2022 ◽  
Vol 509 (2) ◽  
Nguyễn Huy Hoàng ◽  
Nguyễn Thị Đoan Trinh ◽  
Hoàng Thị Minh Hòa ◽  
Lê Nguyễn Nguyên Hạ ◽  
Nguyễn Thị Anh Chi ◽  
E Coli ◽  

Đặt vấn đề: Nhiễm trùng tiết niệu là một bệnh lý thường gặp ở mọi lứa tuổi nhưng đặc biệt cao ở nữ giới và nhóm tuổi đang hoạt động sinh dục, ở người có thai, phụ nữ mãn kinh. Mục tiêu: Xác định tỷ lệ nhiễm trùng tiết niệu ở phụ nữ mang thai đến khám tại bệnh viện Phụ Sản – Nhi Đà Nẵng và tìm hiểu một số yếu tố liên quan đến nhiễm trùng tiết niệu ở thai phụ. Phương pháp: Nghiên cứu mô tả cắt ngang trên 149 phụ nữ mang thai đến khám tại bệnh viện Phụ sản - Nhi Đà Nẵng từ 01- 06/2020. Các thai phụ được phỏng vấn, thăm khám và làm xét nghiệm nước tiểu nhằm xác định tỉ lệ nhiễm trùng tiết niệu, khảo sát tác nhân gây bệnh và các yếu tố liên quan. Kết quả: Tỷ lệ NTTN ở thai phụ là 13,4% trong đó đều là nhiễm trùng niệu không triệu chứng. Tác nhân gây NTTN là Staphylococcus 60,0%; tiếp theo là S. aureus 25,0%; E. coli 5,0%; K. pneumoniae 5,0% và Candida sp 5,0%. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy NTTN không có mối liên quan với tuổi, nghề nghiệp, trình độ học vấn, thai kỳ, số lần mang thai, số lần vệ sinh sinh dục trong ngày. Kết luận: Tỷ lệ NTTN không triệu chứng ở phụ nữ mang thai đến khám tại bệnh viện Phụ sản - Nhi Đà Nẵng là 13,4%  và chưa tìm thấy các yếu tố liên quan đến nhiễm trùng niệu ở thai phụ.

Sari Pediatri ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Johanes Edy S ◽  
Ferdy H ◽  
Latre B

Latar belakang. Angka kematian neonatus masih tinggi terutama di negara berkembang dan salah satupenyebabnya adalah infeksi dan sepsis. Untuk penanganan yang tepat dan akurat maka pemeriksaan biakandarah, urin, dan cairan tubuh lainnya dianggap penting karena dapat mengetahui kuman penyebab infeksidan juga jenis antibiotika yang sensitif. Pola kuman tidak selalu sama untuk satu periode waktu, hal inimungkin disebabkan oleh karena penggunaan antibiotika yang semakin luas.Tujuan. Mendapatkan data survailans pola mikroorganisme guna meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dalammanajemen bayi risiko tinggi yang dirawat di ruang neonatal.Metode. Studi observasional potong lintang pada bayi risiko tinggi yang tercatat di Bagian NeonatologiRumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda (RSAB) Harapan Kita dari Januari sampai Desember 2004. Pengambilansampel darah atau cairan tubuh lainnya dari bayi yang dicurigai infeksi. Dicatat data antara lain temperatur,frekuensi nafas, frekuensi nadi & denyut jantung, aktivitas menyusui & menangis, umur kehamilan danberat badan, lama dari ketuban pecah dini, warna cairan ketuban, cairan lambung, darah lengkap termasukneutropil granulotoksik, C-reactive protein dan prognosis.Hasil. Jumlah subyek 1331 bayi, ditemukan 264 (47,4%) kuman pada biakan darah dan cairan tubuhlainnya (Serratia sp, K. pneumoniae, E. aerogenes, Klebsiella sp, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, S. epidermidis,S. pyogenes, Cansdida sp) di UPIN. Sedangkan di intermediate ward ditemukan 164 (34,9%) kuman(Serratia sp, K. pneumoniae, E. aerogenes, E. coli pathogen, Pseudomonas sp, Proteus mirabilis, S. aureus,S. epidermidis, S viridans, Candida sp).Kesimpulan. Keberhasilan penemuan hasil biakan kuman dari darah atau cairan tubuh lain sangat pentinguntuk membantu dalam peningkatan pelayanan medis dengan memberikan antibiotik yang tepat. Hasilbiakan kuman terkait dengan kecepatan, ketepatan dalam pengambilan sampel, penyimpanan, danpengiriman bahan ke laboratorium

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S158-S158
Sujeet Govindan ◽  
Luke Strnad

Abstract Background Apart from Staphylococcus aureus and Candida species, there is little guidance on whether to obtain repeat blood cultures after an initial positive set. We have noted heterogeneity in practice amongst our Infectious Disease (ID) group at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) and suspect there is heterogeneity amongst adult hospitalist providers as well. Methods We created a survey using clinical vignettes encompassing commonly encountered scenarios among hospitalized patients on medical wards to assess provider practices in obtaining repeat blood cultures. The survey was sent to adult ID providers and adult hospitalist providers at OHSU. These vignettes represented 9 of the most common bacteria seen in positive blood cultures and asked the question of whether providers would obtain repeat blood cultures after an initial positive set. The organisms included beta hemolytic streptococcus, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus gallolyticus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, alpha hemolytic strep, E coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacteroides fragilis. We then asked questions around repeat blood culture practices for Staphylococcus aureus and Candida species, understanding that while repeat blood cultures for these organisms is recommended, the manner in which individual providers implement this may vary. Results The survey response rate was ~45%. Results were heterogenous with only 3 questions having inter- and intra- group agreement. Those 3 questions represented a case of E faecalis bacteremia without known source, a case of asymptomatic Staphylococcus epidermidis blood culture positivity, and a case of E. coli bacteremia from a pyelonephritis. All other vignettes had inter- and intra- group differences signifying clinical uncertainty around the practice of obtaining repeat blood cultures. There was similar heterogeneity among the responses asking how providers obtain repeat blood cultures around S. aureus and Candida bloodstream infections. Clinical vignette survey answers Answers from 10 clinical vignettes on obtaining repeat blood cultures after an initial positive set for stable patients on medical wards. Staphylococcus aureus Candida sp Conclusion There is significant heterogeneity amongst adult ID and hospitalist providers on what organisms and situations should prompt repeat blood cultures. There are differences around how repeat blood cultures should be obtained, including for Staphylococcus aureus and Candida sp. Disclosures All Authors: No reported disclosures

D. E. Philpott ◽  
A. Takahashi

Two month, eight month and two year old rats were treated with 10 or 20 mg/kg of E. Coli endotoxin I. P. The eight month old rats proved most resistant to the endotoxin. During fixation the aorta, carotid artery, basil arartery of the brain, coronary vessels of the heart, inner surfaces of the heart chambers, heart and skeletal muscle, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, brain, retina, trachae, intestine, salivary gland, adrenal gland and gingiva were treated with ruthenium red or alcian blue to preserve the mucopolysaccharide (MPS) coating. Five, 8 and 24 hrs of endotoxin treatment produced increasingly marked capillary damage, disappearance of the MPS coating, edema, destruction of endothelial cells and damage to the basement membrane in the liver, kidney and lung.

James A. Lake

The understanding of ribosome structure has advanced considerably in the last several years. Biochemists have characterized the constituent proteins and rRNA's of ribosomes. Complete sequences have been determined for some ribosomal proteins and specific antibodies have been prepared against all E. coli small subunit proteins. In addition, a number of naturally occuring systems of three dimensional ribosome crystals which are suitable for structural studies have been observed in eukaryotes. Although the crystals are, in general, too small for X-ray diffraction, their size is ideal for electron microscopy.

Manfred E. Bayer

Bacterial viruses adsorb specifically to receptors on the host cell surface. Although the chemical composition of some of the cell wall receptors for bacteriophages of the T-series has been described and the number of receptor sites has been estimated to be 150 to 300 per E. coli cell, the localization of the sites on the bacterial wall has been unknown.When logarithmically growing cells of E. coli are transferred into a medium containing 20% sucrose, the cells plasmolize: the protoplast shrinks and becomes separated from the somewhat rigid cell wall. When these cells are fixed in 8% Formaldehyde, post-fixed in OsO4/uranyl acetate, embedded in Vestopal W, then cut in an ultramicrotome and observed with the electron microscope, the separation of protoplast and wall becomes clearly visible, (Fig. 1, 2). At a number of locations however, the protoplasmic membrane adheres to the wall even under the considerable pull of the shrinking protoplast. Thus numerous connecting bridges are maintained between protoplast and cell wall. Estimations of the total number of such wall/membrane associations yield a number of about 300 per cell.

John L.Beggs ◽  
John D. Waggener ◽  
Wanda Miller ◽  
Jane Watkins

Studies using mesenteric and ear chamber preparations have shown that interendothelial junctions provide the route for neutrophil emigration during inflammation. The term emigration refers to the passage of white blood cells across the endothelium from the vascular lumen. Although the precise pathway of transendo- thelial emigration in the central nervous system (CNS) has not been resolved, the presence of different physiological and morphological (tight junctions) properties of CNS endothelium may dictate alternate emigration pathways.To study neutrophil emigration in the CNS, we induced meningitis in guinea pigs by intracisternal injection of E. coli bacteria.In this model, leptomeningeal inflammation is well developed by 3 hr. After 3 1/2 hr, animals were sacrificed by arterial perfusion with 3% phosphate buffered glutaraldehyde. Tissues from brain and spinal cord were post-fixed in 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated in alcohols and propylene oxide, and embedded in Epon. Thin serial sections were cut with diamond knives and examined in a Philips 300 electron microscope.

J. P. Petrali ◽  
E. J. Donati ◽  
L. A. Sternberger

Specific contrast is conferred to subcellular antigen by applying purified antibodies, exhaustively labeled with uranium under immunospecific protection, to ultrathin sections. Use of Seligman’s principle of bridging osmium to metal via thiocarbohydrazide (TCH) intensifies specific contrast. Ultrathin sections of osmium-fixed materials were stained on the grid by application of 1) thiosemicarbazide (TSC), 2) unlabeled specific antiserum, 3) uranium-labeled anti-antibody and 4) TCH followed by reosmication. Antigens to be localized consisted of vaccinia antigen in infected HeLa cells, lysozyme in monocytes of patients with monocytic or monomyelocytic leukemia, and fibrinogen in the platelets of these leukemic patients. Control sections were stained with non-specific antiserum (E. coli).In the vaccinia-HeLa system, antigen was localized from 1 to 3 hours following infection, and was confined to degrading virus, the inner walls of numerous organelles, and other structures in cytoplasmic foci. Surrounding architecture and cellular mitochondria were unstained. 8 to 14 hours after infection, antigen was localized on the outer walls of the viral progeny, on cytoplasmic membranes, and free in the cytoplasm. Staining of endoplasmic reticulum was intense and focal early, and weak and diffuse late in infection.

M. Boublik ◽  
R.M. Wydro ◽  
W. Hellmann ◽  
F. Jenkins

Ribosomes are ribonucleoprotein particles necessary for processing the genetic information of mRNA into proteins. Analogy in composition and function of ribosomes from diverse species, established by biochemical and biological assays, implies their structural similarity. Direct evidence obtained by electron microscopy seems to be of increasing relevance in understanding the structure of ribosomes and the mechanism of their role in protein synthesis.The extent of the structural homology between prokaryotic and eukaryotic ribosomes has been studied on ribosomes of Escherichia coli (E.c.) and Artemia salina (A.s.). Despite the established differences in size and in the amount and proportion of ribosomal proteins and RNAs both types of ribosomes show an overall similarity. The monosomes (stained with 0.5% aqueous uranyl acetate and deposited on a fine carbon support) appear in the electron micrographs as round particles with a diameter of approximately 225Å for the 70S E.c. (Fig. 1) and 260Å for the 80S A.s. monosome (Fig. 2).

E. Loren Buhle ◽  
Pamela Rew ◽  
Ueli Aebi

While DNA-dependent RNA polymerase represents one of the key enzymes involved in transcription and ultimately in gene expression in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells, little progress has been made towards elucidation of its 3-D structure at the molecular level over the past few years. This is mainly because to date no 3-D crystals suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis have been obtained with this rather large (MW ~500 kd) multi-subunit (α2ββ'ζ). As an alternative, we have been trying to form ordered arrays of RNA polymerase from E. coli suitable for structural analysis in the electron microscope combined with image processing. Here we report about helical polymers induced from holoenzyme (α2ββ'ζ) at low ionic strength with 5-7 mM MnCl2 (see Fig. 1a). The presence of the ζ-subunit (MW 86 kd) is required to form these polymers, since the core enzyme (α2ββ') does fail to assemble into such structures under these conditions.

T.W. Smith ◽  
J.A. Roberts ◽  
B.J. Martin

Chronic pyelonephritis is one of the most common diseases of the kidney and accounts for a sizeable number of cases of renal insufficiency in man, however its pathogenesis requires further elucidation. Transmission electron microscopy may serve as a uniquely effective means of observing details of the nature of this disease. The present paper describes preliminary results of an ultrastructural study of chronic pyelonephritis in Macaca arctoides (stumptail monkey).The infection was induced in these experiments in a retrograde fashion by means of a unilateral catheterization of the left ureter whereby an innoculum of 10 cc of broth containing approximately 2 billion E. coli per cc and radio-opaque dye were injected under pressure (mimicing vesico-ureteric reflux).

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