Maximum river runoff regime in The North Caucasus under the influence of recent climate change

Ivan Durmanov ◽  
Ekaterina Rets ◽  
Maria Kireeva

<p>Difficult climatic conditions characterized The North Caucasus and high flood hazard in this region. Over the past decades, significant climate changes have occurred, which has influenced the flow of mountain rivers, including the maximum flow. Since the end of the last century, there has been an increase in the number of dangerous floods in the basins of North Caucasus rivers, which led to significant material damage and deaths. In the flood zone were several tens of thousands of houses. In addition, infrastructure facilities were destroyed and hydraulic structures damaged. In this regard, there is an urgent task of analyzing the spatio-temporal changes in the characteristics of the maximum runoff and the factors that determine them.</p><p>In the course of the study, methods of statistical analysis, geoinformation methods, graphoanalytic, and the method of geographical generalization were used. Calculation of statistical parameters and visualization were carried out using the programming languages R and FORTRAN.</p><p>The spatial variability of the maximum runoff of the rivers of the North Caucasus over the past 70-80 years was analyzed. The results indicate a predominantly negative trend of maximum water discharge in the highlands of the North Caucasus and a positive in the middle reaches of the Kuban. This is consistent with data on the absence of a positive trend in average annual temperatures in the highlands due to lower temperatures in the winter, as well as with an increase in the number of days with heavy rainfall. The latter factor determined the almost universal increase in interannual variability of maximum expenditures, which indicates an increase in flood hazard throughout the region.</p><p>An analysis of the characteristics of the flood flow showed that the dependence of floods on precipitation in the mountains manifests itself at extreme values, while for all the main factor is air temperature. The maximum discharge of rain floods tends to increase in foothill areas, while no changes have been detected in the mountains.</p><p>The results can give a clearer view of the processes of changing the maximum flow, and become the basis for the development of measures to minimize the damage from such natural disasters.</p><p>This work was financial supported by RFBR (Project 20-35-70024)</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 61-70 ◽  
E. P. Rets ◽  
R. G. Dzhamalov ◽  
M. B. Kireeva ◽  
N. L. Frolova ◽  
I. N. Durmanov ◽  

Based on observational data from 70 hydrological stations in the North Caucasus an evaluation of present values of mean annual runoff, minimum monthly winter and summer runoff was carried out. Series of maps was drawn. Significant changes in mean annual. minimum monthly and maximum runoff during last decades have been revealed in the North Caucasus. A rise in both amount of water availability and potential natural hazard is characteristic of the most of the North Caucasus that is considered to be caused by recent climate change. Mean annual runoff during 1978-2010 increased compared to 1945-1977 by 5-30 % in the foothills and by 30-70% in the plain area. An increase in winter minimum monthly runoff is as well most intensive in the plain part of study area (>100%). Within the foothills it amounts to 50-100%. In mountainous area long-term oscillation of winter minimum monthly discharge strongly depends on local factors, such as geological structure. The rate of the increase in summer minimum monthly discharge regularly grows from central foothill part of Northern Caucasus (30-50%) to the Western plain territory (70-100%). In Kuban river basin 30% of analyzed gauging stations show positive trend in maximum instantaneous discharge, while 9% negative. On the contrary, in the Eastern part – Terek river basin – negative trend in maximum instantaneous discharge is prevalent: 38% of gauging stations. Positive trend in Terek river basin is characteristic of 9.5% of analyzed gauging stations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-222
Nadezhda O. Bleich ◽  

The article is devoted to the consideration of the worldview positions of famous educators of the past century regarding the state of school education among Muslims of the North Caucasus region. It is proved that the enlighteners advocated the creation of a new type of national non-class school and the construction of the didactic foundations of the educational process in it. The novelty of the work is that, based on the analysis of the views of the advanced intelligentsia of the region, aimed at understanding the current socio-cultural situation, an attempt was made to scientifically understand the problems and prospects for the development of the Muslim educational system of the past from the point of view of the modern scientific paradigm. The practical significance of the publication lies in expanding the understanding of the system of Mohammedan education in the context of its historical heritage, which will help to comprehend modern problems associated with the reform of general and vocational education in the national Muslim republics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 507
Feofilova T. Yu ◽  
Alekseeva Yu A.

It was found that over the past 5 years a number of crimes of a terrorist nature has greatly increased. The hypothesis appeared that the adverse socio-economic situation creates conditions for the growth of crimes of a terrorist nature. As a result, the analysis revealed an inverse relationship between the "actual final consumption per person in thousand rubles ", average cash income per month in thousand rubles and the number of crimes of a terrorist nature. Keywords: socio-economic development, crimes of a terrorist nature, region, North-West

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 8-17
L. S. Karpova ◽  
T. P. Stolyarova ◽  
N. M. Popovtseva

Relevance. The National influenza center uses additional criteria: baselines and thresholds for epidemic intensity for early recognition of the onset and assessment of epidemic intensity. Aim. To characterize the parameters of the flu epidemic in the Russian Federation in the 2019-2020 season and assess the intensity of the last 2 epidemics and the effectiveness of baselines and intensity thresholds. Materials and methods. The database of the research Institute of influenza on weekly morbidity, hospitalization, deaths from influenza and ARVI in the cities-reference bases of the National center for influenza was used. The analysis of the flu situation is based on comparing the current incidence of influenza and ARVI with weekly epic thresholds and baselines. A comparative assessment of the intensity of the last 2 influenza epidemics was carried out using intensity thresholds calculated by the moving epidemic method (MEM). Results. The main parameters of the 2019-20 influenza epidemic compared to the previous one are described. There was an increase in the incidence of clinically diagnosed «fluenza» in the pre-epidemic period and the early onset of both epidemics and reaching a peak in the 6th calendar week. This season, the epidemic started among school children, then among adults, and in the past-among the adult population, the incidence of children 0-2 years old was below the thresholds in both epidemics. This season, the average duration of the epidemic and the incidence in cities were higher among school children and adults, and over the entire period of the epidemic, the incidence was higher in all age groups across the country. This season, the epidemic started in the North Caucasus Federal district, its intensity was medium and low, in the past - it started simultaneously in the Siberian, Ural and North Caucasus districts, and its intensity was very high (in the North Caucasus) and high (in the Siberian Federal district) and the average level of 6 districts. The intensity and duration of epidemics were higher in districts with an early onset (in the North Caucasus and Siberian Federal districts). Both epidemics in the country were of moderate intensity, but there were fewer deaths from influenza in the last epidemic. Conclusion. Comparative characteristics of epidemics using baselines and intensity thresholds allowed us to identify the features of the epidemic process in the seasons 2018-19 and 2019-20: the earlier onset of both epidemics; a noticeable increase in the incidence of fluenza before the beginning of epidemics; a decrease in the intensity of epidemics and mortality from influenza; features of the epidemic process in Federal districts. The effectiveness of using additional criteria in the analysis of the influenza epidemic in Russia and this season has been confirmed. In both epidemics, the weekly epidemic thresholds for influenza and ARVI were more sensitive when determining the start of the epidemic, and the end of it, on the contrary, were baselines, and the baselines of morbidity and hospitalization with a diagnosis «influenza» determined the beginning and end of the epidemic even more precisely.

Галина Викторовна Сёмина

В статье автор исходит из понимания феномена культуры (как в искусстве, так и в философии) как культуры, способной жить и развиваться только в одновременном диалоге с другими культурами, который В.С. Библер назвал «культурологическим парадоксом». В процессе проведенного исследования выстроено понимание того, что культура есть мир «вещей», основанный на диалоге их создателей не только с людьми настоящего, но и с последующими поколениями, так как рассказывают потомкам о мировоззрении прошедшей эпохи, о ценностях культуры предков, о мировидении создателей произведений. Автор считает этот аспект достаточно важным и значимым для решения проблем по дальнейшему сохранению культурного наследия народов Северного Кавказа в глобализирующемся мире, стремящемся к всеобщей унификации и нивелирующим тем самым самобытность культур этносов. Культурфилософский анализ предметов как «вещей» способствует выявлению их смыслов, несущих на себе печать человека как homo faber, как созерцателя и как пользователя, которому не только открыто их предназначение, но и без которого в принципе невозможно их существование. В качестве примера рассмотрены узорные карачаево-балкарские ковры - кийизы. Проведена сравнительная параллель между возможными интерпретациями орнаментальных мотивов жыйгыч кийизов - узких полосок, покрывавших полки в патриархальных жилищах этих этносов, и предполагаемым диалогом с Другим. Материал дает основание сделать вывод о том, что эти ковры-занавеси «читаются» по типу «культурного текста» - неких закодированных таким образом посланий предков. In the paper, the author proceeds from the understanding of the phenomenon of culture (both in art and in philosophy), as a culture capable of living and developing only in a simultaneous dialogue with other cultures, which V.S. Bibler called "a cultural paradox". In the process of the study, the understanding is built that culture is a world of "things", basing on the dialogue of their creators not only with the people of the present, but also with subsequent generations. They tell descendants about the worldview of the past era, about the values of ancestral culture, about the worldview of the creators of works. The author considers this aspect important and significant enough to solve the problems of further preserving the cultural heritage of the peoples of the North Caucasus in a globalizing world, striving for universal unification and thereby leveling the identity of ethnic cultures. Cultural-philosophical analysis of objects as "things" helps to identify their meanings, bearing the stamp of a human being, as a homo faber, as a contemplator and as a user, to whom not only their purpose is open, but also without which, in principle, their existence is impossible. The patterned Karachay-Balkarian rugs - kiyizes - are considered as an example. A comparative parallel was drawn between possible interpretations of the ornamental motifs of the zhyigych kiyizes -narrow strips covering shelves in the patriarchal dwellings of these ethnic groups, and the alleged dialogue with the Other. The material gives reason to conclude that these curtain rugs are "read" according to the type of "cultural text" which is a kind of coded message from the ancestors.

L. Gudmundsson ◽  
S. I. Seneviratne

Abstract. Recent climate projections suggest pronounced changes in European drought frequency. In the north, increased precipitation volumes are likely to reduce drought occurrence, whereas more frequent droughts are expected for southern Europe. To assess whether this pattern of changes in drought frequency can already be identified for the past decades, we analyse trends in a recently developed pan-European drought climatology that is based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The index is derived on multiple time scales, ranging from 1 to 36 months, which allows the assessment of trends in both short term and multi-year droughts. Trends are quantified using the Theil-Sen trend estimator combined with an extension of the Mann–Kendal test (p < 0.05) that accounts for serial correlation. Field significance is assessed on the basis of techniques that control the false discovery rate in a multiple testing setting. The trend analysis indicates that changes in drought frequency are more pronounced on time scales of one year and longer. The analysis also reveals that there has been a tendency for decreased drought frequency in northern Europe in the past decades, whereas droughts have likely become more frequent in selected southern regions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 84-93
А.К. Амирханова

Цели исследования состоят в том, чтобы установить происхождение обычая стрельбы из огнестрельного оружия на свадьбах у народов Дагестана, определить его состояние в настоящее время и степень связи между историческими и современными характеристиками явления. Источниками послужили результаты научных изысканий российских этнографов и сообщения из современных российских средств массовой информации. Выявлено, что в прошлом стрельба на свадьбе рассматривалась как оберег от злых сил, придавала торжеству эмоциональный колорит. Домусульманский обычай сохранил актуальность и после утверждения ислама. Установлено отсутствие связи между стрельбой на современных свадьбах и традициями, имевшими место у народов Дагестана в прошлом. Общество признает факты утраты первоначального обрядового смысла стрельбы на свадьбах и придания ей развлекательной функции. Среди населения в основном наблюдается осознание нежелательности «экспорта» обычая стрельбы за пределы Дагестана или Северного Кавказа. The study aims to establish the origin of the custom of shooting firearms at weddings among the peoples of Dagestan, to determine the state of this custom at present, and to establish the degree of connection between the historical and modern characteristics of the phenomenon. The materials were the results of research by Russian ethnographers, who studied the traditional culture of the peoples of Dagestan, as well as reports from modern Russian media. When working on the study, the author adhered to a complex methodological scheme, which is based on a combination of methods of evolutionary, functional and structural analysis used in the study of ethnographic facts. It has been established that, even before the advent of firearms, sharp loud sounds were used during wedding ceremonies to protect newlyweds from evil forces. For example, participants in celebrations, using a variety of objects, made a special noise during the transfer of the bride. With the advent of firearms, the peoples of Dagestan began to use them in protecting wedding rituals which could have their own specific meaning for different peoples. It has been revealed that the studied custom, based on pre-Muslim beliefs, turned out to be stable enough to remain relevant even after the establishment of Islam. The functions of shooting at modern Dagestan weddings have been investigated. Numerous reports from the media about cases of the use of firearms during the movement of wedding corteges, including outside Dagestan (in Moscow, Stavropol), have been given. The author pays considerable attention to the negative reaction of society, which condemns the dangerous entertainment of modern youth at weddings, and notes the facts of criminal prosecution of persons who committed such offenses. In recent years, shooting at weddings is often replaced by the use of pyrotechnic devices. The author concludes that the role of firearms in traditional wedding celebrations among the peoples of Dagestan was initially associated mainly with imitative magic rituals. Currently, there is an almost complete lack of connection between the traditions that took place among the peoples of Dagestan in the past and the shooting at modern weddings. Reacting to shooting at modern weddings, the public acknowledges the loss of its original ritual meaning, characterizes it as entertainment or a manifestation of recklessness. People are generally aware of the undesirability of “exporting” the custom of shooting outside Dagestan or the North Caucasus.

Maryana Adamovna Malish

The paper raises the problem of preserving the his-torical memory of the Caucasian War. The author examines the contribution of long-term republican target programs in the development of the region and the education of youth. It is said about the ap-pearance of traditions associated with monuments dedicated to the memory of this war in Adygea. The paper analyzes the attitude of state authorities and public organizations to the establishment of monu-ments of this type. A brief description of the monu-ments to the victims of the Caucasian War is given. It was revealed that the first initiator of their estab-lishment in the North Caucasus, in particular in Adygea, is the International Circassian Association. The role of the media in the study and dissemination of information about the monuments of the region is indicated. It is concluded that memorials testify-ing to the tragic events of the Caucasian War are symbols of historical memory and reflect the atti-tude of the people to the past.

S.A. Litvinskaya ◽  

An attempt was made to collect numerous materials on paleontology, archeology, history, economics. This will make it possible to generalize and trace the increasingly complex relationship between society and natural ecosystems in the North Caucasus and the consequences of human activities. Attention is focused on the "human effect its geological role as a powerful factor in the transformation of the natural environment. It is important to understand the transformations of natural landscapes and ecological situations as a result of the initial transformative activity of man, an analysis of the conjugation of the evolution of the natural environment and human cultures.

Hydrology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Artyom V. Gusarov ◽  
Aidar G. Sharifullin ◽  
Mikhail A. Komissarov

For the first time, contemporary trends in water discharge, suspended sediment load, and the intensity of overall erosion in the river basins of the North Caucasus region, as one of Russia’s most agriculturally developed geographic areas, were identified. The study was carried out using monitoring data of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the country for 21 rivers by comparing two periods: 1963–1980 and 2008–2017. According to the study’s results, trends of an increase in the mean annual water discharge (by 2–97%) and the essential reduction in its intra-annual variability have been found in most of the studied rivers. On the contrary, the trends of reduction in annual suspended sediment load and the intensity of erosion in the river basins were identified in most of the study region. Their most essential and statistically significant decreases (by 47–94%) were recorded within the Stavropol Upland, which several decades ago was considered one of the most erosion-dangerous territories of the entire country, as well as in some river basins of the central part of the Greater Caucasus’s northern slope (by 17–94%). The changes in climate (reducing the depth of soil freezing and meltwater runoff on the soil) and land use/cover (reduction of acreage and load (pressure) of agricultural machinery on the soil, reducing livestock on pastures, and the transfer of water from the neighboring, more full-flowing rivers) are considered the leading causes of the aforementioned trends. The findings will contribute to solving some economic and environmental problems of both the region and adjacent territories and water areas.

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