scholarly journals Kinetic changes in activity of HR-peroxidase, induced by very low doses of phenol

Elzbieta Malarczyk

The allosteric protein of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) shows two main types of activity, peroxidase and oxidase, depending on the kind of low molecular effectors. The effects of very low doses of phenol, prepared by successive dilutions in water or in 75% ethanol, on initial HRP activity in oxidation of o-dianisidine or luminol were tested in a systematic manner by colorimetric and luminometric methods. Results showed that phenol dilutions, including those below Avogadro’s number, could activate or inhibit HRP in peroxidase and oxidase type reactions with a sinusoidal pattern. Km values for the studied substrates changed parallel to HRP peroxidase/oxidase activity and the maximum activity in the peroxidase reaction corresponded to the minimum activity in the oxidase reaction and vice versa. The effect also depended on the type of dilutor. The observations of the peroxidase/oxidase oscillations in the sinusoidal pattern of HRP activity, dependent on the rate of phenol dissolution and the time of preincubation, point out to the conclusion that HRP might be a good model for high dilutions research. The experiments provide strong evidence that horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is a very sensitive detector of subtle changes in the concentration of phenol used as a cofactor in the peroxidase/oxidase reaction. Keywords: HR-peroxidase, peroxidase-oxidase, phenol, hormesis, homeopathy, high dilutions.   Mudanças cinéticas na atividade da HR-peroxidade induzidas por doses muito baixas de fenol Resumo A proteína alostérica da peroxidase do rabano (HRP) mostra dois tipos principais de atividade, peroxidase e oxidase, de acordo com o tipo de efetores de baixa molecularidade. Os efeitos de doses muito baixas de fenol, preparadas através de diluições sucessivas em água ou etanol 75% na atividade inicial da HRP sobre a oxidação da o-dianisidina ou luminol for testados de modo sistemático através de métodos colorimétricos e luminométricos. Os resultados mostram que as diluições de fenol, incluindo aquelas por baixo do número de Avogadro, foram capazes de ativar ou inibir a HRP em reações de tipo peroxidade e oxidase com um padrão sinusoidal. os valores Km dos substratos estudados variaram paralelamente à atividade peroxidase/oxidase da HRP; a atividade máxima da reação peroxidase correspondeu à atividade mínima na reação oxidase e vice-versa. O efeito também se mostrou dependente do tipo do solvente. A observação das oscilações sinusoidais na atividade da HRP, dependentes da taxa de dissolução do fenol e do tempo de pré-incubação, permitem concluir que a HRP pode ser um bom modelo na pesquisa das altas diluições. Os experimentos oferecem fortes evidéncias a favor da HRP como detector muito sensível de mudanças mínimas na concentração do fenol, utilizado como cofator na reação peroxidase/oxigenase. Palavras-chave: HR-peroxidase, peroxidase-oxidase, fenol, hormese, homeopatia, altas diluições.   Cambios cinéticos en la actividad de la HR-peroxidasa inducidos por dosis muy bajas de fenol Resumen La proteína alostérica de la peroxidasa del rábano (HRP) muestra dos tipos principales de actividad, peroxidasa y oxidasa, dependiendo del tipo de efectores de baja molecularidade. Los efectos de doses muy bajas de fenol, preparadas mediante diluciones sucesivas en agua o etanol al 75% sobre la actividad inicial de la HRP sobre la oxidación de o-dianisidina o luminol fueron testados de modo sistemático mediante métodos colorimétricos y luminométricos. Los resultados muestran que las diluciones de fenol, incluyendo aquellas abajo del número de Avogadro, pudieron activar o inhibir la HRP en reacciones de tipo peroxidasa y oxidasa con un patrón sinusoidal. Los valores Km de los sustratos estudiados variaron paralelamente a la actividad peroxidasa/oxidasa de la HRP; la actividad máxima de la reacción peroxidasa correspondió a la actividad mínima en la reacción oxidasa y viceversa. El efecto también se mostró dependiente del tipo de solvente. La observación de las oscilaciones sinusoidales en la actividad de la HRP, dependientes de la tasa de disolución del fenol y del tiempo de preincubación, llevan a concluir que la HRP puede ser un buen modelo para la investigación de las altas diluciones. Los experimentos ofrecen fuertes evidencias a favor de la HRP como detector muy sensible de cambios mínimos en la concentración de fenol, utilizado como cofactor en la reacción peroxidasa/oxigenasa. Palabras-clave: HR-peroxidasa, oxidasa-peroxidasa, fenol, hormesis, homeopatía, altas diluciones.   Correspondence author: Elzbieta Malarczyk, [email protected] How to cite this article: Malarczyk E. Kinetic changes in the activity of HR-peroxidase induced by very low doses of phenol. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008 [cited YYYY Mmm DD]; 7(23): 48-55. Available from:  

Maria Thereza Cera Galvão Do Amaral

The present paper discusses the notions of inter, multi and transdisciplinarity in the context of present day scientific practice, with a brief summary of the historical roots of the current scenario. As a case-study, it is analyzed the situation of research on HDs, as an emergent multidisciplinary field aiming at transdisciplinarity. An illustration is presented, from the experience of the constitution of a multidisciplinary team related to basic research in HDs. The author highlights the specific skills and modalities of participation of both the intervening specialists and the ‘generalist’ or manager of knowledge. Suggestions are offered on how to expand this model. Keywords: Multidisciplinarity; Transdisciplinarity; Research on High Dilutions; Homeopathy.   Educação em transdisciplinaridade: treinamento dos pesquisadores Resumo O presente artigo discute as noções de inter, multi e transdisciplinaridade dentro do contexto da prática científica atual, com uma breve resenha das raízes históricas da situação atual. Como estudo de caso, analisa-se a pequisa em altas diluições como campo multidisciplinar emergente em vias de transdisciplinaridade. É apresentado o exemplo da experiéncia da constituição de uma equipe multiisciplinar vinculada à pesquisa fundamental em altas diluições. A autora acentua as habilidades específicas e modalidades de participação dos especialistas e modalidades de participação dos especialistas participantes e o "generalista" ou administrador do saber. São oferecidas sugestões acerca de como expander este modelo. Palavras-chave: Multidisciplinaridade; Transdisciplinaridade; Pesquisa em altas diluições; Homeopatia.   Educación en transdisciplinaridad: entrenamiento de los investigadores Resumen Este artículo discute las nociones de inter, multi y transdisciplinaridad dentro del contexto de la práctica científica actual, con una breve reseña de las raíces históricas del estado presente. Como estudio de caso, se analliza la investigación en altas diluciones, como campo multidisciplinar emergente, en vías de transdisciplinaridad. Es presentado el ejemplo de la experiencia de la constitución de un equipo multidisciplinar vinculado a la investigación fundamental en altas diluciones. La autora destaca las habilidades específicas y modalidades de participación de los especialistas participantes y el "generalista" o administrador del saber. Son ofrecidas sugerencias acerca de cómo expandir este modelo. Palabras-clave: Multidisciplinaridad; Transdisciplinaridad; investigación en altas diluciones, Homeopatía.   Correspondence author: Maria Thereza Cera Galvão do Amaral, [email protected] How to cite this article: Education in transdisciplinarity: the training of researchers. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008 [cited YYYY Mmm DD]; 7(22):39-43. Available from:  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (25) ◽  
pp. 174-178
Marcia CBN Varricchio ◽  
Cristiane Pereira ◽  
Fernanda Sales ◽  
Teresa Gomes ◽  
Elaine Daudt ◽  

The latex extracted from Euphorbia tirucalli, a plant popularly known as Aveloz, is used in complementary medicine to induce tumor regression. However, as this latex has toxic effects when administered orally in ponderal doses, the present study was designed to assess the effects of high dilutions in healthy mice over a period of 18 weeks. The Aveloz latex-high diluted solutions (latex-HD) were obtained through the interaction of two processes: 1:100 dilution in mass and succussion, using ethanol 70% as a solvent, in the homeopathic dilutions of 5, 15 and 30cH, following Farmacopéia Homeopática Brasileira. Control solutions without latex were compounded (ethanolic-HD) in the same dilutions and were administered simultaneously. The animals which received latex-HD 30cH showed a significant increase in food consumption (p < 0.05) without significant difference in weight gain. In regards to water consumption, no statistical difference was shown when different Aveloz latex-HD groups were compared, apart from the group that received 1 drop of pure latex in water, which presented a significant increase (p < 0.05) in this parameter. Keywords: Euphorbia tirucalli; Aveloz; Toxicology; High Dilutions; Mice.   Efeitos toxicológicos crônicos de altas diluições de Aveloz (Euphorbia tirucalli L.) em camundongos sadios: estudo preliminar. Resumo O látex extraído de Euphorbia tirucalli, planta conhecida popularmente como Aveloz, é utilizado em medicina complementar para induzir regressão tumoral. No entanto, como este látex tem efeitos tóxicos quando administrado por via oral em doses ponderais, este estudo foi desenhado para avaliar os efeitos de altas diluições do mesmo em camundongos sadios por um período de 18 semanas. As altas diluições do látex do Aveloz (látex-HD) foram obtidas através da interação de dois processos: diluição 1:100 em massa e sucussão, utilizando etanol 70% como solvente, nas diluições homeopáticas 5, 15 e 30cH, de acordo com a Famracopéia Homeopática Brasileira. Soluções de controle sem o látex (etanol-HD) foram compostas nas mesmas diluições e ministradas simultaneamente. Os animais que receberam látex-HD 30cH mostraram aumento significativo no consumo de alimento (p < 0,05) sem diferença significativa em ganho de peso. A respeito do consumo de água, não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os diferentes grupos látex-HD, enquanto que o grupo que recebeu 1 gota de látex puro em água apresentou aumento significativo neste parâmetro (p < 0,05). Palavras-chave: Euphorbia tirucalli; Aveloz; Toxicologia; Altas diluições; Camundongos.   Efectos toxicológicos crónicos de altas diluciones de Euphorbia tirucalli en ratones sanos: estudio preliminar. Resumen El látex extraído de Euphorbia tirucalli, planta conocida popularmente como arbusto de goma, es utilizado en medicina complementaria para la inducción de regresiones tumorales. Como este látex produce efectos tóxicos cuando es administrado por vía oral en dosis ponderales, este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar los efectos de altas diluciones de éste en ratones sanos, durante 18 semanas. Las altas diluciones del látex de E. tirucalli (látex-HD) fueron preparadas mediante la interacción de dos procesos: dilución 1:100 en masa y sucusión, utilizando etanol 70% como solvente en las diluciones homeopáticas 5, 15 y 30cH, según la Farmacopea Homeopática Brasileña. Soluciones de control, sin látex (etanol-HD) fueron compuestas en estas mismas diluciones y administradas simultáneamente. Los animales que recibieron látex-HD 30cH mostraron un aumento significativo del consumo de alimento (p < 0,05), sin diferencias significativas de aumento de peso. Respecto al consumo de agua, no fueron observadas diferencias significativas en los varios grupos látex-HD, mientras que el grupo de recibió 1 gota de látex puro en agua presentó aumento significativo en este parámetro (p < 0,05). Palabras-clave: Euphorbia tirucalli; Aveloz; Toxicologií; Altas diluciones; Ratones.   Correspondence author: Carla Holandino Quaresma, [email protected] How to cite this article: Varricchio MCBN, Pereira C, Sales F, Gomes T, Daudt E, Aquino CL, Barbosa GM, Gomes N, Pyrrho AS, Hobaica PEM, Branco MC, Kuster R, Holandino C. Chronic toxicological effects of high diluted solutions of Aveloz (Euphorbia tirucalli L.) on healthy mice: a preliminary study. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2008 [cited YYYY Mmm DD]; 7(25): 174-178. Available from:  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (36) ◽  
pp. 215-217
Eduardo Costa Gaia Nazareth ◽  
Francisco José De Freitas

Introduction: The knowledge and use of the venom of Bothrops jararaca in high dilutions is still quite limited. One of the important properties is the use of one of its components, bradykinin, for the development of antihypertensive medication known as captopril. Other situations, such as clinical, local and systemic should receive more depth to the composition of Materia Medica related to various medical actions on the man and mammals in general. The systemic action of the bite of this snake, includes hemostasis disorders, culminating as bleeding gums, in addition to sweating, hypertension, and hypothermia. The action includes local pain and swelling with bruising, bleeding and often blistering and tissue necrosis. The action on the immune system, through action on the complement C3 and other complement components may show its possible use in cases of bacterial infections, including mycobacteria, as presented in the study of 1970 Vanessa Birdsey, "Interactions of poisons toxic with the addition, "the journal of Immunology 1971. Today, this poison has a toxicology published by Anibal Melgarejo, "Venomous Animals of Brazil", 2003, which subsidizes the development of study for its use in high dilutions, and a comprehensive study of the biology of the animal itself. Published studies on biomolecular analysis add more details about the relations of the poison and mammals. All these characteristics suggest the use of poison as a homeopathic remedy. Objective: To investigate the therapeutic possibilities in high dilutions of the venom of the snake Bothrops jararaca, expanding its clinical use. Methodology: Methodological description of this poison in contemporary bases including: Origin, physical description chemistry, toxicology, pharmacology and medicine in preparation of high dilution, general action, specific actions on systems or organs, sensations, modalities, concomitants, etiological indications relations main clinics. Results: Defining the therapeutic indications such as modulation of the complement system, action on the cardiovascular system, among other uses, by Bothrops jararaca in high dilution. Conclusion: This evaluation can be used for different sources of products and allows the rational use of Bothrops jararaca in high dilution. The results can and should be complemented by clinical studies and pathogenetic. Bacterial infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and leprosy, and autoimmune disease LES and may receive treatment studies with the drug based on Bothrops jararaca snake venom because they are indirectly associated with them via similarity of the failure of complement, an important marker for bacterial the defense of mammals. Action on clinical aspects like hypertension, sweating, hypothermia and necrosis shall be seen. Perhaps the search for the stimulation of complement show a new pathway for the harmonization, long-predicted by Hahnemann, Hering and searched for among the many that followed the creator of this therapy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-313 ◽  
Tatiana Danilchuk ◽  
Tatiana Danilchuk ◽  
Vera Ganina ◽  
Vera Ganina

The paper deals with urgent issues of development of resource-saving methods of biotechnological processes intensification. The main purpose of the work is to show the efficiency of using extremely low doses of physical factors impact in food biotechnology. Acoustic and electric treatment was in various modes. Impact capacity did not exceed 10-4 W/kg. The duration of exposure ranged from 5 to 15 min. Barley grains enzymes and lactic acid microorganisms were subjected to treatment. Impact of vibration as a physical factor, its frequency is considered as a priority in controlling growth and biochemical processes in biological objects. Impact frequency in the range of 50–10000 Hz influences the activity of hydrolytic enzymes in bimodal way. It is presented in the article. The coincidence of the frequency ranges of the maximum activity of enzymes in the model reactions with the ones in the grain of barley under the treatment of alternating current and sound is noted. Improvement of all indexes of germinating barley and improvement of the quality of the finished malt were observed in these ranges. Low-intensity acoustic treatment at a frequency of 2000 Hz contributed to an increase in β-galactosidase activity of the CT-95 Str. thermophilus strain. Selected ST-95 Str. thermophilus strain was used in the starter composition for the experimental sample production of fermented melted milk. The fermentation process intensification was observed. The lactose content of this product is 30% less in comparison with the feedstock. The use of traditional starter without a selected strain can reduce the lactose content by an average of 7.5%. The results of biotechnological processes modification by means of the treatment of enzymes and extremely low doses of physical factors impact used in meat technologies are observed. Thus, the prospects of using low-intensity physical effects of vibration in the development of innovative food technologies are substantiated. It is also promising to use these technologies in making absolutely new food products with different qualities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-28
Salvatore Chirumbolo

Homeopathy is fundamentally based on the assumption that a biological activity is borne by a chemical system made by a molecular solute within a solvent that is diluted and mechanically stressed an undefined number of times and then reaches a zero point where molecules disappear and the solvent is the only chemical species being left. With the exception of an author who recently stated “We have been working in this field for over 20 years [35], and are thus perfectly aware of the issues related to the “plausibility” of high-dilution pharmacology, particularly when using dilutions beyond Avogadro’s constant”, yet no evidence was reported to date about the real nature of homeopathic high dilutions.

Nirmal Chandra Sukul ◽  
Tandra Sarkar ◽  
Atheni Konar ◽  
Anirban Sukul

Background: High dilutions of drugs, used in homeopathy, are usually applied by oral route or foliar spray. These dilutions first come in contact with membrane or circulating proteins. Ultra low doses of mercuric chloride, called potencies, promote activity of diastase or ?-amylase in terms of breakdown of starch, a polysaccharide into a disaccharide maltose in a cell-free medium in test tubes. Merc cor or HgCl2 in high doses inhibits the enzyme activity. Aims: To see (i) whether the high and ultra low dose effects of HgCl2 involve different binding sites of the enzyme and (ii) to find an explanation for the low dose effect of HgCl2 in spite of absence of its original molecules. Methodology: Merc cor mother tincture (147 mM HgCl2) in distilled water was used undiluted in this experiment. Merc cor 200c and 1000c were prepared from the mother tincture (MT) by successive dilution with water 1:100 followed by succussion in 200 and 1000 steps, respectively, and finally preserved in 90% EtOH. These potencies and blank 90% ethanol, were diluted with deionized, distilled (DD) water 1:1000 to minimize ethanol content in test solutions. Each test solution or control was mixed with the enzyme 1:10 just before experiment. The control consisted of DD water. An isothermal calorimetry (ITC) instrument was used to measure the interaction between soluble starch and ?-amylase mixed with each potency (200c/1000c) of Merc cor, its mother tincture, ethanol and control. ITC is a thermodynamic technique which helps in measuring directly very small amount of heat evolved during chemical reaction. Soluble starch 90 µM was injected into 300 µl of 15µM ?-amylase at 2 µl / injection. Twenty injections, one every 2 min, were given. The enzyme substrate interaction in terms of heat released (exothermic) or absorbed (endothermic) were monitored by the ITC instrument. All ITC measurements were calculated and analyzed statistically by an in-built software Origin 7. Results and discussion: The data are presented in figures. While Merc cor MT shows endothermic reaction, all its potencies, ethanol and water control show exothermic reactions. There is wide variation in enthalpy (?H), entropy (?S), binding constant (K) and Gibbs free energy change (?G) among the treatments with Merc cor MT, potencies, ethanol and also control. The results indicate that Merc cor MT and its potencies act on different binding sites of the enzyme. The variation in thermodynamic parameters suggest difference in binding interaction between the drug solutions and the enzyme. This in turn influences the enzyme substrate interaction as reported in earlier studies. The potencies are virtually water modified by the starting substance HgCl2. Conclusion: The mother tincture and potencies of mercuric chloride produce different effects on the enzyme substrate interaction. Potencies show wide variation in ?H, ?S, K and ?G values. It appears from the results that the drugs used in homeopathy produce dual action on proteins. At high doses they act on a binding site(s) but at ultra low doses they act on a different binding site(s). Proteins in an organism may serve as targets for initiation of action of homeopathic potencies.

Corinne Kraus

Corinne Kraus, Ute Knobloch, Scherer Waltraud, Peter Christian Endler Interuniversity College for Health and Development Graz / Castle of Seggau, Austria Background In 1926, an influence of a homeopathically prepared high dilution of silver nitrate on the growth of coleoptiles of wheat seedlings was described (Kolisko 1926). Later, in an extensive series of experiments, wheat was observed under the influence of extremely diluted agitated silver nitrate (10e-23, “24x”). Stalk lengths clearly indicate that development is enhanced by the probe silver nitrate 24x as compared to control (Scherer et al. 2015). A preliminary experiment was performed in early autumn 2015 on stalk growth of wheat seedlings treated with (not potentized) dilutions of silver nitrate 10e-6 to 10e-10 (“6e to 10e”), compared to potentized silver nitrate 6x to 10x (N = 100 per group). A clear, albeit not statistically significant trend was observed of 6x-stalks being longer (23.4 + 16.2 mm) than 6e-stalks (13.0 + 10.9 mm). Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of diluted versus potentized low dilutions of silver nitrate (10e-2 to 10e-10) on wheat germination. Method The experiments were performed in late autumn 2015 on wheat grain (Triticum aestivum L., Capo variety). The grains were observed under the influence of aqueous solutions 10-2 to 10-10 part per weight of silver nitrate, either diluted in steps of 1 : 10 in distilled water by mere pipetting (probes “2e – 10e”), or diluted and agitated in steps of 1:10 (to create potentized probes “2x – 10x”). Untreated distilled water (“w”) served as an additional control. All probes were applied blindly. 100 grains were observed per treatment group in each of the groups resulting a total of 2,000 grains. Grains were placed in glass dishes, probes were added and dishes were covered with lids and placed in drawers . The following endpoint criteria were defined: K1 = visible emergence of sprout material, K2 = lifting of the operculum and emergence of the sprout and W1 = development of three roots.   Result Germination rates K1 of seedlings treated with “w”-probes (blue), with “e”-probes ranging from 2e to 10e (black) and with “x”-probes ranging from 2x to 10x (red) at the measuring points 20h, 24h and 28h (from left to right for each of the probes). In K1, K2 and W, there is an obvious increase of germination rates from the high to the lower concentrations of silver nitrate, both in the “e” and in the “x”-groups and observable at 20h, 24h and 28h (p < 0.01). In contrast, germination rates of the two „w“-probes are practically alike (p > 0,05) When “e” and “x”-data are compared, germination rates are higher under the influence of “x” than under the influence of “e” (p < 0.01 for the pooled “x”-values compared to the pooled “e”-values with regard to K1 as well as K2 as well as W). Conclusion: A significant difference was found between wheat grains treated with mere dilutions compared to grains treated with potentised dilutions. References 1. Endler PC, Belavite P, Bonamin L,Jäger T, Mazon S. Replication of fundamental research models in ultra high dilutions 1994 and 2015 – update on a bibliometric study. Special issue Homeopathy London. 2015 a Oktober;104(4):234-45. 2. Endler PC, Schulte J, Stock-Schroeer B, Stephen S. Ultra high Dilution 1994 revisited 2015 – the state of follow-up research. Special issue Homeopathy London. 2015 b Oktober;104(4):223-6. 3. Kolisko L. Physiologischer Nachweis der Wirksamkeit kleinster Entitäten bei 7 Metallen – Wirkung von Licht und Pflanzen auf das Pflanzenwachstum. Dornach Schweiz: Philosophisch-Anthroposophischer Verlag am Goetheanum; 1926. 4. Kraus C, Knobloch U. Diluted versus diluted and agitated probes of silver nitrate (10-2 to 10-10) and wheat germination, Thesis (MSc); branch campus UCN at Interuniversity College Graz / Schloss Seggau; 2016. 5. Scherer-Pongratz W., Endler P.C., Lothaller H., Stephen S. Wheat and ultra high diluted silver nitrate – further experiments and re-analysis of data. Special issue Homeopathy London. 2015;104(4):246-9.

1985 ◽  
Vol 229 (1) ◽  
pp. 251-257 ◽  
S Hedeager-Sørensen ◽  
A J Kenny

Carboxypeptidase P has been purified by immunoaffinity chromatography from pig kidneys. A single-step assay with Z-Pro-Met (where Z represents benzyloxycarbonyl) as substrate was used, methionine being determined by using L-amino acid oxidase and horseradish peroxidase. The enzyme constitutes about 1.5% of the kidney microvillar proteins. Triton X-100-solubilized and papain-released forms of the enzyme were isolated. The former had an apparent subunit Mr of 135 000, and the latter form contained two polypeptide chains of Mr 128 000 and 95 000. The undenatured forms were dimeric proteins. In common with other microvillar hydrolases, carboxypeptidase P was a glycoprotein and each subunit contained one Zn atom. MnCl2 (1 mM) in the assay was necessary for maximum activity; in its absence, 0.5 mM-ZnSO4 produced a limited activation, but was inhibitory at higher concentrations. The Km for Z-Pro-Met, in the presence of MnCl2, was 4.1 mM, and the kcat. for freshly prepared enzyme was 1230 min-1. The enzyme lost activity during storage at −20 degrees C. In a limited survey of peptides, hydrolysis was observed only with substrates containing a proline, alanine or glycine residue in the P1 position, and these included angiotensins II and III. The best substrate in this series was Val-Ala-Ala-Phe.

1953 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 449-462 ◽  
A. W. Blackshaw

1. Ram and bull spermatozoa suspended in a glucose-sodium chloride solution rapidly lose motility at relatively high dilutions. The substitution of chloride-free diluents does not alter the phenomenon. 2. The rapid immobilization of ram and bull spermatozoa due to high dilution may be partially prevented by the addition of supernatants of either ram or bull semen, although motility is not maintained at the same level as in a more concentrated specimen. Various other substances which also partially protect spermatozoa are egg albumin, plasma albumin, plasma gamma globulin, starch, and glycogen. 3. Washing ram spermatozoa six times greatly reduces motility. This is not restored by the addition of ram seminal plasma which, however, reverses the concurrent head agglutination. 4. Washing ram and bull spermatozoa four times results in considerable loss of motility and head agglutination both of which may be reversed by the addition of seminal plasma. 5. Potassium chloride at 0.005 M concentration partially restores the motility of four times washed ram spermatozoa at 24°C. or 37°C. but not that of similarly treated bull spermatozoa.

José Eizayaga

If there were one lacking or insufficient issue which conscious medical orientated homeopaths could regret, it would be probably high quality clinical research. A big part of the homeopathic community still insists in the traditional ways of building knowledge, leading us nowhere. There is now an agreement between clinical researchers that there have been done enough efforts with Randomized Control Trials (RCT). But what we need today is good quality scientific research that could improve our daily practice. This article introduce the REDIMEH, an Ibero-American Integrative Network for Clinical Research in Homeopathy, horizontal in structure, with no political objectives, with the only intention of joining efforts in order to obtain enough clinical data to draw out valid conclusions. Keywords: REDIMED, atopic dermatitis, clinical research.  Projeto REDIMED: Red Integrada Ibero-Americana para Pesquisa Clínica em Homeopatia ResumoSe pudermos apontar uma questão, a qual os verdadeiros médicos homeopatas podem se lamentar, esta deveria ser a falta ou insuficiéncia de pesquisas clínicas de alta qualidade. Uma grande parte da comunidade homeopática ainda insiste nas formas tradicionais de construção de conhecimento, levando-nos a lugar algum. Existem pontos bem estabelecidos pelos pesquisadores clínicos que tem se esforçado muito com a realização de Ensaios Controlados Randomizados (RCT). O que mais precisamos hoje é de investigação científica de boa qualidade, que possa melhorar a nossa prática diária. Este artigo apresenta o projeto REDIMEH, uma Rede Integrada Ibero-Americana para Pesquisa Clínica em Homeopatia, de estrutura horizontal, sem objetivos políticos, com a intenção de unir esforços no sentido de obter dados clínicos suficientes para chegarmos a conclusões válidas para a prática clínica diária. Palavras-chave: REDIMED, dermatite atópica, investigação clínica.  Proyecto REDIMEH: Red Iberoamericana Integrativa de Investigación Clínica en Homeopatía ResumenSi hubiera uma cuestión de la cual los médicos homeopatas podrían pesar, sería probablemente la investigación clínica de alta calidad. Una gran parte de la comunidad homeopática sigue insistiendo en las formas tradicionales de construcción del conocimiento, que nos conduce a ninguna parte. En la actualidad, existe un acuerdo entre los investigadores clínicos, que ya se han hecho lo suficiente con los esfuerzos de control de ensayos aleatorios (RCT). Pero lo que necesitamos hoy es la investigación científica de buena calidad que pueda mejorar nuestra práctica diaria. Este artículo presentará el REDIMEH, uma Red Iberoamericana Integrativa de Investigación Clínica en Homeopatía, con una estructura horizontal, sin objetivos políticos, con la única intención de unir esfuerzos con el propósito de obtener datos clínicos suficientes para sacar conclusiones válidas. Palabras-clave: REDIMED, dermatitis atópica, investigación clínica  Correspondence author: Jose Eizayaga, [email protected], How to cite this article: Eizayaga J. REDIMEH Project: Ibero-American Integrative Network for Clinical Research in Homeopathy. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2009 [cited YYYY Month dd]; 8(27): 50-52. Available from:  

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