scholarly journals Pendampingan Strategi Marketing Digital dalam Mewujudkan Desa Wisata Religi di Desa Pajajar Kecamatan Rajagaluh Kabupaten Majalengka

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Taufik Ridwan

The approach of this research is qualitative, using case study method. The data was obtained through in-depth interview, observation, literature study, and documentation. The data analysis steps used were data reduction, data display, and verification. The purpose of the research is to investigate the promotion strategy of the tourism village of Pajajar, Majalengka Regency performed by Kompepar Pajajar. The result of the research shows that Kompepar Pajajar performs promotion mix, i.e., word of mouth, public relations, personal selling, event, exhibition, merchandise, publication, and website. From overall promotion strategy applied by Kompepar Pajajar, the main priority was through event and public relations. The conclusion of this research is Kompepar Pajajar has not formulated comprehensive and integrated promotion strategy Abstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui metode studi kasus. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, studi literatur, dan dokumentasi. Adapun langkah-langkah analisis data meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi. Tujuan pelaksanaan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi promosi desa Pajajar, Kabupaten Majalengka yang dijalankan oleh Kelompok Penggerak Pariwisata (Kompepar) Desa Pajajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, Kompepar Desa Pajajar menjalankan promotion mix yang meliputi word of mouth, public relations, personal selling, event, eksibisi, merchandise, publikasi, dan website internet. Dari keseluruhan bentuk promosi, prioritas utama promosi dilakukan melalui event dan public relations. Dalam penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa Kompepar Desa Pajajar belum merumuskan strategi promosi secara komprehensif dan terintegrasi.

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Nisa Amalina Setiawan ◽  
Farid Hamid U.

The approach of this research is qualitative, using case study method. The data was obtained through in-depth interview, observation, literature study, and documentation. The data analysis steps used were data reduction, data display, and verification. The purpose of the research is to investigate the promotion strategy of the tourism village of Jelekong, Bandung Regency performed by Kompepar Giriharja. The result of the research shows that Kompepar Giriharja performs promotion mix, i.e., word of mouth, public relations, personal selling, event, exhibition, merchandise, publication, and website. From overall promotion strategy applied by Kompepar Giriharja, the main priority was through event and public relations. The conclusion of this research is Kompepar Giriharja has not formulated comprehensive and integrated promotion strategy.

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 147
Kevin Kevin ◽  
Sinta Paramita

Marketing communication is a means by which companies try to inform, persuade, and remind consumers directly or indirectly about the products and brands that are sold. Marketing communication theory covers several marketing communication mixes consisting of advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, personal selling, interactive marketing, public relations. The purpose of the marketing communication mix is to create brand awareness. This brand awareness is the ability of consumers to recognize or remember a brand, including the name, logo and also certain slogans that have been used by the brand in promoting products. During marketing communications, Rockickz carries out strategies to create brand awareness. Rockickz's strategy is in the marketing communication mix. This research methodology uses qualitative, with the case study method. Data collection is done by interview, observation and literature study. Komunikasi pemasaran (marketing communication) adalah sarana dimana perusahaan berusaha menginformasikan, membujuk, dan mengingatkan konsumen secara langsung maupun tidak langsung tentang produk dan merek yang dijual. Teori komunikasi pemasaran mencangkup beberapa bauran komunikasi pemasaran terdiri dari periklanan, pemasaran langsung, promosi penjualan, penjualan personal, pemasaran interaktif, hubungan masyarakat.Tujuan dari bauran komunikasi pemasaran tersebut adalah untuk menciptakan brand awareness. Brand awareness ini merupakan kemampuan konsumen dalam mengenali atau mengingat sebuah merek, termasuk nama, logo dan juga slogan – slogan tertentu yang pernah digunakan oleh brand tersebut dalam mempromosikan produk – produk. Pada saat melakukan komunikasi pemasaran, Rockickz melakukan strategi – strategi untuk menciptakan brand awareness. Strategi yang dilakukan Rockickz terdapat dalam bauran komunikasi pemasaran. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif, dengan metode studi kasus.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan studi kepustakaan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-281
Windi Widia Waty ◽  
Pawit M. Yusup ◽  
Andri Yanto

Introduction. The research aims to examine knowledge transfer by a local community Rurukan Adat "Nabawadatala" in preserving local knowledge ion Citengah village – Sumedang, West Java. Data Collection Method. This research used qualitative approach with a case study method. Data Analysis. Qualitative data analysis was conducted iteratively and continuously until reach the data saturation. The three steps of data analysis were conducted, including data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Results and Discussion. Pattern transfer occurred in the study includes three processes, namely the preparation of sustainable work plan; the concept of learning and knowledge sharing; and the creation of knowledge to form a tourist area-based education. Conclusion. A cultural centre established by the Citengah village community leaders to support knowledge transfer is very useful, not only for people inside of the community, but also for people around the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (8) ◽  
pp. 1957
I Gusti Putu Aditya Kusuma ◽  
Agus Fredy Maradona

This study aims to explore the role of the tax intelligence unit in increasing tax revenues in Indonesia. This study employs a qualitative approach, particularly the case study method, using the Bali Regional Tax Office as a research setting. Through in-depth interviews and a data analysis that comprises of data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification, this study shows that the tax intelligence unit performs effectively in boosting tax revenues through three main steps: investigation, security, and accumulation. The findings of this study present substantial implications to the Indonesian tax authority in strengthening its tax intelligence and maximizing the tax revenues. Keywords: Tax; Tax Intelligence Unit; Investigation; Security; Accumulation.

Prologia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 350
Jacqueline Annabell ◽  
Yugih Setyanto ◽  
Sisca Aulia

Marketing communication is carried out with the main goal of selling. Companies that offer services and products compete with each other in applying marketing communication strategies to attract clients and maintain the loyalty of clients who have become regular customers. This research utilizes marketing communication theory and client's loyalty. The research approach used in this research is a descriptive qualitative approach with case study research methods and data collection techniques carried out by interviews, non-participant observation, literature study and documentation. The result of this study indicates that Kennedy, Voice & Berliner runs a mix of marketing communications, namely events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, and personal selling. Kennedy, Voice & Berliner clients have a high level of engagement and are supported by a high level of repeated purchase, reciprocity and client's satisfaction with Kennedy, Voice & Berliner in which they use the services of Kennedy, Voice & Berliner’s  public relations consultant on an ongoing basis. Komunikasi pemasaran dilaksanakan dengan tujuan utama menjual. Perusahaan-perusahaan yang menawarkan jasa maupun produk saling berkompetisi dalam mengaplikasikan strategi komunikasi pemasaran untuk menarik minat klien serta mempertahankan loyalitas klien yang telah menjadi pelanggan tetap. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori komunikasi pemasaran dan loyalitas klien. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi non-participant, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Kennedy, Voice & Berliner menjalankan bauran komunikasi pemasaran yaitu events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, dan personal selling. Klien Kennedy, Voice & Berliner memiliki keterikatan yang tinggi dan didukung dengan  tingkat pembelian ulang yang tinggi, adanya timbal balik dan rasa puas klien terhadap Kennedy, Voice & Berliner sehingga memakai jasa konsultan public relations Kennedy, Voice & Berliner secara terus-menerus.

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 320
Anastasia Stefany Susanto ◽  
Yugih Setyanto

Public relations has a position and a very important role to support success of a company. However, not all companies know the application and function of public relations should be done to build the company's image. Therefore, a PR consultant appeared to help build the companies or brand image handled by presenting various creative communication strategies. Smartspin is one of the relatively new and expanding PR consultants that spreading its wings. The innovative PR strategy used by SmartSpin aims to help clients achieve their company's strategic goals. This research was conducted for explain the PR strategy used by SmartSpin in Re: ON comics as clients in building and enhancing their brand image. That approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative and with case study method. The research subject in this study is SmartSpin PR. While the object of research on this research is public relations strategy used by SmartSpin  to build brand client company image. Data is collected by doing interviews, documentation, and literature study. The conclusion of this research is SmartSpin uses the PR strategy in the form of events, publications, news, community involvement to build  the image of Re: ON comics. PR mempunyai posisi dan peran yang sangat penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan dan kesuksesan suatu perusahaan. Namun, tidak semua perusahaan mengetahui penerapan dan fungsi PR yang seharusnya dilakukan untuk membangun citra perusahaan tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, hadirlah konsultan PR untuk membantu membangun citra perusahaan yang ditangani dengan menghadirkan berbagai strategi komunikasi kreatif. Smartspin merupakan salah satu konsultan PR yang terbilang baru dan tengah melebarkan sayapnya. Strategi PR inovatif yang digunakan oleh SmartSpin bertujuan untuk membantu klien mencapai tujuan strategis perusahaan mereka. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan strategi PR yang digunakan oleh SmartSpin pada Re:ON comics sebagai kliennya dalam membangun dan membangun brand image mereknya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dan dengan metode studi kasus. Subjek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah SmartSpin PR. Sedangkan objek penelitian pada penelitian ini adalah strategi PR yang digunakan oleh SmartSpin dalam membangun brand image perusahaan klien. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah SmartSpin menggunakan strategi PR berupa events, publications, news, community involvement untuk membangun citra Re:ON comics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Galih Panuntun ◽  
Margareta Aulia Rachman

Introduction. This study discusses about Bibliobattle as a promotion strategy conducted by the Library of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Bibliobattle is a unique activity because it has a book-like shape but is packed in game form. Research on library promotion using Bibliobattle in a special library of ministries has never been done.Data Collection Method. The research approach used is qualitative with case study method. The data collection method used is by observation, interview and document study. The research informants were chosen based on purposive sampling method where there were criteria in the selection.Analysis Data. Data were analyzed by data reduction, interpretation, analyzed and conducted withdrawal conclusion.Result and Discussions. The promotion strategy using Bibliobattle on its implementation focuses on promotion through public relations. In addition, to promote Bibliobattle's activities, librarians focus on promotional tools of advertising, personal selling, and direct and digital marketing.Conclutions. The results of this study show that promotional strategies using Bibliobattle in fact not only promote the existence of libraries, but the library's own collection. During this time the focus of promotional activities in the special library is still limited to the promotion of the library unit.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
Amida Windari Fitria

Communication procedure in public service academic at SLBN A Bandung City, Not all public academic know procedure. Some even made difficulties due to the stages that required the West Java Provincial Education Office first. Make a lot of academic public who repeat in making research letters conducted in SLBN A Bandung City. The uniqueness of this case study research lied in (1) the selection of research sites which are schools that provide special education for the visually impaired or previously known as the oldest extraordinary education in Southeast Asia. (2) Public Relations is not optimal in academic public services. (3) lies in a blind person who occupies the Deputy Principal for Public Relations and Advocacy in the SLBN A Bandung City. This study aims to know communication procedures in academic public services, the data in this research with qualitative approach is obtained through observation, in-depth interview, and literature study. The results showed that communication procedures in academic public services have seven procedures including Administration for PPL/PPG/KKN, Letter of Recommendation for the West Java Provincial Education Office for research, Disposition of Principals, Field Schedule Coordination, Conditioning Objects, Public Assistance by the Responsible Person / Teacher and Submitting the Activity Report

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-182
Alida Wahyuni

Marketing of higher education falls into the category of services marketing. For “X” School, to attract potential students requires special methods and strategy. The objectives of the study are to: 1) Review and analyze of promotion mix in its effort to promote the institution; 2) review and analyze the most effective promotional mix in its effort to promote the institution. The results showed that: 1) the School has implemented a promotional mix. There are 6 ways to do that: advertising, sales promotion, publicity and public relations, personal selling, word of mouth, direct mail and e-marketing. The six ways are carried out simultaneously; 2) The most effective promotional mix is personal selling. For three years (2007, 2010, and 2011) proved it the most effective method. For 2008, the most effective promotional mix is word of mouth, dan for 2009, the most effective promotional mix is sales promotion. The most effective promotional mix in “Very Strong” category is personal selling could affect 956 students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-32
Faiqua Tahjiba

Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the actual condition of the students of University of Rajshahi (RU) regarding drug abuse and addiction. Using case study method the research was conducted with four objectives: (a) to find out how respondents began drug abuse; (b) to discover the causes of their drug addiction; (c) to understand the process of their drug abuse; and (d) to find out the economic, social and health effects of drug abuse. Methods: Case study method was used in this research. Through snowball sampling 18 drug- addicted students of RU were selected as respondents. In-depth interview with a schedule was used to collect data from the respondents in January 2019. Results: Findings of the study show that the causes of drug addiction included curiosity, frustration, friends’ request, neglect from family and friends etc. The drugs which they usually abused were Yaba, Phensydyle, Ganja (Weed), Chuani etc. Their average monthly expenditure for collecting drugs was in between Taka 8,000-10,000. They collected those drugs from rickshaw pullers at different points within the campus and from Mizaner Mor, Budhpara slum and other places outside the campus. The respondents opined that drugs were available if sufficient money could be spent. The respondents had senior and junior fellow students and local boys as companions while taking drugs. Most of them faced physical problems after taking drugs, and some of them tried to get rid of this curse of drug addiction. Conclusion: The findings of this research show that the rate of drug addiction among the students of RU was quite alarming. Therefore, all stakeholders including the students, guardians, teachers, university authority, the law makers and law enforcing agencies, researchers, civil society, NGO’s and the state must come forward together to combat this formidable foe.

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