycle I and 87,1% (81,1 in average) in cycle II. Percentage of teacher’ activity in cycle I was 81,9%and 92,3% in cycle II. Then percentage of students’ activity in cycle I was 75,4% and 92,2% in cycle II. Fromthose data it proves that the implementation of cooperative learning models Teams Games Tournaments (TGT)type can improve students’ learning outcomes at IVC class of SDN 108 Pekanbaru.Key Words : cooperative teaching and learning model, Teams Games Tournaments (TGT),learning outcomes

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 451
Ipi Hanapiati

This research was motivated by the low results of students' mathematics learning. Of the 35students only 15 students (40.54%) who completed study results, while the average valueobtained by the students was 68.65. This study aims to increase the students' mathematicslearning through PMRI. This research is a class act who performed two cycles. Based on theresearch of learning outcomes and learning activities teachers and students expressedincreased. In the first cycle 1 meeting activities for teachers to get a score of 14 (70%), in thefirst cycle 2 meeting increased with a score of 15 (75%). In the second cycle 1 meeting obtaina score of 17 (85%) and the second cycle 2 meeting obtain a score of 18 (90%). Besides thestudent activity also increased in the first cycle of meeting one activity students obtain a scoreof 12 (60%), in the first cycle 2 meeting increased with a score of 16 (80%). In the secondcycle 1 meeting obtain a score of 17 (85%) and the second cycle 2 meeting obtain a score of17 (85%). The results of students' mathematics learning increases the basic score averagevalue obtained was 68.65 increase in the first cycle with an average value of 95.41 hasincreased in the second cycle with an average value of 97.97.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 411
Elvi Zahara

The background of this research is the lack of students' mathematics learning outcomes. Thelow yield caused by the learning of mathematics teaching is so very boring, monotonous,stressful and meaningless. Departing from the problems that occur in the field, especially ingrade IV SDN 002 Bagan Besar then there needs to be a strategy that can provide learningmathematics is expected to show active learning, creative, effective and fun. This research istindaan class (PTK), instrument collecting data observation and test learning outcomes. Theresults obtained: Increased activity of the students from the first cycle to the second cycle arevery significant. The increase in active learning, creative, and fun efekif the students alsofollowed by an increase in student learning outcomes. This is evidenced by the increase in thelearning outcomes of the first cycle to the second cycle. Namely, from the average value of 88,27 (cycle I) increased to an average value of 97, 59 (cycle II).

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