
Статья посвящена деятельности выдающегося религиозного, общественно-политического деятеля, просветителя и гуманиста, внесшего бесценный вклад в историю и духовную культуру ойрат-калмыцкого народа Зая-пандиты Окторгуйн Далай. Цель исследования – проанализировать и осветить его многогранную деятельность как реформатора в распространении новой религии – буддизма среди монгольских народов, создателя старокалмыцкой письменности и литературы ойрат-калмыков. Показать миротворческую роль Зая-пандиты в сохранении и укреплении ойратских государств – Джунгарского, Калмыцкого и Хошеутовского ханств в середине XVII в. Актуальность данной работы определяется попыткой объективного освещения одной из важнейших сторон истории и культуры Калмыкии – истории создания национальной письменности и литературы, распространения и развития буддизма среди монгольских народов, прежде всего у ойрат-калмыков. В современных условиях развития Российского государства несомненно, актуальным становится необходимость осмысления культуры калмыков, как кочевой евразийской культуры номадов. Без изучения веками наработанного опыта духовного наследия, опыта межэтнического взаимодействия с различными народами, переосмысления всего того, что было наработано ранее, без критического анализа невозможно дальнейшее успешное культурно-историческое развитие. Основными методологическими принципами исследования стали научная объективность, выразившаяся в привлечении максимально возможного количества источников и системном подходе к анализируемому материалу, рассматриваемому во взаимосвязи всех составляющих элементов, а также принцип историзма, когда объект рассматривается в определенном историческом контексте. В работе применялись проблемно-хронологический, цивилизационный, историко-генетический, историографический анализ. Именно эти принципы и методы дают возможность решать поставленные в статье задачи. Эмпирическую основу работы составила достаточно широкая источниковая база, включающая в себя опубликованные и неопубликованные материалы. The article is devoted to the activities of Zaya-pandita Oktorguyin Dalai, an outstanding religious, social and political figure, educator and humanist who made an invaluable contribution to the history and spiritual culture of the Oirat-Kalmyk people. The purpose of the study is to analyze and highlight his multifaceted activity as a reformer in the spread of a new religion - Buddhism among the Mongolian peoples, the creator of the Old Kalmyk writing system and literature of the Oirat-Kalmyks, show the peacekeeping role of Zai-pandits in the preservation and strengthening of the Oirat states – the Dzungarian, Kalmyk and Khoshut khanates in the middle of the 17th century. The relevance of this work is determined by an attempt to objectively illuminate one of the most important aspects of the history and culture of Kalmykia – the history of the creation of national writing and literature, the spread and development of Buddhism among the Mongolian peoples, primarily among the Oirat-Kalmyks. In modern conditions of the development of the Russian state, undoubtedly, the need to comprehend the culture of the Kalmyks as Eurasian culture of nomads becomes urgent. Successful cultural and historical advance and development are impossible without studying the experience of the centuries long spiritual heritage, the experience of interethnic interaction with various peoples, reviewing everything that has been accumulated earlier, without a critical analysis. The main methodological principles of the study were scientific objectivity, expressed in attracting the maximum possible number of sources and a systematic approach to the analyzed material, considered in the interconnection of all constituent elements, as well as the principle of historicism, when an object is viewed in a certain historical context. The problem-chronological, civilizational, historical-genetic, historiographic analysis are applied in the research. These principles and methods enable to solve the tasks set in the article. The empirical basis of the work was formed by a fairly wide source base, which includes published and unpublished materials.

John R. B. Lighton

This chapter describes the evolution of respirometry from Leonardo da Vinci’s musings onwards. The works of Boyle, the brilliant and prophetic Mayow, and the well-intentioned but misguided Priestley are described. The bizarre dead-end theory of phlogiston and its apparent validity to the scientists of the day are explained in historical context. The breakthroughs of Lavoisier and Paulze, who realized the central role of oxygen and pioneered the quantitative measurement of metabolism, end the conventional historical part of the chapter, which concludes with a brief description of the deep history of the molecules most important to respirometry.

Vladimir Il'ich Shubin

This article is dedicated to examination of the history of emergence of Greek mercenaries during the riling time of XXVI Sais Dynasty. The author reviews the status and role of Greek mercenaries in the armed forced of Sais rulers, organization of their service and living conditions. Considering the fact that the use of Greek mercenaries in Egypt army was a part of the traditional policy of Sais rulers and carried mass character, the author refers to the problem  of social origin of the phenomenon of mercenarism in the Greek society of Archaic era. The research applies comparative-historical method that allows viewing the phenomenon of mercenarism in the historical context – based on the comparative data analysis of ancient written tradition. By the time of Sais Dynasty, control over regions that traditionally provided mercenaries to the Egypt army was lost. Under the circumstances, in order to compensate such losses, Egypt conscripted into military service the hailed from the Greek world. Mercenaries became the first Greeks settled on the Egyptian land. The conclusion is made that the Greek colonization, in absence of other ways to enter the formerly closed to the Greeks Egypt, at its initial stage manifested in such distinct form.

S. F. Tataurov ◽  

The article considers the materials of the archaeological excavations of the city of Tara as a source on the history of the accession of Western Siberia to the Russian state in the end of XVI–XVIII centuries. The analysis of finds testifying to the role of the city in the military, commercial, economic and cultural aspects of this process is given.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Jumardi Jumardi

Learning of history very real associated with human life itself. Learning the history of studying thehuman role in the nation’s history and history itself . Learning curriculum history becomes important instudying the role of every human being . This should be reviewed when learning materials and learningoutcomes are not proportional . The educational system of a country determines how a curriculum isapplied to all subjects . Comparing a learning curriculum Indonesian history becomes necessary to obtaina picture of how the teaching of history in Indonesia and the Russian State history teaching curriculum. Models of teaching history in Indonesia using the spiral model ( repetition ) while Russia using linearmodels . Learners and citizens of Russia have the pride of the history of his country.

С.М. Марчукова

В методологии современного педагогического исследования принципы герменевтического круга и герменевтической спирали, с одной стороны, способствуют пониманию конкретного знания после предварительного ознакомления с тенденциями развития абстрактного научно-теоретического знания, с другой стороны, способны стать основными структурными элементами, связывающими педагогическую науку и практику (В. В. Краевский). В статье обоснована актуальность использования герменевтического метода для раскрытия эвристического потенциала философско-образовательного проекта Я. А. Коменского, его связи с философской традицией, основы которой заложены в философии и педагогике античности и средневековья. Использование метода герменевтический спирали, «витки» которой отражают связь наследия Коменского с педагогической мыслью этих эпох, позволяет понять, что методология комениологических исследований опирается не на педагогический опыт XVII века, а на фундаментальные основания педагогической науки. Современное осмысление места философско-образовательного проекта Коменского в контексте истории науки и образования способствует соединению двух линий в комениологических исследованиях — педагогической и психологической (Днепров, 1997), развитию эвристического и прогностического аспектов историко-педагогического знания (В. Г. Безрогов, Б. М. Бим-Бад, М. В. Богуславский, Э. Д. Днепров, И. А. Колесникова, Г. Б. Корнетов, А. С. Степанова и др.). В статье приведены примеры изучения трудов Я. А. Коменского разных лет с помощью принципов герменевтического круга и герменевтической спирали. Историко-научный контекст, позволяющий иллюстрировать ретроспективу тенденций дифференциации и интеграции в истории развития образования, определяет новизну исследования. Выявление «эвристичности герменевтического круга» (Ю. С. Сенько) для становления нового педагогического мышления и развития гуманитарного аспекта педагогических технологий составляет теоретическую и практическую значимость исследования для системы высшего педагогического образования и практики работы школы. Раскрытие эвристического потенциала философско-образовательного проекта Я. А. Коменского призвано способствовать развитию отечественной комениологии как одного из фундаментальных направлений историко-педагогической науки. The principles of the hermeneutic cycle and the hermeneutic spiral typical of modern pedagogical research ensure acquisition of practical knowledge through abstract, theoretical cognition and function as structural elements that secure connections between pedagogical theory and practice (V. V. Krayevsky). The article accounts for the relevance of employing the hermeneutic method to unveil the heuristic potential of J. A. Comenius’s philosophical and educational project, to highlight its rootedness in ancient and medieval philosophy and pedagogy. Employing the method of the hermeneutic spiral, whose turns highlight the connections between J. A. Comenius’ legacy and ancient and medieval pedagogy, one can realize that the methodology of comeniological research rests on the fundamental principles of pedagogy rather than on the principles of pedagogy of the 17th century. The modern interpretation of J. A. Comenius’ philosophical and educational project in the context of history of science and education contributes to the integration of pedagogical and psychological aspects of comeniological research (Dneprov, 1997), facilitates the development of the heuristic and prognostic aspects of history of pedagogy (V. G. Bezrogov, B. M. Bim-Bad, M. V. Boguslavsky, E. D. Dneprov, I. A. Kolesnikova, G. B. Kornetov, A. S. Stepanova and others). The article focuses on the application of the principles of the hermeneutic cycle and the hermeneutic spiral to the investigation of J. A. Comenius’s works. The novelty of the research is accounted for by the fact that the tendencies of differentiation and integration are viewed through the prism of historical context. The theoretical significance and the practical value of the research consist in the investigation of the heuristic potential of the hermeneutic cycle (Yu. S. Senko) for modern pedagogical thinking and further humanization of pedagogical technologies. The investigation of the heuristic potential of J. A. Comenius’ philosophical and educational project ensures the development of Russian comeniology as a branch of history of pedagogy

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 504-517
Tatiana Ya. Briskman

The article provides an analytical review of the memoirs on the history of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museum (now the Russian State Library), which started with the collections of count N.P. Rumyantsev. The author considers the memories on the Rumyantsev Museum since its foundation in St. Petersburg in 1828, its transfer to Moscow, the activities of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev museums from 1862 to 1917. The author notes the role of memoir literature for the study of the history of librarianship. The article gives description of the sources containing the unique bibliogra­phic information, which reflects publications of me­moirs, diaries, letters about the Rumyantsev Museum in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The article presents the history of the transfer of the Rumyantsev Museum from St. Petersburg to Moscow and gives fragments from the memoirs of V.V. Stasov and “Diary” of V.F. Odoevsky about this event. The author also presents publications dedicated to the leaders of the Rumyantsev Museum and analytically discloses the memoirs placed in them. The article gives excerpts from memoirs, diaries, letters, which reflect the events and facts from the history of foundation and formation of the Rumyantsev Museum, the role of individuals who have made great contribution to the development of the Museum and its library. The author presents information from the memoirs, diary entries of readers about visiting the Rumyantsev library, their contribution to the accession of collections. The article also gives information about the publication of memoirs of the descendants of V.D. Golitsyn, the last Director of the Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums who became its first Soviet Director. The author reveals the potential of memoir materials for further research of the history of the Rumyantsev Museum and its library, its role in the history of culture and spiritual life of Russian society.

Pavel V. Pichigin

The article is related to the history of creation and development of the Riazan Ecclesiastical Seminary and its library in the 18-th century. The materials of the Russian State Archives of Ancient Documents (RSAAD), State Archive of the Ryazan Region and other sources are used in it. This let to see the position of the Ecclesiastical Seminary Library in the history of the national enlightenment as well as the role of charity in the formation of the library collections of this educational institution. The author for the first time introduces the document — “The book catalogue of the Ryazan Ecclesiastical Seminary Library” (“Katalog knig biblioteki Ryazanskoi dukhovnoi seminarii”) for scientific use. The article is of interest for historians, library scientists, experts in the Russian charity history.

Lora Deahl ◽  
Brenda Wristen

Small-handedness continues to be overlooked, discounted, or else treated as a stigmatized disability to the present day. Chapter 1 provides the reader with a historical context for understanding the nature of small-handedness and its impact upon piano playing. Topics include the evolving history of the piano and its relationship to small-handedness, the physiological parameters of hand size, the demographics of small-handedness, and pedagogical and gender biases. The innovation of ergonomically scaled piano keyboards (ESPKs) is briefly addressed. Small-handedness is explored as a risk factor for the development of playing-related injury, and the role of the piano teacher in working with small-handed students is discussed.

2019 ◽  
pp. 91-99
Mariia Hnizdytska

The article investigates rhetorical figures and specific authorial constructions, which are interconnected through a complex sequence of semantic connections, forming the essay. On the example of the essay by Y. Kosach “On the Meeting of the 17th Anniversary of November”, the role of figurative language in the study of cultural meanings is researched. For this purpose, Visnik text constructions with a powerful sense-forming potential are considered, which are not only examples of expanded essayistic imagery, but also a kind of cultural marker, code, according to R. Bart, on which Yu.Kosach always focuses on his essays. Particular attention is paid to “ thoughtful image” texts by D. Dontsov, Y. Lipi, E. Malanyuk, as well as interpretations by these authors of the most important problems of the Ukrainian national character, from which Y. Kosach rests in his reflections. Kosach`s essay is completely transposed with symbolic-figurative signs (codes), whose meaning can be understood, not only knowing in detail the national history and heroes, the history of literature, ethnography and ethnopsychology, philosophy and mythology, but also the political, ideological, cultural-historical context . In the essay actively present the basic ideas and works of D. Dontsov, Y. Lypa, E. Malanyuk, and others. In order to study the interdependence of thought and image in essayist Y. Kosach, the “mysterious” nature of historical events, national heroes, state symbols, geographical names and names of settlements is analyzed in detail. The problem of essayist’s elaboration of individual words, statements and plain citations is considered, attention is focused on multilevel semantic complexes-figures. The Kosach style is characterized by spontaneity, fragmentation, emotionality, openness, associativity of the thinking process. The essay combines different discourses, demonstrating the free movement of thought, not limited by the rigid frame of the canon. For Kosach, the most important thing was to isolate, reinforce, and to emphasize the strong peculiarities of the national psyche; to follow the kinship not only of the bloody but also of the spirit-knight and to draw a continuous line of continuity.

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