Intangible Resources as Key Determinants of Job Network Providers’ Success: A Resource-based Study

2012 ◽  
Vol 02 (11) ◽  
pp. 43-63
Fouad Ichrakie

In the last 50 years, many explanations of the determinants of a firm’s success have emerged. One main research stream has dominated the literature on strategic management, grounded in the ‘resource-based view’. Its main assumptions hold that resources possessing specific characteristics such as being valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable are the key determinants of a firm’s success, and are generally regarded to be intangible in nature. In an effort to add to the body of research within the ‘resource-based view’, this paper seeks to test the core assumptions of the ‘resource-based view’ within the Job Network industry in Australia. Given that firms access various intangible resources as they try to carry out a market strategy, this present study is interested in investigating whether or not, intangible resources (capabilities) classified as skills contribute more to Job Network providers’ success than intangible resources in the form of assets, as prescribed by the ‘resource-based view’ theory. To carry out the present study, a conceptual model of intangible resources was developed based on Hall’s (1992) classification of intangible resources divided into two categories: assets and capabilities, but extends this earlier work by including some other resources available for Job Network providers in Australia (e.g. relationships abilities and functional routine). A single hypothesis was posited to investigate the assumption that capabilities contribute largely to Job Network providers’ market and financial performance, rather than intangible assets. This model was tested via a survey encompassing Job Network providers in Australia. Of the 200 questionnaires distributed, a final sample of 69 providers was analysed using multiple regression analysis. Providers’ duration in business was used as a control variable. The findings of the present study revealed mixed results. Capabilities were found to be a significant contributor to providers’ market performance and not financial performance, after accounting for the effects of other intangible assets and the control variable. By contrast, organisational assets were found to be a significant contributor to both market and financial performance measures. In addition, intellectual property and reputation assets were not found to be significant in predicting providers’ market and financial performance. Therefore, in contrast to the ‘resource-based-view’ theory, capabilities were not found to be the single most important contributor to Job Network providers’ performance. Thus, the findings of this study may raise some important issues regarding which intangible resources are the most important contributors to providers’ market and financial performance. They also offer a rich avenue for further investigations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-102
Sajeev Abraham George ◽  
Anurag C. Tumma

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to benchmark the operational and financial performances of the major Indian seaports to help derive useful insights to improve their performance. Design/methodology/approach A two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology has been used with the help of data collected on the 13 major seaports of India. The first stage of the DEA captured the operational efficiencies, while the second stage the financial performance. Findings A window analysis over a period of three years revealed that no port was able to score an overall average efficiency of 100 per cent. The study identified the better performing units among their peers in both the stages. The contrasting results of the study with the traditional operational and financial performance measures used by the ports helped to derive useful insights. Research limitations/implications The data used in the study were majorly limited to the available sources in the public domain. Also, the study was limited to the major seaports which are under the Government of India and no comparisons were carried out with other local or international ports. Practical implications There is a need to prioritize investments and improvement efforts where they are most needed, instead of following a generalized approach. Once the benchmark ports are identified, the port authorities and other relevant stakeholders should work in detail on the factors causing inefficiencies, for possible improvements in performance. Originality/value This paper carried out a two-stage DEA that helped to derive useful insights on operational efficiency and financial performance of the India seaports. A combination of the financial and operational parameters, along with a comparison of the DEA results with the traditional measures, provided a different perspective on the Indian seaport performance. Considering the scarcity of research papers reported in the literature on DEA-based benchmarking studies of seaports in the Indian context, it has the potential to attract future research in this field.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 5128
Tsung-Chun Chen ◽  
Yenchun Jim Wu

Knowledge transfer is a strategy used by high-tech companies to acquire new knowledge and skills. Knowledge can be internally generated or externally sourced. The access to external knowledge is a quick fix, but the risks associated with reliance on external sources are often overlooked. However, not acquiring such knowledge is even riskier. There have been a slew of litigations in the semiconductor industry in recent years. The acquisition and assurance of intangible assets is an important issue. This paper posits that internal R&D should take into consideration the knowledge intensity and capital investment in the industry. This study focuses on the relationship between intangible assets and financial performance. It sourced the 2004 to 2016 financial data of semiconductor companies in Taiwan for panel data modeling and examined case studies for empirical validation. This study found that the higher the R&D intensity (RDI) in the value-added component of human capital, the better the financial performance of the company. RDI has a positive influence on the accumulation of human capital and financial performance metrics, and such influence is deferred. Meanwhile, human capital is a mediating factor in the relationship between RDI and financial performance. RDI is integral to the semiconductor industry’s pursuit of business sustainability.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-14
Светлана Тарасовна Быкова ◽  
Тамара Григорьевна Калинина ◽  
Ирина Макаровна Московская

Полноценное, сбалансированное питание - основной фактор в формировании здоровья детей, когда в организме наиболее интенсивно протекают процессы роста и развития, формируются и созревают многие органы и системы, совершенствуются их функции. В статье приведены основные направления исследований зарубежных и отечественных ученых по лечению генетических заболеваний, таких как фенилкетонурия. Одним из приоритетных направлений в области здорового питания населения России в соответствии со Стратегией научно-технологического развития РФ до 2030 г. является развитие производства пищевых продуктов, обогащенных незаменимыми ингредиентами, специализированных продуктов детского питания, продуктов функционального назначения, диетических пищевых продуктов и биологически активных добавок. По данным ВОЗ от структуры питания на 70 % зависят здоровье и физическое развитие детей и подростков. Фенилкетонурия (ФКУ) - наследственное заболевание, вызывающее нарушение метаболизма аминокислоты фенилаланина у ребенка, одно из первых, рекомендованных ВОЗ для ранней диагностики у новорожденных. Отсутствие лечения вызывают серьезное поражение центральной нервной системы, отставание в умственном и физическом развитии. Особенностью современного этапа развития диетотерапии для детей, страдающих различными заболеваниями, в том числе наследственными, является разработка качественных функциональных продуктов питания, способствующих сохранению и улучшению здоровья ребенка за счет регулирующего и нормализующего воздействия на организм с учетом его физиологического состояния и возраста. Данные продукты можно широко использовать в практике лечебного питания не только в составе гипофенилаланиновой диеты, но и при любых заболеваниях, требующих ее соблюдения. В настоящее время единственным методом лечения ФКУ является диетотерапия, организованная с первых дней жизни с использованием специализированных смесей без фенилаланина. Из питания исключаются высокобелковые продукты растительного и животного происхождения. Целью лечебного воздействия диеты на ребенка является поддержка концентрации фенилаланина (ФА) в крови в пределах 2-12 мг на 100 мл в зависимости от возраста ребенка. Full-fledged balanced nutrition is the main factor in the formation of children's health, when the processes of growth and development are most intense in the body, many organs and systems are formed and mature, and their functions are improved. The article presents the main research areas of foreign and domestic scientists on the treatment of genetic diseases, such as phenylketonuria. One of the priority areas in the field of healthy nutrition of the Russian population in accordance with the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2030 is the development of the production of food products enriched with essential ingredients, specialized children's food products, functional products, dietary food products and biologically active additives. According to WHO, the health and physical development of children and adolescents depends on the nutritional structure by 70%. Phenylketonuria (PKN) - an inherited disease that causes impaired metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine in a child - is one of the first recommended by WHO for early diagnosis in newborns. Lack of treatment causes serious damage to the central nervous system, a lag in mental and physical development. A feature of the modern stage of development of dietary therapy for children suffering from various diseases, including hereditary ones, is the development of quality functional food products that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the health of the child, due to the regulatory and normalizing effect on the body, taking into account its physiological state and age. These products can be widely used in the practice of therapeutic nutrition not only in the sastava of the hypophenylalanine diet, but also for any diseases requiring its observance. Currently, the only method of treating PKN is diet therapy, organized from the first days of life using specialized mixtures without phenylalanine. High-protein products of vegetable and animal origin are excluded from nutrition. The goal of the therapeutic effect of the diet on the child is to maintain the concentration of phenylalanine (FA) in the blood in the range of 2-12 mg per 100 ml, depending on the age of the child.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mohamed Hamdoun ◽  
Mohamed Akli Achabou ◽  
Sihem Dekhili

Purpose This paper aims to examine the link between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance in the context of developing countries. More specifically, the mediating role of a firm’s competitive advantage and intangible resources, namely, human capital and reputation are studied. Design/methodology/approach The study considered a sample of 100 Tunisian firms. The analysis makes use of the structural equation modelling method to explore the relationship between CSR and financial performance, by including mediator variables. Findings The results confirm that CSR has no significant direct effect on financial performance. In particular, they indicate that the social dimension of CSR has a negative impact on performance. However, CSR does have a positive impact on competitive advantage via the two intangible resources considered, human capital and company reputation. Research limitations/implications The research fills a gap that occurred in the previous literature. In effect, previous studies focussed only on the direct link between CSR and financial performance. In addition, it enriches the limited literature on CSR strategies in the context of developing countries. However, further studies should explore the opposite relationship, i.e. the impact of financial performance on CSR strategy. In addition, the authors believe that amongst other potential research avenues, it would be interesting to study the moderating role of the activity sector. Practical implications From a practical point of view, this study suggests new applications with respect to the link between CSR and financial performance. To enhance their company’s financial performance, managers need to ensure that intangible resources are managed efficiently. Originality/value The paper contributes to the literature by examining how a firm’s intangible resources mediate between CSR and competitive advantage and how competitive advantage mediates between intangible resources and financial performance. Second originality is related to the study of the link between CSR and the financial performance of business organisations in the context of a developing country.

2021 ◽  
Vol 07 (01) ◽  
Setyo Budi Hartono ◽  
Wahab Zaenuri ◽  
Fania Mutiara Savitri ◽  
Dessy Noor Farida ◽  

Abstrak: Penelitian ini ditujukan pada anggaran dalam bentuk intangible asset (sumber daya manusia) dan tangible asset (aset tetap dan persediaan) yang diprediksi dapat mempengaruhi intellectual capital, kinerja keuangan sekarang dan mendatang, serta indikator kinerja utama. Alokasi anggaran sebagai baromater prioritas dalam mengembangkan intellectual capital ditujukan untuk memenuhi performa keuangan bagi indikator kinerja utama organisasi. Populasi yang juga menjadi sampel yaitu unit dan fakultas pada UIN Walisongo Semarang sebanyak 30 unit. Metode pengambilan sampling menggunakan teknik sampel jenuh yang mengambil seluruh populasi. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder berupa laporan tahunan dan laporan pencapaian indikator kinerja utama tahun 2019-2020. Analisis data menggunakan path analysis. Hasil penelitian ini adalah alokasi APBN tahun 2019 UIN Walisongo hanya terfokus pada tangible asset sebesar 82%, sementara 18% dialokasikan untuk intangible asset. Intangible asset tidak berpengaruh secara terhadap semua hubungan, hanya tangible asset saja yang dapat mempengaruhi intellectual capital secara langsung dan kinerja keuangan sekarang secara tidak langsung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perlu dilakukan audit sumber daya manusia sehingga dapat ditetapkan alokasi kebutuhan anggaran bagi intangible asset-nya. Abstract: This research is aimed at the budget in the form of intangible assets (human resources) and fixed assets and inventories that are predicted to affect intellectual capital, current and future financial performance, as well as key performance indicators. Budget allocation as a priority barometer in developing intellectual capital is aimed at meeting financial performance for the organization's main performance indicators. The population that is also a sample is 30 units and architecture at UIN Walisongo Semarang. The sampling method uses a saturated sample technique that takes the entire population. The data used is secondary data in the form of annual reports and performance indicator reports for 2019-2020. Data analysis using path analysis. The results of this study were that the 2019 State Budget allocation of UIN Walisongo only focused on tangible assets by 82%, while 18% was allocated for intangible assets. Intangible assets do not affect all relationships, only tangible assets can directly affect intellectual capital and current financial performance indirectly. Results Based on this research, it is necessary to conduct an audit of human resources so that they can determine the allocation of budget requirements for intangible assets.

Emilyn Cabanda ◽  
Eleanor C. Domingo

Banking institutions, nowadays, serve as intermediaries of funds to a variety of clients, including the micro enterprisers. This study analyzes and measures the performance of rural and thrift banks with microfinance operations in the Philippines, using combined measures of data envelopment analysis and traditional financial performance indicators. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is employed to measure the productive efficiency of these banks under the production approach. The variable returns to scale is also used, with the assumption that not all banks are operating at optimal scale over the long-run period. DEA findings reveal that sample banks performed below the production frontier. The average technical efficiency score of these banks is 66.09% and additional 33.91% is needed to reach the production frontier. Overall, thrift banks are found to be more productively efficient than rural banks as depository banks. The authors have also found a strong relationship between financial performance measures and bank's productive efficiency. For thrift banks, sustainability, ROE and ROA measures showed a statistically significant positive correlation to the banks' productive efficiency while a negative relationship was observed in rural banks. Lastly, the authors can suggest that both DEA's productive efficiency and financial performance measures are consistently and strongly correlated when evaluating the overall performance of banks with microfinance operations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 417-431 ◽  
Luqman Oyekunle Oyewobi ◽  
Abimbola Oluwakemi Windapo ◽  
Rotimi Olabode Bamidele James

Purpose – The essence of strategy formulation is to assist an organisation obtain a strategic fit with its environment and help enhance organisational continuous improvement in achieving performance excellence. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the type of competitive strategies used by construction organisations in attaining their strategic goals in South Africa. Design/methodology/approach – The study employs an inductive research approach using a well-structured questionnaire to elicit information from large construction organisations based in South Africa. Findings – The research identifies five strategic attributes that could assist organisations to grow their businesses and enhance their returns. It reveals that all Porters’ generic competitive strategies are significantly related to organisational financial performance measures except focus strategy. The research found that three generic competitive strategies are positively related to non-financial performance and that differentiation and cost-leadership strategies are capable of assisting organisations’ achieve their financial performance goals. Practical implications – The study results will be of immense benefit to chief executive officers as well as managers of construction organisations in growing their businesses and enhancing their corporate performance. Originality/value – The paper contributes both theoretically and empirically to the current discussion and findings on competitive strategy and its relationship with organisational performance. The results presented in the paper have important implications for the implementation of competitive strategies in construction companies and future studies in the area of strategic management.

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