М. Altynbekov ◽  
G. Tussibayeva ◽  
T. Bekzhanova ◽  
B. Zhumataeva ◽  
М.А. Алтынбеков ◽  

It is generally recognized that accounting in an organization should be carried out according to certain rules. The problem is to establish such a set of rules, the implementation of which would ensure the maximum effect of accounting. Theoretically, there are three possible approaches to establishing the rules of accounting in an enterprise: centralized, decentralized and mixed. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, organizations develop and implement their own accounting policies. The accounting policy of the enterprise, as a set of rules for the implementation of the accounting method, should ensure the maximum effect of accounting. This means the timely formation of financial and management information, its reliability, objectivity, accessibility and usefulness for management decisions and a wide range of users. This article discusses the importance of the formation of accounting policy as the main element of the internal regulation of the accounting system. Special attention is paid to the principles of forming accounting policies for small enterprises, providing high-quality accounting information in a simplified accounting system for small enterprises. The authors note that at present the accounting policy is the most important tool for managing a small enterprise. With proper preparation of accounting policy, an organization can significantly change for the better its main indicators of the company's activity, build tax planning and pricing policy. The accounting policy is one of the main documents that establishes the rules of accounting in the organization. The very fact of the existence of an accounting policy implies a choice, a certain freedom granted to an economic entity when forming an information model of its organization. Общепризнанно, что бухгалтерский учет в организации должен осуществляться по определенным правилам. Проблема заключается в установлении такой совокупности правил, реализация которых обеспечила бы максимальный эффект от ведения учета. Теоретически возможны три подхода к установлению правил постановки бухгалтерского учета на предприятии: централизованный, децентрализованный и смешанный. В Республике Казахстан организации разрабатывают и проводят собственную учетную политику. Учетная политика предприятия, как совокупность правил реализации метода бухгалтерского учета должна обеспечивать максимальный эффект от ведения учета. При этом понимается своевременное формирование финансовой и управленческой информации, ее достоверность, объективность, доступность и полезность для управленческих решений и широкого круга пользователей. В данной статье рассматривается важность формирования учетной политики как основного элемента внутрифирменного регулирования системы бухгалтерского учета. Особое внимание уделено принципам формирования учетной политики для малых предприятий, предоставлению качественной бухгалтерской информации в упрощенной системе бухгалтерского учета для малых предприятий. Авторы отмечают, что в настоящее время учетная политика является важнейшим инструментом управления малым предприятием. При грамотном составлении учетной политики организация может существенно изменить в лучшую сторону свои основные показатели деятельности предприятия, построить налоговое планирование и ценовую политику. Учетная политика является одним из основных документов, который устанавливает правила ведения бухгалтерского учета в организации. Сам факт существования учетной политики предполагает выбор, определенную свободу, предоставленную экономическому субъекту при формировании информационной модели своей организации.

Н.А. Кудайбергенов ◽  
А.М. Адилова ◽  
М.Қ. Әлиев ◽  
М.А. Алтынбеков ◽  
N. Kudaidergenov ◽  

Мақалада шағын кәсіпорындардағы бухгалтерлік есепте қалыптасатын ақпараттың пайдалылығын анықтайтын талаптар мен бухгалтерлік ақпараттың сапалық сипаттамалары қарастырылған. Ғылыми мақалада шағын кәсіпорын кез-келген басқа шаруашылық субъектісімен қатар бухгалтерлік есеп жүргізу мақсатында есеп саясатын жасауға міндетті екендігі айтылған. Сонымен қатар есеп саясаты-бұл ұйымдағы бухгалтерлік есеп ережелерін белгілейтін негізгі құжаттардың бірі екендігі қарастырылған. Бұл мақалада шағын кәсіпорындардың есеп саясатын қалыптастыруға әсер ететін факторлар қарастырылады. Атап айтқанда, жеңілдетілген бухгалтерлік есепті жүзеге асыратын шағын кәсіпорындардың есеп саясатын қалыптастыру тәртібі ашылды. Шағын кәсіпорындар, басқа коммерциялық ұйымдардан айырмашылығы, бухгалтерлік есеп, есептілік және салық салу нысандарының кең таңдауына ие екендігі атап өтілді. Авторлар, соңғы кезде кәсіпорында есеп саясаты тек бухгалтерлік есептің басқару жүйесінің негізгі тәсілдері мен құралы ғана емес, сонымен бірге салық есебінің де негізгісі болып табылатыны атап кеткен. Есеп саясатының қызметі кеңеюде және жоспарлау процесіне бағытталған: салықтық және қаржылық. Есеп саясатының тиімді және ұтымды ережесі қаржылық есептілігінен қызығушылық танытқан пайдаланушыларға толық және нақтылы ақпарат беруге кепілдеме береді, сонымен бірге шешім қабылдауда әсерін тигізіп және салық салу жүйесінде мңызды рөл атқарады. Кілт cөздep:Χaлықapaлық қapжылық eceп cтaндapттapы (XҚEC), Бyxгaлтepлiк eceп жaлпы қaғидaттapы (БEЖҚ), нapықтық қaтынacтap,eceп caяcaты, жоспарлау, нормалау, бухгалтерлік есепті қалпына келтіру, шағын кәсіпкерлік, есеп саясаты, бухгалтерлік ақпарат, экономика, қаржылық есептілік. Ключевые слοвa:междунapοдные стaндapты финaнсοвοй οтчетнοсти (МСФΟ), междунapοдные стaндapты бухгaлтеpскοгο учетa (МСБУ), взaимοοтнοшения, бухгaлтеpский учет, планирование, нормирование, возрождение учета, малые предприятия, налоговый учет, учетная политика, учетная информация, экономика, финансовая отчетность. The article considers the requirements and qualitative characteristics of accounting information in the accounting system for small enterprises that determine its usefulness. In the scientific article, it is noted that a small enterprise, along with any other business entity, is required to draw up an accounting policy for the purposes of accounting. The accounting policy is one of the main documents that sets the rules for accounting in an organization. This article discusses the factors that influence the formation of accounting policies of small enterprises. In particular, the procedure for forming the accounting policy of small enterprises engaged in simplified accounting is disclosed. It is noted that small enterprises, unlike other commercial organizations, have a wide range of options for accounting, reporting and taxation forms. The authors note that the company's accounting policy has recently become a key tool and way to manage the system of not only accounting, but also tax accounting. The functions of accounting policy are increasingly expanded and are aimed at tax and financial planning processes. The provisions of a rational and effective accounting policy can provide a full guarantee of the completeness and reliability of information for interested users of financial statements, as well as influence decision-making and play an important role in the tax system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-110
Snezana Bardarova ◽  
Marija Magdincheva-Shopova ◽  
Monika Markovska ◽  
Bozhidar Milenkovski

Current developments in the global and national economics point to a number of problems faced by real entities in the real sector, and as a special area of interest for the scientific public there is a need to provide conditions for the smooth running of the reproduction processes in the enterprise and the realization the positive results of the operation. Enterprises are drivers of inclusive economic growth in the Republic of Macedonia and in creating productive and sustainable jobs.The new conception of the small enterprise as a carrier and engine of economic development is quite persuasive with its economic logic and reaffirms the small enterprise as a significant economic sector. The activities within the small enterprises are aimed at intensifying the results of the work by achieving a balance between objective possibilities and good working principles. The monitoring of the small enterprise, through the prism of its influence on economic growth and development, rejects the traditional view for small enterprises as security guards.The SME sector is a driver of inclusive economic growth in Macedonia and the creation of sustainable jobs increasing productivity. It also does not agree with the notion that small enterprises are economically inefficient organisms.With the third technological revolution in the countries with a developed market economy, the domination of the so-called. small economy, that is, the sector of small and medium enterprises. Today, small enterprises have a growing number of supporters who believe that small enterprises are carriers of innovation and entrepreneurship and are able to react quickly to changes in the environment. For years, the Republic of Macedonia has faced a high rate (29%, June 2013) of general unemployment, which remains a key challenge for stabilizing the economic and social development of the country. The subject of research in this paper is focused on conducting analysis of the active enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia by size, by sector and by number of employees, as well as analysis of the activity of the population and employment by sectors and by type of ownership of the enterprise in the period from 2013-2017.

2021 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 24-33
S. G. Troina ◽  
V. V. Kuhach ◽  

The article presents the results of a sociological study conducted with the questionnaire of 385 pharmacy customers from different regions of the Republic of Belarus aged over 60 using Kano model. The respondents consistently expressed their attitude to the presence and absence of 13 characteristics (parameters) effecting the performance of pharmacies. The purpose of this study is to assess the loyalty of elderly customers to the pharmacy using Kano model. The potentials of elderly customers’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the work of pharmacies are calculated. The same parameter was revealed to have a different effect on the potential of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of pharmacy elderly customers. The distribution of the parameters studied into 4 quadrants allowed to determine mandatory characteristics of the pharmacy (availability of a wide range of products, competence of pharmaceutical workers; provision of the customers with detailed information about the purchased product), linear (location of the pharmacy, convenient schedule of its work, rational pricing policy, discount availability, informative and esthetic design of shop windows, benevolence of pharmaceutical workers) and indifferent ones (availability of car parking near the pharmacy, advertising items in the pharmacy, ability to get additional services in the pharmacy, modern technologies for population service). Attractive parameters were not set. The design of shop windows is at the border edge of mandatory and one-dimensional characteristics intersection. To attract customers and increase their loyalty to the pharmacy it is necessary to ensure availability of mandatory and to develop the category of linear characteristics.

M. Protasov ◽  
A. Aynazarov ◽  
R. Ahmadeev ◽  
T. Morozova

The article assesses the impact of the tax burden and optimization of the accounting system on the deterrent effect of choosing an innovative direction of activity by small businesses. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that the range of tax benefits and simplifications for accounting provided is quite a wide range and cannot be a deterrent to choosing an innovative type of activity. At the same time, a rather low innovative activity of small business was noted. Despite the fact that small innovative business has the ability to optimize taxation and accounting, many other factors have a complex effect on the choice of companies' activities, which leads to the effect of holding back the development of small enterprises in the innovative sector of the economy.

2019 ◽  
pp. 130-135
O. S. D’yakonova ◽  
A. M. Puzankova

The arguments, justifying the need to create a unified legislative framework, governing the accounting system of small enterprises, have been presented. The modern interpretations of the concept “small enterprise” have been considered. The criteria for classifying an enterprise as small in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation have been summarized. The features of accounting by small enterprises, which suggest a choice between a general or simplified accounting system, have been highlighted. Specific taxation systems for small enterprises have been determined and compared.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1813
Zauresh TUYAKOVA ◽  

This article presents the results of analysis of the grain industry state of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan in comparison with the forecast and actual changes in the volumes of world production and sale of grain. A comparative analysis of the gross grain harvest and its structure, the dynamics of planting areas changes and the yield of wheat, as well as the structure of grain production prime cost, was carried out using the example of the most typical regions bordering each other - the Orenburg and Kostanay regions. The management accounting system, in particular its production accounting subsystem, is adapted to the conditions of a particular enterprise, which must be developed on the basis of management goals and capabilities. It should be noted that all the basic elements of management accounting were widely used in domestic practice. However, the lack of interest of workers in improving production efficiency did not allow to obtain the proper effect from the use of these elements. The generalization of European and domestic economic experience allows us to conclude that management accounting currently allows successfully implement the functions of accounting, planning, control and regulation of the cost of production - one of the most important indicators of the economic entity.

L.A. Sviridova ◽  
E.V. Satalkina ◽  
T.A. Terentyeva ◽  

Relevance of the topic. Modern problems of identification of objects of accounting supervision as sources of financial support of activity are insufficiently investigated. In domestic and foreign practice, there is no definition of the source of financial support for the activities of economic entities. At the same time, the study revealed differences in the terminology used in the capital accounting system, which is an objective basis for the formation of professional judgment when accepting financing objects for accounting. The analysis has shown that the reliability of the reflection of the facts of economic life associated with their receipt and use by economic entities largely depends on the adequate identification of capital, target financing and budget allocations as objects of accounting. Goal. Identify the source of financing of the activities of economic entities operating in various sectors of the economy from the standpoint of professional judgment. Methods. The methodological basis of the work was the general scientific principles and methods of research: analysis and synthesis, logical linking, systematization of the theoretical foundations and practice of identifying sources of financing the activities of economic entities in accounting. Main results. The systematization of approaches to the definition of «economic entity» as an independent economic category is carried out, the author’s grouping of economic entities from the position of sources of financing of their activities is developed, approaches to the identification of sources of financing of activities and their reflection in accounting from the position of professional judgment of the accountant are proposed. Scientific novelty. The author’s definition of the source of financing of the activity of an economic entity is formulated, their grouping is presented and justified depending on the financial resources received for the implementation of the activity, and options for organizing accounting of sources of financing of different groups of economic entities are developed. Practical significance. The proposed author’s approach to the identification and accounting of sources of financing can be implemented in the accounting policy of economic entities. Recommendations. The conclusions given in the article allow a professional accountant to form the content of the accounting policy of an economic entity in the part of the section regulating the accounting of various sources of financing of activities and the reflection of information in the appropriate forms of accounting (financial) statements.

Auditor ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (8) ◽  
pp. 34-38
С. Поленова ◽  
S. Polenova

Th e article attempts to analyze the theory and practice of forming the accounting policy of a small enterprise in the terms of simplifi ed system of accounting, the current regulatory documentation governing this process. The possibilities of the practical implementation of certain provisions of documents on accounting policies are explored, recommendations on their refi nement and practical application are substantiated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Snezana Bardarova ◽  
Marija Magdincheva-Shopova ◽  
Andrijana Ristovska ◽  
Danijela Durkalic

The Macedonian labor market is characterized by deep structural imbalances and a high presence of structural unemployment in overall unemployment. The roots of such imbalances can be traced to a number of factors, including a lack of regional mobility, the deindustrialization of these economies during the transition period, and the resulting massive unemployment of low-skilled and difficult-to-adapt labor, or a weak link between education systems and requirements in industry36.The new conception of the small enterprise as a carrier and engine of economic development is quite persuasive with its economic logic and reaffirms the small enterprise as a significant economic sector. The activities within the small enterprises are aimed at intensifying the results of the work by achieving a balance between objective possibilities and good working principles. The monitoring of the small enterprise, through the prism of its influence on economic growth and development, rejects the traditional view for small enterprises as security guards.The SME sector is a driver of inclusive economic growth in Macedonia and the creation of sustainable jobs increasing productivity. It also does not agree with the notion that small enterprises are economically inefficient organisms.The subject of research in this paper is focused on conducting analysis of the active enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia by sector and by number of employees in the period from 2011 to 2017, as well as analysis of the of economic growth (GDP) in the period 2011-2016.

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