scholarly journals Determining the Efficiency and Yield of Caffeine Extraction for Robusta and Arabica Coffee Beans

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Zeyu Yu ◽  
Akshay Jakkidi Reddy ◽  
Himanshu Wagh

The objective of this review is to determine the difference in caffeine content in the coffee beans from different brands that are available in Costco. Two different popular coffee bean brands were bought and tested to determine which brand would have the highest caffeine content and their relative popularity among consumers. The extraction DMC method was conducted by using chemicals such as calcium carbonate, water, and DMC. The same amount of coffee beans were boiled with water until highly concentrated solutions were formed. Extraction funnel was utilized to wash out caffeine. Then, the recrystallization and vacuum filtration was utilized to obtain caffeine in solid form. The identity of the product along with the purity of the product was determined using melting temp, IR-spectroscopy, UV-vis spectrum, and TLC plating. The mass of caffeine produced from individual coffee brands were measured and compared. It was hypothesized that robusta coffee beans would yield more caffeine than arabica coffee beans. The expected results verify those claims as the data demonstrates that the amount of caffeine extracted from 10 grams of robusta coffee would be around .8021 grams, while the amount of caffeine extracted from 10 grams of arabica coffee would be around .4321 grams. The IR graph, UV-vis graph, and TLC plate were conducted to verify the identity of the product. The predicted IR graph, UV-vis graph, and TLC plate closely matched with the literature values, which indicates that the product produced is pure caffeine. One source of error that could skew the data could be the presence of impurities from the coffee beans that react in solution while we are trying to extract the caffeine. The broader impact of this review is that by understanding the caffeine content in different products, the medical and scientific field can further determine the difference in health effects between excess and optimal caffeine consumption to the human body. Additionally, scientists can research various medical usages of caffeine to help different patients with sleep disorders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Farah Aida Qotrun Nada ◽  
Tintrim Rahayu ◽  
Ari Hayati

Ground coffee is coffee beans that have been roasted, ground or ground so that they have a smooth shape. The purpose of this study was to determine the content of compounds in robusta coffee roasted seed extract (Coffea canephora) from plants produced by organic and inorganic fertilization, and to know the difference in compounds between the results of organic and inorganic fertilization. The characteristics of phytochemical screening were carried out qualitatively on alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids and saponins and the antioxidant activity was carried out by the DPPH (1,1-dipenyl-2-picrihidrazil) method. Phytochemical screening characteristic test results show that robusta coffee bean extract extract from the results of organic and inorganic fertilization both contain flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, and saponins, while the antioxidant test activity of robusta coffee beans extracts shows differences based on the results of statistical tests of linear regression analysis with the IC50 value the highest antioxidant content was inorganic coffee roasted bean extract only 14.0629 ppm compared to the organic roasted extract with a value of 30.6159 ppmKeywords: Robusta Coffee (Coffea canophora), Phytochemical Screening, DPPH MethodABSTRAKKopi bubuk adalah biji kopi yang telah disangrai digiling atau ditumbuk sehingga mempunyai bentuk halus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa dalam ekstrak biji sangrai kopi robusta (Coffe canephora) dari tanaman hasil pemupukan organik dan anorganik, dan mengetahui perbedaan senyawa antara hasil pemupukan organik dan anorganik. Karakteristik skrining fitokimia dilakukan secara kualitatif yang dilakukan terhadap alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin, terpenoid dan saponin dan aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan metode DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrihidrazil). Hasil uji karakteristik skrining fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak biji sangrai kopi robusta dari hasil pemupukan oganik dan anorganik keduanya sama mengandung senyawa flavonoid, alkaloid, tanin, dan saponin,  sedangkan pada aktifitas uji antioksidan ekstrak biji sangrai kopi robusta menunjukan perbedaan berdasarkan hasil uji statistik analisis regresi linear dengan nilai IC50 kadar antioksidan paling tinggi adalah ekstrak biji sangrai kopi anorganik hanya 14,0629 ppm dibandingkan dengan ekstrak sangrai dari organik dengan nilai 30,6159 ppm.Kata kunci : Kopi Robusta (Coffea canophera), Skrining Fitokimia, Metode DPPH

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 472-481
Ilka Agusti Febriyansyah ◽  
Rahmat Fadhil ◽  
Zulfahrizal Zulfahrizal

Abstrak. Kopi merupakan salah satu tanaman yang telah banyak dibudidayakan karena memiliki manfaat dan memiliki nilai jual yang cukup tinggi. Pengolahan kopi secara basah dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu dengan cara basah (full wash)  dan semi basah (semi wash). Secara visual sulit mengidentifikasi perbedaan dari biji kopi beras robusta proses basah (full wash) dengan kopi semi basah (semi wash). Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam  penelitian  ini adalah untuk membangun metode klasifikasi kopi Arabika Gayo dan Robusta Gayo dalam bentuk biji kopi beras menggunakan pengolahan basah (full wash) dan pengolahan semi basah (semi wash). Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini biji kopi beras Arabika dan Robusta dari tanah Gayo. Penelitian ini menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA) sebagai metode pengolah data spektrum. Pengukuran spektrum kopi menggunakan Self developed FT-IR IPTEK T-1516. Panjang gelombang yang digunakan pada penelitian ini antara 1000-2500 nm dengan interval 0.4 nm. Data spektrum diolah menggunakan unscrambler software® X version 10.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa NIRS dengan metode PCA juga mampu mengklasifikasikan biji kopi beras full wash dengan semi wash pada biji kopi Arabika dan Robusta dimana zat dominan pembeda adalah asam amino dan lemak.Development of Gayo Arabica and Robusta Gayo Arabica Coffee Bean Classification Methods with PCA( Principal Component Analysis) Method Based on ProcessingAbstract. Coffee is a plant that has been widely cultivated because it has benefits and has a high selling value. Wet coffee processing can be done in two ways, namely by means of wet (full wash) and semi-wet (semi wash). It is visually difficult to identify the difference between the wet process robusta coffee beans (full wash) and semi-wash coffee. The aim of this research is to develop a method of classifying Arabica Gayo and Robusta Gayo coffee in the form of rice coffee beans using wet wash (full wash) and semi wash. The material used in this study was Arabica and Robusta rice coffee beans from Gayo soil. This study uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as a method for processing spectrum data. The measurement of coffee spectrum uses Self-developed FT-IR IPTEK T-1516. Wavelengths used in this study are between 1000-2500 nm with 0.4 nm intervals. Spectrum data are processed using unscrambler software® X version 10.1. The results showed that NIRS with PCA method was also able to classify full wash coffee beans with semi wash in Arabica and Robusta coffee beans where the dominant differentiating substances were amino acids and fats.

Novie Pranata Erdiansyah ◽  
Yusianto Yusianto

Coffee is a refreshing beverage product and its price is determined by physical quality and flavor. An excellent coffee flavor is resulted only from qualified coffee beans, produced by well managed plantation. The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of sunlight intensity entering coffee farm on flavor profiles and caffeine content of Robusta coffee. The experiment was conducted at the field experimental Kaliwining Estate of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) during 2009–2011. Treatments were Robusta coffee clones and sunlight intensity. Experimental design was split plot design with three replications. Robusta clones used were BP 409, BP 534, BP 936 and BP 939, planted in 2002. The sunligt intensity treatments were 100% (without shade tree), 50—60% (Leucaena leucocephala shade), and 20—30% (Hibiscus macrophyllus and Melia azedarach L. shades). Only red coffee cherries were harvested for flavor and caffeine analysis. Coffee cherries were washed, depulped and sundried until moisture content of less than 12%. The green coffee bean samples were roasted at medium level (Agtron Scale at 65#) for cupping test which involved five expert panelists by using ICCRI protocol. Caffeine content was determined by spectrophotometric method. The experiment result indicated that high sunlight intensity resulted in strong aroma of Robusta coffee, while good flavor coffee need medium light intensity. Cafein content had positive correlation with light intensity entering the coffee farm, whereas cafein content had no direct effect on Robusta coffee flavor.Key words: Coffea canephora, clone, sunlight intensity, flavor, caffeine. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 618-627
Giar Pramanda Putra ◽  
Ratna Ratna ◽  
Agus Arip Munawar

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan instrument berbasis teknologi Laser Photo Acoustics untuk membedakan biji kopi berdasarkan perbedaan daerah dan jenis kopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan softwere The Unscrambler X 10.5 Parameter penelitian meliputi penggunaan metode PCA (partial component analysis( dengan mengguanakan pretreatment baseline correction dan klasifikasi biji kopi beserta perbedaan daerah penghasil kopi dengan total 40 sampel tembakan laser antara lain 20 sampel biji kopi arabika dan 20 sampel biji kopi robusta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa uji performansi alat laser photo acoustics ini mampu mendeteksi perbedaan kopi berdasarkan klasifikasi daerah penghasil kopi antara biji kopi daerah bener meriah dan  biji kopi daerah takengon, kemudian dengan melihar perbandingan perbedaan dengan klasifikasi biji kopi berdasarkan jenis kopi arabika dan robusta belum bias terdeteksi dengan alat ini dikarenakan beberapa factor salah satunya ialah sensor pembaca gelombang dari alat ini masih kurang peka terhadap deferensiasi jenis kopi robusta dan arabika.Performance Test Instrument Based on Laser Photo Acoustic Technology for Coffee DifferentiationAbstract. This study aims to utilize an instrument based on Laser Photo Acoustics technology to distinguish coffee beans based on different regions and types of coffee. This study uses the software The Unscrambler X 10.5 Research parameters include the use of the PCA method using pretreatment baseline correction and coffee bean classification along with differences in coffee producing regions with a total of 40 laser shot samples including 20 samples of arabica coffee beans and 20 samples of robusta coffee beans. The results showed that the performance test of the photo acoustics laser tool was able to detect differences in coffee based on the classification of coffee-producing regions between coffee beans and the coffee beans in the takengon area, then by comparing the differences with the classification of coffee beans based on Arabica and robusta coffee types could not be detected with this tool due to several factors, one of which is the wave reader sensor from this device is still less sensitive to the differentiation of robusta and arabica coffee types.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 416-422
Kaswindi Kaswindi ◽  
Bambang Sukarno Putra ◽  
Rita Khathir

Abstrak. Mutu kopi arabika gayo sangat tergantung pada proses penanganan pasca panen, terutama proses penyangraian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan lama penyangraian terhadap mutu kopi arabika gayo. Penelitian ini menggunakan biji kopi arabika gayo dari Desa Buntul Kemumu. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan variasi suhu 160, 170 dan 180˚C dengan lama penyangraian  15, 20, dan 25 menit. Parameter penelitian meliputi rendemen, kadar air, keasaman (pH), kafein dan uji organoleptik terhadap warna, aroma dan rasa oleh 25 orang panelis. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis sidik ragam (ANOVA) dengan uji lanjut Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rendemen, kadar air, dan keasaman kopi arabika gayo dipengaruh secara nyata oleh suhu dan lama penyangraian. Rendemen tertinggi diperoleh pada suhu 160℃ dan lama penyangraian 15 menit yaitu 85,2%. Kadar air pada kopi arabika gayo memenuhi standar SNI yaitu maksimal 7%, kecuali pada perlakuan suhu 160˚C dan lama penyangraian 15 menit yaitu 7,14% . Keasaman (pH) tertinggi diperoleh pada suhu 160˚C lama penyangraian 15 menit yaitu 4,95. Kadar kafein kopi arabika gayo meningkat semakin tinggi suhu dan lama penyangraian. Berdasarkan uji organoleptik menunjukan bahwa kopi arabika gayo yang paling disukai panelis diperoleh suhu penyangraian 170 dan 180˚C dengan lama penyangraian 25 menit.Study of Arabica Gayo Coffee Quality under Temperature and Roasting Duration TreatmentsAbstract. The quality of gayo arabica coffee was affected by postharvest handling especially roasting process. This study aimed to find out the impact of temperature and roasting duration against the quality of gayo arabica coffee.The study was conducted by using Factorial Completely Randomized Design i.e. roasting temperature at 3 levels namely 160, 170 and 180℃, and roasting durations at 3 levels namely 15, 20, and 25 minutes. The coffee beans from Buntul Kemumu Village was evaluated in this study. Parameters analysed were yield, moisture content, acidity, caffeine content and 25 respondent perceptions on colour, aroma and taste. Data were analysed by using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and honestly significance difference at probability 5%. The results showed that the yield, moisture content, and acidity of gayo arabica coffee bean were influenced by temperature and roasting duration. The highest yield was obtained at treatment 160℃ temperature for 15 minutes roasting, i.e 85.2%. The mositure content of gayo arabica coffee beans followed the SNI qualification, i.e. 7%, unless at treatment 160℃ temperature for 15 minutes roasting, i.e. 7.14%. The highest acidity (pH) was obtained from treatment 160℃ temperature for 15 minutes roasting, i.e. 4.95. The caffeine content increased as temperature and roasting duration increased. Respondent perceptions showed that the best quality of gayo arabica coffee was obtained from treatment 170 and 180℃ temperature for 25 minutes roasting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Rr. Nektara Titan Dianastri ◽  
Pudji Astuti ◽  
Rendra Chriestedy Prasetya

Periodontitis is mostly caused by plaque and Pophyromonas gingivalis bacteria as the main cause. The outer membrane layer of the Porphyromonas gingivalis wall produces pathogenic virulence factors, such as lipopolysaccharides which will activate inflammatory cells and cause phagocytosis of antigens thereby triggering free radicals. Robusta coffee beans naturally contain caffeine, phenolic compounds, trigonellin, and chlorogenic acids as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibition of Robusta (Coffea canephora) coffee bean extract 0.5%; 0.75%; 1%; 1.25%; 1.5% and 3% on the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis in vitro and to find out the lowest concentration of Robusta (Coffea canephora) coffee bean extract which has inhibitory effect on the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis. In this study were divided into 8 treatment groups namely positive control, negative control, 0.5% robusta coffee bean extract, 0.75%, 1%, 1.25%, 1.5% and 3%. Petridish dishes containing TSA media that have been sterilized, added P. gingivalis suspension with density according to Mc standard. Farland Then a sterile white test blank with a diameter of 6 mm that is still sterile is placed on top of the bacterial growth media in accordance with the placement of the treatment group and dropped with all 8 treatment materials. After 24 hours incubated in a desiccator, the inhibition of robusta coffee bean extracts against the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis bacteria was observed and data collection was done by measuring the inhibition zone using calipers. The results obtained robusta coffee bean extract at concentrations of 3%, 1.5%, 1.25% and 1%, have an antibacterial power which is suspected because Robusta coffee beans naturally contain ingredients such as caffeine, polyphenols and chlorogenic acids which have antibacterial activity while the robusta coffee bean extract with a concentration of 0.5% and 0.75% does not have antibacterial power against Pophyromonas gingivalis. Robusta coffee bean extract with a concentration of 1% is the smallest concentration of Robusta (Coffea canephora) coffee bean extract which can inhibit the growth of Porphyromonas gingivalis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-123
Aiyi Asnawi ◽  
Erli Berlianti ◽  
Ivan Andriansyah ◽  
Ellin Febrina ◽  

Toraja arabica coffee is well known for its higher price and quality compared to robusta coffee, but its commercial is often added with other ingredients, including robusta coffee which has low economic value. Visual inspection is unreliable in roasted ground coffee due to the resemblance of its chemical content. The ATR-FTIR method tandem PCA was able to provide an overview of the typical chemical content of the coffee preparation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the robusta coffee as adulterant in Toraja arabica coffee preparation by using ATR-FTIR. Toraja arabica coffee beans were obtained from three smallholder plantations around Toraja and Robusta coffee beans were obtained from Toraja, Lampung, and West Java coffee plantations. The coffee beans were roasted and then macerated using 96% ethanol for 3×24 hours and concentrated using a rotary evaporator until being thick. The IR spectrum of each extract was measured using the ATR-FTIR spectroscopy at a range of 4000-650 cm-1. The results show there is a similarity in the IR spectrum patterns and there is only a small difference in the transmittance of Toraja arabica coffee and robusta coffee. Furthermore, the IR spectrum is clustered by using PCA in R program. The projection of three commercial samples shows that samples 1 and 2 do not contain robusta coffee while sample 3 shows the presence of robusta coffee. In conclusion, the ATR-FTIR spectroscopic method tandem PCA was able to clustered the presence or absence of robusta coffee content in the Toraja arabica coffee.

2021 ◽  
Vol 306 ◽  
pp. 01026
Nendyo Adhi Wibowo ◽  
Wibowo Mangunwardoyo ◽  
Tri Joko Santoso ◽  

One of the varieties of Liberica coffee in Indonesia is the Liberoid Meranti coffee. Fermentation technology and the roasting temperature of Liberica coffee are needed in changing the composition of caffeine in coffee beans. The aim of this research was to see the caffeine content of the Liberica coffee beans cv. Liberoid Meranti fermented by hydrolytic bacteria on levels at a light, medium, and dark roasting temperatures. Coffee fermentation was carried out using the wet processing method and a roasting temperature of 150oC, 175oC, 200oC, and caffeine analysis was carried out by UV-Visible spectrophotometry. The data obtained from each parameter based on roasting levels were processed using the statistical application of Minitab version 16 for Windows and analyzed using ANOVA with a level of 5%. If there is a significant difference from the F-test result (p<0.05), then proceed with the post hoc test. The results showed that all samples contain large amounts of caffeine with various concentrations. The level concentration of caffeine in light roast samples in the range of 10,80 ppm-12,52 ppm, medium roast samples in the range of 11,46 ppm-14,08 ppm, and dark roast samples in the range of 14,49 ppm-16,94 ppm. The caffeine content in fermented Liberica coffee bean experienced a significant difference. The fermentation and roasting process of coffee beans is a complex compound process that can cause changes in caffeine levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 545-548
Sari Virgawati ◽  
Ari Wijayani ◽  
Ninik Probosari

The organoleptic test of coffee grown in the Toyomarto area aims to determine consumer preferences for coffee grown on the slopes of Mount Arjuna. The two types of coffee that are most in demand in the global market are Arabica and Robusta. When viewed from the level of consumption, around 70% of the world's population are consumers of Arabica coffee, which has a mild and aromatic taste. Meanwhile, the remaining 30% of the world's population are consumers of Robusta coffee, which has a bitter taste and 50% higher caffeine content than Arabica coffee. There is another type that is grown in Toyomarto, namely the Liberica type. Toyomarto Village, which is located in Singosari District, Malang Regency, is located at an altitude of 700-1200 masl. has a fertile soil that makes a specific and unique taste in the coffee that grows around it. Organoleptic testing has been carried out at 2 different locations. The panelists really liked the sour taste of Arabica coffee and the bitter taste of Robusta coffee. Meanwhile, Liberica coffee was less liked by the panelists.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 957-968

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages. Roasting is a baseline step in coffee processing, being involved in the development of color, flavor and taste for which coffee is appreciated. In addition, the roasting treatment triggers several complex physical changes inside the coffee bean, resulting in density decrease owing to volume increase, increase of beans brittleness, changes in coffee color, loss of bean mass and water, porosity increase, and governs coffee bean behavior during storage, grinding, and brewing. It is essential to examine physical changes, as coffee production is seasonal, and a long-term coffee storage is required. In the present study, the visual and microstructural differences between green and roasted Arabica coffee beans were investigated. The study of microstructural differences was performed using scanning electron microscopy, and clearly showed significant structural differences between green Arabica coffee beans and roasted Arabica coffee beans. The physical and structural modifications of infused coffee with water were explained through chromatic evaluation and microscopic analysis, respectively as function of ground size of roasted coffee beans and infusion time.

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