Literature Review: Pengaruh Terapi Guided Imagery Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Pada Pasien Gastritis

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1071-1078
Vivi Umaroh ◽  
Benny Arief Sulistyanto

AbstractGastritis is an inflammation that occurs in the gastric mucosa that is acute, chronic, diffuse or local, with characteristics of anorexia, feeling of bloating, discomfort in the epigastrium, nausea and vomiting. Gastritis pain is described as a burning sensation. Pain can be treated with non-pharmacological therapy, namely guided imagery therapy. Guided imagery is an imagination that is specifically designed to achieve a positive effect by imagining fun things that will make the musclesmore relaxed and the response to the image will be clearer. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of guided imagery therapy in reducing pain. The researched method was a literature review from a database that had been determined used the keywords gastritis, guided imagery, and pain. The result obtained after a literature review was carried out on the three articles showed that the guided imagery therapy had significant effect on relieving gastric pain.. In conclusion, guided imagery therapy can reduce pain in gastritis gastritis patients. Suggestions for nurses to be able to apply guided imagery therapy to reduce pain in gastritis patients.Keyword: Gastritis, Guided Imagery, Pain AbstrakGastritis merupakan peradangan yang terjadi pada mukosa lambung yang bersifat akut, kronik difus atau lokal, dengan karakteristik anoreksia, terasa begah, ketidaknyamanan pada epigastrium, mual serta muntah. Nyeri gastritis digambarkan seperti rasa panas yang mengganggu. Nyeri dapat ditangani dengan terapi non farmakologi yaitu terapi guided Imagery. Guided imagery adalah imajinasi yang dirancang khusus untuk mencapai efek positif yang dilakukan dengan cara membayangkan hal-hal yang menyenangkan yang akan membuat otot-otot lebih rileks dan respon terhadap bayangan akan semakin jelas. Tujuan penelitian karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh terapi guided imagery dalam menurunkan nyeri. Metode penelitian ini yaitu literature review dari 3 artikel melalui database yang telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan kata kunci Gastritis, Guided Imagery, Nyeri. Hasil yang didapat setelah dilakukan literature review pada ketiga artikel menunjukan terjadi pengaruh terapi guided imageryterhadap penurunan nyeri pada pasien gastritis. Simpulan terapi guided imagery dapat menurunkan nyeri pada pasien gastritis. Saran kepada perawat agar mampu menerapkan terapi guided imagery untuk menurunkan nyeri pada pasien gastritis.Kata kunci: Gastritis; guided Imagery; nyeri

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-65
Ni Luh Putu Dian Yunita Sari ◽  
Etty Rekawati

Background: Elderly as one of vulnerable population has experienced several risk of cardiovascular system disturbance such as hypertension. Hypertension be non communicable disease most suffered elderly in some countries. Objective: This literature review aimed at describing the effect of traditional music therapy on blood pressure among elderly with hypertension. Method: This study carried out from databases such as EBSCOhost, Scopus, Pubmed, ProQuest, Science Direct and Sage with limited years of an article published in the last ten years (2008-2018). Result: Fifteen most relevant articles were extracted in this study and found that traditional music therapy provide a positive effect to decrease blood pressure’s elderly with hypertension and this finding explained clearly with Roy’s Adaptation Model. Conclusion: Traditional music therapy provides a positive effect in lowering blood pressure’s elderly with hypertension. This therapy can be given as single intervention or collaboration with other non pharmacological therapy such as calisthenics, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, lifestyle modifications and walking-based exercise.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Nurma Afiani

Asthma is a disease of the respiratory tract that can be caused by multifactor. Psychological stress may be one trigger of asthma attacks. One of the psychological therapies that can be performed on patients with asthma is guided imagery. The method used in this study is a literature review as a basis for research to be conducted. The study of literature shows that there is a positive effect of guided imagery therapy against one of the lung function parameters forced expiratory lung capacity (force expiratory volume / FEV). Complementary therapies guided imagery is in line with medical treatment by other health care team to achieve optimal patient conditions

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Sokratis Tselegkaridis ◽  
Theodosios Sapounidis

Educational robotics (ER) seems to have a positive effect on students and, in many cases, might help them to successfully assimilate knowledge and skills. Thus, this paper focuses on ER and carries out a literature review on educational robotics simulators with Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). The review searches for relevant papers which were published in the period 2013–2020 and extracted the characteristics of the simulators used. The simulators that we describe in this article cover various robotic technologies, offering students an easy way to engage with virtual robots and robotics mechanisms, such as wheeled robots or drones. Using these simulators, students might cover their educational needs or prepare themselves for educational robotic competitions by working in as realistic as possible conditions without hardware restrictions. In many cases, simulators might reduce the required cost to obtain a robotic system and increase availability. Focusing on educational robotics simulators, this paper presents seventeen simulators emphasizing key features such as: user’s age, robot’s type and programming language, development platform, capabilities, and scope of the simulator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 344-355
Lilis Lismayanti ◽  
Andika Abdul Malik ◽  
Nida Siti Padilah ◽  
Fidya Anisa Firdaus ◽  
Henri Setiawan

Hyperthermia increased the core human body temperature above normal 36.7-37.5 °C, usually caused by infection, resulting in fever, and was the most common manifestation. One of the efforts that could be done to overcome the symptoms of hyperthermia was the application of warm compresses to the frontal, axillary, and dorsalis pedis. The study aimed to describe body temperature changes in hyperthermic patients after warm compress was applied. This study used a descriptive design with a literature review approach. Twelve articles were included in this review by six journal databases: PubMed, JSTOR, Wiley Online Library, Sage Journal, Taylor and Francis Online, and Google Scholar. The selection was carried out by assessing articles that met the inclusion criteria, including the publication range for 2008-2021, English and Indonesian languages ??, and open access to full-text pdf. The critical assessment was carried out by using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programmed instrument. The review results showed that the warm compress method had a positive effect in lowering body temperature in the nursing process in patients with hyperthermia. Based on the literature from the reviewed articles, it could be concluded that a warm compress intervention needed to be given to hyperthermic patients to lower the patient's body temperature whether they were undergoing treatment or not

e-CliniC ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Jessica F. Rorrong ◽  
John J. E. Wantania ◽  
Anastasi M. Lumentut

Abstract: Nausea and vomiting are common problems in early pregnancy. Symptoms of nausea and vomiting in pregnant women that persist and get worse are called hyperemesis gravidarum. The causes of hyperemesis gravidarum are not exactly known, but it is supposed that they could be caused inter alia by psychological factors. This study was aimed to determine the relationship between the psychological state of pregnant women and the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum. This was a literature review study by using three databases, namely Google Scholar, ClinicalKey, and Pubmed. The keywords used were psychological AND hyperemesis gravidarum. The result showed that the psychological conditions assessed in most literatures were anxiety disorders, depression, and stress. Pregnant women who suffered from anxiety and stress could trigger or worsen the depression. The higher level of anxiety would increase the chance of suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. Therefore, pregnant women need additional psychological support during treatment and as a follow-up for pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum. In conclusion, the psychological state of pregnant women is related to the incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum.Keywords: psychological, hyperemesis gravidarum, nausea and vomiting Abstrak: Mual dan muntah merupakan masalah yang biasa terjadi pada awal kehamilan. Gejala mual dan muntah pada ibu hamil yang menetap dan bahkan bertambah berat disebut hiperemesis gravidarum. Faktor pemicu terjadinya hiperemesis gravidarum pada ibu hamil belum diketahui secara pasti, tetapi diperkirakan antara lain oleh faktor psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan keadaan psikologis ibu hamil dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review dengan pencarian data menggunakan tiga database yaitu Google Scholar, ClinicalKey, dan Pubmed. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu psikologis /psychological AND hiperemesis gravidarum/hyperemesis gravidarum. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa kondisi psikologis yang dinilai pada sebagian besar literatur yang dikaji ialah mengenai gangguan kecemasan, depresi, dan stres. Ibu hamil yang mengalami cemas dan stres dapat memicu atau memperburuk terjadinya depresi. Tingkat kecemasan yang semakin tinggi akan meningkatkan peluang untuk mengalami hiperemesis gravidarum sehingga diperlukan dukungan psikologis tambahan selama perawatan dan sebagai tindak lanjut ibu hamil dengan hiperemesis gravidarum. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah keadaan psikologis ibu hamil berhubungan dengan kejadian hiperemesis gravidarum. Kata kunci: psikologis, hiperemesis gravidarum, mual dan muntah

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Prashant Kumar Gupta ◽  
Seema Sharma

PurposeThe authors present a systematic literature review on microfinance institutions’ (MFIs) effect on poverty and how they can ensure their sustainability. The purpose of this article is to review the effect of MFIs on poverty in South Asian countries. The analysis and review of the selected corpus of literature also provide avenues for future research.Design/methodology/approachA total of 95 papers from 49 journals in 4 academic libraries and publishers were systematically studied and classified. The authors define the keywords and the inclusion/exclusion criteria for the identification of papers. The review includes an analysis of the selected papers that give insights about publications with respect to themes, number of themes covered in individual publications, nations, scope, methodology, number of methods used and publication trend.FindingsThe literature indicates the positive effect of microfinance on poverty but with a varying degree on various categories of poor. The relation between poverty and microfinance is, however, dependent on the nation under the scanner. While sustainability and outreach co-exist, their trade-off is still a matter of debate.Originality/valueThis is the first systematic literature review on MFIs’ effect on poverty in South Asian nations. Additionally, the authors discuss the literature on the trade-off between sustainability and outreach for MFIs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Grace Benedikta Polii ◽  
Syenshie Virgini Wetik

Anxiety is a reaction to psychological disorders experienced by most patients in the face of surgery. Signs and symptoms are tremors, tachycardia, nervousness, insomnia, sweating and shortness of breath. The preoperative patient anxiety level is in the category of severe, moderate. If it is not handled properly, it will have a negative impact on the operation process that will be carried out by the patient so that relaxation measures are needed so that the patient can control his anxiety. One recommended therapy is guided imagery. Various studies have been conducted to prove its effect. The objective of this research was to analyze effects of guided imagery towards anxiety level decrease on pre-operative patients. This research used literature review design, database used were 2018- 2020 Google Scholar. Research populations were all research journals regarding effects of guided imagery and progressive relaxation towards anxiety level decrease on pre-operative patients using flow diagrams technique (data synthesis) thus n-value was obtained = 3. Analyzed journals result showed that there was a decrease in anxiety level of pre-operative patients after guided was given. Guided imagery affected the decrease of anxiety level on pre-operative patients. Kecemasan merupakan reaksi psikologis yang dialami oleh sebagian besar pasien dalam menghadapi operasi. Hal ini ditandai dengan gerakan tremor, takikardi, gelisah, susah tidur, berkeringat dan sesak nafas. Kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh pasien pra-operasi berada pada kategori berat, sedang. Apabila tidak teratasi dengan baik, maka akan menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi proses operasi yang akan dijalankan pasien sehingga dibutuhkan tindakan norfarmakologi berupa pemberian tindakan rileksasi pada pasien agar pasien mampu mengontrol perasaan cemas yang dirasakannya. Salah satu terapi yang direkomendasikan adalah guided imagery. Berbagai penelitian telah dilakukan untuk membuktikan pengaruhnya.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh guided imagery terhadap tingkat kecemasan pasien pra-operasi.  Penelitian ini menggunakan desain literature review dengan jenis database yang digunakan, yaitu Google Scholar tahun 2018-2020. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh jurnal penelitian tentang pengaruh terapi guided imagery terhadap tingkat kecemasan pasien pra-operasi dengan menggunakan teknik diagram flow (sintesis data) sehingga didapatkan n = 3. Hasil analisis jurnal penelitian menunjukan bahwa guided imagery efektif menurunkan kecemasan pasien pra-operasi.

This chapter examines the related literatures and theories for technology-enhanced language instruction. Blended learning, as computer-assisted instruction, has a positive effect on students' learning performances. The research on long-term applications of blended learning in language instruction in middle schools and its effects is hard to find. Nevertheless, some defects exist in the few studies. In China there are much fewer empirical studies on the effects of blended learning on language learning represented by examination scores. Vocabulary learning is essential to English learning and requires the mastery of the pronunciation, spelling, and meaning. Computer-assisted vocabulary learning can provide choice and cloze questions regarding the pronunciation, spelling, and meaning, and give the students instant feedback and grading. The literature review suggests that a quasi-experiment for at least one school term or even longer time in different schools located in various areas is valuable to assure the results' reliability.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-18 ◽  
Jing-Yu Tan ◽  
Alexander Molassiotis ◽  
Tao Wang ◽  
Lorna K. P. Suen

Auricular therapy (AT) has been historically viewed as a convenient approach adjunct to pharmacological therapy for cancer patients with chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). The aim of this study was to assess the evidence of the therapeutic effect of AT for CINV management in cancer patients. Relevant randomized controlled trials were retrieved from 12 electronic databases without language restrictions. Meanwhile, manual search was conducted for Chinese journals on complementary medicine published within the last five years, and the reference lists of included studies were also checked to identify any possible eligible studies. Twenty-one studies with 1713 participants were included. The effect rate of AT for managing acute CINV ranged from 44.44% to 93.33% in the intervention groups and 15% to 91.67% in the control groups. For delayed CINV, it was 62.96% to 100% and 25% to 100%, respectively. AT seems to be a promising approach in managing CINV. However, the level of evidence was low and the definite effect cannot be concluded as there were significant methodological flaws identified in the analyzed studies. The implications drawn from the 21 studies put some clues for future practice in this area including the need to conduct more rigorously designed randomized controlled trials.

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