scholarly journals Features of the formation and development of the Scout Movement in Russia and abroad

Л.Р. Тухватуллина

Актуальность исследования данной проблемы обусловлена быстрым вхождением цифровизации во все сферы человеческой жизни, что многие процессы социальной адаптации подрастающего поколения не успевают принимать ту форму, при которой молодые люди могли гармонично развиваться как в умственном, так и в физическом, духовном и психологическом аспекте. В связи с этим, данная статья направлена на ознакомление с историей Скаутского движения в России и мира, а также возможности реализации идей Скаутинга в воспитании подрастающего поколения и развития их физических и интеллектуальных способностей, а также активного участия в жизни общества, социального взаимодействия не только в масштабах одной семьи, класса, но и всей страны, мира. В статье рассмотрены истоки зарождения Скаутинга, выделены особенности его развития за рубежом, характеризующиеся формированием экологической этики, равенства между взрослыми и детьми и подготовкой молодежи к взаимодействию с социумом. Автором предложена периодизация, и выявлены отличительные особенности в развитии Скаутского движения в отечественной практике, характеризующиеся выделением пяти этапов в развитии Скаутинга, для каждого из которых характерны свои особенности (1 этап – зарождение и развитие Скаутинга в России, 2 этап – запрет Скаутинга в России, 3 этап – зарубежный этап Российского Скаутинга, 4 этап – возрождение Скаутинга в России, 5 этап – Скаутинг в России в наши дни). В исследовании выявлена взаимосвязь временных отрезков истории Скаутинга через сохранение Обещания, Законов, девиза, лозунга, принципов, традиций и атрибутики Скаутского движения, которые тесно связаны с идей организации всестороннего развития подрастающего поколения, способного быть полезным себе и обществу. The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the rapid entry of digitalization into all spheres of human life, while many processes of social adaptation of the younger generation do not have time to take the form in which young people could develop harmoniously both in the mental and physical, spiritual and psychological aspects. In this regard, this article is aimed at acquainting with the history of the Scout movement in Russia and abroad, as well as the possibility of implementing the ideas of Scouting in the upbringing of the younger generation and the development of their physical and intellectual abilities, as well as active participation in the life of society, social interaction not only in the scale of one family, class, but the whole country, the world. The article examines the origins of Scouting, highlights the features of its development abroad, characterized by the formation of environmental ethics, equality between adults and children and the preparation of young people for interaction with society. The author proposes a periodization and reveals distinctive features in the development of the Scout movement in Russian practice, characterized by the allocation of five stages in the development of Scouting, each of which has its own characteristics (stage 1 – the emergence and development of Scouting in Russia, stage 2 – the prohibition of Scouting in Russia, stage 3 – the foreign stage of Russian Scouting, stage 4 – the revival of Scouting in Russia, stage 5 - Scouting in Russia today). The study revealed the relationship of time periods in the history of Scouting via means of preservation of the Promises, Laws, motto, slogan, principles, traditions and attributes of the Scout Movement, which are closely related to the ideas of organization in the all-round development of the younger generation capable of being useful to themselves and to society.

Mischa Honeck

Waging war in Afghanistan and Iraq, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates rarely got a chance to relive the lighter days of his youth. One such moment came on July 28, 2010—a day of celebration at Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. The year marked the one-hundredth birthday of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), and Gates’s keynote address set the tone for a big patriotic show featuring flags, paratroopers, antiaircraft cannons firing blank shots, and a flyover of F-16 jets. Despite the jubilant occasion, the Pentagon chief had not come to spin campfire yarn. Amid the cheers of almost fifty thousand Scouts gathered at the army installation, Gates, an Eagle Scout from 1958, reaffirmed the movement’s intergenerational contract that promised a relationship of mutual allegiance between boys and men. “I believe that today, as for the past 100 years, there is no finer program for preparing American boys for citizenship and leadership than the Boy Scouts of America.” Reciting the themes of crisis, anxiety, and salvation that supporters of the nation’s foremost youth organization had evoked since its founding, Gates extolled scouting as the best remedy for an America “where the young are increasingly physically unfit and society as a whole languishes in ignoble moral ease.” While many youths had degenerated into “couch potatoes,” the BSA continued to make men and leaders, men of “integrity and decency … ​moral courage” and “strong character—the kind of person who built this country and made it into the greatest democracy and the greatest economic powerhouse in the history of the world.” More was at stake than the fate of the nation. “The future of the world itself,” said Gates, depended on the “kind of citizens our young people” would become. Only with the ...

2021 ◽  
pp. 3-21

It is surprising that in English and Uzbek folklore and literature there are similarities in the expression of mythological images, despite the fact that they are from different language systems and different continents far from each other. British folklore is rich in a variety of images, which, with their distinctive features, have a place not only in English but also in world literature. Such images are distinguished by their versatility and have both negative and positive character traits. No matter which world literature we look at, we can find the translation of myths, legends, and fairy tales in that language which is the indication of how important role such images have in the world literature. The terms mythology, myth, and mythological names are defined differently in various sources. The types of mythological names, on the other hand, have been classified differently as a result of the research carried out by different researchers, each of which has been studied and analyzed comparatively. Studies have concluded that mythology was formed as a system of primitive worldviews and encompassed the philosophical, moral, and social views of our ancestors, the simplest scientific interpretations of the universe and human life, as well as the art of speech, rituals, and various forms of mythological thinking. This article provides a description of the terms myth, mythology and mythological names, their classification by various researchers, as well as information about mythological images in English and Uzbek literature, and comments on their classifications. In particular, information on the history of its emergence, the appearance of the image of witches, elves, giants, trolls, goblins in English myths and fairy tales in different forms and purposes is given. The mythological images of birds and dragons in both English and Uzbek literature have been studied comparatively. The reflections on their similarities and differences in English and Uzbek literature have been analyzed.

Donna R. Gabaccia

To determine how scholars have tackled the study of food as part of world histories, this article reviews research connecting the history of food with that of human mobility. It explores how and under what circumstances food practices "spread" or "diffuse" among human societies. It asserts that the study of food is becoming a more central theme in world history due to recent interest in mapping the links among the culturally distinct societies of the six continents over the course of human life on earth. Such histories offer a glimpse into the relationship of the general and particular in culinary culture. World histories indicate that trade, human migrations, and media are the mechanisms that allow particular foods, food practices, food technologies, and food knowledge to travel across space and time, and cultural boundaries to become general.

Sergey S. Avanesov ◽  

The article investigates the problem of the mutual relationship of the autobiographical text, personal existence, and human culture. The subject of analysis is Nikolai Berdyaev’s book “Self-knowledge”. The research context is set by three initial positions: culture is made up of personal biographies; the connection of a private biography with a common human culture is carried out through an autobiography; cultural memory communicates to the facts of individual life the status of universally significant events that persist outside of time. On the example of Berdyaev’s autobiographical text, the purpose, structure, language, and motives of a philosophical autobiography are considered. The article shows that the leading motives of the author of “Self-knowledge” are the defense of singular existence and the fight against the destructive action of time. For Berdyaev, it is very important to emphasize the independence of the history of his personal life from the general history of the world, and also to free individual memory from its connection with chronology. Therefore, the autobiography does not list the facts in their historical sequence but shows the whole life at once and in its entirety. Further, the author of the autobiography not only records the events of the past but selects them for publication in his text: he retains in his memory only that which has a high value for culture. Finally, it is the autobiography that makes it possible to bridge the gap between the past and the present: all important events of the past are constantly relevant, which means they belong to eternity. Defragmentation of episodes, axiological selection of events, the relevance of the past – these are the results that are achieved on the path of the philosopher’s recollection of himself. Autobiography allows the philosopher to discover the uniqueness of his existence, but at the same time it reveals the imperfection of this existence to him. The power of time over human life is expressed as the threat of inevitable death that awaits every person in the future. Memory, according to Berdyaev, should become not only a tool for remembering the past but also a weapon in the fight against death. Victory over death is achieved through participation in the eternal meaning of culture, which the author discovers not in empirical history, but in his inner personal life. The ahistoricism of this meaning is emphasized by the nonlinear structure of the autobiographical text and the aphoristic nature of its language. In addition, the author sees himself in this text sub specie aeternitatis as an unchanging, eternal subject. The assertion of one’s own singularity and immutability, according to Berdyaev, turns out to be the main means of preserving universal human culture from destruction in time. Consequently, (1) autobiography is the most philosophical genre of all philosophical genres, (2) any philosopher can most successfully develop his doctrine only in the sphere of personal memories, (3) an autobiographical book is the main philosophical work of Berdyaev. It is in this book that the philosopher achieves the ideal of existential philosophy: the coincidence of personal life, individual thinking, text, and culture.

2021 ◽  
pp. 35-44

The topic of the spiritual and cultural formation of the younger generation at all times has been the subject of close comprehension of philosophers, religious scholars, teachers, representatives of many ethnic groups who study it. Each ethnic group developed certain methods of education (training and upbringing) of young people, the formation of its spiritual and cultural appearance. Different cultures: eastern and western, have developed their models, standards of education, spiritual and cultural development, and upbringing, in which both universal and specific ethnonational aspects are present. The article considers the problem of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, aimed at reviving national values, improving the system of national education, and educating a harmoniously developed generation in the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland. It also reveals the importance of studying the history of Uzbekistan in educating young people in the spirit of the ideology of national independence. The cultural past does not disappear, it persists for generations, works for the present, laying the foundation for the future. The culture of the past is always necessary for modernity, which is experiencing a crisis of spirituality and morality. The present must be compared with the past to select a new trend in cultural development. Turning to the past cultural, intellectual, values allows us to understand the present, find ways to overcome the crisis in culture, associated not only with a drop in the quality of education but also with the spiritual and cultural education of young people, as well as to bridge the gap between the sides of a single cultural and intellectual process. The article examines the ideas of educating the younger generation in the works of such oriental thinkers and educators like Abu Raikhan Beruni, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, analyzes their philosophical views on education and such vital tasks as finding the meaning of life, researching good and evil, defining the concepts of justice, compassion, etc. The article raises the problems of educating modern youth in the spirit of patriotism based on national traditions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Tholkhatul Khoir

Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na'im is deeply influenced by the Islamic Reform Movement in Sudan pioneered by Mahmoud Mohamed Taha. Together with other Taha supporters, an-Na'im formed a sociopolitical community that became famous for Tahaism. This article wants to show how the relationship of the two minds is so close and how Islamic legal thought of an-Na'im is partially influenced by Taha. In terms of historical research methodology, it can be said that Taha is a history of idea for an-Na'im. This is because the thought of an-Na'im turns out to be the same as Taha in terms of the importance of the naskh, and differs in worship, mysticism, socialism, and public reason. Moreover, the underlying power of the theorem an-Na'im is not merely an individual, not of individual processes aware of its importance in the flow of thought, but rather of the collective goals of a group that underlie individual thought. Most of his thoughts cannot be properly understood as long as their relation to life or to the social implications of human life are not taken into account.<br />---<br /><br />Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na‘im sangat terpengaruh oleh Gerakan Reformasi Islam di Sudan yang dipelopori oleh Mahmoud Mohamed Taha. Bersama sama dengan para pendukung Taha lainnya, an-Na‘im membentuk sebuah komunitas sosial politik yang kemudian terkenal dengan Tahaisme. Artikel ini ingin menunjukkan betapa hubungan pemikiran keduanya sangat dekat dan betapa pemikiran hukum Islam an-Na‘im sebagiannya dipengaruhi oleh Taha. Dalam istilah metodologi penelitian sejarah, dapat dikatakan bahwa Taha adalah history of idea bagi an-Na‘im. Hal ini karena pemikiran an-Na‘im ternyata sama dengan Taha dalam hal pentingnya naskh, dan berbeda dalam hal ibadah, tasawwuf, sosialisme, dan public reason. Selain itu, kekuatan yang mendasari sikap teoritis an-Na‘im bukan semata merupakan sesuatu yang individual semata, yakni tidak berasal dari proses individu menyadari kepentingannya dalam arus pemikiran, akan tetapi lebih berasal dari tujuan-tujuan kolektif suatu kelompok yang mendasari pemikiran individu. Sebagian besar pemikirannya tidak dapat dimengerti secara tepat selama kaitannya dengan kehidupan atau dengan implikasi sosial kehidupan manusia tidak diperhitungkan.

In this article I look at the life of Socrates and his philosophy for a bit. Putting spiritual values to the forefront, Socrates considered their creation as the main goal of human life. And since, according to Socrates, spiritual blessings are not transmitted in finished form from one person to another, but are revealed and acquired in the search, in the study of oneself and others, in “taking care of the soul”, so far the rejection of such a search is tantamount to the rejection of life. . According to Socrates, dialogue and the dialectic (question-answer) method of defining concepts are necessary conditions for a joint search for truth. The Socratic Dialogue and Dialectic method assumes the freedom of a person and is based on the democratic idea that man is a responsible being, capable of knowing the truth and making decisions at his own peril and risk. Through the "test" of irony, Socrates exposed the unjustified claims of omniscience and infallibility, overthrowing all imaginary, pseudo-serious and all sorts of false authorities. Socratic irony is a search for true and positive, a call for a truly serious and significant, for their constant ordeal. Socrates proclaimed: virtue is knowledge. But not all knowledge in general, but only good and evil, knowledge that leads to right, virtuous deeds. On this basis, he came to the conclusion that no one is angry at will, but only out of ignorance. The ethical paradoxes of Socrates marked the beginning of the ongoing and to this day controversy about the relationship of knowledge and virtue. The idea of Socrates about self-knowledge, popular in the period of antiquity, often became the leading idea at the turning points of history and significantly changed the way people thought. Socrates, who spoke of the impossibility of final knowledge about something (“I know that I do not know anything”), was equally known as the fact that a person is able to acquire knowledge and multiply it, as well as that knowledge and “art” by themselves - great power. However, he was convinced that this power could be used both for the good and to the detriment of man. According to his teaching, if a person did not make the question of self-knowledge, the alternative to good and evil, while consciously preferring good, any other knowledge — for all their usefulness — would not make a person happy if he did not make his main issue. Moreover, they can make him miserable. It is not surprising, therefore, that Socrates' doctrine of self-knowledge is in close connection with the discussions that have been conducted lately not only in philosophical and scientific circles, but also among wide circles of intelligentsia both in our country and around the world around the problems of “man - science - technology, "science - ethics - humanism". The themes of these discussions echo the Socratic understanding of the task of philosophy and the value of knowledge in general. These discussions and discussions are often accompanied by direct and indirect references to the teachings and personality of Socrates. And this is not by chance: polls, over which the ancient philosopher fought, did not lose relevance, which is why Socrates was and remains one of the eternal “companions” of humanity. Thus, the philosophy of Socrates not only made a great impression on his contemporaries and students, but also had a noticeable influence on the entire subsequent history of philosophical and political thought.

Dilorom Murotova ◽  

The article focuses on the issue of upbringing of young people at a time when “struggles” of various forms and content have a negative impact on their minds, and the functionality of upbringing is studied in relation to the childhood history of mankind. The researcher conducted an empirical study on the topic and made a comparative analysis of it. Citing a comparative interpretation of parents ’attitudes toward parenting methods, several reasons for this improvement are outlined.

Sh.R. Akobirov

Ushbu maqolada Hayot faoliyati xavfsizligi mazmuni, inson hayoti hamda faoliyati mobaynida xavfsizlik choralarining ahamiyati tushuntirilgan.Shu bilan birga, hayot faoliyati xavfsizligi fan sifatida o’qitilishi, uning vazifasi , maqsadi hamda oldiga qo’yilgan xavfsizlik chora –tadbirlari bilan ta’minlash haqida so’z boradi.Xavfsizlik, faoliyat, hayot faoliyati xavfsizligini taminlash usullari va ularni rivojlanish kabi atamalar aniq tariflangan. Mamlakatimiz O’zbekistonda xavfsizlik chora-tadbirlarining barcha texnogen, iqtisodiy, siyosiy va axborot turlari bo’yicha qabul qilingan qarorlar hamda amalga oshirilgan islohotlar maqolada o’z aksini topgan. Inson hayotida xavfsizlik tushunchasini bugungi kunda yoshlarga tushuntirish, tashqi ta’sir etuvchilarning ijobiy va salbiy tomonlarini yoshlar tarbiya jarayonida yosh avlodga singdirish, xavf-xatardan holi muhitni tashkil etish yo’llari , usullari hamda mavjud sharoitlarni rivojlantirish usullari keng ko’lamda tahlil qilingan. Umumiy tahlil etilgan ma’lumotlardan foydalanib xulosa sifatida qo’shimcha takliflar bildirilgan. В этой статье разъясняется содержание безопасности жизнедеятельности, важность мер безопасности в жизни и деятельности человека. Четко определены такие термины, как безопасность, деятельность, методы обеспечения безопасности жизнедеятельности и их развитие. В статье отражены принятые решения и реформы по всем видам техногенных, экономических, политических и информационных мер безопасности в Узбекистане. Концепция безопасности в жизни человека сегодня широко разъясняется молодежи, положительные и отрицательные аспекты внешних воздействий передаются молодому поколению в процессе обучения молодых людей, способов и средств создания безопасной среды и способов развития. существующие условия широко анализируются. Дополнительные предложения были внесены в результате общего анализа. This article explains the content of life safety, the importance of safety measures in human life and activity. Terms such as safety, activities, methods of ensuring the safety of life activities and their development are clearly defined. The article reflects the decisions taken and reforms in all types of man-made, economic, political and information security measures in Uzbekistan. The concept of security in human life is widely explained to young people today, the positive and negative aspects of external influences are passed on to the younger generation in the process of educating young people, ways and means of creating a safe environment and ways to develop existing conditions. Additional suggestions were given as a result of the overall analysis about our consept.

Paleobiology ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 6 (02) ◽  
pp. 146-160 ◽  
William A. Oliver

The Mesozoic-Cenozoic coral Order Scleractinia has been suggested to have originated or evolved (1) by direct descent from the Paleozoic Order Rugosa or (2) by the development of a skeleton in members of one of the anemone groups that probably have existed throughout Phanerozoic time. In spite of much work on the subject, advocates of the direct descent hypothesis have failed to find convincing evidence of this relationship. Critical points are:(1) Rugosan septal insertion is serial; Scleractinian insertion is cyclic; no intermediate stages have been demonstrated. Apparent intermediates are Scleractinia having bilateral cyclic insertion or teratological Rugosa.(2) There is convincing evidence that the skeletons of many Rugosa were calcitic and none are known to be or to have been aragonitic. In contrast, the skeletons of all living Scleractinia are aragonitic and there is evidence that fossil Scleractinia were aragonitic also. The mineralogic difference is almost certainly due to intrinsic biologic factors.(3) No early Triassic corals of either group are known. This fact is not compelling (by itself) but is important in connection with points 1 and 2, because, given direct descent, both changes took place during this only stage in the history of the two groups in which there are no known corals.

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