complete replacement
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2022 ◽  
Zhanna Victorovna Novikova ◽  
Dmitry Sergeevich Lavrinovich ◽  
Sophie Mikhailovna Sergeeva ◽  
Anton Alexeyevich Maksimkin

To support health, efficiency and active longevity, a person needs to provide the body with the micronutrients necessary for metabolic processes. They must consume food in quantities that correspond to the physiological needs of the individual. Analyses of consumer demand have found that the human diet throughout life often includes dairy products.However, whole milk is often poorly tolerated by both the elderly and people with lactose intolerance (hypolactasia).This article examined the selection of alternative energy sources, focusing on the example of a drink that uses plant raw materials.Thus, the recipe of a new fermented drink based on nut raw materials was developed. The optimization of the hydromodule for the drink preparation from peanuts and hazelnuts, according to the content of the main food components and organoleptic quality indicators, was carried out. The chemical composition of the developed drink was established, a portion of which met 20% of the daily recommended value of vitamin B1, 16.8% of the daily value of niacin, and 15% and 19% of the daily value of iron and magnesium, respectively. The possibility of producing a fermented drink with nut raw materials as a complete replacement of cow’s milk was therefore shown to be justified. Keywords: specialized food, probiotic, vegetable raw materials, fermented drink, nuts

2022 ◽  
pp. 12-15
Александр Валерьевич Арисов ◽  
Ольга Викторовна Чугунова ◽  
Владислав Михайлович Тиунов

В статье представлены результаты научных исследований по разработке рецептуры и технологии пудинга с использованием полуфабриката из цельносмолотого пророщенного зерна (ППЗ), в состав которого входят измельченные пророщенные зерна (пшеница - 14 %, рожь - 44 %, ячмень - 14 %, овес - 28 %) с размером частиц 200-400 мкм. Результаты исследования пищевой ценности ППЗ указывают на высокое содержание белка (12,4 %), пищевых волокон (11,7 %), жиров (2,9 %), витамина С (5,9 мг/100 г), энергетическая ценность составляет 321,1 ккал. Целью исследования является разработка рецептур и технологии пудинга с использованием полуфабриката из цельносмолотого пророщенного зерна вместо традиционных ванильных сухарей. Изучена возможность замены основного рецептурного компонента сухарей ванильных на ППЗ в рецептуре пудинга сухарного. Образец № 1 - пудинг с 25 %-ной заменой сухарей ванильных на ППЗ, образец № 2 - 50 %, образец № 3 - 75 %, образец № 4 - 100 %. В рецептуру пудинга из ППЗ был добавлен ванилин для формирования соответствующего вкуса. Установлено, что по органолептическим и физико-химическим показателям наиболее сбалансированным является образец с полной заменой ванильных сухарей на ППЗ. Кроме того, разработанный образец обладает меньшим содержанием жиров (на 16,7 %), по сравнению с контрольным образцом, уменьшилось содержание углеводов: моно- и дисахаридов (на 11,1 %), крахмала (на 9,3 %). Также увеличилось содержание пищевых волокон (на 457,1 %). Использование предложенного полуфабриката в технологии сладких блюд позволит не только расширить ассортимент, но и повысить пищевую и биологическую ценность изделия. The article presents the results of scientific research on the development of the formulation and technology of pudding using a semi-finished product from whole-ground sprouted grains (SPSG), which includes crushed sprouted grains (wheat - 14 %, rye - 44 %, barley - 14 %, oats - 28 %) with a particle size of 200-400 microns. The results of the study of the nutritional value of SPSG indicate a high content of protein (12.4 %), dietary fiber (11.7 %), fat (2.9 %), vitamin C (5.9 mg / 100 g), energy value is 321.1 kcal. The aim of the research is to develop recipes and technology for pudding using, instead of traditional vanilla rusks, a semi-finished product from whole-ground sprouted grains. The possibility of replacing the main recipe component of vanilla rusks with SPSG in the recipe for rusks pudding has been studied. Sample No. 1 - pudding with a 25 % replacement of vanilla rusks with SPSG; sample No. 2 - 50 %; sample No. 3 - 75 %; sample no. 4-100 %. Vanillin was added to the SPSG pudding formulation to create the appropriate flavor. It has been established that in terms of organoleptic and physicochemical indicators, the most balanced sample is with a complete replacement of vanilla rusks at the SPSG. In addition, the developed sample has a lower fat content (by 16.7 %) compared to the control sample, the content of carbohydrates decreased: mono- and disaccharides (by 11.1 %), starch (by 9.3 %). The content of dietary fiber also increased (by 457.1 %). The use of the proposed semi-finished product in the technology of sweet dishes will not only expand the range, but also increase the nutritional and biological value of the product.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 453
Andrea Petrella ◽  
Sabino De De Gisi ◽  
Milvia Elena Di Di Clemente ◽  
Francesco Todaro ◽  
Ubaldo Ayr ◽  

Environmentally sustainable cement mortars containing wheat straw (Southern Italy, Apulia region) of different length and dosage and perlite beads as aggregates were prepared and characterised by rheological, thermal, acoustic, mechanical, optical and microstructural tests. A complete replacement of the conventional sand was carried out. Composites with bare straw (S), perlite (P), and with a mixture of inorganic and organic aggregates (P/S), were characterised and compared with the properties of conventional sand mortar. It was observed that the straw fresh composites showed a decrease in workability with fibre length decrease and with increase in straw volume, while the conglomerates with bare perlite, and with the aggregate mixture, showed similar consistency to the control. The thermal insulation of the straw mortars was extremely high compared to the sand reference (85–90%), as was the acoustic absorption, especially in the 500–1000 Hz range. These results were attributed to the high porosity of these composites and showed enhancement of these properties with decrease in straw length and increase in straw volume. The bare perlite sample showed the lowest thermal insulation and acoustic absorption, being less porous than the former composites, while intermediate values were obtained with the P/S samples. The mechanical performance of the straw composites increased with length of the fibres and decreased with fibre dosage. The addition of expanded perlite to the mixture produced mortars with an improvement in mechanical strength and negligible modification of thermal properties. Straw mortars showed discrete cracks after failure, without separation of the two parts of the specimens, due to the aggregate tensile strength which influenced the impact compression tests. Preliminary observations of the stability of the mortars showed that, more than one year from preparation, the conglomerates did not show detectable signs of degradation.

Sergiy Ilchenko

Biały Bór is located in the former German territories that came to Poland after the Second World War. The almost complete replacement of the indigenous German and Jewish populations, initially by Polish and soon Ukrainian communities, was the result of the displacement of state borders by the eviction and relocation of millions of people. To do this, the authorities used certain strategies, which brought different approaches and constraints to local communities and urban spaces. The article considers the differences between the declared principles and the actual actions of the authorities in the context of “small stories” of all actors (national communities), as well as the tactics of indirect resistance of the local community to government pressure. Due to the remoteness of the place from the state center and due to its unanimity, the local community becomes the driving force of the spatial development of the city. And since the city is multicultural, the development of public spaces is influenced by the competitiveness (not confrontation) of two local communities. Therefore, the creation of public spaces is considered in the context of the rights of different groups to the city. This paper argues the conditions under which it is the collective actions of local communities that determine the change in the configuration of urban space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-360
Anna Helikh ◽  
Vladyslav Prymenko ◽  
Olha Vasylenko ◽  
Ivan Prikhodko

Topicality. Sauces are an integral part of most dishes, which are prepared from a variety of products: meat, fish, seafood, vegetables. They give the dishes juiciness, add variety to the aesthetic appearance of the dish and complement their taste, increase calories, and nutritional value. The most common sauces are culinary sauces of the emulsion type, in particular, mayonnaise and its derivatives. Nowadays, the oil and fat industry produces a whole “line” of mayonnaise products with various additives that improve the taste, structure and increase the shelf life. The oil and fat industry is at a stage when its development can no longer be carried out by traditional methods, new approaches and solutions are needed. Trends in balanced and healthy diet are forcing producers to look for new approaches for the production of classic mayonnaise with high biological value and high quality characteristics. The problem of nutrition optimisation in terms of the content of essential nutrients, such as fatty acids, can be solved by introducing into the recipe some composition, such as an oil- fat base, vegetable oils are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-3 and ω-6. One of the promising areas of production of emulsion products, such as mayonnaise sauce, is the introduction of standard recipes for full or partial replacement of sunflower oil with hemp oil, in order to improve biological value, while maintaining high organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties and safety. Among the essential nutrients needed to maintain homeostasis of the human body are polyunsaturated fatty acids, the source of which is hemp oil. Hemp oil contains natural antioxidants, which gives a raised resistance to oxidation, despite the natural high content of ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acids. One of the ways to implement the innovative idea is the partial or complete replacement of the oil-fat fraction of the emulsion-type mayonnaise sauce with hemp oil in a mass fraction of introduction into the recipe (50%, 75%, and 100%). The aim of the study is to research the quality of mayonnaise sauce with partial or complete substitution of oil, and fat fraction for hemp oil, namely their organoleptic, physicochemical (effective viscosity, emulsion stability, acidity, acid and peroxide value) indicators, to investigate the fatty acid composition developed samples of mayonnaise sauce, based on hemp oil, and investigate the change in microbiological parameters during storage. This will expand the range of quality foods, enriched with essential nutrients. The following research methods are used in this article: standard methods of organoleptic profile analysis, structural-mechanical, standard methods of research of fatty acid composition, and methods of determining microbiological parameters. The results of this study are processed using modern computer programmes. Results. The expediency of using mayonnaise, based mayonnaise sauce technology, during the development of hemp oil sauce technology, has been theoretically and experimentally substantiated, and formulations of these mayonnaises have been elaborated. Based on the organoleptic analysis, it is determined that the use of hemp oil in the technology of mayonnaise sauce has a positive effect on its organoleptic characteristics. The study of the fatty acid composition shows that the optimal ratio of fatty acids of the groups ω-3: ω-6, as 1:4, has a sample of mayonnaise sauce (M2), containing 75% of hemp oil in its composition. The analysis of the fatty acid composition also confirms the functionality of all developed samples of mayonnaise. It is found that all elaborated samples of mayonnaise, based on hemp oil, fully comply with the normative indicators of structure (effective viscosity and stability of the emulsion), and quality indicators (pH, acid number, and peroxide value). It is investigated that the microbiological parameters of the control sample of mayonnaise and experimental samples with partial or complete replacement of the oil and fat fraction with hemp oil during storage (28 days) indicate that opportunistic and pathogenic microflora are within acceptable values. Conclusions and discussion. The studied quality indicators make it possible to substantiate the technology of mayonnaise sauce based on hemp oil with increased biological value.

Agriculture ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Dannylo Sousa ◽  
Matilda Larsson ◽  
Elisabet Nadeau

Silage pulp (SP) is a byproduct from biorefinary of silage that can be used as forage source for ruminants. However, there is a lack of information regarding the complete replacement of dietary silage for SP on performance of dairy cows. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the complete substitution of dietary grass-clover silage for SP on milk production of dairy cows. Grass-clover mixture was harvested, wilted, and ensiled in bunker silos. The silage was screw pressed in a biorefinery for solid (SP) and liquid (protein-rich juice) separation. Seventy-two lactating cows were used in a completely randomized block design, receiving either the original silage- or SP-based diets. The SP-based diet had lower concentrations of water-soluble carbohydrates and crude protein but greater fibre concentration compared to the silage-based diet. Milk yield and energy corrected milk were generally greater for cows receiving the silage-based diet compared to the SP-based diet. Cows receiving the silage-based diet had a greater yields of milk protein and milk fat, and tended to have a greater yield of milk lactose than cows receiving the SP-based diet. Milk composition, body condition score and body weight were not affected by diets. The complete substitution of silage for SP reduced the lactation performance of dairy cows over time.

Ольга Александровна Голованова

Sr -замещенный трикальцийфосфат был получен методом осаждения из водных растворов. Синтетические твердые фазы исследовали с помощью рентгеннофазового анализа, ИК-Фурье спектроскопии, сканирующей электронной микроскопии, энергодисперсионного анализа. Надосадочная жидкость была исследована на наличие ионов Ca и PO для вычисления Са/Р соотношения. Выявлено, что ионы стронция входят в состав трикальцийфосфата, однако не изменяют его фазовый состав. Добавление ионов стронция в исходный раствор способствует уменьшению размеров кристаллитов и увеличению их пористости. Данные по энергодисперсионному анализу подтвердили, что ионы стронция входят в состав образцов ТКФ. Но при увеличении их концентрации, полного замещения ионов кальция на ионы стронция в структуре ТКФ не происходит. При изучении биорезорбируемости полученных образцов с помощью прямой потенциометрии установлено, что образцы, содержащие ионы стронция в своем составе, имеют меньшее значение скорости резорбции. При этом, наибольшие значения скорости растворения фиксируются в кислых средах. Sr -substituted tricalcium phosphate was obtained by precipitation from aqueous solutions. Synthetic solid phases were investigated using X-ray phase analysis, IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive analysis. The supernatant was examined for the presence of Ca and PO4 ions to calculate the Ca/P ratio. It was revealed that strontium ions are part of tricalcium phosphate, but do not change its phase composition. The addition of strontium ions to the initial solution contributes to a decrease in the size of crystallites and an increase in their porosity. When studying the bioresorbability of the obtained samples using direct potentiometry, it was found that the samples containing strontium ions in their composition have a lower value of the rate of resorption. Energy dispersive analysis data confirmed that strontium ions are included in the composition of TCP samples. But with an increase in their concentration, complete replacement of calcium ions with strontium ions in the TCP structure does not occur. At the same time, the highest values of the dissolution rate are recorded in acidic media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Zakkary A. McNutt ◽  
Mai D. Gandhi ◽  
Elan A. Shatoff ◽  
Bappaditya Roy ◽  
Aishwarya Devaraj ◽  

The anti-Shine-Dalgarno (ASD) sequence of 16S rRNA is highly conserved across Bacteria, and yet usage of Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequences in mRNA varies dramatically, depending on the lineage. Here, we compared the effects of ASD mutagenesis in Escherichia coli, a Gammaproteobacteria which commonly employs SD sequences, and Flavobacterium johnsoniae, a Bacteroidia which rarely does. In E. coli, 30S subunits carrying any single substitution at positions 1,535–1,539 confer dominant negative phenotypes, whereas subunits with mutations at positions 1,540–1,542 are sufficient to support cell growth. These data suggest that CCUCC (1,535–1,539) represents the functional core of the element in E. coli. In F. johnsoniae, deletion of three ribosomal RNA (rrn) operons slowed growth substantially, a phenotype largely rescued by a plasmid-borne copy of the rrn operon. Using this complementation system, we found that subunits with single mutations at positions 1,535–1,537 are as active as control subunits, in sharp contrast to the E. coli results. Moreover, subunits with quadruple substitution or complete replacement of the ASD retain substantial, albeit reduced, activity. Sedimentation analysis revealed that these mutant subunits are overrepresented in the subunit fractions and underrepresented in polysome fractions, suggesting some defect in 30S biogenesis and/or translation initiation. Nonetheless, our collective data indicate that the ASD plays a much smaller role in F. johnsoniae than in E. coli, consistent with SD usage in the two organisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (SP1) ◽  
pp. 163-169
Narges Shahbazpour ◽  
Kianoush Khosravi-Darani ◽  
Anousheh Sharifan ◽  
Hedayat Hosseini

Processed meat is one of the most consumed products worldwide. Naturally, production of proteins with animal origins includes limitations such as costs, energy, time, and environmental problems. Thus, replacement of meats by alternative biomaterials such as mycoproteins can be promising. Mycoproteins with hyphal morphologies, including branches and lengths, have close structures to meat and can be a potential alternative for meat products. Therefore, the major objectives of this study included complete replacement of sausage meats by mycoproteins and comparing characteristics of the novel formula with those of meat. In general, physicochemical, microbial, nutritional, and mechanical characteristics of the formulas were assessed. Results showed that the mycoprotein substitution improved the nutritional and health effects due to the higher valuable protein and lower lipid contents. Besides, it had a high content of essential amino acid and unsaturated fatty acid, compared to meat sausage. Absence of yeasts, molds, Salmonella spp., Eshrichia (E.)coli, and Staphiloccocus (S.)aureus verified the effectiveness of the heat treatment and also the effectiveness of the hygienic procedures in both samples. With regard to phycicochemical properties, more contents of moisture and lipids in sausages containing mycoprotein were linked to further water binding capacity (WBC) (P < 0.05) and oil binding capacity (OBC) in them, compared to beef samples. Besides, the mycoprotein sample had lower (P < 0.05) values of carbohydrates, ash, and pH, compared to the beef sample. In contrast, beef sausages had better textural characteristics, such as hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and springiness indexes, compared to mycoprotein sausages. Higher water and OBC values of the mycoproteins led to the filling of the protein interstitial spaces as well as decreasing of the textural attributes. Thus, it resulted in the use of less oil and water in mycoprotein formulations. In conclusion, mycoproteins can be addressed as appropriate replacements for meats in sausages.

2021 ◽  
Ralf Duerr ◽  
Dacia Dimartino ◽  
Christian Marier ◽  
Paul Zappile ◽  
Samuel Levine ◽  

AbstractIn 2021, Delta has become the predominant SARS-CoV-2 variant worldwide. While vaccines effectively prevent COVID-19 hospitalization and death, vaccine breakthrough infections increasingly occur. The precise role of clinical and genomic determinants in Delta infections is not known, and whether they contribute to increased rates of breakthrough infections compared to unvaccinated controls. Here, we show a steep and near complete replacement of circulating variants with Delta between May and August 2021 in metropolitan New York. We observed an increase of the Delta sublineage AY.25, its spike mutation S112L, and nsp12 mutation F192V in breakthroughs. Delta infections were associated with younger age and lower hospitalization rates than Alpha. Delta breakthroughs increased significantly with time since vaccination, and, after adjusting for confounders, they rose at similar rates as in unvaccinated individuals. Our data indicate a limited impact of vaccine escape in favor of Delta’s increased epidemic growth in times of waning vaccine protection.

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