Ishaka Dele ◽  

The major objective of this study is to examine the effects of financial corruption on national development in Nigeria (1999-2017). The continuous outcry of the citizens on the evils of corruption and its consequences on national development motivated this study. Data were drawn chiefly from primary sources and subjected to statistical computations of scaling and percentages. The major findings of the study revealed that to a large extent corruption leads to poverty in Nigeria. Also to a large extent increase in oil revenues do not translate to poverty reduction in Nigeria. The study equally, found that to a large extent the oil industry causes underdevelopment and increase poverty in Nigeria. This study therefore advances that stiffer sanctions must be imposed on those found guilty of corrupt practices including death sentences. This will serve as deterrent to others. Since corruption is a relationship of ‘give and take’, both the giver and the receiver must be prosecuted as well. There is the need to strengthen institutions such as the civil service, parliament and the judiciary, which in turn will create interlocking systems of oversight and self-regulation. All of these institutions have to be free of corruption themselves and active players in the fight against corruption and good governance should be entrenched.

‏​‏​‏​​‏​‏​​‏​‏​‏​‏​‏​‏ Ghassan Awad Al - Aatharbah

The study aimed to investigate the relationship of social responsibility and excellence of the public sector in achieving sustainable development, and to know the relevance of social responsibility and excellence to internal and external environment for Land and Survey Department in sustainable development achievement in Jordan society. T0 achieve this goal the study data was collected from a random sample totalling 120 employees. , Leaders were selected as purposive sample amounting (10), within the sample to investigate the importance of sustainable development from their perspective because they develop strategies of public policies related to national national agenda and government trends within all working methodologies. The study used questionnaire as a tool to gather information. The study found that there is an impact of CSR on excellence and also found the that there is a relationship between social responsibility and sustainable development as well as having the effect of excellence on sustainable development. The study recommended the management of land and Survey Department to empower staff; in order to enhance the work environment and the application of the principle of equality of opportunity and to authorize powers. And to review the laws and legislation that govern department work in line with national developments and aspirations in Jordan, and enhance the investment climate for investors, whether internal or external; in order to support economic development in Jordan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Osunyikanmi Pius Olakunle

<em>Issues relating to good governance and development have been pushed to the forefront of world affairs, largely because of the wave of the democracy movement now blowing soothingly across the whole length and breadth of the international community. Good governance and development are dividends of democracy that are of great interest to the democratic family. The paper attempts to critically examine the intimate relationship between good governance and development with particular reference to Nigeria as a case study. Abundant literature on the subject matter reveals that democracy and good governance provide an enabling environment for development to take place, and that the role of political leadership in realizing all of this is critical. It is recommended, among other things, that (1) the intellectual class should be involved in the country’s development plan; (2) there is the urgent need to create a virile but flexible work force that can initiate and execute development plans; and (3) efforts must be made to embark on capacity building of all the institutions of governance so that they can perform their roles optimally for the benefit of the country.</em>

2020 ◽  
AbdulGhani Gaghman

Governance has become one of the most important concepts in developing countries. Consequently, many countries are trying to pursue good governance and adoption according to the established concept of governance in order to achieve the desired sustainable economic growth and development. Yemeni economy has been in deep recession due to Saudi alliance war since March 2015. Once the war stops, restructuring economy required a new development approach with firm and well define good governance principles aiming to achieve Sustainable Development goals. Yemen as one of the least developing country, not all of its efforts to move ahead economically have been successful. There is more than one reason for its failure to achieve sustainable economic development, but one is absence of good governance. International organizations, donors, and researchers have prescribed good governance as a solution to persistent development problems. This paper is an attempt to enrich this subject, at least in part, by examining the value of adopting good governance on achieving sustainable development. Based on research findings and learning from other countries experience, development progress and challenges, general framework to implement good governance has been recommended to be consider in the future national development agenda to tolerate achieving sustainable development. Building human capacity is one of the key requirements needed to make a qualitative shift towards sustainable development. The current situation of sustainable development and governance in Yemen as a case study has been reviewed in an explanatory methodologies using regional statistics and global database such as UN organizations, World Bank, HDI, SDGs and Governance indicators to examine the progress made over the last decade. Paper recommended practical steps and actions to be taken to help the official government to reform the current institutional arrangements at the regional as well as national levels, such as adopt governance principles, long term planning, and establishing “High Councils for good governance” to ensure integrated policy formulation, adequate cooperation and coordination among different government entities, and between the government and non-state stakeholders. These recommendations and result have been presented to the Yemeni official government and economic institutions aiming to be integrated in the reform strategies, in particular in the Yemen National Development Strategy (2030). Based on research findings and learning from other countries experience, development progress and challenges, general framework to implement good governance has been recommended to be consider in the future national development agenda to achieve sustainable development.   Keywords: Sustainable Development, Good Governance, Economic Reform, Yemen, SDGs

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 158-184
John Njovu

Without active civil society and their evaluations, Zambia would still be a colonised nation. It is the welfare societies and cultural groups of indigenous Africans that were the foundation for the political movements that fought for its independence from the British. After political independence, civil society grew because of the 1970s global oil and financial crises. This was to mitigate the adverse effects on ordinary citizens of the conditionality of borrowing from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and developed nations. The increase in foreign development assistance led to an increase in development projects and programmes along with their associated internal management requirements for monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Government, during this time, also started to formulate plans and programmes that required components of M&E (for example, poverty reduction strategies). After the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, M&E rose to prominence in Zambia’s national development processes. Civil society played a major role in the return to multi-party democracy politics of Zambia in 1991. Post 1991, it began to also play a major role in M&E governance and ensuring that the democratic gains of 1991 were protected. Part of the demand for external M&E capacity development was to enhance its watchdog role over the Zambian government. Though the government recognises civil society as a partner in national democratic processes, it is sometimes mistrustful and hostile to evaluation revelations that are critical of government. There remains a need to strengthen this partnership to ensure that national evaluation capacities are developed. Improved capacities will in turn lead to good governance and public service delivery in Zambia. In this way, sustainable development goals will be attained, and no one will be left behind.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nur Hayana ◽  
Wahidmurni Wahidmurni

<p><em>Pondok Pesantren have contributed a lot in national development, including in terms of creating an independent workforce. One of them is to equip santri with entrepreneurial competencies. The aim of the study was to reveal the Kyai's strategy in empowering entrepreneurship of santri, Kyai's leadership style in empowering santri entrepreneurship, and the implications of Kyai's leadership in empowering santri entrepreneurship. A qualitative approach to the type of multisite case study was applied in the study. Data was collected by conducting in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation studies. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The technique of checking the validity of research findings using triangulation of data sources and data collection techniques. The results showed that the strategies implemented by the Kyai in empowering santri entrepreneurship were carried out by giving an example of entrepreneurship, providing field learning, giving assignments in the pesantren business unit and providing motivation; the leadership style applied is a blend of democratic, transformative and charismatic leadership styles; the implication is that santri have a spirit of entrepreneurs.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Endang Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Fatmawati Fatmawati

The purpose of this study was to determain the application of the principles of participation, responsibility, accountability, and transparancy in financial management starting from planning, implementation, administration, reporting, and accountability in  Kuala Alam Village, Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency. This type of research is qualitative with a case study. Data collection techniques performed consisted of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the village government of Kuala Alam is responsible to the community, the BPD, the Regent to compile a work plan that has been prepared during the village meeting. Openness in obtaining information that has been conveyed to the public consists of billboards containing information about the APBDes. At the time of planning the village government of Kuala Alam had conducted a musrenbang involving the community. When implementing Kasi and Kaur, they must be responsible for the tasks that have been given in accordance with the standards and regulations. While at the reporting and accountability stage the Kuala Alam village government has provided reports to the Regent through the Camat and BPD as community participants. In addition the village government of Kuala Alam installed billboards in front of the Kuala Alam village office to make it easier for the people of Kuala Alam to obtain information.  So that with this research both the community and the Kuala Alam Village Government can cooperate with each other in conducting supervision on village financial management in order to create good governance.Keywords: Management; Participation; Responsibility; Accountability; Transparency. AbstrakPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengungkap penerapan prinsip partisipasi, responsibilitas, akuntabilitas, dan transparansi dalam pengelolaan keuangan desa dimulai pada tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, Penatausahaan, Pelaporan, dan pertanggungjawaban di Desa Kuala Alam Kecamatan Bengkalis Kabupaten Bengkalis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah desa Kuala Alam bertanggungjawab kepada masyarakat, BPD, Bupati untuk melaksanakan rencana kerja kegiatan yang telah disusun pada saat musyawarah desa. Keterbukaan dalam mendapatkan informasi yang telah disusun disampaikan kepada masyarakat berupa baliho yang berisi informasi tentang APBDesa. Pada saat perencanaan pemerintah desa Kuala Alam sudah melakukan Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan melibatkan masyarakat. Pada saat pelaksanaan Kasi dan Kaur sudah bertanggungjawab atas tugas yang telah diberikan yaitu sesuai dengan standar dan aturan yang berlaku. Dalam tahap penatausahan pemerintah desa sudah melakukan pembukuan dengan tertib. Sedangkan pada tahap pelaporan dan pertanggungjawaban pemerintah desa Kuala Alam sudah memberikan laporan kepada Bupati melalui Camat dan BPD sebagai perwakilan masyarakat. Selain itu pemerintah Desa Kuala Alam memasang baliho didepan kantor desa Kuala Alam agar mempermudah masyarakat Kuala Alam untuk memperoleh informasi. Sehingga dengan adanya penelitian ini baik masyarakat maupun Pemerintah Desa Kuala Alam bisa saling bekerjasama dalam melakukan pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan keuangan desa agar terciptanya Good Governance yang baik.Kata Kunci: Pengelolaan; Partisipasi; Responsibilitas; Akuntabilitas; Transparansi.

Wapula N. Raditloaneng ◽  
Morgen Chawawa ◽  
Rakel Kavena Shalyefu

The challenge for African universities is to refocus their research and teaching missions to transform and revitalize the relationship between higher education and national development needs. Funded by British Academy African Partnerships (BAAP) programme, the University of Botswana, in partnership with The National University of Lesotho, University of Malawi and Calabar University in Nigeria, carried out 18 months of collaborative research project aimed at determining the implementation of Third Mission of Universities through rural community training and leadership. One of the two case studies, in D'Kar by Kellogg, in partnership with BA ISAGO University College yielded some very useful results. This included the necessity to build community leadership for sustainable development and the beginning of the poverty reduction process to take place.

Wapula N. Raditloaneng ◽  
Morgen Chawawa ◽  
Rakel Kavena Shalyefu

The challenge for African universities is to refocus their research and teaching missions to transform and revitalize the relationship between higher education and national development needs. Funded by British Academy African Partnerships (BAAP) programme, the University of Botswana, in partnership with The National University of Lesotho, University of Malawi and Calabar University in Nigeria, carried out 18 months of collaborative research project aimed at determining the implementation of Third Mission of Universities through rural community training and leadership. One of the two case studies, in D'Kar by Kellogg, in partnership with BA ISAGO University College yielded some very useful results. This included the necessity to build community leadership for sustainable development and the beginning of the poverty reduction process to take place.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3/4) ◽  
pp. 1
Chamhuri Siwar

This paper addresses the issue of good governance for poverty alleviation, citing Malaysia as a case study. Malaysia has experienced sustainable growth along with impressive record of poverty reduction. This has been made possible through good governance and pragmatic pro-growth and distribution policies, strategies and programs for poverty alleviation which was implemented since the era of the New Economic Policy (NEP, 1971-1990), National Development Plan (1991-2000) and will be carried over to National Vision Plan (NVP, 2001-2010). The good governance incorporates an enabling policy framework for poverty alleviation which includes the supportive role of the state, effective delivery system embodying an efficient planning and implementation machinery, incorporating top-down and bottom-up processes of strategic planning, targeting and participation, effective implementation coordination, monitoring and evaluation. The public sector has to shoulder good governance by efforts to improve the public service delivery system to make it more efficient, transparent and accountable. Direct targeting of beneficiaries results from identification of the poor and hardcore poor by rural and urban strata and states, supported by a specialized delivery system of a microcredit program, minimizes leakages of poverty alleviation program’s allocations and benefits. Pragmatic pro-growth and distribution policies and strategies in 5-year development plans ensures effective poverty alleviation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Fulatul Anifah ◽  
Djaswadi Dasuki ◽  
Herlin Fitriana K ◽  
Atik Triratnawati

Objectives: To explore the relationship of family structure and parenting style with adolescent pregnancy in SurabayaMaterials and Methods: This research uses mix methods approach with case-control design and case study. Data were collected by questionnaire and in-dept interview guidelines. This study involved 46 adolescent (23 cases and 23 control) by purpossive sampling and 6 adolescents as main participants. Quantitative data were analyzed on univariable, bivariable with chi square and multivariable with multiple logistic regression with p=0,05 and CI 95%. Qualitative data were analyzed by in-depth interviewResults: Family stucture were not statistically significant (OR 10.53; CI 0.657-168.93), but socially meaningful. There is not statistically significant between parenting style with adolescent pregnancy (OR 1.191; CI 0.373-3.806). Other factors that have a significant relationship with adolescent pregnancy is education of responden (OR 559.76; CI 3.608-23026.4). There is no statis-tically significant in education father, education mother, employment status and where they living. Parenting style can be influenced by communication between parents and adolescent.Conclusions: Risk of adolescent pregnancy on people who have low education. Adolescents from extended family and single parent have a role to the incidence of teenage pregnancy.

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