scholarly journals An Analisys Of The Heating Value Of Briquettes Made From A Mixture Of Rice Husk and Tea Dregs using Tapioca Adhesive

Hendra Irawan ◽  
Hendri Nurdin ◽  
Ambyar Ambyar ◽  
Rahmat Azis Nabawi

Increased energy consumption and lack of public knowledge to utilize rice husks and tea pulp as the most untapped briquette. The purpose of this research is to obtain a Calor value produced by rice husk briquette and tea pulp to be used as a briquette as an alternative fuel.. The results of the heat value test conducted using the Bomb calorimeter test tool showed optimum heat value in the variation of the 80% rice husk mixture and tea pulp and 20% tapioca adhesive, the value of the resulting heat of 11,638,112 kj/kg. This shows that the rice husk briquette and tea pulp with a mixture of comparison of 80% mixture of raw materials with 20% tapioca as higher glues produce a Calor value than 3 other variations. Based on the process that has been done shows that rice husk and tea pulp are potentially an alternative fuel.briquette and testing showed that rice husk and tea pulp could be potentially alternative fuel Konsumsi energi yang semakin meningkat dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan sekam padi dan ampas teh sebagai briket yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan nilai kalor yang dihasilkan briket sekam padi dan ampas teh untuk dijadikan briket sebagai bahan bakar alternatif.. Hasil pengujian nilai kalor yang dilakukan mengunakan alat bomb calorimeter test menunjukan nilai kalor yang optimum pada variasi 80% campuran sekam padi dan ampas teh dan 20% perekat tapioka, nilai kalor yang dihasilkan sebesar 11638.112 kj/kg. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa briket sekam padi dan ampas teh dengan perbandingan campuran 80% campuran bahan baku dengan 20% tapioka sebagai perekatnya lebih tinggi menghasilkan nilai kalor dari 3 variasi lainnya. Berdasarkan proses yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa sekam padi dan ampas teh berpotensi sebagai bahan bakar alternatif.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
M. Afif Almu ◽  
S. Syahrul ◽  
Yesung Allo Padang

The fuel is a source of energy with greatest consumption today. Where that stock is become less until 2025th. That’s way, it must to find some new energy to replacement, that one of alternative that is a fuel of solid phase that become from briquette. The briquette that use is compound between nyamplung’s fruit and rice husk. In this case because in NTB nyamplung’s fruit and  rice husk  is overabundance.This research conducted three testing that are testing of heat value, testing of combustion rate, and testing of dry measure. In case where to testing of heat value using bomb calorimeter. Independent variable both of this research is combine. Between nyamplung’s fruit and rice husk with comparison 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2, and 1:3. The highest heating value is obtained from sample 3:1 as big as 4792,40 cal/gr, the lowest rate of combustion from sample 3:1 as big as 0,00156 gr/s and the lowest of dry measure lowest from sample 1:1 that is 21,52%. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Dendi Prayoga ◽  
. Dirhamsyah ◽  
. Nurhaida

This research aimed to examine the physical and mechanical properties of particle boards based on the composition of raw materials and adhesive content and know the treatment of the composition of raw materials and the best adhesive content and meet the standard JIS A 5908-2003. The research was conducted at Wood Workshop Laboratory, Wood Processing Laboratory Faculty of Forestry,Tanjungpura University and Laboratory of PT. Duta Pertiwi Nusantara Pontianak. The adhesive used is Urea Formaldehyde with 52% Solid Content. Comparison of the composition of rice husks and sengon varies namely rice husk 50%: sengon 50%, rice husk 60%: sengon 40% and rice husk 70%: sengon 30%  and variations in the levels of UF adhesives, namely 14% and 16%, with target density 0,7 gr/cm3. The particleboard was 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm Pressing at temperature 140oC for 8 minutes, with  pressure of 25 kg/cm2. The research results of the study of density and moisture content meet the standards JIS A 5908-2003. The best particle values of rice husk and sengon  with composition a ratio of  rice husk 50%: sengon 50% , 16% adhesive content  16%, with density value of  0,7072 gr/cm3, moisture content 9,1949 %, thick development 12,3210 %, water absorption 68,8270 %, MOE 12110,7273 kg/cm2, MOR 161,0025 kg/cm2, firmness sticky 1,9320 kg/cm2, screw holding strength 62,3124 kg.Keywords : adhesive, composition, particle board, rice husk, sengon

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11 (113)) ◽  
pp. 61-72
Zilikha Moldakulova ◽  
Meruyet Bayisbayeva ◽  
Galiya Iskakova ◽  
Fatima Dikhanbayeva ◽  
Assel Izembayeva ◽  

The paper is devoted to solving the problem of the nutritional and biological value of rye-wheat bread by enriching it with non-traditional local plants raw materials – linseed flour and rice husk fiber. Rice husks are rarely used in bakery production, and in most cases remain unprocessed. However, this research defined the right ways for using them and set as a preliminary work in this field. The study has been carried out in two stages: firstly, linseed flour was added to the rye-wheat bread recipe in an amount of 5; 10; 15; 20 % to the weight of wheat flour. Secondly, dietary fiber was added to these experimental samples, prepared from rice husks without removing amorphous silicon dioxide in an amount of 0.3; 0.5; 0.7 % to the total mass of rye-wheat flour. The optimization of the ratios of the flour components with a simplex-lattice design was carried out and the rheological measurements of dough and bread were conducted on the farinograph and Chopin alveograph. The study results experimentally found that mixtures of rye-wheat flour and linseed flour with the addition of fiber as “medium in strength” give bread with sufficient volume. The recipe optimization parameters indicated that rational percentage of fiber and linseed flour up to 0.5 % and 15 %, respectively allows increasing the nutritional and biological value of finished products, improves the crumb structure, gas-holding and water-holding capacity of bread, which in turn prevents the stale process and thereby increases the shelf life of finished products. The obtained results allow us to suggest that, this recipe optimization model could be used in further research, as studies in this direction are limited

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 208-213 ◽  
Jianfeng Shen ◽  
Shuguang Zhu ◽  
Xinzhi Liu ◽  
Houlei Zhang ◽  
Junjie Tan

2020 ◽  
pp. 271-282
Thi Dung Ha ◽  
Al'bert Vladimirovich Kanarskiy ◽  
Zosia Aĺbiertovna Kanarskaya ◽  
Igor' Vadimovich Kruchina-Bogdanov ◽  
Andrey Vladimirovich Shcherbakov ◽  

The full use of secondary raw materials from processing plants by biotechnological methods is economically feasible and promising for the biotechnological industry. The purpose of this study is developing technology for the utilization of rice husk to obtain nutrient medium for the cultivation of bacteria Paenibacillus, promising for the production of agricultural biological products, in particular, biological fertilizers and feed additives. The processing of rice husk by using chemical and biotechnological methods showed that optimized condition for the separation of fiber and mineral substances from rice husk is treating rice husk with sodium hydroxide with concentration 2.5% at 120 °C for 20 minutes. The possibility of obtaining simple sugars by enzymatic treatment of rice husk fiber with the enzyme preparation Accellerase 1500 for 24 hours at 55 °C was observed. Under these conditions, the enzymatic hydrolysate of rice husks contains 89% of reducing sugars of absolute dry matter, as well as amino acids and organic acids. It has been proved that the enzymatic hydrolysate of rice husk can be used as the main substrate for the cultivation of strains 560, 563, 567, 568, 572, 574, 17-2 bacteria P. mucilaginosus and 17-6 bacteria P. salinicaeni. Screening of bacteria Paenibacillus by specific growth rate, generation time, biomass yield, and also by the activity of extracellular enzymes, it was found that strain 560, which is recommended for further studies for developing technology of bioproducts for agricultural purposes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Rudy Yoga Lesmana ◽  
Nani Apriyani

Kuantitas limbah plastik saat ini memang sangat sulit untuk dikelola. Salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi pertumbuhan sampah plastik yaitu dengan membuatnya menjadi bahan bakar alternatif, yaitu minyak mentah. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptakan minyak mentah sebagai energi alternatif dari sampah plastik dan untuk membandingkan kuantitas minyak hasil olahan sampah plastik berjenis PET dan PE dengan bahan bakar konvensional. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan sampel berupa sampah plastik yang berbahan baku PET dan PE melakukan pembuatan reaktor dan mengolah sampel menjadi minyak mentah, melihat kuantitas minyak mentah hasil olahan, melakukan pengujian nilai kalor minyak mentah hasil olahan berdasarkan bahan baku plastik, dan melakukan perbandingan nilai kalor minyak mentah hasil olahan dengan bahan bakar konvensional berdasarkan studi literatur Hasil penelitian menunjukan kuantitas minyak hasil olahan dari PE yaitu sebanyak 80 ml, 240 ml, dan 342 ml dengan waktu pengolahan berturut turut yaitu 120, 240 dan 360 menit, dan plastik jenis PET tidak menghasilkan minyak mentah, dan hanya menghasilkan serbuk berwarna putih. selanjutnya untuk perbandingan nilai kalor dari minyak hasil olahan sampah plastik, hanya plastik berjenis PE yang dapat diketahui nilai kalornya,yaitu sebesar 44.900 Kj/Kg karena plastik berjenis PET tidak menghasilkan minyak Kata kunci: Energi Alternatif, minyak mentah, Plastik.  The Quantity of plastic waste today is indeed very difficult to manage. One of solution to reduce the growth of plastic waste is to replace alternative fuels, namely crude oil.the purpose of this research is to make crude oil as an alternative energy from plastic waste and to compare crude oil processed by plastic PET (Polyethylene Therepthalate) and PE (Polyethylene) waste with conventional fuels. The research methodology includes collecting samples in the form of plastic waste made from PET (Polyethylene Therepthalate) and PE (Polyethylene) raw materials, making reactors and processing samples into crude oil, lokking at the amount of crude oil processed crude oil based on plastic raw materials, and comparing the heat value of crude oil processed with conventional fuel.  The research methodology includes collecting samples in the form of plastic waste made from PET and PE raw materials making reactors and processing samples into crude oil, looking at the quantity of processed crude oil, testing the heating value of processed crude oil based on plastic raw materials, and comparing the heating value crude oil processed with conventional fuels based on literature studies.  The results showed that the quantity of processed oil from PE is 80 ml, 240 ml, and 342 ml with successive processing times of 120, 240 and 360 minutes, and PET-type plastic does not produce crude oil, and only produces white powder. then for the comparison of the calorific value of oil processed plastic waste, only PE-type plastic that can know the heating value, which is equal to 44,900 Kj / Kg because PET-type plastic does not produce oil Keywords: alternative energy, crude oil, plastic

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
I Putu Dharma Putra Ritzada ◽  
Ni Luh Yulianti ◽  
Ida Bagus Putu Gunadnya

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa karakteristik briket biomassa dengan variasi geometri dan jenis bahan baku briket biomassa yang berbeda  dan menentukan perlakuan manakah yang menghasilkan briket dengan kualitas yang paling baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan RAK (Rancangan Acak Kelompok) Faktorial menggunakan 2 faktorial dan 3 kali ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jenis bahan baku (A) yang terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu bambu tabah (A1), sekam padi (A2) dan campuran bambu tabah sekam padi (A3). Faktor kedua yaitu bentuk geometri briket (B) yang terdiri dari dua taraf yaitu balok (B1) dan silinder (B2). Seluruh perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali ulangan sehingga didapatkan 18  data pengamatan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan apabila terdapat pengaruh perlakuan yang signifikan, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT terhadap rata-rata perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Interaksi antar perlakuan jenis bahan baku dan  bentuk geometri memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap  parameter mutu briket yang dihasilkan, Perlakuan briket yang dibuat dari sekam padi dengan bentuk silinder (A2B2) merupakan perlakuan yang menghasilkan briket dengan kualitas paling baik dengan nilai kadar air sebesar 2,64% bb, kadar abu sebesar 6,60%,  laju pembakaran sebesar 73,16 (gr/menit) dan volatille matter sebesar 13,86 %. ABSTRACT This study aims to analyze the characteristics of biomass briquettes with different geometry variations and types of biomass briquette raw materials and determine which treatment produces the best quality briquettes.This research uses block design (RAK) using 2 factorials and 3 replications.The first factor is the type of raw material (A) which consists of three levels, namely tabah bamboo (A1), rice husk (A2) and a mixture of tabah bamboo rice husk  (A3). The second factor is the geometric shape of the briquette (B) which consists of two levels, namely beams (B1) and cylinders (B2). All treatments were repeated 3 times in order to obtain 18 observational data. The data obtained were analyzed by means of variance and if there was a significant treatment effect, then it was followed by the BNT test on the average treatment.The results showed that the interaction between treatments. Types of raw materials and geometric shapes had a significant effect on the quality parameters of the resulting briquettes.The treatment of briquettes made from rice husks in a cylindrical shape (A2B2) is a treatment that produces the best quality briquettes with a moisture content value of 2.64% bb.ash content was 6.60%, combustion rate was 73.16 (gr / minute) and volatile matter was 13.86%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 595
Suritno Fayanto ◽  
S. Sulwan ◽  
Dwi Sulisworo ◽  
Vivi Hastuti Rufa Mongkito ◽  
H. Hunaidah

This article proposes to explain how the use of rice husk waste as home industry based briquettes. The making of briquettes from rice husk consists of two ways, specifically with the help of a heater and without a heater. To optimize its manufacture and not require much energy, briquettes from rice husk are quite made without using tools in the process of making briquettes, usually preceded by carbonation. The high element content of rice husk that does rice husk has enormous potential if it is processed into briquettes. Some of the elements contained in rice husks are carbon, silica hydrogen, protein, fat, with very low water content and ash content, a relatively high bulk density of 125 kg / m3 and a high heating value of 1,300 kkal. In addition to the abundant rice husk, the manufacturing process is easy and practical so that it has the potential to be developed in the form of a home industry

А.В. Вураско ◽  
Е.И. Симонова ◽  
А.Р. Минакова

Целлюлоза из плодовых оболочек злаковых культур обладает высокой сорбционной емкостью. Однако относительно короткие волокна затрудняют получение прочного бумажного материала. В то же время целлюлоза из соломы, наоборот, обладает относительно большой длиной волокна и приемлемыми сорбционными свойствами. Для разработки эффективных целлюлозосодержащих сорбентов интерес представляет композиционный материал из целлюлозы шелухи и целлюлозы соломы. Цель исследования – получение сорбционного материала на основе технической целлюлозы из соломы и шелухи риса. Техническая целлюлоза из соломы и шелухи риса получена окислительно-органосольвентным способом с предварительной щелочной обработкой растительного сырья (зольность ее 0,05 % от абсолютно сухой целлюлозы). При этом целлюлозу из соломы риса применяли в качестве целлюлозы-основы, а целлюлозу из шелухи риса – как целлюлозу- адсорбент. При постоянном содержании целлюлозы-основы в композиции независимо от степени ее помола капиллярная впитываемость изменяется в пределах погрешности измерений. При постоянном содержании целлюлозы- основы в композиции и добавлении к ней целлюлозы-адсорбента с возрастающей степенью помола капиллярная впитываемость снижается незначительно (на 1…2,5 мм). Сорбционная способность по йоду зависит от степени помола как целлюлозы-адсорбента, так и целлюлозы-основы. С увеличением степени помола сорбционная способность по йоду возрастает. Адсорбционная способность по метиленовому голубому при постоянном содержании 50% целлюлозы-основы в композиции и добавлении к ней целлюлозы-адсорбента с увеличивающейся степенью помола (35, 39, 43,5, 47,5 оШР) возрастает. Установлено, что количественная оценка эффективности композиции подтвердила наличие эффекта синергизма, который характерен для адсорбционной способности по метиленовому голубому и возрастает с увеличением степени помола целлюлозы- адсорбента с 1,07 до 1,12 с учетом погрешности эксперимента. Cellulose from the fruit shells of cereals has a high sorption capacity. However, relatively short fibers make it difficult to obtain durable paper material. At the same time, straw cellulose, on the contrary, has a relatively long fiber length and acceptable sorption properties. For the development of effective cellulose sorbents of interest is a composite material of cellulose husks and cellulose straw. The aim of the work is to obtain sorption materials on the basis of technical cellulose from straw and rice husks obtained by oxidation-organosolvent method with pre-alkaline treatment of vegetable raw materials. In the course of work, technical cellulose from straw and rice husks with ash content of 0.05% of completely dry cellulose was obtained. Upon receipt of the sorption material, cellulose from rice straw is used as a base cellulose, and cellulose from rice husk as cellulose is an adsorbent. With a constant content of cellulose base in the composition, regardless of its degree of grinding, capillary absorbency varies within the measurement error. With a constant content of cellulose-base in the composition and the addition of cellulose-adsorbent with an increasing degree of grinding capillary absorbency decreases slightly (1...2,5 mm). The sorption capacity of iodine depends on the degree of grinding, as cellulose-adsorbent, and the degree of grinding of cellulose-base. With increasing degree of grinding sorption capacity of iodine increases. Adsorption capacity of methylene blue at a constant content of cellulose-base 50 % in the composition and the addition of cellulose- adsorbent with an increasing degree of grinding (35, 39, 43.5, 47.5 0SHR) increases. It was found that the quantitative evaluation of the composition efficiency confirmed the presence of synergism effect, which is typical for the adsorption capacity of methylene blue and increases with increasing the degree of cellulose-adsorbent grinding from 1.07 to 1.12, taking into account the experimental error.


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