scholarly journals Modern Trends in Education in the Era of Digitalization: Task and Prospects of Development

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 287-295
Elchin Gashimov ◽  
Veronica Pestova

The article suggests an overall review of modern technological trends in education. The authors aimed to figure out the objectives, benefits and obstacles of their development. The article deals with innovations, which have already been and are being implemented in education system with Industry 5.0 shortly ahead. The main aim is to determine social and cultural impact of rapid digitalization in the sphere of education. Research methods were based on deductive categories. Elements of descriptive and comparative analysis were applied for identification of major patterns and tendencies. The review given by the authors proves that education is one of the main challenges for authorities, teachers and students in terms of digitalization. The results of the research indicate the importance of new paradigm and reconsidering of educational environment in general. It involves technological, social and communicative aspects. Some conventional standards have become obsolete and we need to acknowledge the fact. Modern society is facing not only technological challenges but also the ones concerning attitude and skills. We can conclude that effective agreement between social and technological process can be reached if legal framework and standardized approaches are involved.

2021 ◽  
pp. 150-159
Г.С. Лубышева ◽  
А.А. Красильников ◽  
Г.Р. Чубанова

Информационно-компьютерные технологии (ИКТ) являются одним из величайших достижений человечества. Начиная с появления Нomo sapiens множество технологий разной степени сложности являются его постоянными спутниками на всем протяжении существования. Во многом благодаря именно развитию технологий, возникли такие явления как цивилизация, наука и искусство. Современные технологии также коренным образом изменяют нашу жизнь. Они влияют на различные стороны нашего бытия, и во многом определяют само это бытие. Как показывает практика, современные ИКТ играют важнейшую роль в каждой сфере жизни современного общества. Некоторые задачи обучения и развития также могут быть существенно автоматизированы благодаря современным цифровым технологиям. Следует также отметить, что многие сложные и критически важные процессы могут быть осуществлены менее затратно и с большей эффективностью при использовании таких технологий. Благодаря более продвинутым или прикладным ИКТ жизнь человека существенно изменилась, и, следует заметить, она изменилась к лучшему. Следует отметить также, что современные цифровые технологии привнесли поистине революционные изменения и в сферу образования. Важность вопроса внедрения ИКТ в школах различного уровня сегодня уже трудно переоценить. Фактически с появлением цифровых технологий в образовании учителям стало значительно легче делиться знаниями, а ученикам их приобретать. Повсеместное использование ИКТ сделало тесно взаимосвязанные процессы преподавания и обучения значительно более интересными и позитивно окрашенными, как для преподавателей так и для обучающихся. Information and computer technologies (ICT) are one of the greatest achievements of mankind. Since the emergence of Nomo sapiens, many technologies of varying degrees of complexity have been its constant companions throughout its existence. It is largely due to the development of technology that such phenomena as civilization, science and art have emerged. Modern technologies are also fundamentally changing our lives. They affect various aspects of our being, and in many ways determine this very being. As practice shows, modern ICT play a crucial role in every sphere of modern society. Some training and development tasks can also be significantly automated thanks to modern digital technologies. It should also be noted that many complex and critical processes can be implemented less cost-effectively and with greater efficiency when using such technologies. Thanks to more advanced or applied ICTs, a person's life has changed significantly, and, it should be noted, it has changed for the better. It should also be noted that modern digital technologies have brought truly revolutionary changes to the field of education. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of implementing ICT in schools at various levels today. In fact, with the advent of digital technologies in education, it has become much easier for teachers to share knowledge and for students to acquire it. The widespread use of ICTs has made the closely interlinked processes of teaching and learning much more interesting and positive for both teachers and students.

V.P. Babintsev ◽  
Ya.I. Serkina

The article describes the characteristics of simulation practices in modern society, the causes of the emergence and spread of imitations in the education system. The authors identified and classified into five groups the indicators of distribution of simulation practices in higher education. Groups of indicators include the interpretation of the results of sociological studies of the spread of imitations in higher education institutions of different years, contain conclusions and assumptions about the causes and consequences of the occurrence of imitations. The results of the expert survey on the impact of simulation practices on the development of the communication environment in the educational space and the problems arising during this process are presented. Among the problems the article highlighted the tension in relations not only vertically but also horizontally, which ultimately has a negative impact on the formation of the corporate educational environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (387) ◽  
pp. 253-258
S. Sh. Gussenova ◽  
D. B. Babaev ◽  
E. Zh. Smagulov ◽  

Currently, there is a rapid development of information technologies, the restructuring of the system of education and upbringing of the younger generation to a new level. All this forces modern society to move forward, keep up with scientific and technological progress and time. Today, the key issue of modernizing education is to improve its quality and bring it in line with international standards. The emphasis is not on the acquired knowledge, but on the process of applying this knowledge. The article deals with the main directions of development of the education system and theoretical aspects of the development of the information and educational environment in the context of updated education. A new generation of school children can easily master any new digital and multimedia technology. Teachers are tasked with directing the student's development vector in the right direction. To do this, methods of working with students are being improved. The article describes pedagogical technology as information technology, since the basis of the technological process of learning is the acquisition and transformation of information. The paper considers a single information and educational space that can provide students with the opportunity to use a wide range of educational content (electronic textbooks, video courses, etc.), using interactive technologies to compensate for gaps in education, to realize their creative abilities through participation in various competitions, olympiads, festivals, conferences. Use the system of additional education without interrupting training due to various factors. The Internet environment for teenagers has long been clear and close, and it is believed that it can become a productive platform for improving education. As one of the areas of relevance of the research, the authors will determine the current trends in the development of computer science as a science, in particular, the transition to e-learning in the framework of updated education. The developers of modern educational standards emphasize the need to create an information and educational environment (IEE) in educational organizations that ensures the formation of universal educational actions of students. Thus, the understanding of the environment as a field of obtaining information is replaced by the understanding of the environment as a field of constructing ways of students ' activities. Such an environment from the point of view of the conducted research should be created on the basis of the system integration of ICT tools into the traditional educational environment. The complexity of the work of teachers is due to the lack of a unified model of integrative IEE in educational organizations. The search for effective ways to integrate traditional and innovative environments largely depends on the activities of subject teachers, who are able to turn the potential of the subjectoriented IEE to achieve qualitatively new educational results. The article presents a theoretical description of integrative activity-based IEE, which can serve as a basis for innovative activity of teachers. The article reveals the content and structure of the information and educational environment. The leading approaches to defining the concept of information and educational environment in pedagogical science are substantiated. The features of creating this environment in a secondary school are revealed. The authors conclude that the creation of an information and educational environment is one of the most important indicators of the quality of the education system.

Nadwa ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 282
Rohinah Rohinah

<p>This paper describes a new paradigm of Islamic education in the perspective of humanism based on nature school model. This school model has three specific aspects, namely: natural as learning space, nature as media and teaching mate-rials, and natural as learning objects. It is a creativity in building a humanist paradigm of Islamic education. The education system emphasizes awareness to encourage the process of dialogue between teachers and students. Dialogical process can bring an attitude of humility and affection that is open to criticism from the learners. Learners are required critical and questioned again about the unknown by the teacher. This kind of learning led to a harmonious communica-tion between all parties. School of Natural allow the emergence of awareness. This school gives the freedom to create, explore and discover potential, and find the knowledge based on experiences from the world of reality.<br /> <br /><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Makalah ini menjelaskan paradigma baru pendidikan Islam dalam perspektif humanisme dengan bertolak pada model sekolah alam. Model sekolah ini memiliki tiga aspek khusus, yakni: alam sebagai ruang belajar, alam sebagai media dan bahan mengajar, serta alam sebagai objek pembelajaran. Pendidikan seperti ini merupakan sebuah kreativitas dalam membangun paradigma pendidikan Islam yang humanis. Sistem pendidikan ini menekankan penyadaran untuk mendorong adanya proses dialog antara guru dan anak didik. Proses dialogis dapat memunculkan sikap rendah hati dan kasih sayang sehingga terbuka terhadap kritik dari peserta didik. Peserta didik dituntut kritis dan mempertanyakan kembali tentang hal yang belum diketahui oleh sang guru. Pembelajaran semacam ini memunculkan kesadaran siswa dan komunikasi yang harmonis antara semua pihak. Sekolah ini memberikan kebebasan untuk berkreasi, menggali dan menemukan potensi, serta menemukan pengetahuan berbasis pada pengalaman-pengalaman dari dunia realitas.<br /><br /></p>

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-109
Галина Радчук

Статтю  присвячено  проблемі  теоретичного  обґрунтування  діалогу  як  механізму  аксіогенезу  особистості в освітньому процесі та виокремлення сутнісних аспектів діалогізації освітнього середовища  вищої школи. Обґрунтовано, що провідними цілями сучасної вищої освіти в контексті її гуманітаризації є  загальнокультурні орієнтири, які дозволяють замінити власне  когнітивний  підхід на смислотворчий, де і  викладач, і студент є активними суб’єктами освітнього діалогу. Показано, що освітній діалог виступає  зовнішньою   спонукою   внутрішнього   ініціювання   особистісно-професійного   становлення   майбутнього  фахівця,  становлення  його  ціннісно-смислової  сфери,  а  рівень  діалогізації  освітнього  середовища  може  слугувати  мірилом  реалізації  особистісно-розвивального  потенціалу  освіти.  На  підставі  емпіричного  дослідження   визначено,  що  у   реальному   освітньому   процесі  найбільшою   перешкодою  у   діалогізації  освітнього   середовища   є      догматичність,   формалізованість   освітнього   процесу   та   закритість,  стереотипність рольової поведінки викладачів та студентів.  The  article  is  focused  on  theoretical  argumentation  of the  dialogue  as  a  mechanism  for  personality  axiogenesis in  educational process and separation of essential dialogue aspects in higher educational environment.  The author argues that general cultural orientations are main goals of modern higher education in the context of its  humanization. This allows to replace the actual cognitive approach with sense creation one, where both teacher and  student are active subjects of educational dialogue. It is shown that educational dialogue is an external stimulus of  internal initiation of personal and professional formation in future specialists, as well as formation of their value- semantic sphere. The level of dialogue in educational environment can serve as a measure of implementation of  personality and developmental potential in education. On the basis of empirical research it is determined that  dogmatism,  formalization  of  educational  process,  and  closeness,  stereotyped  role  of  teachers’  and  students’  behavior  are  the  greatest  obstacles  for  educational  environment  becoming  more  dialogue  driven  in  real-life  educational process.

Sergey Anatolievich Vavrenyuk

The article reveals the economic essence of the current state of higher education in Ukraine. It examines the main problems of state regulation of risks and challenges facing modern education at the stage of reform. The subject of the study is the very system of higher education in Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of the modern market of higher education in the country, as well as the features and trends of its development to date in the process of reform. The development of the national education system is shown together with its social and economic problems and challenges, as well as the political conditions that find the direction of the development of education in the country. It was revealed that the main risks in the education system of Ukraine can be considered a decrease in the number of highly skilled professionals, the closure of a number of educational institutions with a reduction in the contingent that lead to financial losses. In addition, among the risks studied, the low efficiency of training technologies and the low-level of graduates’ competence, corruption and low rating indicators in the world educational community are highlighted. The author specifies the existing external risks of the education system in the country and presents possible ways of overcoming them. And also draws the conclusion that the current conditions of the country’s existence and specifically the development of the education sector, the introduction of new models and training programs is a complex process. The reform of higher education today does not have significant results, therefore, it is suggested that the entire education system in Ukraine is integrated and fundamentally reformed, with the aim of overcoming existing discrepancies between the educational product and the needs of society. So, the author says that the modern structure of education should give to ensuring ideal conditions for the functioning and development of the education system, taking into account the needs of modern society and the existing problems in the educational sphere, which should give quality educational services and freedom of choice in education.

Sica Septyenthi ◽  
Aprizal Lukman ◽  
Upik Yelianti

Vocational high school consists of face-to-face learning and dual education system. Learning and dual education system may be either industrial work practices held for 3 or 6 months.During dual education system students can not attend face-to-face learning teaching material that students need to be able to learn independently. Specifically, learning science that students need to learn about the environment and its benefits for students.The purpose of this research is to develop instructional materials in the form of science module which helps students to learn independently and determine the response of vocational students to the science learning modules. Modules developed based entrepreneurship and contextual material with real life needs or students. The material presented is structured to support student entrepreneurship in order to be fit for purpose namely vocational work. This module development research design using the design development of Richey and Klein with Dick and Carey model for the development phase of the module material. Results of test responses of teachers and students concluded that the module gets a very good response, interesting and appropriate to the needs of students. Then the module materials can help students cultivate skills become entrepreneurs.

1973 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-204
Donald W. Meals

An examination of the steps in systems design reveals it to be an iterative process. The complexity and dynamic quality of the educational environment require designers of educational technology systems to emphasize this process and at the same time take into account conditions within the education system and the community that provide essential data. Examples of attempts to cope with these features of the design processes are presented along with implications for changes in the approach to the design of educational technology systems.

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