The use of semi-finished products from whole-ground sprouted grain in the production of sweet dishes

2022 ◽  
pp. 12-15
Александр Валерьевич Арисов ◽  
Ольга Викторовна Чугунова ◽  
Владислав Михайлович Тиунов

В статье представлены результаты научных исследований по разработке рецептуры и технологии пудинга с использованием полуфабриката из цельносмолотого пророщенного зерна (ППЗ), в состав которого входят измельченные пророщенные зерна (пшеница - 14 %, рожь - 44 %, ячмень - 14 %, овес - 28 %) с размером частиц 200-400 мкм. Результаты исследования пищевой ценности ППЗ указывают на высокое содержание белка (12,4 %), пищевых волокон (11,7 %), жиров (2,9 %), витамина С (5,9 мг/100 г), энергетическая ценность составляет 321,1 ккал. Целью исследования является разработка рецептур и технологии пудинга с использованием полуфабриката из цельносмолотого пророщенного зерна вместо традиционных ванильных сухарей. Изучена возможность замены основного рецептурного компонента сухарей ванильных на ППЗ в рецептуре пудинга сухарного. Образец № 1 - пудинг с 25 %-ной заменой сухарей ванильных на ППЗ, образец № 2 - 50 %, образец № 3 - 75 %, образец № 4 - 100 %. В рецептуру пудинга из ППЗ был добавлен ванилин для формирования соответствующего вкуса. Установлено, что по органолептическим и физико-химическим показателям наиболее сбалансированным является образец с полной заменой ванильных сухарей на ППЗ. Кроме того, разработанный образец обладает меньшим содержанием жиров (на 16,7 %), по сравнению с контрольным образцом, уменьшилось содержание углеводов: моно- и дисахаридов (на 11,1 %), крахмала (на 9,3 %). Также увеличилось содержание пищевых волокон (на 457,1 %). Использование предложенного полуфабриката в технологии сладких блюд позволит не только расширить ассортимент, но и повысить пищевую и биологическую ценность изделия. The article presents the results of scientific research on the development of the formulation and technology of pudding using a semi-finished product from whole-ground sprouted grains (SPSG), which includes crushed sprouted grains (wheat - 14 %, rye - 44 %, barley - 14 %, oats - 28 %) with a particle size of 200-400 microns. The results of the study of the nutritional value of SPSG indicate a high content of protein (12.4 %), dietary fiber (11.7 %), fat (2.9 %), vitamin C (5.9 mg / 100 g), energy value is 321.1 kcal. The aim of the research is to develop recipes and technology for pudding using, instead of traditional vanilla rusks, a semi-finished product from whole-ground sprouted grains. The possibility of replacing the main recipe component of vanilla rusks with SPSG in the recipe for rusks pudding has been studied. Sample No. 1 - pudding with a 25 % replacement of vanilla rusks with SPSG; sample No. 2 - 50 %; sample No. 3 - 75 %; sample no. 4-100 %. Vanillin was added to the SPSG pudding formulation to create the appropriate flavor. It has been established that in terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, the most balanced sample is with a complete replacement of vanilla rusks at the SPSG. In addition, the developed sample has a lower fat content (by 16.7 %) compared to the control sample, the content of carbohydrates decreased: mono- and disaccharides (by 11.1 %), starch (by 9.3 %). The content of dietary fiber also increased (by 457.1 %). The use of the proposed semi-finished product in the technology of sweet dishes will not only expand the range, but also increase the nutritional and biological value of the product.

Food Industry ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Vladislav Tiunov ◽  
Olga Chugunova ◽  
Aleksandr Arisov

Currently, Strategy for Improving the Food Products Quality in the Russian Federation until 2030 identifies the need to develop new food products as one of the important state tasks; the quality improvement of raw materials used, the nutritional and biological value of finished products and expanding its range are an urgent area of scientific research. Flour culinary products are no exception. These products made from traditional wheat flour of the highest grade have low nutritional value, high calorie, lack of vitamins and minerals. In order to increase the biological value of flour culinary products, a man adds food additives and biologically active substances; uses non-traditional raw materials for the production. The article considers the possibility of using non-traditional flour types mixtures instead of wheat flour of the highest grade in the production of flour culinary products (pancakes). The researchers developed the optimal dosage for adding mixtures of rice and corn, rice and amaranth, rice and soya flour to the product formulations. They studied comprehensively the regulated indicators of product quality and safety: organoleptic, physical and chemical, microbiological; run the comparative analysis of samples from non-traditional types of flour with a control sample. The authors developed the pancakes technology in the form of baking it in a convection steamer with a complete replacement of wheat flour with a mixture of rice and corn, rice and amaranth, rice and soya flour. They compiled technological maps and formulated a technical document package on the products range.


В России наблюдается повышенный интерес к продуктам питания, включающим нетрадиционное сырье. Спрос на продукты с добавкой семян конопли (Cannabis sativa L.) обусловлен их питательной ценностью и низкой аллергенностью. Исследованы химические и физико-химические показатели пшенично-конопляной муки, полученной из помольной смеси зерна яровой пшеницы сорта Радмира и семян конопли сорта Сурская в соотношении соответственно 95 : 5, 92,5 : 7,5 и 90 : 10%. В качестве контрольного образца была пшеничная мука без добавок. Размол помольных пшенично-конопляных смесей различного соотношения и зерна пшеницы проводили на мельницах лабораторного помола (МЛП-4) с нарезными (драные системы) и микрошероховатыми вальцами (размольные системы). Исследование химических и физико-химических свойств образцов пшенично-конопляной и пшеничной муки проводили на инфракрасном анализаторе SpectraStar 2500 XL. Установлено, что добавление семян конопли в помольную смесь существенно снижает выход пшенично-конопляной муки по сравнению с выходом пшеничной муки (при добавке 5–7,5% семян конопли выход снижается на 4,3–4,4%, а при добавке 10% семян конопли – на 10,6%), однако повышается содержание жира и белка во всех потоках пшенично-конопляной муки, полученной как с драных, так и с размольных систем. По сравнению с содержанием жира и белка в муке из зерна пшеницы, составившим 1,12 и 11,57% соответственно, при добавлении 5% семян конопли в помольную пшенично-конопляную зерновую смесь средневзвешенное содержание жира в пшенично-конопляной муке составило 3,76%, а содержание белка – 12,74%, при добавлении 7,5% конопли в помольную смесь средневзвешенное содержание жира в пшенично-конопляной муке составило 4,35%, а белка – 12,7%, при добавлении 10% конопли в помольную смесь средневзвешенное содержание жира в пшенично-конопляной муке составило 4,97%, а содержание белка – 12,4%. Повышение содержания жира и белка в пшенично-конопляной муке будет способствовать повышению пищевой ценности хлебобулочного изделия из нее. Increased interest in food products, including non-traditional raw materials, is observe among the population of Russia. The demand for products with the addition of hemp seeds (Cannabis sativa L.) is due to their nutritional value and low allergenicity. Chemical and physico-chemical parameters of wheat-hemp flour obtained from a grind mixture of Radmira spring wheat grain and Surskaya hemp seeds in the ratio: 95 : 5, 92,5 : 7,5 and 90 : 10%, respectively, were investigated. Wheat flour without additives was use as a control sample. Grinding of grind wheat-hemp mixtures of various ratios and wheat grains was carried out in laboratory grind mills with rifled (torn systems) and micro-roughened rollers (grinding systems). The study of chemical and physico-chemical properties of wheat-hemp and wheat flour samples was carried out on the SpectraStar 2500 XL infrared analyzer. It was found that the addition of hemp seeds to the grind mixture significantly reduces the yield of wheat-hemp flour compared with the yield of wheat flour (with the addition of 5–7,5% of hemp seeds, the yield decreases by 4,3–4.4%, and with the addition of 10% of hemp seeds – by 10,6%), however increases the fat and protein content in all streams of wheat-hemp flour obtained from both torn and grinding systems. Compared with the fat and protein content in wheat flour, which amounted to 1,12 and 11,57% respectively, when adding 5% hemp to the wheat-hemp grain mixture, the weighted average fat content in wheat-hemp flour was 3,76%, and the protein content was 12,74%, when adding 7,5% hemp to the grind mixture, the weighted average fat content in wheat-hemp flour was 4,35%, and protein – 12,7%, and when adding 10% the weighted average fat content in wheat-hemp flour in the grind mixture was 4,97%, and the protein content was 12,4%. An increase in the fat and protein content in wheat and hemp flour will contribute to an increase in the nutritional value of a bakery product made from it.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-83
Tulsi Gurung ◽  
Karma Wangchuk ◽  
Bishal Sitaula

Farmers in Bhutan practice hot water blanching and sun drying of green chillies as one of the preservation measures. The blanched dried chilli is known as ema shukam locally and is used in preparing various traditional cuisines. Blanching is done for 2-3 minutes by immersing in boiling water and drying in open sun. However, blanching and drying process lead to quality changes such as texture, colour, flavour, and nutritional value. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the proximate compositions of sun dried and oven dried green-blanched chillies. An experiment with two drying methods and two levels of blanching durations with three replications for each treatment were conducted to examine the proximate compositions of the dried and blanched chillies. Blanching duration of two minutes retained higher carbohydrates (x͂ = 31.78) than three minutes (x͂ = 26.08). However, the Mann-Whitney U test showed no significant effect of blanching duration on carbohydrate (U = 7.5, z = - .690, p > .05). Drying methods had significant effect only on fat content with oven drying retaining higher fat content (x͂ = 4) compared to sun drying method (x͂ = 2); (U = 2, z = -2.713, p < .01). Blanching for three minutes resulted in higher loss of Vitamin C content. The colour of oven dried chilli was dark brownish green even at lower temperature of 37 oC. Hot water blanching of green chillies for two minutes followed by sun drying produced desired colour of dried chillies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Jéssica Nunes Ferreira ◽  
Helena Maria Pinheiro-Sant’Ana ◽  
Ceres Mattos Della Lucia ◽  
Reinaldo Duque Brasil Landulfo Teixeira ◽  
Leandro de Morais Cardoso ◽  

ABSTRACT: This study evaluated physical characteristics, chemical composition, content of vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and minerals in biribiri fruits (Averrhoa bilimbi) from the Middle Doce River region (Minas Gerais, Brazil). Titratable acidity was determined by volumetric neutralization, pH by direct potentiometry, soluble solids by refractometry, humidity by gravimetry, ash by calcination in muffle, proteins by the micro-Kjeldahl method, dietary fiber by non-enzymatic gravimetric method and lipids using a Soxhlet extractor. Carotenoids and vitamin C were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and vitamin E by HPLC with fluorescence detector. Fourteen minerals were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Biribiri showed high yield of edible portion (100%), low lipid, protein and carbohydrate content, and; consequently, low total energy value (25.36 kcal 100 g-1). The fruit also showed low dietary fiber content (0.62 g 100 g-1), total vitamin E (17.62 µg 100 g-1), total carotenoids (0.32 g 100 g-1), and high vitamin C, zinc, copper, iron content, manganese, molybdenum and chrome content. Regarding the heavy metals, the fruit showed no cadmium, and traces of aluminum and nickel. In conclusion, biribiri presented low energy value and expressive contents of dietary fibers, vitamin C, iron, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, zinc, and copper.

1970 ◽  
pp. 12-14
Mala Rathore

In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to identify the variation in nutritional value of Grewia tenax fruits from different regions of Rajasthan, India. Fruits were collected from Jodhpur (Kailana, Bilara) and Barmer (Siwana) region and analyzed nutritionally. Maximum ash and vitamin C content was obtained in samples from Siwana (4.73% and 56.47% respectively). Maximum fat content (2.66 %) was obtained in samples from Bilara.  Maximum sugar and protein content was obtained in samples from Kailana (35.51% and 8.4% respectively).. They are rich in vitamin C (39 mg/100gm) content. The fruits are also rich sources of minerals such as Ca (0.32±0.03 g/100g), K (1.26±0.31g/100 g) and Na (1.49±0.32 g/100g) than the cultivated crop plants. Trace elements such as Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Mg were also analyzed. These results of nutritional composition were compared with those collected from Bilara and Siwana area of Jodhpur region. Many medicinal applications of G. tenax viz. as remedy for colds and chest complaints have also been reported. Thus, the importance of G. tenax in the rural economy is highly significant.

2020 ◽  
Olga Aksenova ◽  
Marina Kulikova

The study is aimed at solving the problem of snacks deficiency corresponding to the concept of a balanced diet. Snacks were made using rational process parameters using fish powder obtained from the fillet waste of protein-rich salmon and malt grains rich in dietary fiber. The composition of the recipe mixture was optimized through calculation and a series of experiments. In investigate took as calculated variables the starch and fat content in the recipe mixture and the biological value; as response variables, organoleptic properties and expansion coefficient. The result was an extruded snack, consisting of 79% of crushed dried potatoes, of 8% of fish powder and of 12% of malt grains, which, in comparison with similar snacks, has a higher biological value of 83%, an increased protein content of 14.5% and a dietary fiber value of 8.4 %, a reduced fat content of 1% and a reduced energy value of 340 kcal. The analysis of the quality indicators of the snack confirmed that this product satisfies the requirements for snacks in terms of physicochemical, organoleptic, microbiological and safety indicators. The developed potato extruded snack is targeted at different population groups and is a healthier alternative to potato chips.


Актуальной тенденцией развития пищевых технологий является поиск ингредиентов для замены или снижения содержания сахара, соли и жира при одновременном увеличении содержания пищевых волокон в продукте. Исследовано влияние мальтита (М) и инулина (И) при замене сахара в рецептуре безглютенового печенья на текстуру и физические свойства теста и изделия, приготовленного на основе мучной смеси из амаранта, киноа и гречихи в соотношении 0,3 : 0,45 : 0,25 соответственно. Составлено пять образцов рецептур печенья, в которых сахар частично (50%) или полностью (100%) заменяли М и/или И. В рецептуре контрольного образца в качестве подсластителя использовали сахар. При приготовлении теста для безглютенового печенья количество воды для всех образцов было одинаковым. Установлено, что полная замена сахара М и И повышает показатели твердости, вязкости и адгезивности безглютенового теста, что затрудняет его обработку. В образцах, где 50% сахара заменяли М или сахар был полностью заменен М и И в равных количествах, липкость уменьшалась. Включение М в рецептуру безглютенового печенья существенно не повлияло на его физические свойства – диаметр, высоту, расплываемость, яркость цвета. Образцы печенья, выпеченные из теста с включением И, были темнее и тоньше, чем контрольный образец, и лучше сохраняли свои хрустящие свойства. Внесение М и И существенно не повлияло на твердость изделий, однако образцы печенья с полной заменой сахара М, с 50%-й заменой сахара И, а также содержащие М и И в равных количествах характеризовались значительной хрупкостью. При замене в рецептуре 50% сахара М или 100% сахара И получено мягкое и менее хрупкое печенье, привлекательное для потребителя. Таким образом, при полной замене сахара смесью М и И в равных количествах можно получить безглютеновое тесто и печенье с хорошей текстурой. Полная замена сахара в сочетании с использованием пищевых волокон с пребиотическими свойствами наряду с мукой псевдозлаковых культур позволяет создать полезный для здоровья продукт с потенциально более низким гликемическим индексом и сниженной калорийностью. The search for ingredients to replace or reduce the content of sugar, salt and fat while increasing the content of dietary fiber in the product is an actual trend in the development of food technologies. The influence of maltitol (M) and inulin (I) when replacing sugar in the formulation of gluten-free cookies on the texture and physical properties of the dough and the product prepared on the basis of a flour mixture of amaranth, quinoa and buckwheat in a ratio of 0.3 : 0.45 : 0.25 respectively was studied. Five samples of cookie formulations were compiled, in which sugar was partially (50%) or completely (100%) replaced by M and/or I. In the formulation of the control sample, sugar was used as a sweetener. When preparing the gluten-free cookie dough, the amount of water for all samples was the same. It was found that the complete replacement of sugar M and I increases the hardness, viscosity and adhesiveness of gluten-free dough, which makes it difficult to process it. In samples where 50% of the sugar was replaced by M or the sugar was completely replaced by M and I in equal amounts, the stickiness was reduced. Adding M to the formulation of gluten-free cookies did not significantly affect its physical properties – diameter, height, blurring, and color brightness. The cookie samples baked from the dough with the inclusion of I were darker and thinner than the control sample, and better preserved their crispy properties. The addition of M and I did not significantly affect the hardness of the products, but the samples of cookies with a complete replacement of sugar M, with a 50% replacement of sugar I, as well as containing M and I in equal quantities, were characterized by significant brittleness. When replacing 50% of the sugar M in the formulation, or 100% of the sugar I, a soft and less brittle cookie is obtained, which is attractive to the consumer. Thus, if you completely replace the sugar with a mixture of M and I in equal amounts, you can get a gluten-free dough and cookies with a good texture. Complete sugar replacement combined with the use of dietary fiber with prebiotic properties, along with the flour of pseudo-cereals, allows you to create a healthy product with a potentially lower glycemic index and reduced caloric content.


Проведен сравнительный анализ физико-химических составов семян шалфея испанского (Salvia hispanica L.) (ШИ) и шалфея мускатного (Salvia sclarea L.) (ШМ). Для оценки пищевой и биологической ценности исследованного растительного сырья использованы методы пищевой комбинаторики. Определены показатели биологической ценности белковой и липидной составляющих образцов семян шалфея. Рассчитана степень удовлетворения потребности взрослого человека в минеральных веществах и пищевых волокнах при потреблении 15 г (рекомендуемая норма) семян шалфея. Установлено, что показатель биологической ценности белковой составляющей cемян ШИ несколько выше аналогичного показателя семян ШМ, однако по показателю пищевой ценности семена ШМ превосходят семена ШИ. Семена ШИ содержат значительное количество пищевых волокон, востребованных в рецептурах функциональных продуктов. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы при проектировании многокомпонентных продуктов питания с заданными свойствами. Comparative analysis of the physico-chemical compositions of the сhia (С) seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) and the clary sage (CS) seeds (Salvia sclarea L.) was carried out. The food combinatorics methods were used to assess the nutritional and biological value of the studied plant raw materials. The indicators of the biological value of protein and lipid constituents of samples of sage seeds were determined. The degree of human satisfaction in mineral substances and dietary fiber was calculated at the use of 15 g (recommended rate) seed sage. It was established that the indicator of biological value of the protein component of С is slightly higher than the same indicator of CS seeds, but in terms of nutritional value CS seeds exceed С seeds. Сhia seeds contain a significant amount of dietary fiber in demand in the formulations of functional products. The results of the study can be used in the design of multicomponent foods with specified properties.


Разработаны рецептуры и технологии конфет ручной работы пониженной калорийности, обогащенных биологически активными веществами без изменения оригинальных органолептических свойств. Обоснована возможность использования кэроба как заменителя какао. Исследована замена кэробом какао в различных концентрациях в рецептуре конфет. Описана технология конфет ручной работы функционального назначения с добавлением ягод черной смородины и порошка кэроба. Оценены показатели качества модельных композиций конфет с использованием порошка кэроба. Установлено, что совершенствование технологии производства шоколада позволило получить продукт с функциональным значением, сниженной энергетической ценностью, допустимыми органолептическими показателями и повышенным содержанием витамина С и пищевых волокон.Пищевая ценность одной порции (100 г) разработанной продукции – конфет с кэробом составила по сравнению с контролем соответственно, %: белки 5,9/8,1; жиры 56/60; пищевые волокна 64/36; витамин C 67/0; энергетическая ценность, ккал, 388/516. Снижение калорийности, повышение содержания витамина С и пищевых волокон в шоколадном батончике достигается за счет введения свежих ягод черной смородины. Применение измельчения без удаления семечек и кожицы ягод позволило повысить содержание пищевых волокон в готовом изделии. Recipes and technologies of handmade sweets of reduced caloric content, enriched with biologically active substances without changing the original organoleptic properties, have been developed. The possibility of using carob as a substitute for cocoa is justified. The substitution of carob for cocoa in various concentrations in the candy recipe was investigated. The technology of handmade functional sweets with the addition of black currant berries and carob powder is described. The quality indicators of model candy compositions using carob powder were evaluated. It was found that the improvement of the technology of chocolate production allowed us to obtain a product with a functional value, reduced energy value, acceptable organoleptic parameters and an increased content of vitamin C and dietary fiber. The nutritional value of one serving (100 g) of the developed products – sweets with carob – was in comparison with the control, respectively, %: protein 5,9/8,1; fat 56/60; dietary fiber 64/36; vitamin C 67/0; energy value, kcal, 388/516. Reducing the caloric content, increasing the content of vitamin C and dietary fiber in a chocolate bar is achieved by introducing fresh black currant berries. The use of grinding without removing the seeds and skins of berries allowed to increase the content of dietary fiber in the finished product.

2019 ◽  
pp. 57-63
Katarzyna Król ◽  
Alicja Ponder ◽  
Magdalena Gantner

The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of substituting sugar in crust pastry with natural substitutes, such as stevia, xylitol, coconut sugar as well as dried banana. Furthermore, a comparison of physicochemical properties was carried out. The crust pastry obtained was analyzed in terms of color by CIEL*a*b*, textures, water activity, bake loss, semi-consumer assessments and the nutritional value was calculated. There was a clear impact caused by the sugar substitute on the physicochemical properties and their sensory assessment. The cakes with xylitol had the closest color, smell and taste to the control sample (with sucrose). The cakes with dried banana had a significantly reduced hardness compared to the control sample. The lowest bake loss was observed in the case of pastry with dried banana, while the highest was in the case of xylitol. In sensory analysis, the “Just-about-right” method was used, and pastries with a sweter taste were more desirable (xylitol) and pastry with the stevia substitute showed the lowest desirability. The lowest energy value per 100 g was obtained for stevia (392 kcal/ 100g), while for xylitol energy, the value was reduced by 6%.

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