scholarly journals Analisis Kompetensi Profesional Guru dalam Meningkatkan Keefektifan Belajar Selama Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-47
Rahmat Rifai Lubis ◽  
Muhammad Ramli ◽  
Juhriah Siregar ◽  
Ratna Wati Panjaitan

This study aims to analyze the professional competence of teachers in improving the effectiveness of learning during distance learning at MTs Al-Jihad. The approach used in this research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data collection used by researchers is by interviewing the teacher, and documentation in the form of print out teaching materials compiled by the teacher. Then the data were analyzed through data presentation techniques and drawing conclusions. Test the validity of the data using tringulation and methods. The results of the study indicate that a teacher must be professional, professional, in this case the teacher's ability to plan learning, the learning process, and the teacher's ability to use learning media. As for the preparation of teachers at MTs Al-Jihad, namely by preparing print out material to be read and understood by students, then the learning process carried out at MTs Al-Jihad is by distance learning according to government recommendations, the teacher works on the material and uploads it on E -learningg, as for the learning media used by teachers at MTs Al-Jihad, namely utilizing internet media, in the form of what apps, e-learning, videos, and interesting pictures, because a teacher should be able to make the media as creative as possible so that students are interested in learning

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1043
Yuni Maulidiyah Dwi Fajar ◽  
Durinda Puspasari

This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of e-learning as a learning media for archiving subjects at SMKN 2 Buduran Sidoarjo in the covid-19 pandemic. This study was qualitative research. Data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. The validity of data was examined by source triangulation. Then, the data were analyzed by the Miles and Huberman Model, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results showed that e-learning learning media was effectively utilized in the archiving subject, based on 4 indicators of learning effectiveness. In terms of the elearning quality, which was seen from the process and results, it was found that 2 applications used during the learning process, namely google classroom and whatsapp was easily accessed and understood. In addition, the students’ learning outcomes, which was scored more than 80 (72.6%); described the student’ and teachers’ readiness in starting the lessons and the ongoing process of learning, such as the fulfillment of facilities like cellphones and laptops, after that, the teachers provided materials for students to learn first. Moreover, in terms of incentives, the teachers’ activities whcih motivated students every time they started the lessons included giving advices and positive energy; the teachers provided additional score for active students. Then, in terms of time, it was seen from the presence of  teacher to start the lesson on time in which the teachers assigned students based on the predetermined deadlines so that the students were more disciplined.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-61
Anak Agung Ratih Wijayanti ◽  
Isa Wahjoedi Dwi Putranto

This study aims to determine the learning process of Japanese Language Hospitality during the Pandemic Covid-19 period. This study was researching effectiveness of the online distance learning process and evaluate the weakness and problem occurred during learning process. This research was conducted on 43 students of the Faculty of Tourism at Triatma Mulya University Diploma IV Hospitality Program in Third Semester, Academic Year 2020/2021. The respondent  was choosen from students who have learned Japanese Language Hospitality 3 on one semester from June to December 2020. The data collection method in this study used documentation techniques and questionnaires via google form. The online-based learning process carried out in this study is to create virtual classroom learning situations through online-based e-learning methods. Students not only listeners in class, but students are strongly directed to presentation about hotel hospitality using Japanese Language. The problem during learning process of Japanese Hospitality online are, the lack of supporting facilities in online class, less concentration and other distractions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-222
Arip Syaprudin

Pesantren is a live episode that combines various life skills, not least agriculture. Various activities of life in pesantren have encouraged the sense of ideology of Santri. Educational activities that essentially the learning process requires thinking as a strong foundation so that the implementation of education that becomes the duty of his duties performed with a solid and really can be accounted for. This research uses descriptive qualitative, research place at Pesantren Al-Ittifaq Ciwidey district of Bandung. The subject of this research is Santri in pesantren while the informant is the Kiai or Ustādh. Data collection techniques use observation, interview, and documentation. I am checking the validity of the data using triangulation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the model of empowering students at Pesantren Al-Ittifaq that is by the establishment of Core Management Unit Agribusiness, - effective practice in the field, establishing the Agribusiness Incubator Center, cooperating with various institutions and institutions, forming Santri agribusiness groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
Azra Fauzi ◽  
Arifuddin Arifuddin

Exploration of Matthematical Symbol and Word Mastery on Mathematics Teacher. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to explore the mastery of symbols and mathematical words in teachers. The subjects in this study were five mathematics teachers ini Lambitu District, Bima. Data collection techniques in this study are observation and interviews. Observations were made to observe the mastery of symbols and mathematical words when the teacher carried out the learning process. Interviews were conducted to obtain data on the factors that influence the mastery of symbols and mathematical words for teachers. Data analysis technique used are data reduction, data presentation, and make conclusions. The results showed that the overall mastery of symbols and mathematical words for teachers were good. There are only a few mistakes or errors that teachers make in the use of symbols and mathematical words. These mistakes or errors are caused by misconceptions and inaccuracies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Mutik Nur Fadhilah

Changes in the pattern of the learning process that we are experiencing today are a side effect of the pandemic. This pandemic has turned the learning process online. The learning process in higher education is also carried out through e-learning to facilitate the distance learning process in character education insight courses. The aim is to determine the planning, implementation, and role of e-learning in distance learning in character education insight courses. The research method used is qualitative research. This type of research uses descriptive methods to describe events that actually occur in the field. The source of this research was the fifth semester PGMI students at Staipana Bangil, especially in the character education insight course. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation and document tracing. Data analysis is obtained from all data in the field, presenting data and reducing data, verifying data, and finally drawing conclusions. So that the research results consist of: 1) planning can be seen from the RPS and RPKM as well as e-learning applications used in the learning process; 2) its implementation through interactive, independent e-learning, accessibility and enrichment in increasing character values; 3) its role is as an internet-based teaching material, a learning medium for the inculcation of character values, a paradigm changer in a more contemporary and flexible learning process, increasing the ability to use digital technology for lecturers and students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-36
Rasmuin ◽  
Saidatul Ilmi

All this time, character education can be done well through offline learning in schools. Teachers can control student activities in school directly during learning. The problem arose when Covid-19 began to plague which required offline learning to be eliminated and replaced with online learning. This study aims to reveal how the strategy of MAN 2 Banyuwangi as one of the favorite schools in implementing character education in the Covid-19 pandemic era. Data collection was carried out through observation where the researcher went directly to the field to observe the learning process. Data collection was also carried out through interviews with related parties, as well as documentation obtained from learning activities during the pandemic. The data were then analyzed through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. From this research, it can be concluded that in carrying out character education during the Covid-19 pandemic there are at least three main things done by the school. First, forming a distance learning atmosphere is exactly the same as studying in school. Second, be consistent in implementing the school culture that is usually done in schools and still adapting to existing conditions. Third, establish solid cooperation between schools and parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-67
Dwi Ratih Yuliawati

This study aims to analyze the use of the Whatsapp and Google Meet applications as an effort to optimize the delivery of material in distance learning at SMA N 1 Rembang.The research method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques using interview techniques, observation, and documentation. The data obtained are in the form of interviews, observations and school documentation. Data analysis techniques using data verification techniques, data reduction and conclusions. To check the degree of truth using source triangulation.Teacher creativity is required to make students comfortable and enjoy the learning process without having to leave home and still follow the learning process. By combining several applications will complement each other so that it becomes the perfect learning. The use of the WhatsApp and Google Meet applications in one lesson will be complete in the distance learning process. Teachers can communicate easily using WhatsApp, can explain material clearly and can monitor students with Google Meet. In addition, teachers can provide attitude assessments automatically. The process of supervision in online learning using Whatsapp and Google Meet can also be done easily.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-96
Nurwati - Nurwati ◽  
Nurul - Muawwanah

This study is entitled "The Implementation of Reward and Punishment in instilling religious values in children in the Islamic Center Kindergarten in Samarinda. In the learning process many techniques are used by teachers to achieve learning goals, one of them is using reward and punishment techniques. Kindergarten Islamic Center is one of the Islamic educational institutions that aims to produce a generation of monotheists who adhere to worship in life by introducing God through sentences thoyyibah and Asmaul Husna using Reward and Punishment techniques. So this study aims to find out how the implementation of the provision of rewards and punishments in kindergarten Islamic Center Samarinda.This research is a descriptive qualitative research that is describing the situation in Islamic Kindergarten. Informants in this study are the principal and teachers. The data collection techniques using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. For the validity of the data using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verification. The results showed that in the implementation of rewards and punishments carried out in kindergarten Islamic Center reward and punishment is one of the teacher's techniques to develop aspects of religious values and is given to each activity in accordance with the circumstances. Rewards are given when children are able to follow the rules, children are able to complete tasks well, and children are independent and patient. Reward is given in several forms, namely the form of praise, the form of goods, forms of touch and applause. Whereas punishment is given when the child does not follow the rules, does not complete the task properly, is not being independent and patient. There are several stages of punishment given, namely giving advice, separating children from groups in a few moments and transferring children to other classes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-119
Arindra Evandian Bhagaskara ◽  
Aulia Kaffah Firdausi ◽  
Mochammad Syaifuddin

This research will discuss about the application of webquest media based on googe sites for online learning in low class classes as well as examining the strengths and weaknesses of implementing this media.. Qualitative research is the type of research chosen in conducting research on how the webquest media is applied. Data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques start from data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The conclusion from the results of this study is the webquest media can be applied as an alternative to implementing distance learning by utilizing google sites. The advantage of the googe sites based webquest media is that it can increase interest in learning and develop students' scientific attitudes. The weakness of the googe sites based webquest media lies in the differences in the creativity of teachers in making media and the barriers for students who have less reading skills.

Siti Mariana Ulfa

AbstractHumans on earth need social interaction with others. Humans can use more than one language in communication. Thus, the impact that arises when the use of one or more languages is the contact between languages. One obvious form of contact between languages is interference. Interference can occur at all levels of life. As in this study, namely Indonesian Language Interference in Learning PPL Basic Thailand Unhasy Students. This study contains the form of interference that occurs in Thai students who are conducting teaching practices in the classroom. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research that seeks to describe any interference that occurs in the speech of Thai students when teaching practice. Data collection methods in this study are (1) observation techniques, (2) audio-visual recording techniques using CCTV and (3) recording techniques, by recording all data that has been obtained. Whereas the data wetness uses, (1) data triangulation, (2) improvement in perseverance and (3) peer review through discussion. Data analysis techniques in this study are (1) data collection, (2) data reduction, (3) data presentation and (4) conclusions. It can be seen that the interference that occurs includes (1) interference in phonological systems, (2) interference in morphological systems and (3) interference in syntactic systems. 

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